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In contrast, non-renewable energy sources are the energy sources that eventually will run out

with time as they are consumed. Despite being running out with time, non-renewable energy
sources are formed over longer period of time from million to billion years of formation. This loner
period of formation make difficult for the reformation or the regeneration, and thus referred to as
non-renewable. Common example of non-renewable energy sources include fossil fuels such as
crude oil, natural gas and coal. Crude oil and natural gas are formed after the sedimentation of
remains of animal and plants which take millions of years. These fuels are extracted and
consumed without being reformed to replace the consumed amount, hence referred to as non-
renewable. In contrast to renewable energy sources, non-renewable sources produce end and
by-products that are pollutants to the surrounding environments, and thus environmental pollution.
(EIA, 2022)

Among different forms of renewable energy resources, solar energy is mostly used and has
shown promising results for generating reliable electrical energy over the earth’s surface. The US
department of energy defines solar defined as the type of renewable energy which is derived from
the sun, and then converted into electrical or thermal energy by using properly designed devices
and system. Since the sun is always in place within the solar system, the energy derived from it
will continue to be available as long as the sun is available. Since no studies has or research has
shown that sun’s radiations will stop to irradiate the earth, then solar energy is considered to as
renewable energy. Solar radiations are available abundantly across the whole earth’s surface,
this makes the solar energy being the mostly used form of renewable energy. Energy derived
from solar radiations is used in different applications including lightning, heating, operating
machines and different electrical appliances. (Massey, 2019)

The history of solar energy and its application in the world goes as back as in 7 th Century B.C
when human beings utilized sunlight to light fires by using magnifying materials of glass. Different
studies have revealed that, later on in the third (3rd) Century before Christ (B.C), solar energy was
harnessed by Romans by using mirrors to light torch. The studies have also shown that, solar
energy applications in China were found early in which later on, mirrors were used to harness
thermal energy from the sun. As time goes by, more inventions were discovered on the harnessing
of energy from sun, with scientifical and technological improvements accelerating the process.
(Energysage, 2022)

Solar energy is produced by converting sunlight energy into electrical energy by using solar PV
cells within the solar panel. Various studies have shown that, the process of inventing solar panels
occurred as an iterative process, in which many scientist’s contributed to the better` and modern
solar panel. The literature shows that, the first official and real photovoltaic cell (PV) was invented
by Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller and Gerald Pearson in 1954. The amount of electricity produced

Course Work Rev: 04 _ ver 02 Date: April/May 2023 Page 5 of 19

by these earlier solar panels was very small compared to the amount of solar irradiations falling
on them. Further invention and improvements were then put on place up to recent years in which
modern and better solar panels have been with higher efficiency of producing electricity from solar
irradiations falling on them. Figure 1 below shows a typical solar power model. (Energysage,

Figure 1: Typical Solar Power Model (Energysage, 2022)

The use of solar energy technology is becoming of more interest and considered as the best
alternative resources to the non-renewable energy resources such as fossil fuels in many parts
of the world, with its application been increased from day to day. Solar is a clean energy which is
free from Carbon dioxide emission and hence, contribute to the reduction on the total effect of
emission of greenhouse gases. In turns, the reduced emission of green-house gases results into
improved health effect to the human being, reduced global warming and improved climate change
(Massey, 2019).

The gulf cooperation council (GCC) states which include countries such as Kuwait, Qatar,
Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman are highly dependent on fossil fuels
(crude oil and natural gas). However, these fossils fuel produces higher amounts of carbondioxide
(CO2) and greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

According to Kaleem (2017), the sultanate of Oman receive a tremendous amount of solar
irradiations throughout a year. This is because of its geographical location which enable the region
to receive the annual sun irradiations averaging between 6 to 6.5 daily sun irradiations that are
the highest in the world. Oman is found in the deserted region, and has more than more than 25
locations that are capable of receiving highest solar radiation intensity, which can be consumed
to produce electricity. Previous studies have shown that, the best locations in Oman with potential

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