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Instructor Guide

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Human Resources Training

For the Non-HR Manager
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Human Resources Training

For the Non-HR Manager

Instructor Guide

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transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Velsoft International Inc.

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Table of Contents

Instructor Guide ........................................................................................................................................... 1

Agenda: Day One.......................................................................................................................................... 3

Session One: Introduction and Course Overview........................................................................................... 4

Icebreaker: Most Like Me .............................................................................................................................. 6
Session Two: Defining Human Resources ..................................................................................................... 7
The Basics of HR Management ............................................................................................................ 7
Case Study: Expansion Staffing............................................................................................................ 9
Group Discussion................................................................................................................................ 11
Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Session Three: Skills Inventory.................................................................................................................... 12

Break ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Session Four: Forecasting............................................................................................................................. 14
Session Five: Job Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 17
Understanding Job Analysis................................................................................................................ 17

Performing an Analysis....................................................................................................................... 19
Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Job Analysis Formats.......................................................................................................................... 23

Morning Wrap-Up ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Lunch............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Energizer: Scavenger Hunt........................................................................................................................... 25
Session Six: Job Competencies .................................................................................................................... 26
Session Seven: Position Profiles/Job Descriptions....................................................................................... 29
Preparing a Profile .............................................................................................................................. 29
My Job Description............................................................................................................................. 31

Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Session Eight: Do You Really Need to Hire?............................................................................................... 35
Evaluate All Options........................................................................................................................... 35
Break................................................................................................................................................... 36
The Real Cost of Employee Turnover ................................................................................................ 36

Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 38
Session Nine: Finding Candidates................................................................................................................ 39

Session Ten: Advertising Guidelines............................................................................................................ 42

Session Eleven: Screening Resumes ............................................................................................................ 44
Using a Resume Screening Guide....................................................................................................... 44
Developing a Resume Screening Guide.............................................................................................. 47
Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 47
Day One Wrap-Up........................................................................................................................................ 48

Agenda: Day Two ....................................................................................................................................... 49

Icebreaker: In Motion ................................................................................................................................... 50

Session Twelve: Preparing for the Interview................................................................................................ 51
Preparation Checklist .......................................................................................................................... 51
Interview Exercise .............................................................................................................................. 52
Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 53
Session Thirteen: Conducting the Interview................................................................................................. 54
History of the Interviewing Process.................................................................................................... 54
An Objective Interview....................................................................................................................... 55
Basics of Behavioral Interviewing ...................................................................................................... 58
Break................................................................................................................................................... 58
Purpose of Behavioral Interviewing.................................................................................................... 59
Asking Questions ................................................................................................................................ 61
Provocative Statements ....................................................................................................................... 63
Understanding BDI Questions ............................................................................................................ 64
Developing BDI Questions ................................................................................................................. 65
The Critical Incident Technique ......................................................................................................... 66
Creating a Critical Incident ................................................................................................................. 67
Session Fourteen: After the Interview .......................................................................................................... 68
Morning Wrap-Up ........................................................................................................................................ 69
Lunch............................................................................................................................................................ 69
Energizer: At the Fair ................................................................................................................................... 70
Session Fifteen: Employee Orientation ........................................................................................................ 71
Why Have Orientation? ...................................................................................................................... 71
How Did Your Orientation Rate? ....................................................................................................... 72
Problems to Avoid .............................................................................................................................. 75
Break................................................................................................................................................... 75

Planning the Orientation Program....................................................................................................... 76
Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 76
Session Sixteen: Planning Training.............................................................................................................. 77

The Training Cycle ............................................................................................................................. 77
Internal vs. External Training ............................................................................................................. 78
Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 78

Session Seventeen: Working With External Providers................................................................................. 79
Day Two Wrap-Up ....................................................................................................................................... 80
Agenda: Day Three..................................................................................................................................... 82

Icebreaker: Group Pursuit............................................................................................................................. 83

Session Eighteen: Performance Reviews...................................................................................................... 84

Performance Review Problems ........................................................................................................... 84

Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 85
Case Study: Who Will be the Best? .................................................................................................... 86
Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 87
Dissecting a Performance Review ...................................................................................................... 87

Identifying Behaviors.......................................................................................................................... 89
Break................................................................................................................................................... 89
Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 89

Session Nineteen: Absenteeism.................................................................................................................... 90

The Cost of Absenteeism .................................................................................................................... 90
The Case of Gretchen Washington ..................................................................................................... 91
Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 92
Dealing with Absenteeism .................................................................................................................. 92
Morning Wrap-Up ........................................................................................................................................ 93
Lunch............................................................................................................................................................ 93
Energizer: Barnyard...................................................................................................................................... 94
Session Twenty: Diversity............................................................................................................................ 95
Dealing with Diversity........................................................................................................................ 95
Your Experience with Pigeon Holes ................................................................................................... 97
Debrief ................................................................................................................................................ 98
Session Twenty-One: Privacy Issues............................................................................................................ 99
Break ............................................................................................................................................................ 99
Session Twenty-Two: Compensation and Benefits .................................................................................... 100
The Role of Compensation and Benefits .......................................................................................... 100
Pre-Assignment Review.................................................................................................................... 101
Case Study: It’s Not You, It’s Me..................................................................................................... 102
Debrief .............................................................................................................................................. 103
Session Twenty-Three: Discipline.............................................................................................................. 104
Session Twenty-Four: Termination ............................................................................................................ 106
Pink Slips .......................................................................................................................................... 106
Letting Staff Go ................................................................................................................................ 106
Case Study: How to Fire an Employee? ........................................................................................... 107
Debrief .............................................................................................................................................. 108
Session Twenty-Five: Exit Interviews........................................................................................................ 110
Workshop Wrap-Up ................................................................................................................................... 113

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Human Resources Training for the Non-HR Manager | 1

Instructor Guide

Before the Workshop

Read through the instructor guide. This is intended as a guide and not a bible. Be guided
by your experience, the needs of the participants, and your own common sense, as well as
the information in here. Most of the suggestions and all of the information have been
developed through research and hands-on, classroom experience.

We recommend arriving at least one hour before the start of the session, particularly on
Day One of working with a client. We suggest you shake hands with each participant as

they come into the classroom and introduce yourself to them; it breaks the ice and sets the
type of friendly atmosphere that is conducive to learning.

Many of the flip charts can be prepared ahead of time. The first page should be set up like
• Name of Workshop
• Facilitated by (Your Name)
• Your Organization’s Name

Include in a different color, around the perimeter of the room, the words Courtesy,
Participation, and Confidentiality. You might also want to add the words Exercises, Role
Play, Learning, and Fun.

Materials Required

• Flip chart paper

• Markers


• One set of Most Like Me cards
• One Scavenger Hunt card per participant
• One Group Pursuit worksheet and answer sheet per participant
• One set of Pink Slips per 14 participants
• One set of At the Fair cards per 10 participants
• Fair props, if desired
• One Performance Management checklist, per participant, if desired

All cards and handouts can be found in the Handouts folder.

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MindLeaders Materials

Some additional MindLeaders videos and online tools that may be added to this
workshop include:
• Management video
• Leadership video

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Agenda: Day One

8:30-8:45 Session One: Introduction and Course Overview

8:45-9:00 Icebreaker: Most Like Me
9:00-10:00 Session Two: Defining Human Resources
10:00-10:15 Session Three: Skills Inventory
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-10:45 Session Four: Forecasting
10:45-11:45 Session Five: Job Analysis

11:45-12:00 Morning Wrap-Up
12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:15 Energizer: Scavenger Hunt
Session Six: Job Competencies
1:30-2:00 Session Seven: Position Profiles and Job Descriptions

2:00-3:00 Session Eight: Do You Really Need to Hire?

3:00-3:15 Session Nine: Finding Candidates

3:15-3:30 Session Ten: Advertising Guidelines

3:30-4:15 Session Eleven: Screening Resumes
4:15-4:30 Day One Wrap-Up

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Session One: Introduction and Course Overview


Introduce yourself. Establish credibility by giving examples of training experience, and

your own experiences with human resources and management, including some war
stories if you have them.

Ask that participants respect confidentiality: what we say in this room stays in this room.
Remind them that it was Mark Twain who said, “If two people have the same opinion,
you don’t need one of them,” so we are at liberty to disagree with one another, and with

the instructor.

However, respect other people’s opinions. We ask that you act courteously, to make sure

we give other people their share of air time, and that we listen when other people are
talking. Finally, we ask that you participate. You get out of a workshop just about what

you put into it, and you will learn as much from sharing with others as you will from the
concepts we bring you.

Give the participants a chance to introduce themselves to you. You will probably want to
know their name, their department, their position title, and how they are involved in
human resources and management.

Address housekeeping items, like breaks (usually 10:15 and 2:15) and noon hour (12 to 1,
go to lunch on their own). Give them info about washrooms, coffee, and cell phones.

Remind the group that this is a safe house, the place where they can learn from their
mistakes in a supportive atmosphere, rather than in the workplace where it can harm their

credibility or their organization.

Course Overview

Ask students to turn to their workbooks and read the introduction with the overall
objectives of the workshop (Session One). Then ask them to identify their own learning

Present the agenda (as a handout, electronic presentation, or flip chart) and look at the
topics you plan to cover. Go over these with the group and ask if there is anything there
they didn’t expect to see, or something not there that they had been hoping for.

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For topics they don’t see:

• Reassure group if a topic will be covered although it doesn’t appear in the agenda.
• Opt to squeeze in something not covered if there is time, it’s appropriate, and if
everybody is interested.
• For those things they feel are not of interest to the group, you have the option of
touching it briefly and moving on. This doesn’t happen often, but these questions
are your hip pocket needs assessment to make sure participants get what they
expect, if it is possible.
• Generally, topics not within the realm of this program must be dealt with at
another time. Suggest other programs, preferably those of Velsoft, or talk with the
participant at end of day.

Learning Objectives

In today’s fast-moving world, many managers and supervisors are expected to deal with

some human resource issues. They may be asked to take part in developing job
descriptions, sit in on interviews, or take responsibility for discipline. This three-day

workshop will introduce those managers to human resource concepts. We will walk you
through the hiring process, from performing a skills inventory to conducting the
interview; discuss orientation; and cover some issues that arise after the hiring (such as

diversity issues, compensation, and discipline).

At the completion of this workshop, participants will be expected to know and


• The latest trends in the human resource field and the changing role of the human
resource professional.
• How to write job specifications and identify core competencies.

• Methods of finding, selecting, and keeping the best people using behavioral
description interviewing techniques.

• How to get employees off to a good start.

• How to deal with compensation and benefits.
• How to maintain healthy employee relations.
• How to make performance appraisals a cooperative process.

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Icebreaker: Most Like Me



Beforehand, print out the pictures from the Most Like Me handout and post them around
the room. (The number of pictures you will use depends on the number of participants
you have and the size of the groups you want.) Once participants have arrived and you

have gone through the learning objectives, ask everyone to stand underneath the image
that most represents them.

Once participants are grouped, ask them to introduce themselves to their group and
explain why they chose that image. Then, ask them to come up with a shared objective
for the workshop.

Now, bring the group back together and combine all the objectives gathered onto a flip
chart. What seems to be the conclusion?

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Session Two: Defining Human Resources


The Basics of HR Management


Ask the group: what is Human Resources?

You will likely get a variety of answers; the most common one is: “The department

responsible for employee sourcing, hiring, and management.”

As you can see, it’s a very broad definition. Almost all of us have some type of human

resources responsibilities built into our job. Our goal for the next three days is to help you
understand the responsibilities you currently have and to prepare you for tasks you may
have to undertake in the future.

Ask participants:
• What is your HR role?
• In your position, can you be a strategic partner with the organization?

• What are some of the things you might do to be more of a player?

o For example, if participants have any responsibilities for recruitment, they

may be able to play a more significant role by updating the job description
or perhaps completing a job analysis.
o You may be the one to introduce the kind of interviewing that has been
taking the country by storm, the BDI, in which case you may get to work
with senior managers to help them prepare.
o Another opportunity to get noticed and work outside your box would be to
develop an orientation program or to update the present program.
o If your organization doesn't have an employee manual or handbook, or a
policies and procedures handbook, you may be able to help in that area.
o There are books out there and you will have some opportunity within this
session to get ideas.
o You may have the opportunity to work with outside consultants and pick
their brain, or to design and implement your first needs assessment.

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• People are the key in any organization. Developing human resource skills requires
an understanding of this concept.
• Any other ideas?

Discuss: What are some of the trends and issues facing HR professionals?
• Incentives
• 360 degree appraisals
• Privacy issues

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Case Study: Expansion Staffing


A Note on Case Studies

While a case is a learning device designed to point out certain principles, people often
feel a case would be more effective if it were taken from the company involved, or at

least the industry involved. However, there are a few reasons why this is not always

First of all, a case is a tool, and its origin and location are not really pertinent. What is
pertinent is the learning we can extract from it in terms of principles.

Secondly, producing organization specific case studies can have a boomerang effect
where participants get hung up on particular details of organizational structure, policy, in-
house rules, regulations, or procedures.

Third, a “culture-free” case may be richer in learning potential because of the situations
and personalities created.

All in all, participants have to accept a case study for what it is: a tool for learning.

Ask participants to read the case study and come up with his/her own answers to the

questions. Allow about 15 minutes.


Case Study

As the Director of Human Resources for KBH Video Stores in New York, Virginia Todd
knew that she had her work cut out for her. Company management was moving forward
with a goal of opening ten new stores in twelve months.

KBH already employed 480 people in 35 stores across the state in addition to the
headquarters staff of 31. Virginia knew that staffing the 10 new stores would require
hiring and training about 150 people. She felt that her own small office was inadequately
funded and staffed to handle this task. She sat at her desk mulling over how to present a
recommendation for her own staffing needs.

One of her concerns was broaching the subject with her boss, because she had not
officially been told of the expansion plans. Virginia had learned about them through the

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office grapevine. While she did not like being kept in the dark, she was not surprised that
she hadn't been told. Glenn Sullivan, the president of KBH, was noted for his autocratic
leadership style. Virginia had been warned early on that Glenn told his managers only
what he wanted them to know and that he expected everyone who worked for him to
follow orders without question.

He was not an unkind person, though, and Virginia had always gotten along with him
well enough. She had never confronted Mr. Sullivan about anything so it was with some
concern that she approached him in his office later that day.

“Mr. Sullivan,” she began, “I hear that we are going to be opening 10 new stores next

“That's right, Virginia,” said Mr. Sullivan. “We've already arranged the credit lines and
picked out several of the sites.”

“What about staffing?” asked Virginia.

“Well, I assume you will take care of that, Virginia, when we get to that point.”

“What about my own staff?” asked Virginia. “I think I will need at least three or four
more people. And we are already crowded for space so I hope you plan to expand the
human resource office.”

“Not really,” said Mr. Sullivan. “The new demands on the human resource staff will be
temporary. It wouldn't be cost effective to hire and train additions to your staff that will

only be cut the next year. I am counting on you to plan the expansion staffing within our
current proposed budget allowances for the human resource department. It may require
some reallocations but I'm sure you can handle that.”

Discussion Questions

• What should Virginia do? Explain.

• Can you put an effective argument together for Virginia to convince Mr. Sullivan
she needs additional help?
• Have you dealt with any similar situations, where you needed help but were
unable to convince the higher-ups that it was necessary?

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Group Discussion


Ask participants to break into small teams to discuss their individual solutions and put
together an argument Virginia can use when she talks to her boss.



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Ask each group to present its answers.

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Session Three: Skills Inventory


One of the buzz words out in the marketplace right now is emotional intelligence. In
simple terms, that really means making the most of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of
your employees.

How? By doing a skills inventory, to start. A skills inventory evaluates an employee’s:

• Knowledge
• Skills

• Abilities
• Qualifications
• Interests

• Motivation to learn new skills
• Future plans (retirement, advancement)
Put a sample skills inventory on flip chart or PowerPoint and discuss. What benefits do
you see for you and for the organization?

© 2007, Velsoft International Inc.

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