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English Grammar

Quiz 1

Name ____________________________________________

1. Only when I arrived home __________ that my sister passed examination.

A. did I know B. I did know C. I knew D. I know
2. I try _________ my new shirt but it does not fit me.
A. to put on B. be putting C. to have put D. putting on
3. My house needs ___________ because it has been badly damaged by the storm.
A. to repair B. repairing C. to have repaired D. to be repairing
4. It ___________ my sister in the kitchen last night because only two of us live in our flat.
A. might have been B. must have been C. should be D. must be
5. I ____________ Angkor Wat for my last holiday, but unluckily I was very busy.
A. would like to have visited B. would like to visit

C. would like visiting D. would like to be visiting

6. Let me ______________ my work first before I can go with you.
A. to finish B. finishing C. finish D. to be finishing
7. I ________________ long hair when I was young.
A. used to have B. would have C. had had D. had to have
8. He _____________ his wife to hospital, but he did not.
A. should send B. should be sending C. ought to send D. should have sent
9. Everyone in the class is busy, but ______________ to talk together.
A. he wants B. they want C. she wants D. we want
10. One can choose any place to live, but _________ must have enough money.
A. they B. he C. she D. it
11. He ______________ the ball against the wall all morning.
A. kicks B. is kicking C. has been kicking D. has kicked
12. Not only ______________ to New York but also some other parts of the United States of
A. he went B. did he go C. he did go D. he went
13. Despite ___________, he will continue to pursue his master’s degree abroad.
A. his poverty B. he is poor C. he was poor D. his being poor
14. I don’t like brother because he always made me ____________ when I was young.
A. to cry B. to be crying C. to have cried D. cry
15. It smells ____________ roses.
A. like B. as if C. as though D. that
16. My teachers appoint ____________ for this academic year.
A. me as a class monitor B. me to be the class monitor

C. me the class monitor D. me being class monitor

17. My friend gave _______________ for my last birthday.
A. me a beautiful doll he bought from AEON B. a beautiful doll he bought from AEON me
C. a beautiful doll he bought from AEON to me D. to me a beautiful doll he bought from AEON
18. His father ______________ to hospital when he arrived so he did not meet him at home.
A. had been sent B. had sent C. sent D. was sent
19. The most impressive actor ___________ next is Romeo.
A. to present B. presenting C. being present D. presented
20. The man, __________ hair is long, is the thief.
A. who B. that C. which D. whose
21. I talked to the man __________ I gave my home key yesterday, but I forgot his name.
A. whom B. to whom C. who D. that
22. We were made ____________ hard all day long during Pol Pot Regime.
A. to work B. work C. having worked D. to be working
23. This is the best movie I _______________ before.
A. have never seen B. have ever seen C. never have seen D. ever have seen
24. He _______________ a lot in the class these days while the teacher is explaining the lesson.
A. always talks B. always is talking C. is always talking D. talks always
25. My sister _____________ out there because she stayed home with me all night.
A. can’t have been B. can’t be C. mustn’t have been D. mustn’t be
26. It was difficult to get to the top of the mountain, but in the end I _____________ it
A. can reach B. was able to reach C. managed to reach D. could reach
27. Beautifully ____________ last night.
A. sang Bora B. does Bora sing C. Bora sang D. Bora did sing
28. By the time I reach home at 12 a.m., my wife _______________ lunch for me.
A. will have cooked B. will be cooking C. will have been cooked D. is cooking
29. This lesson is __________ difficult for me to do. I can’t do it.
A. too B. so C. enough D. much
30. This lesson is _____________ for me to learn.
A. such a difficult lesson B. so difficult lesson

C. so difficult a lesson D. lesson so difficult

31. This lesson is so easy ____________ earlier.
A. to finish it B. that I can finish it

C. finishing it D. for me to be finished

32. This lesson is ______________ for me.
A. enough challenging B. challenging enough

C. sufficient challenging D. challenging

33. My leg ________________ during the football match.
A. was badly injured B. was injured badly
C. badly was injured D. badly injured
34. I have bought ________________ scarf when I visited there.
A. a beautiful pink French silk knitting B. a beautiful silk pink knitting French
C. a pink beautiful knitting French silk D. a knitting pink silk French beautiful
35. I have bought _____________ plate when I visited France.
A. a S.O.S. B. an S.O.S. C. S.O.S. D. S.O.S. the
36. The man denies ______________ the bike that night.
A. to steal B. to have stolen C. stealing D. having stolen
37. I name ________________ because I like him so much.
A. my son Sovath B. my son as Sovath C. my son to be Sovath D. my son as being Sovath
38. ________________, I decide not to see it again.
A. Having seen the film before B. the film having been seen before
C. Seeing the film before D. To see the film before
39. __________ my sister is a doctor, she can cure my friend without going to the hospital.
A. after B. So C. Since D. before
40. Your mother will punish you when you are late so you _________________ home now.
A. should go B. ought to go C. had better go D. would go
41. My teacher __________ to America for 2 hours when their plane crashed.
A. had been flying B. had flown C. was flying D. flew
42. As far as the exercise ________, students should do it every day.
A. is about B. is concerned C. is going D. is connected
43. When she arrived home, she saw the burglar ___________ her house.
A. searching B. to search C. search D. to have searched
44. Her parents prefer eating home ____________ eating in the restaurant.
A. than B. rather C. to D. more than
45. In Africa in summer, there is _____________ water and it is difficult for the animals to
A. little B. a little C. plenty D. a few
46. You give me all your money ____________ you die.
A. if not B. but C. and D. or
47. ___________ the god give us peace!
A. Can B. Please C. May D. Could
48. When you go to Sahara Desert, you will see a lot of ___________ growing there.
A. cacti B. cactus C. cactuses D. cactis
49. There are economical _____________ around the world because of the business tension
between the US and China.
A. crisis B. crisises C. crises D. criseses
50. My brother is always worried ______________ everything useless.
A. of B. for C. in D. about

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