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Good day to you dear members of comission.

I'm Bekturganova Aiganysh. 4th course student.

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I want to present you my diploma work on novel of Louise May Alcott «Little
Women». Why I chose her? Because I read the novel, I liked it and I noticed
relavent topics for our present days. The Little Women was written by LMA, in the
middle of 1868 and 1869. Louise May Alcott is one of the American famous
writers . She was born in 1832 in Philadelphia USA. Her novel Little Women
brought her very famou.
The novel tells about the life of the March family, consisting of four daughters and
their mother during the American Civil War. The book describes their life, the
relationship between the sisters, their difficulties and joys, as well as their
interaction with people in their environment. The novel has become a classic of
American literature and has been filmed several times.

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What is the main topic?
I can say there are 3 main topics. First of all we can see that, the novel is about
family. So we will watch for their life story. What's going on in personal life of each
family member. Second is about relationships in the family. How sisters treat each
other. How is their relations with parents. What is good? What is bad?
And the last thing is about patriarchal society. Yes.
What is the patriarchy? Patriarchy is a social system in which men have a
dominant position in political, economic and social life. Patriarchal society is based
on the ideology of traditional male domination, strength. From the beginning till
the end of the novel we can see patriarchy.

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Why patriarchal society was hard for sisters?
And also for March sisters to live in such this society was quite difficult. Especially
for Jo. Who wanted to become a writer.
It touches on the theme of social inequalities and poverty. One of March's sisters,
Jo, dreams of becoming a successful writer and climbing the social ladder, while
the other sisters are forced to work in low-paid jobs to feed their family.
When you read the novel, you feel how Jo felt unfair about the price of her
writings. She wrote some writings to sell and feed her family. And when she
brought to sell it, people there said they'll give small money for that.
Because she was a girl.

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In spite of such this society the heroines of the novel, contrary to the generally
accepted opinion about women of that time, show their independence and strive
for self-realization. They reject traditional roles imposed by society and seek their
own way in life.
In the end of the novel Jo becames a real writer.
Other sisters got married with their love.

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Maybe you are curious about the patriarchy of that time and our time's patriarchy.
The patriarchy of the 19th century was a social system in which men held primary
power and authority over women in all aspects of society, including the family,
government, and economy. Women were considered inferior to men and were
denied many basic rights, including the right to vote and the right to own
property. Women's roles were limited to domestic duties, and they were expected
to conform to strict gender norms.
In 2023, while many advancements have been made in terms of gender equality,
patriarchy still exists in many parts of the world. In some countries, women are
still denied basic rights and freedoms, and women's representation in politics and
leadership positions remains low. Women still face significant challenges in terms
of pay equity, access to healthcare, and gender-based violence.
From this we can see the differences.

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