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Ente Dredark News Network's Dredark Times "mmmmmm tens of thousands of balls" - ImOringeguy 5.3.23 SPARROW BOT TICKLER, MORE INFORMATION BELOW JOIN THE DNN! Ispsiscordgu/eaDXRyjuWx Return of Mike - July 31st Formerly banned user- Mike has recently announced in his, Discord Server that his permanent ban has been revoked and replaced with a three month ban. Marking July 31st as the date of his unbanning. The DNN does not know the conversation that ensued between cogg and Mike, but Mike shared that cogg was originally willing to shorten the ban to less than three months, but since then it has stayed as itis. ‘The community's response is very mixed, some saying that a three month ban is justified, and reactions on his original message saying "STAY — BAN". Another thing to note is that Mike promised to cogg that if he ever gets banned again. it will be permanent. W or L, what do you think? Sereenshot Source: Mike’ Server Crown's Leader - Impersonation "There is a fake OriginalPops going around. The L in my name was replaced with an I. Please be cautious. ~ Crown's Leader, MArcos#3591 Crown's leader, MArcos has recently been impersonated. It is unknown who is running the account, but the impersonator has replaced the letter L with an I. So far, KOLEKSII_07's friend got his Max Sized Storage stolen because of this. MArcos and assumingly others are currently investigating, and was (so far) able to track it down to either the Hellenic League, or PH/MM. BE WARY. OriginalPops (Real) > OriginalPops (Imposter) ‘Sereenshot Source: Crown Server What's inside? — Page 1 — + Return of Mike - July 31st + Crown's Leader - Impersonated —Page 2— + Furry Cult - Update + Beer Clan Exclusive Tournament * SOX Chess Tournament + Space Ship Craft Advertisement — Page 3 — + Skirmishes in Sparrow MOSAIC Project - Leg. Giveaway * SOX Clan WANTED m##5303 Nill Theft; Stole user Cakey##1964's Nulls. ~ ‘Week Old incident, Yet 10 be resolved, Grimey#7725 Stole a large amount of valuable tems from user | iguaint racoont#1521. 1s ‘unknown on how long this has been going for. Sparrow Bot Tickler Highly Dangerous Entity. Recently escaped custody of ‘clan that will yemain, anonymous, Report any sighting to the Dredark ‘News Network. THEFT IS GREATELY SHAMED UPON. REPORT ANY UPDATES TO THE VICTIM'S DISCORD ID. Pant 5.3.23 Furry Cultist - Recent News Clan Tournaments An update to the Furry Cultist article to the Dredark Times - Crohn ae, . Edition 1. “ % Beer-Exclusive Tournament Beer is hosting a Clan Tournament exclusive for Beer Members. Non-Beer MSE. (eX members are allowed to heal for either team. More Reported by Admiral IA, a new ship affiliated with the Furry ‘Cult has been recorded in the Public Test Server. This ship is named "Ok. I am Furry God. :( [C6BA9}" DNN Staff Member ImOrIngeguy was able to check this ship himself as it ‘was still open by the time it was reported. The ship is filled with an definite amount of Ship Shield Generators. Upon joining, you will notice that this ship is more of a information through this link or their confession-type ship, containing the user behind this, i's Discord Server. May 72023 affiliates, and the users apart of the Furry Cult tobliciecord eulshHIWerpZvz "Yeah it was me all the time. I never wanted to admit it but Love furries. SOX Chess JONKk = Furry God = Furry Emperor = Furry King = Tournament Joseph Stalin = Furry Priest The SOX Chess Tournament will be BIW POTATOES IS A COPYPCAT held starting at and a mothering [Redacted Extreme Slurs] no lifer" al 15:00 UTC on May - Ship MOTD; OK. 1am Furry God. :([COBA9} 6th. More informat- on on their Discord Server. "T assume that this will be the last update from the 'Furry jon on Cult’, if any more interesting stuff appears, I'll see if I will cover it or not." - ImOrIngezuy : y Advertisement Space Ship Craft A parody to, SC is a WIP game being worked on by Jonmea#0550 Tvgame screenshot ofthe Ship. Ship was located in Finch THE DAILY SKIRMISH THE NEVER ENDING WAR RAGES ON IN SPARROW. Images are from random Faction Servers, Advertisements Siberian/SOX "Sox and Fish have withstood the test of time, and remains as one of Dredai richest and oldest clans. If you wish for glory comrade, join our discord and apply for membership. PRED)» 1ps:Ndiscord. gelpa2aexkYxz MOSAIC

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