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People's of Bangladesh

Finance Division, Ministry of Finance

Automated Challan System (ACS)
User Registration From
I For National Board of Revenue (NBR)Only]

To be User

Office Name Taxes Zone-S , Circle-92,Dhaka.

Office Address Extra Assistant Commissioner of Taxes , Circle-9Z, Taxes Zone-S, Dhaka.

User's lnformation
Full Name (English) Md. Shah ahan
FullName (Bangla) rIE {TqqRB
Designation Extra Assistant Cornmissioner of Taxes
National ID No. 19686817663494300 Date of Birth 31-12-1968
E-mail ID
Signature (Applicant) jw,
Shahj ah
.tax.zl 0 @gmai com
l. Cell Phone No.


To be Head of Circle

Name Md. Shahjahan
Designation Extra Assistant Commissioner of Signature &
'I-axes Seal
Cell Phone No 017t6214481 qBfagrr{dtt'Aaaq:ftm?
E-mailID Shahj ahan.t ax.z1 0 @gmai flr<h-51; 6A q6{-c, EISI

To be completed by Tax Commissioner

Name of the Abu Sayeed Md. Mustaque
Commissioner Signature &
Designation Commissioner of Taxes Seal
Name of the Zone Taxes Zone-S, Dhaka.
Cell Phone No 01819258642 I

E-mail ID fl srillll r"rsliiqtr*irivahltr.*o*i

To be completed by System Adrninistrator of the Head Office

Allotted User Login ID
Jfgetqd By (Name) Signature & Seal
Date of Creation
Use of this Fonn

The Purpose of this from is to registerthe required access to Autornated Challan Systent (ACS). All
Users Who need to use Automated Clrallan System (ACS) rnUST Complete this from.

The inforrnation submitted will be used to build an accLlrate account of all those officers and staff
accessing Automated Challan System (ACS) to maintanin System Security.

No User will be granted access without having completed the information required overleaf, and
having had their application approved by their controlling authoruty.

Conditions under which isA for and is Granted

I (the applicant named overleaf) declare that the information given is correct and I agree to comply
with all requirements or any other reasonable conditions that may be imposed by the competent
authourity in respect of Automated Challan System (ACS) access.

I (the applicant named overleaf) acknowledge that all information of system is confidential and
unauthorized disclosure falsif,ring, damaging or any misuse is an offence.

Applicant's Signature:

If approved, AS atl authorized user of A utomated Challan System ( AC S you agree to:
* Keep secure and not disclose to another person the uniq ue user indentifier (LJser ID) and
password al located to you.
* Only use the user ID/Password to access or otherwise receive datathatdoes not pertain to your
* Notifr the system admin if you suspect that the security of your User ID/Password is in any way
* Not copy or distribute system data or applications to any person, machine or media, unless
otherwise authorized.
* Notif,, the system admin, if you:

* Change your current position

* Change the address or local of your normal place of connection
* Change any other information sudmitted overleaf

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