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The Impact of Depression Misconception among Urdaneta High School Students

A Research Paper to the College of Human Sciences in partial Fulfillment for the Degree
Bachelor of Science

Hidee Kyle Benter

Fergin Matea Cuarteron

Veronica De Guzman

Jumaruella Echavaria

Janelle Claire Rosario

Urdaneta City University

December 2023
The Impact of Depression Misconception among Urdaneta High
1 School Students

Chapter I


Mental health disorder is a silent battle that needs to be won and just like any

battle, having a strong support will increase the chance of winning. It is a battle fought

that is surrounded by darkness but today with the growing awareness shedding light

about the reality of mental health disorder, people with these disorders don't need to fight

in the darkness anymore. Depression or major depressive disorder ranks as the second

most diagnosed mental health disorder in 2023, affecting approximately 280 million

people worldwide as stated by the World Health Organization in March 2023. This

condition affects the person experiencing this negatively as its symptoms according to

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition consists of feeling

of sadness or having a depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure in activities once

enjoyed, changes in appetite, trouble in sleeping or too much sleep, loss of energy or

increased fatigue, increase purposeless physical activities or slowed movements or

speech, feeling worthless or guilty, difficulty in thinking, concentrating or making

decisions, and in worst cases thoughts of death or suicide. The WHO recorded 703,000

suicide deaths every year and the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29 years old

globally as of 2019.

Depression is a prevalent mental health condition that affects individuals of all ages,

including adolescents. It can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, academic

The Impact of Depression Misconception among Urdaneta High
2 School Students

performance, and overall well-being. Recognizing the importance of early intervention

and support, is crucial to assess the level of understanding and misconceptions

surrounding depression among high school students.

In a cross-sectional survey conducted here in the Philippines by Puyat et al., 2021,

the Philippines still lacks epidemiological data on depression among young adults. The

study resulted in 1 out 10 Filipino young adults experiencing moderate to severe

depression with females being more prone to depression. This level of severity in

depression is significantly associated with suicidal ideation as stated in the survey. The

Philippines with a prevalence of 3.3% and 3,298,652 recorded cases of depression

belongs to the top 10 with the lowest rates of depression worldwide as per World

Population Review (2023).

Understanding the misconceptions held by high school students about depression

is vital for several reasons. Firstly, addressing it ensures accurate information

dissemination, enabling students to recognize and seek appropriate help if they or

someone they know is experiencing symptoms of depression. Secondly, debunking

common misconceptions will contribute to reducing stigma and discrimination associated

with mental health, creating a more supportive and empathetic school environment.

Because of the stigma and misunderstandings surrounding depression, students often

choose not to seek help or receive the proper care. Depression is stigmatized, just like

other mental health issues. Many recent depression campaigns have been successful in

helping dispel misconceptions in order to persuade people to seek help.

The Impact of Depression Misconception among Urdaneta High
3 School Students

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The Theory of “Learned Helplessness Theory” ( Martin Seligman (1976).

Second is The Theory of “Hopelessness Theory of depression” (Abramson, Matalskly,

and Alloys 1989). Supported by another theory of Beck’s cognitive theory these theories

has important implication of misconception of depression.

Based on Seligman theory of learned helplessness as the failure to escape

misconception shock induced by uncontrollable events, was discovered half a century

ago.(Seligman & Maier 2011). Learned helplessness and delusions are a phenomenon

observed when study are in stage of depression to expect pain, suffering, or discomfort

with no way to escape it (Cherry, 2017). Learned helplessness is a state that occurs after a

person has experienced a stressful situation repeatedly. They become to believe that they

are unable to control or change the situation, so they are do not try even when

opportunities for change because of depression (Mairer, 2012) Seligman said they have

“learned” that they are helpless in that situation because of misconception and no longer

try to change it, even change is possible. This phenomenon is called learned helplessness

because it is not an innate trait. For Seligman no one born believing that they have no

control over what happens and that it is fruitless even to try gaining control, It is a

learned behavior experience is which the subject either truly has no control over

circumstances or simply perceives that has no control (Seligman & Beagley, 2012)

Based on Abraham, Metals and Alloys and their theory of “Hopelessness Theory

of Depression'' is the attribute negative events to stable and global caucus a negative
The Impact of Depression Misconception among Urdaneta High
4 School Students

attributional style, represent a diathesis which in the presence but not the absence of

negative life stress. It can impact of Hopelessness Depression include retarded initiation

voluntary responses, apathy, lack of energy, and psychomotor retardation among others

(Manroe, 2015) Relatively few studies have examined the construct of hopelessness

depression and among such studies, mixed indingshave emerged (Haslam and Beck,


Lastly, Is the Beck’s Cognitive theory, Based on Beck this theory of considers the

subjective symptoms such as negative view of self, world, and future defining features of

depression. The model assumes that psychopathological states present extreme or

excessive forms of normal cognitive theory boosts that anxiety and depressive can be

distinguished by their cognitive content (Beck and Alford, 2014).

Cognitive Therory of depression emphasize the contribution of ,aladaptive mental

representation and pattern thinking, These wgerebthe several misconception about

depression, Anybody can have depression specially the new generations and to study and

understand to those willing enough, it is very necessary to have proper understanding for

previously unaware (Bartlett, 2010).

The Impact of Depression Misconception among Urdaneta High
5 School Students

1. What stigmatization
and discrimination
exist to those who
experience symptoms The researchers will
The expected output
of depression? use interview and
of the study is to
questionnaire method
determine the impact
2. What are the impacts to gather qualitative
and other factors
of depression data and measure
surrounding the
misconceptions to descriptions and
Urdaneta High School characteristics and
misconceptions of
Students? understanding of their
Urdaneta High
School Students.
3. What are the
potential risks of
negative outcomes
among those who
experience depression?

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

The research paradigm shows the input, process and output of involvement as of this

research study. The Impact of Depression Misconceptions of Urdaneta High School

Students serves as a way of reflection towards those who experience depression but have

misconceptions of it due to the lack of knowledge.

The Impact of Depression Misconception among Urdaneta High
6 School Students

Statement of the Problem

The research study aims to evaluate and understand the nature of depression and
the extent of these misconceptions, their sources, and potential consequences that bear on
one’s mental health and well-being.

Specifically, the study answered the following questions:

1.What stigmatization and discrimination exist to those who experience symptoms of


2.What are the impacts of depression misconceptions to Urdaneta High School Students?

3.What are the potential risks of negative outcomes among those who experience

Assumptions of the study

1. There are no significant differences in the prevalence of depression symptoms and

quality of life between Urdaneta High School students who hold misconceptions

about depression and those who do not hold misconceptions about depression.

2. There is no significant relationship between depression misconception and

Urdaneta High School student`s likelihood of seeking professional help for

depression related concerns.

3. There is no significant relationship between depression misconception and the

attitudes, beliefs, and good behaviors of Urdaneta High School students regarding


The Impact of Depression Misconception among Urdaneta High
7 School Students

Definition of Terms

Impact. This refers to the influence, effect, or consequence of depression misconception

on the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of Urdaneta High School students.

Depression. This indicates a serious and persistent mental health condition characterized

by feelings of sadness, helplessness, and loss of interest in activities that bring pleasure.

Misconception. This pertains to a false or inaccurate understanding or beliefs about

depression such as the notion that it is a sign of weakness, a choice, or a moral failing.

Urdaneta High School. This signifies a public secondary educational institution located

in City of Urdaneta, Pangasinan, Philippines.

Students. This refers to individuals enrolled in Urdaneta High School who are

undergoing formal education, typically ranging from 13 to 19 years old.

Attitudes. This denotes a set of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies directed

toward a particular object, in this case, depression.

Beliefs. This refers to convictions or assumptions held by students about the nature,

causes, symptoms, and treatment of depression, shaped by their cultural, social, familial,

and personal experiences.

Behaviors. This indicates actions or reactions adopted by the students in response to

depression related situations, such as seeking help, providing support, or withdrawing

from a relationship.

Survey Instrument. This pertains to a structured questionnaire used to collect data from

a sample of Urdaneta High School students, containing questions related to depression,

misconception, attitude, beliefs, and behaviors.

The Impact of Depression Misconception among Urdaneta High
8 School Students

Data Analysis. This refers to the process of summarizing, interpreting, and drawing

conclusions from the collected data, using statistical methods and qualitative techniques

such as a content analysis and thematic coding.

The Impact of Depression Misconception among Urdaneta High
9 School Students


American Psychiatric Association. 2023. What is Depression?

Joseph H. Puyat, Ma. Cecilia Gastardo-Conaco, Josefina Natividad, Mariah Allyson

Banal. 2021. Depressive symptoms among young adults in the Philippines: Results from

a nationwide cross-sectional survey, Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, Volume 3.

100073. ISSN 2666-9153.

World Population Review. 2023. Depression Rates by Country.

Wade, D. (2023).

Liu R. et. al. (2015)

The Impact of Depression Misconception among Urdaneta High
10 School Students

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