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Jindal Global Business School

Course Outline

Course Title Introduction to Operations Management

Program and Batch BBA 2020
Semester & Academic Year Spring, 2022,
Credits 3
Discipline/Area Operations Management
Provide details, if this course is a Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Mobility
Prerequisite for any Management
Name of the Faculty Prof. Senthil Kumar/Prof. Ashish Dwivedi/Prof.
Member/Course Instructor Sandeep Singh/Prof. Sachin Mangla/Prof. Gaurav Kabra
Contact Details of the Faculty
Contact Details of Support Staff JGBS-EO,
Faculty Member’s Open Office As per faculty’s availability.
Day/s & Time

Introduction to the Course

This course provides students with concepts, techniques and tools to design, analyze, and
improve operational capabilities of an organization, and apply them to a broad range of
application domains and industries. It emphasizes the effect of uncertainty in decision-making, as
well as the relationship between high-level financial objectives and operational capabilities.

Student Learning Outcomes

CLO1: Analyze business operations using appropriate performance measures, such as flow time,
throughput rate and capacity.
CLO2: Propose business solutions for operations improvement and process design.
CLO3: Identify inefficiency and ineffectiveness in business operations and propose adequate
changes or redesigns to improve the process.
CLO4: Understand the concept of process control / quality control in organizations.
CLO5: Understand the concept of inventory management and waiting line theory.
CLO6: Evaluate the importance of demand forecasting in operations

Course Learning Outcomes Program Learning Program Course

(CLOs) Objectives (PLOs) Competency Assessment
Goals (PCGs) Item
On successful completion of the This course helps you This course helps This learning
course, students should be able to: to develop the you to develop the outcome will be
following Program following Program assessed in the
Learning Outcomes: Competency Goals: following items
CLO1: Analyze business PCG 1 – PLO1, PLO2 PCG 1 A1, A4
operations using appropriate
performance measures, such as
flow time, throughput rate and
CLO2: Propose business PCG2 – PLO7 PCG2, PCG3 A1, A2, A3, A4
solutions for operations PCG3 – PLO8, PLO9,
improvement and process design PLO10
CLO3: Identify inefficiency and PCG1 – PLO1, PLO2 PCG1, PCG3 A1, A3, A4
ineffectiveness in business PCG3 – PLO8, PLO9,
operations and propose adequate PLO10
changes or redesigns to improve
the process
CLO4: Understand the concept of PCG1 – PLO1, PLO2 PCG1, PCG3 A1, A4
process control / quality control PCG3 – PLO8, PLO9,
in organizations PLO10
CLO5: Understand the concept of PCG1 – PLO1, PLO2 PCG1, PCG3 A1, A4
inventory management and PCG3 – PLO8, PLO9,
waiting line theory PLO10
CLO6: Evaluate the importance PCG1 – PLO1, PLO2, PCG1, PCG3 A1, A4
of demand forecasting in PLO3, PLO4
operations PCG3 – PLO8, PLO9,

Teaching Method
The course will consist of lectures, in-class discussions, and case analysis. The backbone of this
course will be in-class discussions, which will aid in tying up the concepts taught in the class
with examples from the practical world. Therefore, it is expected that the onus of learning will be
with the student and the instructor will act as a facilitator.
Evaluation Schema
The course grade will be determined based on
Assessment Assessment Assessment Weightage Nature Week of PLOs to be
Item Task (offline Task (on-line Assessment Assessed
mode) mode)
A1 Quizzes Quizzes 20% Individual Week 7 and PLO1, PLO2,
Week 14 PLO3, PLO4,
A2 Class Class 10% Individual Week1 – PLO7, PLO8,
participation participation Week 15 PLO9, PLO10
A3 Group Individual 20% Team (Max of 3)/ Week 15 PLO1, PLO2,
Presentation + project individual PLO7, PLO8,
Report submission PLO9, PLO10
A4 Final Exam Final Exam 50 % Individual - PLO1, PLO2,

Description of Assessments:
Assessment A1: Quiz 1 and Quiz 2: MCQ based online quizzes shall be conducted using
Moodle platform. The quiz shall be time-bound. The procedure shall be explained in the class on
how to access and do it. Each quiz will be of 10%, making a total weightage of 20% for the two
Assessment A2: Class Participation based on class attendance and quizzes as per faculty’s
Assessment A3: Students will be required to form groups/ team with max team size of 3 and
prepare/ submit a power point presentation along with a brief report (max of 500 words) on a
specific topic. The topic for group presentation will be decided by team/group along with the
respective faculty in the class. For online mode the group task will be converted to individual
task and students need to perform independent analysis.

Text Book / Course Package / Other Readings

Operations Management, Author: William J Stevenson, 12th Edition, ISBN: 78-9-35-260547-7,
McGraw-Hill India - Chapters from this book are assigned as required readings in the class
schedule below. It is assumed that you have done those readings when you come to the class.
The lectures will take the book material as a starting point and probe deeper into the issues - it
will not regurgitate the book material.
Reference book: Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains”, 11th Edition by Lee
J. Krajewski, Manoj K. Malhotra, Larry P. Ritzman

Guest Lectures:
Planned in 8th week and 12th week.

Graduate Competency Goals

BBA Progroamme Learning Objectives
BBA Programme Competency Goals (PCGs)

Students will be able to

1. Understand local business issues
Responsible Global Citizenship: Ability to
understand the interplay between local and 2. Understand global business issues
global issues and to act with sensitivity 3. Demonstrate sensitivity towards ethical issues
towards ethical and social issues
4. Demonstrate sensitivity towards social issues
5. Present their ideas with clarity
Effective communication: Ability to
2 6. Write in a coherent manner
effectively exchange ideas and information
7. Use technology for communication

Critical Thinking: Ability to identify, 8. Identify main issues of business problems

3 analyze business problems and propose 9. Examine information from different sources
effective solutions 10. Draw inferences from analysis
11. Understand the factors to work effectively in
Teamwork: Ability to work and contribute groups
effectively in group -settings
12. Contribute effectively in groups
Session Plan
Session Details CLOs Covered

Week 1 Introduction to Operations Management CLO1

Objective of Define the terms operations management and supply chain
the session Identify similarities and differences between production and service operations
Define the terms mission and strategy and explain why they are important
Define the term productivity and explain why it is important to organizations and to
Describe several factors that affect productivity
Readings Chapter 01, Chapter 02
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 2 Managing and Controlling Quality CLO2, CLO4

Objective of Define the term quality as it relates to products and as it relates to services
the session Describe and use various quality tools, and six sigma methodology.
List and briefly explain the elements of the control process.
Explain how control charts are used to monitor a process and the concepts that
underlie their use.
Use and interpret control charts
Readings Chapters 09 and Chapters 10
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 3 Strategic Capacity Planning CLO2, CLO3

Objective of Explain the importance of capacity planning
the session Describe ways of defining and measuring capacity
Discuss the major considerations related to developing capacity alternatives
Briefly describe approaches that are useful for evaluating capacity alternatives
Construct a decision tree and use it to analyze a problem
Readings Chapter 05
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 4 Process Selection & Facility Layout CLO1, CLO2,

Objective of Explain the strategic importance of process selection and the influence it has on the
the session organization and its supply chain
Compare the four basic processing types.
Describe product layouts and their main advantages and disadvantages.
Solve simple line-balancing problems.
Develop simple process layouts.
Readings Chapter 06
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 5 Location Planning and Analysis CLO1, CLO2,

Objective of Understand the nature of location decisions
the session Understand the concept of Global Locations
Understand the procedures for making a location decision
Evaluate location alternatives
Readings Chapter 08
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 6 Inventory Management CLO2, CLO5

Objective of Define the term inventory
the session List the different types of inventory
Describe the basic EOQ model and its assumptions and solve typical problems
Describe the economic production quantity model and solve typical problems
Describe the quantity discount model and solve typical problems
Describe reorder point models and solve typical problems
Readings Chapter 13
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 7 Inventory management, revision and Guest lecture - 1 CLO2, CLO5

Objective of Describe reorder point models and solve typical problems
the session Explain periodic and continuous review systems
Describe situations in which the fixed-order interval model is appropriate and solve
typical problems
Revise the concepts learnt on class with the instructor
Solve a set of numerical examples as a part of concept application
Guest Lecture (Mr. Abid Ahmed, Edina Diesel Parts Pvt. Ltd.)
Readings Chapter 13
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 8 Scheduling (1st Guest lecture) CLO1, CLO2

Objective of Explain what scheduling involves and the importance of good scheduling.
the session Describe scheduling needs in high-volume systems and intermediate-volume
Describe scheduling needs in job shops.
Use and interpret Gantt charts.
Use the assignment method for loading.
Readings Chapter 16
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 9 Management of Waiting Lines CLO2, CLO5

Objective of What imbalance does the existence of a waiting line reveal?
the session What causes waiting lines to form, and why is it impossible to eliminate them
Understand the characteristics of waiting lines
Understand and calculate infinite and finite source queuing models
Readings Chapter 18
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 10 Project Management CLO1

Objective of Describe the project life cycle
the session Discuss the behavioral aspects of projects in terms of project personnel and the
project manager
Explain the nature and importance of a work breakdown structure in project
Construct simple network diagrams
Analyze networks with deterministic and probabilistic times
Readings Chapter 17
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 11 Demand Forecasting CLO6

Objective of Understand the basics of forecasting
the session Different methods of forecasting
Describe the key factors and trade-offs to consider when choosing a forecasting
Readings Chapter 03
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion
Week 12 Aggregate Planning (2nd Guest lecture)
Objective of Explain what aggregate planning is and how it is useful.
the session Identify the variables decision makers have to work with in aggregate planning.
Describe graphical and quantitative techniques planners use.
Prepare aggregate plans and compute their costs.
Disaggregate an aggregate plan.
Describe the master scheduling process and explain its importance.
Readings Chapter 11
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 13 Materials Requirement Planning & ERP CLO1

Objective of Describe the conditions under which MRP is most appropriate.
the session Describe the inputs, outputs, and nature of MRP processing.
Explain how requirements in a master production schedule are translated into
material requirements for lower-level items.
Discuss the benefits and requirements of MRP.
Describe some of the difficulties users have encountered with MRP.
Describe MRP II and its benefits.
Discuss ERP, what it provides, and its hidden costs.
Readings Chapter 12
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 14 JIT, Lean Operations and Guest Lecture - 2 CLO1, CLO2,

Objective of Explain the terms lean operations and JIT
the session Describe the main characteristics of lean systems
Discuss the Toyota Production System (TPS)
List the three goals of a lean system and explain its importance of each
List the eight wastes according to lean philosophy
Identify and briefly discuss the building blocks of a lean production system
Describe key lean improvement tools
Describe some of the obstacles to lean success

Readings Chapters 14
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

Week 15 Recent advances in supply chain management

Objective of Understand the key aspects of supply chain management CLO1
the session Explain what the main supply chain risks are, and what businesses can do to
minimize those risks
List several strategic, tactical, and operational responsibilities related to managing
the supply chain
Briefly describe the ethical issues in supply chains and the key steps companies can
take to avoid ethical problems
Discuss procurement in terms of the purchasing interfaces, the purchasing cycle,
ethics, and centralized versus decentralized decision making
Briefly describe the key aspects of supplier management
Digital Supply Chain.
Clear any doubts you had regarding the course
Ask the instructor any questions regarding any particular topic(s) in the course
Readings Chapter S20
Pedagogy Lecture and Discussion

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