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Grade School Department

Academic Year 2023-2024

English 5
GRADE: 5 INCLUSIVE DATES: Sept. 4-8, 2023
CONTENT STANDARD: The students demonstrate the ability to differentiate denotative and
connotative meanings,

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner makes a travelogue – a travel brochure that

communicates information, opinions, and ideas effectively to different audiences.



LEARNING COMPETENCIES: Identify different meanings of content-specific words (denotation and
Gather relevant information from various sources
- Dictionary

The students are expected to:  Formative
Constructivism: 1. Quizzes
 Answer Enrich, page 24. 2. Recitation
Recreate the scene in their mind and give their  Summative
own reaction to the poem using the given 1. Performance Task
prompt: ( Travelogue )

 Enrichment Activity:
 Do a mini-debate and answer the
Why did the animal school fail?
Relate it to individual

 Answer the Activity “Who’s Afraid of
What does the word snake mean
to you?
Is the snake just a dangerous
animal or is it just a slimy or
disgusting creature?
The students should be able to:
 Differentiate between connotation and denotation.

 Read the story of “The Animal School”

 Answer the last two questions in Probe
 Enrichment Activity:
Do a mini-debate and answer the question: Why did the animal school fail? Relate it to
individual differences.
 Subject Orientation
Denotation and Connotation
Denotation – it is the literal meaning or the synonym of the word.
Connotation - the emotional or cultural meaning attached to a word.
Examples: The words home, house, residence, and dwelling all have the same denotation, but the connotation
of each word is very different.
Denotation: Where a person lives at any given time.
Home: cozy, loving, comfortable
House: the actual building or structure
Residence: cold, no feeling
Dwelling: primitive or basic surroundings
 Differentiating between connotation and denotation.
Answer Activate A Play of Colors, page 22.

The students should be able to:
 Recall What is Denotation and Connotation

 Spectrum
Two pieces of paper will be placed on the walls of the classroom to create a spectrum.
On one side will be a paper that reads, “Positive.” On the other side, there will be a paper that reads,
“Negative.” The teacher will introduce these papers to the students and explain that the several groups
of two words which have similar denotations but different connotations. Every student will stand and
when the teacher reads the first word of a group they will go wherever they feel the word fits on the
spectrum. They will move accordingly for the other two words that will be read for the group.

 Answer the Activity “Who’s Afraid of Snakes?”

a. What does the word snake mean to you?
b. Is the snake just a dangerous animal or is it just a slimy or disgusting creature?

DAY 3:
The students should be able to:
 Recreate the scene in their mind and give their own reaction to the poem.

 Read a poem entitled “A Snake Ate My Homework”

A snake ate all my homework, Ma’am, I swear to you, it’s true.

It swallowed it with one big GULP. It didn’t even chew.

I chased it to my brother’s room; it headed straight for Pete.

It ate his high-top sneakers and the socks right off his feet.

It gobbled up Pete’s football pants, his soccer shirt and shorts,

His baseball bat and catcher’s mitt (I guess the snake likes sports).

It slunk into the bathroom; poor Dad was in the tub.

It drank the water, soap and all. It gurgled, GLUB, GLUB, GLUB.

My dad slipped-slided, gave a yelp, and wrapped up in a towel,

but not before the snake escaped, so Dad joined in the prowl.

We tracked it to the kitchen; it had opened up the fridge.

The only things it didn’t eat were Mother’s snacks for bridge.

“There it goes!” my father called. “It’s heading toward the door!

We have to catch that snake before it swallows any more.”

Suddenly, I thought of how I’d get my homework back.

I gathered the supplies I’d need to launch my sneak attack.

I grabbed a jar of pepper and a box fan from upstairs.

I aimed it at the snake and said, “I hope you said your prayers!”

I sprinkled pepper near the fan; it floated on the breeze.

It sprayed the snake right in the face — “Ah CHOO!” Wow! What a sneeze!

The sneeze was so gigantic that it knocked me to the ground,

and everything came flying out; it scattered all around.

I found this on the neighbor’s lawn; I’m here at school on time.

So now my homework isn’t late. But, please, excuse the slime!

 Answer Enrich, page 24.

Identifying Positive and Negative
Direction: Each pair of phrases
includes synonyms with different
Put + sign next to the one with
positive connotation and a – sign
next to the one with a negative
connotation. Use dictionary or
thesaurus if needed.
1. a powerful stink _____ 6.
answered with arrogance _____
a powerful aroma _____
answered with confidence _____
2. a dynamic leader _____ 7. slim
body _____
a pushy leader _____
skinny body _____
3. squandered his money _____ 8.
an aggressive attitude _____
spent his money _____ a
hostile attitude _____
4. stress from finances _____ 9. an
easygoing friend _____
stress for upcoming holiday _____
a lazy friend _____
5. energetic children _____ 10. a
thoughtful response _____
wild children _____ a
calculated response _____
The students should be able to:
 Identify Positive and Negative Connotations.

A. Review: Denotation and Connotation

Direction: Each pair of phrases includes synonyms with different connotations.
Put + sign next to the one with positive connotation and a – sign
next to the one with a negative connotation. Use dictionary or
thesaurus if needed.
1. a powerful stink _____ 6. answered with arrogance _____
a powerful aroma _____ answered with confidence _____
2. a dynamic leader _____ 7. slim body _____
a pushy leader _____ skinny body _____
3. squandered his money _____ 8. an aggressive attitude _____
spent his money _____ a hostile attitude _____
4. stress from finances _____ 9. an easy-going friend _____
stress for upcoming holiday _____ a lazy friend _____
5. energetic children _____ 10. a thoughtful response _____
wild children _____ a calculated response _____
B. Seatwork:
Using the dictionary find the meaning of the given word and write it on the space provided. Then, put a
check on column wether it is negative connotation or positive connotation
C. Viewing: Watch a documentary about how animals got lost and found their way back.
Answer the following questions;
1. How did the animal find its way back to its owner?
2. If you were the pet owner, what would you do so that this incident would not happen again?
3. Do you believe that a bond exists between an owner and his/her pet?
4. Do animals exhibit “intelligence” in some ways? Justify your answer.

Identifying Positive and Negative

Direction: Each pair of phrases
includes synonyms with different
Put + sign next to the one with
positive connotation and a – sign
next to the one with a negative
connotation. Use dictionary or
thesaurus if needed.
1. a powerful stink _____ 6.
answered with arrogance _____
a powerful aroma _____
answered with confidence _____
2. a dynamic leader _____ 7. slim
body _____
a pushy leader _____
skinny body _____
3. squandered his money _____ 8.
an aggressive attitude _____
spent his money _____ a
hostile attitude _____
4. stress from finances _____ 9. an
easygoing friend _____
stress for upcoming holiday _____
a lazy friend _____
5. energetic children _____ 10. a
thoughtful response _____
wild children _____ a
calculated response _____
The students should be able to:
 Answer a short test on denotation and connotation.

 Short Test
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Connotation and Denotation are two ways to describe the meanings of ________________
a. planets
b. birds
c. words
d. sentences
answer: d
2. Which phrase has a negative connotation?
a. a stingy person
b. a thrifty person
answer: b
3. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Hint: Determine the connotation (positive or negative)
through context clues.

My friend is very careful about spending money. I admire that, so I call him ______________.
a. thrifty
b. stingy
c. miserly
d. selfish
answer: a
4. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Hint: Determine the connotation (positive or negative)
through context clues.

I admire the man who jumped on the subway tracks to rescue a stranger. He was certainly ________________.
a. fool hearty
b. courageous
c. rash
d. reckless
5. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Hint: Determine the connotation (positive or negative)
through context clues.

Although the problem was difficult to resolve, Sandra and John were ________________ in searching for an
answer. Their teacher was quite proud.
a. persistent
b. stubborn
c. bullheaded
d. headstrong
answer: a
6. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. Hint: Determine the connotation (positive or negative)
through context clues.

She was disappointed that the dress she wanted to buy her daughter was ________________ as she ran her
fingers across the fabric.
a. expensive
b. overpriced
c. unaffordable
d. pricey
answer: c
7. A denotation is a literal or specific dictionary meaning. Many use context clues to decide on the meaning of a
word that they may not be familiar with.
a. True
b. False
answer: a
8. Denotation is a word's ____________.
a. Literal, dictionary definition
b. Emotional meaning
c. synonym
d. antonym
answer: a
9. Connotation is a word's ___________.
a. synonym
b. emotional meaning
c. antonym
d. Literal, dictionary definition.
Answer: b
10. Which phrase has a negative connotation?
a. a box filled with documents
b. a box crammed with documents
Answer: b
11. Which word has a negative connotation?
a. stench
b. smell
answer: a
12. Referring to someone's house as a "shack" would have a __________ connotation.
a. positive
b. negative
answer: b
13. Kevin's interest in model cars has turned into a hobby. If you change the word hobby to obsession, the word
now has a _____ connotation.
a. positive
b. negative
answer: b
14. The teacher was mildly intimated by Merdine's bossy behavior. If you change the word bossy to assertive,
the word now has a ____ connotation.
a. positive
b. negative
answer: a
15. All words have a connotation and a denotation. If you look up the word 'snake' in the dictionary, it would
define a reptile. If you called someone 'snake', it would be an example of a
a. positive connotation
b. denotation
c. negative connotation
answer: c

Integrated English for Effective Communication 5

Animals That Returned To Their Owners After Being Lost - YouTube
How Animals Find Their Way Home! - YouTube

Prepared by:

Mrs. Genevieve G. Bareng

English 5 – Teacher

Checked by:

Mrs. Amanda M. Cruz

English Coordinator

Mrs. Mary Sandra T. De Guzman

Asst. Principal, Grade School Department

Noted by:
Principal, Basic Education Department

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