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Magic Mushroom


Coleus Blumei

Fruit of palm tree (betel nut)

Hostilis tree



Salvia divinorium (purple sage)


Good day, sir, I have some hallucinogens listed here. Although di pa po kumpleto since di pa po
thorough yung research ko. And, yung mga nilist ko ay mga familiar lang sakin na madalas ko pong
nakikita as ornaments or readily available madalas sa bukirin. (at legal din sa east asia)

1. Magic Mushroom
2. Opium
3. Coleus Blumei
4. Fruit of palm tree (betel nut)
5. Tobacco
6. Salvia divinorium (purple sage)
7. Coffee beans

I did not include cannabis since it is a well-known hallucinogen and sparks many controversial headlines.
It has a lot of evidence to support its claims for legalization but has a thin chance of being realized due
to opposition (caulkings, 2016). Also, the plants I listed are mostly legal and readily available in our

These are the institutes po abroad with similar objectives as my thesis po.

Johns Hopkins Psychedelic Research Unit

- The Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research is leading the way in
exploring innovative treatments using psilocybin. The molecular structure of psilocybin, a
naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in 'magic mushrooms,' allows it to
penetrate the central nervous system, and the scientific and medical experts are just
beginning to understand its effects on the brain and mind and its potential as therapeutics
for mental illnesses.
Center for the Neuroscience of Psychedelics

- The Center seeks to understand how psychedelics enhance the brain’s capacity for change,
to optimize current treatments and create new treatments for mental illness, and to make
the term “treatment resistant” obsolete.

The Philippines hinders its economic growth due to its lack of technological innovation. This has led to
various circumstances such as poverty

Background of the Study:

Psychedelics, also known as hallucinogens, have been the subject of intense research
over the past few decades, with numerous studies suggesting their potential therapeutic
benefits in treating various mental health conditions. Psychedelics are known to
produce altered states of consciousness, which can lead to profound changes in
perception, mood, and cognition.

Despite their potential benefits, psychedelics are still illegal in many countries, including
the Philippines. This has limited the research on their therapeutic potential in the
country and has hindered the development of safe and effective treatment options for
mental health conditions.

There is a growing body of evidence supporting the use of psychedelics in the treatment
of depression, anxiety, addiction, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), among
other mental health conditions. Some studies have shown that a single dose of a
psychedelic can produce long-lasting positive effects, with improvements in mood,
creativity, and overall well-being.

Given the potential benefits of psychedelics in treating mental health conditions, there is
a need for a dedicated research facility in the Philippines that can conduct rigorous
scientific research on the therapeutic potential of these substances. Such a facility could
provide a safe and controlled environment for participants to receive psychedelic-
assisted therapy under the guidance of trained professionals.

Moreover, the establishment of a psychedelic research facility in the Philippines could

also generate new opportunities for research collaborations with other countries where
psychedelics are already legal, and where research in this field is more advanced.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility and potential benefits of
establishing a psychedelic research facility in the Philippines. This study will examine
the legal, ethical, and practical considerations of setting up such a facility, as well as the
potential benefits and risks of conducting research on psychedelics in the country.
Ultimately, this study aims to contribute to the development of safe and effective
treatment options for mental health conditions and to promote the advancement of
psychedelic research in the Philippines.

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