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Approved by: Date: ___.05.

2023 2nd grade

Kaizen Bekturganova Aiganysh

Theme of the lesson: Helping people

Methods: Working individualy and with group Form of the lesson: New Lesson

Objectives of the lesson Basic competence

1. Give the concept of help
2. Teach children to help others 1.Informational competence.(BC1)
3. Educate the need of helping to others 2.Social-communicative competence.
3.Self –organization and problem solving competence.
Lesson steps Time Teacher’s action Students’ action

1.Motivation 5min Good afternoon students! How are you? How Students going to say "Hello".
is your mood? What date is it today? Today
*Greetings we will learn about helping to others! Get
started! Raise your hands.
*Roll call

*warm up

2. Presentation 8min Helping others improves social Students have to tell about their family
interaction, distracts people from their
own problems, and improves self-esteem to each other
and competence. Physical Well-Being -
helping others leads to increased social
integration which allows people to lead
more active lifestyles.

3.Practice 11min teacher will give for students 1 minute to

listen their idea.

4.Application 12min Teacher will give the task

Home work 5 min

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