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The inspiration to publish

this book came from the

Hon'ble Prime Minister ...
M essage

It is my privilege to be associated with the Golden Jubilee of the post-Independence

DGsP/IGsP Conference.

In many decades of public life, I have witnessed Police functioning on the beat,
at the Police Station, at the district, the State and Centre. In this vast country of
130 crore, the common thread seen among all Policemen and women at these
levels are sincerity, availability and sense of service. The absence of any of these
qualities would have led to chaos.

India is a pluralist country, where each and every individual is equal, despite
being different in religion, caste, creed, language, region or thought. However,
there are divisions, disturbances and strife. The sheer magnitude of chaos that
would have ensued, if the Police had not delivered as a professional force, is not
realised by many. Each day, each Police Station has to manage, resolve and decide
on multiple law and order situations, crimes and social problems.

I do understand that Police is under-resourced and has to be on call 24x7 even

on holidays. The Policeman rarely gets an opportunity to attend to his family, to
his children’s education or even to himself. He works constantly under stress and
is often the target of criticism. This is primarily on account of the nature of the
Police job, which involves restraint, detention and arrest, largely a job that entails
enforcement of coercive powers of the state.

During my last one and half year as Union Home Minister, I have realised the
enormity of security problems that our country faces. However, seeing the
commitment and professionalism of our Intelligence and Security agencies, I
have also developed faith that the country is in safe hands. In the last one year,
many successes have been achieved and by and large the country has remained
safe. I congratulate all Police/Security Force and Intelligence personnel for this
stellar achievement.

I hope this Coffee Table Book would be interesting reading given that it contains the
problems that Police officers faced at different points of time after Independence
and solutions that emerged on various national security and social challenges.

I wish Indian Police and Intelligence organisations all the very best for this Golden
Jubilee Conference.

Rajnath Singh
Union Home Minister

M essage

Having been in the Intelligence Bureau for over three decades and attending
most of the DGPs/IGPs Conferences during this period, I am confident that the
compilation would be a delightful read.

It is a trip down memory lane taking me back to the glories that IB’s unseen and
unheard officers have achieved; difficulties that the rank and file endured and
the manner in which the goals were almost always achieved. The excitement of
working in the field is, even today, unparalleled. The thrill of planning intelligence
operations and being a part of many, makes me remember so many of my brave
colleagues in the IB and in the State Police forces.

From our senior Police colleagues at these Conferences, we heard stories of the
difficulties that the new nation faced in the 1950s and 1960s. However, with each
passing decade offering fresh challenges, it became increasingly difficult for the
police establishment.

Police has always been under-resourced. This has been a common refrain in all
Conferences. Situations on multiple occasions were such that the threat was not
just to public order but to the cohesiveness and very existence of the nation. The
States of Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Assam, Punjab and J&K come to my mind.
Unstinting resolve and highest measure of intelligence and Police professionalism
have kept this nation together.

Over the decades, this Conference has served as an excellent forum for all security
professional to connect, deliberate, argue and analyze. It is a platform to assess
the past and project the future.

A lot of hard work still needs to be done to keep this country safe and secure. The
emerging threat of ISIS, the projected decline of oil-dependent economies, the
internal strife in the Middle East and in some regions in our neighborhood, will
keep the future generations of security professionals on their toes. The need for
this Conference will therefore, not only remain, but get stronger.

Ajit Doval, KC
National Security Adviser
Secretary's Note
It has been an honour discharging my responsibilities as Secretary to the Conference and
lending to it a structure with careful attention to the variety and depth of discussions.
Director's Message
A fascinating find while perusing the records was the name of the Secretary to the First
Conference in 1950, Shri R. N. Kao. It is humbling to be in shoes similar to his. This book includes
the names of all previous Secretaries to the Conferences, many of whom acquired much
We got inspiration for this Coffee Table Book, brought out on the occasion of Golden Jubilee of DGsP/IGsP
prominence in later years.
Conference, from our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
The Conference continues to be a storehouse of critical information on all significant events
In our Constitutional scheme, Law & Order and Police have been placed on the State List. The great visionary
and discussions on expected events and strategy for preventing crime and terror.
and statesman Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, the first Home Minister of India, felt the need for personal interaction
of Heads of Police forces in the country for greater coordination and cooperation in tackling crime and
A detailed perusal of the Minutes of all 49 post-Independence Conferences reveals an excellent
maintaining the integrity of the country. Sardar Patel inaugurated the first IGsP Conference on January 12,
overview of the manner in which India's national security scenario has transformed. It also
1950. Since then, it has been the responsibility of the Intelligence Bureau to host the DGsP/IGsP Conference,
reveals, in fair detail, how social dimensions, politics, economics, science & technology and the
initially on a periodic basis, and then annually for the past 33 years.
global order have impacted India over the years.
This annual coming together of all Chiefs of State Police and Central Police Organisations serves as an
excellent forum for reviewing existing and emerging security challenges of the nation and designing
strategy to counter them.
Akhil Kumar Shukla
Joint Director, IB
The difficult task of preventing and detecting crime and tackling insurgency in a country with a population
of 130 crore with a civil police force of only 22 lakh is an enormous challenge. The terrorism sponsored and
supported from foreign soil during the last 4 decades has made the task of securing the people even more
difficult. This Conference and the communication links that it helps create between Chiefs of Police has
emerged as an important instrument of coordination.

Over the past few decades the nature of national security has undergone metamorphosis and has transcended
Editor's Note
from traditional beat policing on a bicycle into containing terrorist threats emanating from foreign shores
and communicated via encrypted cyber-based channels and given effect through sophisticated devices Detailed scrutiny of the Minutes of Conferences since 1950 reveal a clear outline of Independent
and weaponry. India’s national security history. Compiling this book was indeed a privilege and an honour,
with each page unveiling a part of our history.
It is my pleasure to state that most police departments have performed their policing duties well, despite
being perennially short of manpower and financial resources. They have overcome those disadvantages Apart from some entertaining and quaint sidelights, also emerging from the records were
through innovation, sincerity and dedication of the police officers under their command. The martyrdom of the very serious and constantly morphing challenges that India has faced since birth - wars,
over 33,500 policemen since Independence is an example of commitment of our police forces to maintain insurgency, separatism, terrorism of all kinds, religious strife, assassinations, economic crises,
the integrity of the nation and provide security to citizens. revolts, violent unions and civil unrest. Yet, India has continued to grow, to stabilise and be
respected for the values and principles it has held dear in the process.
A perusal of the record of discussions during the Conferences is a fascinating journey through modern
Indian history. In the painstaking construction of each page of this book, I was ably assisted by a sincere and
dedicated editorial team, which completed the task in record time, in true police tradition of
While much of the Minutes of Conferences remain classified, given the sensitive nature of discussions, it is “please complete this task, yesterday”.
hoped that this volume would, nevertheless, be of great interest to all readers as it covers almost all significant
events, developments, social changes and economic factors that have shaped the security environment of It is an honour to present to you this compilation of our history.
the country as it is today.

Dineshwar Sharma Safi Ahsan Rizvi,

Director, Intelligence Bureau Joint Director, IB

ost-Independence, the annual IGsP Conference was re-initiated by In the 1970s, the division of Pakistan in 1971 was followed by concerns
Government of India in 1950. The first three-day Conference was regarding refugees, influence of foreign powers, student unrest, political
inaugurated by Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Sardar turbulence and rising crime rates. The entry of women police officers
Vallabhbhai Patel on January 12, 1950. The event was significant as it was was actively supported by this Conference, including some light-hearted
held just after the Constituent Assembly adopted a federal Constitution with discussions on what lady IPS officers should wear as uniform - one discussion
unitary features and just prior to its coming into force on January 26, 1950. ending with the Chairman stating that lady officers' views were paramount,
on account of which the Conference would need to defer decision till there
Prior to Independence, the first available record is of a “British India Police were enough lady officers in service to discuss the issue.
Conference”, held at Jubbulpore, Central Provinces, on December 28-29,
1922. From 1927 onwards, the event was biennial and referred to as “Police Discussions in the 1980s were again centred on concerns of rising communal
Officers’ Conference”. Director, Intelligence Bureau was in the Chair at these strife in the early part of the decade and serious concern at the rise of pro-
Conferences. On most occasions, the Home Member inaugurated the event. Khalistan extremism. The rising spectre of mafia activity, kidnappings for
ransom, fast crime and sophisticated weapons in the hands of criminals,
In 1950, Government of India appointed Director, Intelligence Bureau also found much space during discussions. Serious action was initiated
(DIB) as Chairman of the Conference. The second Conference in 1954 was on the evils of dowry harassment. The Conference succeeded in heralding
followed by biennial conferences, with some exceptions, upto 1983. Since enactment of and amendment to many existing laws. For the first time, in
then, Conferences have been held annually. This year, 2015, is the Golden the mid-1980s, there was concerted effort to initiate computerisation and
Jubilee of DGsP/IGsP Conference of Independent India. introduce modern management techniques in policing.

At each Conference, DIB welcomes Prime Minister and Union Home Minister The 1990s were peppered with deep discussions on analysing and preventing
to address and interact with delegates. Prime Minister and Home Minister communal violence and dealing with related events. The onset of militancy
also confer awards to IB officers - Police Medal For Meritorious Service and in Kashmir became the focus of all discussions apart from detailed references
President's Police Medal For Distinguished Service - at the Conference. to new technology, computers and data.

Over the years, the Conference has become an institution deriving its The 2000s, the first decade of the new millennium, saw much more focus
strength from the unitary features of the Constitution and interface for close on national security issues such as Jehadi terror in the hinterland, Left Wing
cooperation between State and Union Governments on matters related to Extremism (LWE) and Kashmir. The onset of the cyber age and countering
national security. the financing of terror also found detailed mention at the Conferences.

In the 1950s, discussions at these Conferences centred around dousing The current decade, the 2010s, is over-shadowed by discussions on Jehadi
communal passions in the aftermath of partition, setting up and expanding terrorism as has emanated from Pakistan and the Islamic State. The records
police infrastructure with meagre resources, amending criminal law reveal intense discussion on threats to national security emanating from
and police acts to limit military orientation and looking towards the fast- increasing encryption of tele-communication and to law and order through
developing western world for ideas to improve policing. the use of social media. Concerns regarding LWE, Kashmir and pro-Khalistan
extremism remain an integral part of the discussions.
In the 1960s, concerns began to shift from pick-pocketing, theft and dacoity
to political unrest, communal divisions and pre- and post-war discussions. For the first time, in 2014, the 49th Conference was held outside New Delhi,
These included the need to check big city crime like vehicle theft and in Guwahati. The Golden Jubilee Conference is scheduled to be held in
harassment of women, apart from strict measures to control the activities of Kachchh on December 18-20, 2015.
goondas, including considering Central legislation on the subject.
1st Conference
January 12-14, 1950

1st Conference
1st Conference
January 12-14, 1950

In those years...

he world was recovering from the Second World War. The UN and Bretton
Woods heralded a new system of global cooperation and economics in
the world. India had witnessed massacres of innocent civilians and one
100 word in
of the largest known migrations text about 1st
history. Theconference 1950
killings had created a serious
divide, while the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi left an indelible mark
on Indian history. There was war with Pakistan over Kashmir. Majority of
the Princely States acceded to the Union, with Hyderabad requiring “police
action”. The first IIT was established in Kharagpur. Mao Tse-tung established
rule of the Communist Party over China in 1949 and occupied Tibet in 1950.

T. G. Sanjevi Pillai, DIB

1st Conference
1st Conference
January 12-14, 1950

1st Conference
2nd Conference
January 07-10, 1954

2nd Conference
2nd Conference
January 07-10, 1954

In those years...

n 1951, the Central and Western Railways were formed by merging private
railroad companies in India. Pakistan PM Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated.
The world’s first nuclear plant was built in the USA. In 1952, the first Lok Sabha
was elected and Bollywood made its presence felt with Bharat Bhushan and
Meena Kumari in Baiju Bawra. Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine. Ford
Foundation USA was invited to train and assist rural industry and agriculture in
India. In 1953, Air India was nationalised, Indian Airlines established and Sheikh
Abdullah, Prime Minister of Kashmir, was dismissed and jailed. Further, Andhra
State was created after Potti Sreeramulu’s sustained linguistic protest led him to
Bhola Nath Mullik, DIB fast unto death. Stalin died, the Korean War ended and Tito became President of
Yugoslavia. In 1954, Vietnam was divided, Nasser came to power in Egypt. The
Boeing 707 was tested. US and Pakistan signed their first defence agreement.
Dadra and Nagar Haveli were freed from Portugese rule, Phizo declared the
Naga Hills independent from India and the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre was

2nd Conference
Govind Ballabh Pant, HM

3rd Conference
May 03-05, 1956

In those years...

n 1955, the Imperial Bank of India became the State Bank of India. The Army was
sent to Nagaland to restore peace. USA announced plans for the development
of nuclear-tipped ICBMs, taking the Cold War with USSR to another level.
In 1956, Pakistan became an Islamic Republic. The Non-Aligned Movement
was initiated by Nehru, Tito and Nasser. The Fazal Ali States Reorganisation
Commission redrew Indian states on linguistic lines and created new states,
namely Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Madras State and Mysore State. Moving away
from the First Five Year Plan's focus on agriculture, the Second Plan heralded
rapid industrialisation through heavy industries. ONGC was established. The
Bhola Nath Mullik, DIB Suez crisis created large disturbance in the market for oil and trade, also focusing
international attention on the Middle East.

3rd Conference
Jawahar Lal Nehru

Govind Ballabh Pant, HM

4th Conference
January 06-10, 1958

In those years...

n 1957, Malaysia became independent, oil prices were at $3 per barrel
and Elvis Presley released Jailhouse Rock. In 1958, General Ayyub Khan
led a coup in Pakistan. Oman surrendered Gwadar to Pakistan and Baloch
nationalism reared its head. India objected to China showing Northern Assam
and NEFA in its territory. Milkha Singh won a gold at the Asian Games. Two
US B-47 bombers accidently dropped nuclear bombs over US territory – the
fissile core luckily not getting activated. Mao began his Great Leap Forward
to meet tall production targets.

Bhola Nath Mullik, DIB

4th Conference
Jawahar Lal Nehru

Govind Ballabh Pant, HM

5th Conference
January 06-09, 1960

In those years...

n 1959, the Dalai Lama escaped from Tibet and was welcomed in India with
his followers. Chinese troops killed police officers at Hot Springs in Ladakh on
October 21 - observed as Police Commemoration Day since. Doordarshan was
created and IIT Kanpur founded in association with 9 US universities, including
MIT. Steel plants at Rourkela, Durgapur and Bhilai were commissioned. Fidel
Castro assumed power in Cuba and Nikita Khrushchev visited Camp David
for talks with Eisenhower to diffuse the Cold War. An American U-2 spy plane
was shot down over USSR. 1960 witnessed the division of Bombay State into
Gujarat and Maharashtra and the release of Mughal-e-Azam in Bollywood. King
Bhola Nath Mullik, DIB Mahendra seized power in Nepal.

5th Conference
Jawahar Lal Nehru

6th Conference
January 10-13, 1962

In those years...

n 1961, Queen Elizabeth II visited India. Goa, Daman and Diu were
liberated from the Portugese. The Cold War peaked with the Bay of Pigs
invasion and break in ties between USA and USSR. Soviet Union put a
man, Yuri Gagarin, in space. The Berlin Wall began its 28-year lifespan. 1962
witnessed India's war with China. Pakistan signed a border pact with China.
The Cuban missile crisis brought the world to the brink of extermination.
The Rajshahi massacre in East Pakistan led to tribal migration into India.
Deficient foodgrain production at only 70 million tonnes in the year, led
to a serious food crisis and riots. ISRO's predecessor, INCOSPAR, under Dr.
Lal Bahadur Shastri, HM Vikram Sarabhai was created.

Bhola Nath Mullik, DIB

6th Conference
6th Conference
January 10-13, 1962

6th Conference
Lal Bahadur Shastri

Gulzarilal Nanda, HM

7th Conference
July 22-25, 1964

In those years...

n 1963, John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Beatles were a global sensation.
Martin Luther King delivered his "I have a dream" speech. In Kashmir, extended
protests began over the disappearance of the Hazratbal relic of Prophet
Mohammad. The disappearance had its impact in East Pakistan, which led to a
massacre of minorities, even in Dhaka, leading to mass migration to India. The
relic was restored in 1964. Nagaland State was created and the Bhakra Dam was
commissioned. In 1964, FCI, BHEL, UTI and IDBI were created, Sheikh Abdullah
was released from prison and the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules were
enacted to keep the bureaucracy in line. Cassius Clay beat Sonny Liston to
Bhola Nath Mullik, DIB become world heavyweight champion. Race riots occurred in Harlem, New York
and in Singapore. Martin Luther King won the Nobel, Che Guevara addressed
the UN General Assembly and 007’s Goldfinger was a runaway hit.

7th Conference
Indira Gandhi

8th Conference
February 21-24, 1966

In those years...

n 1965, Pakistan occupied Indian border outposts in the Rann of Kachchh and
sent fighters into Kashmir, sparking a war. Eventually, Indian forces reversed the
invasion and marched to the borders of Lahore. Sheikh Abdullah was arrested
again for meeting Chinese PM Chou En Lai. BSF was formed under KF Rustamji. The
Communist Party was founded in Afghanistan. Agitations against Hindi in Madras
led to violence. 274 died in the Dhanbad coal mine disaster. Singapore was declared
independent after being expelled from the Malaysian Federation and in the US,
the Voting Rights Act allowed racial minorities to vote. In 1966, India and Pakistan
signed the Tashkent declaration and the Mizo National Front came into prominence.
Gulzarilal Nanda, HM Dr. Homi Bhabha died in a plane crash on Mont Blanc and the Baathists came to
power in Syria. Reita Faria became the first Indian to be crowned Miss World. The
Rupee was devalued from Rs.4.75 to Rs.7.50 per dollar.

S. P. Varma, DIB

8th Conference
8th Conference
February 21-24, 1966

8th Conference
Indira Gandhi

9th Conference
January 09-12, 1968

In those years...

967 saw the rise of Naxalites and their guerilla war in West Bengal,
soon followed by violence in Telangana region. Israel-Palestine
conflict grew with the Six-Day war ending with Israel occupying Sinai.
China conducted its first nuclear test. RBI reduced the size of bank notes,
making them wallet-sized. In 1968, tensions between Dalit labourers
and upper caste land owners led to the Keezhvenmani massacre in Tamil
Nadu. Student violence was becoming an increasing problem, while
two successive monsoons had failed and recessionary conditions were
evident. The US offensive in Vietnam led to the My Lai massacre. Warsaw
S. P. Varma, DIB Pact troops, led by Soviets, invaded Czechoslovakia. Martin Luther King
was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.

9th Conference
Indira Gandhi

M. M. L. Hooja, DIB

10th Conference
July 22-25, 1970

In those years...

n 1969, the US landed a spaceship on the Moon. Meghalaya was carved
out of Assam. ISRO was created and Banks were nationalised in India. The
development of high-yield variety seeds for rice heralded a critical part
of the Green Revolution. The budgetary deficit was only 0.12% of GDP in
1969-70. In 1970, elections in Pakistan gave Bengal leader Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman the overall majority, while Zulfiqar Bhutto's PPP won in West
Pakistan. Mujib was subsequently arrested and the election annulled by
brute military force, sparking off the Liberation Struggle for Bangladesh.
The US invaded Cambodia.

10th Conference
10th Conference
July 22-25, 1970

10th Conference
Indira Gandhi

11th Conference
April 03-06, 1972

In those years...

n 1971, there was genocide in East Pakistan. BSF and Indian Army won the
India-Pakistan War with surrender of the Pakistan Army. Bangladesh was
created under Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Aswan High Dam was commissioned,
23 western oil companies began negotiations with OPEC in Tehran to stabilize
oil prices, Rolls-Royce went bankrupt and was nationalised and Switzerland
gave voting rights to women. The People’s Liberation Front began guerilla
warfare in Ceylon. India signed a 20-year treaty with Soviet Union. Qatar
gained independence from the United Kingdom. In 1972, Manipur became a
State, the Simla Agreement was signed, the monsoon failed and food-related
A. Jayaram, DIB violence broke out. Insurance companies were nationalised. Pakistan began
its covert nuclear programme.

11th Conference 41
11th Conference
April 03-06, 1972

11th Conference 43
Indira Gandhi

Uma Shankar Dikshit, HM

12th Conference
October 18-19, 1973

In those years...

n 1973, the wholesale wheat trade and coal companies were
nationalised. Project Tiger was initiated and 9 tiger reserves
created. The Kesavananda Bharati v State of Kerala case was
decided - upholding the supremacy of the Constitution. India
established diplomatic ties with North Korea. Coal shortages in
UK led to severe consumption restrictions. Arab members of OPEC
cut production and stopped oil shipments to the US and other
countries that supported Israel in the Yom Kippur War. Oil prices
rose four times to $12 a barrel.
A. Jayaram, DIB

12th Conference 45
12th Conference
October 18-19, 1973

12th Conference 47
Indira Gandhi

13th Conference
March 21-22, 1975

In those years...

n 1974, Smiling Buddha was an operational success with India detonating
its first nuclear device at Pokharan in the Thar Desert, becoming the
sixth nation to do so. 20 lakh railway workers went on strike for 17 days,
crippling transport, economy and100 Government. WTO, WIPO and IAEA were
word text about
created and PLO was granted observer status at the UNGA. In 1975, the
first Indian satellite, Aryabhatta, was launched and Sikkim became a part
of India. Emergency was declared. Many underground groups surrendered
in Nagaland. G-6 was formed by USA, UK, West Germany, Japan, Italy and
France. Bill Gates and Paul Allen created Microsoft Inc.

Kasu Brahmananda Reddy, HM

A. Jayaram, DIB

13th Conference 49
13th Conference
March 21-22, 1975

13th Conference 51
Kasu Brahmananda Reddy, HM

S. N. Mathur, DIB

14th Conference
October 28-29, 1976

In those years...

pple Computers Inc. was formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
G-6 became G-7 with the inclusion of Canada. Jimmy Carter defeated
Gerald Ford and became the first southerner US President since the
Civil War. In India, Emergency continued,
100 wordwith political incarcerations and
text about
controversial programmes, while student unrest and violence against
railway property was reported from many States. The police leadership
continued to stress the need for a Police Commissioner system in urban
areas, apart from a revamp of rural policing.

14th Conference 53
14th Conference
October 28-29, 1976

14th Conference 55

New Delhi, Vaisakha 26, 1900

May 16, 1978

Morarji Desai
He said that whenever there were social tensions, the
police officer in charge of the area should secure advance
information and take effective preventive action. If incidents
unfortunately broke out, he should take immediate action
to limit the trouble. It was with this in view that he had told
the Chief Ministers that officers of the area should be held
responsible for such incidents.

Elaborating on the need for a total reorientation of the

attitude of the police towards the people, Shri Desai said
that the police force should earn the respect of the people

Chaudhary Charan Singh, HM

not by instilling fear but through being alert and courteous.
Certainly, they must strike terror in the minds of th¬e
criminals, but in doing so they should never go beyond the
legal means. He wondered what right any policeman had to
liquidate even dacoits because the fundamental concept of
democratic society was that everybody should be treated only
according to the law. The police had to be firm, but even in
their firmness they should behave properly; only then would
they be able to have any rapport with the people.

The main function of the Government rested on the police

force. That was why the police had very wide powers. These
S. N. Mathur, DIB powers were necessary but had to be utilized with a certain
amount of objectivity and not capriciously. Nor could these
powers be used for the purpose of retaliation or for teaching
a lesson. One could not teach any lesson by force. Lessons
were taught only by example.

15th Conference
May 16-18, 1978

In those years...

n 1977, the Nehru Planetarium was commissioned, Emergency
was lifted. The Mandal Commission was set up. Shah Commission
submitted its report. The subject population control and family
planning was placed in the Concurrent List. India and France signed a
deal to cooperate on space. The US Senate voted for allowing Panama
He felt that if the present state of police-people relationship to control the Panama Canal. Afghan President Daoud Khan was
assassinated by members of the communist party - PDP. Deng Xiaoping
were to improve, the initiative should come from policemen. came to power in China. In 1978, the first test tube baby was born in
They had to set an example by listening with sympathy to Calcutta. Geeta and Sanjay Chopra were done to death. Coca Cola and
complaints from the public and setting with speed. Crimes IBM exited India.
should be registered promptly. Even in cases where it was
not possible to provide redress, policemen should be able
to explain to the persons concerned instead of brushing
them aside brusquely. Authority should never degenerate
into authoritarianism. This could not be achieved by mere
rules alone, but by a proper understanding of one’s own

Referring to the general feeling that crimes had increased,

Shri Desai said this impression was largely due to the fact
that persons responsible for crimes were not being brought
to book quickly. If criminals were apprehended without any
loss of time, and if conviction was secured to them according
to the law, the situation would improve. The Prime Minister
remarked that ordinary citizen was generally law-abiding
and ought to have a friendly feeling towards the police. But
unfortunately, the wrong-doers were not afraid of the police,
whereas the law-abiding citizens were.

The Prime Minister advised police officers not to do anything

wrong even if someone above them were to ask them to do
so. He was glad that there were many officers who stood up
against wrong directives. But there were also may meekly

15th Conference 57
Indira Gandhi

16th Conference
December 18-19, 1980

In those years...

our milestone events in 1979 continue to shape the world's destiny. Shah
of Iran was replaced by Islamic radicals and Iranian students led a 444-day
siege on the US embassy in Tehran. The Soviets invaded Afghanistan. US
embassy in Islamabad was burnt by radical Islamic student mobs. Holy Mecca
was under seige by Islamic terrorists. Sony Walkman was introduced and the
Three Mile Island partial meltdown occurred. Mother Teresa won the Nobel
Peace Prize and the Morvi Dam burst in Gujarat killed thousands. In 1980, John
Lennon was murdered, Pacman video game was launched, Rubik's Cube made
it's entrance and Ted Turner launched CNN. The Iran-Iraq war began and WHO
Giani Zail Singh, HM declared the eradication of small pox. There was increasing interference from
Pakistan in Punjab making it a restive State.

T. V. Rajeswar, DIB

16th Conference 59
16th Conference
December 18-19, 1980

16th Conference 61
List of Participants
IGPs Conference - December 9-11, 1981

1. T. V. Rajeswar Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. J. S. Bawa Director, CBI
3. R. N. Sheopory DG, CRPF
4. K. Ramamurti DG, BSF
5. H. R. K. Talwar Director, BPR&D
6. N. F. Suntook Director, R&AW
7. Surendra Nath DG, CISF
Giani Zail Singh, HM
8. Shiv Raj Bahadur DG, ITBP
9. Bhawani Mal Director, Civil Aviation Security
10. T. M. Subramaniam Principal Director, DG(S)
11. M. D. Dikshit IG, RPF
12. C. P. Joshi Director, Police Tele-communications
13. R. K. Kapoor Addl. Director, Intelligence Bureau
14. M. V. Narayana Rao DGP, Andhra Pradesh
15. P. C. Das IGP, Assam
16. I. J. Verma IGP, Arunachal Pradesh
17. Fazal Ahmed IGP, Bihar
18. B. N. Mehra IGP, Chandigarh
19. P. S. Bhinder Commissioner of Police, Delhi
20. G. S. Mander IGP, Goa, Daman & Diu
21. P. N. Writer IGP, Gujarat
22. Man Mohan Singh IGP, Haryana
23. Inderjit Singh Sodhi IGP, Himachal Pradesh
24. Peer Ghulam Hassan Shah IGP, Jammu & Kashmir
25. T. A. S. Iyer DGP, Kerala
26. G. V. Rao IGP, Karnataka
27. B. P. Dubey IGP, Madhya Pradesh
28. S. K. Chaturvedi IGP, Maharashtra
29. Birbal Nath DGP, Punjab
30. B. S. Babar IGP, Meghalaya
31. H. S. Almeida IGP, Manipur
32. B. K. Tripathi IGP, Nagaland
33. N. Swain IGP, Orissa
34. G. C. Singhvi IGP, Rajasthan
35. M. N. Gadgil IGP, Sikkim
36. R. K. Bhattacharya IGP, Tripura
37. K. Ravindran IGP, Tamilnadu
38. S. C. Dikshit IGP (Int.), Uttar Pradesh
39. S. Basu IGP, West Bengal
40. V. S. Seigell Jt. Director, IB (Secretary)

17th Conference
December 09-11, 1981

In those years...

n 1981, personal computers were introduced by IBM. Attempts
were made on the lives of Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II.
Infosys was founded in Pune. Recession in USA and Japan impacted
the Indian economy. Bangladesh President Zia ur Rehman was
assassinated. In this period, Pakistan became the conduit for US aid
to Mujahideen in Afghanistan.

T. V. Rajeswar, DIB

17th Conference 63
17th Conference
December 09-11, 1981

17th Conference 65
List of Participants
IGPs Conference - March 21-23, 1983

1. T V Rajeswar Director, Intelligence Bureau Indira Gandhi
2. N F Suntook Director, R&AW
3. B R Kalyanpurkar Director, BPR&D
4. J S Bawa Director, CBI
5. Birbal Nath DG, BSF
6. S Datta Chowdhury DG, CRPF
7. Shiv Raj Bahadur DG, ITBP
8. Surendra Nath DG, CISF
9. R K Kapoor Addl. Director, IB
10. S Anandaram DGP, Andhra Pradesh
11. B Lal Commissioner of Police, Delhi
12. P N Writer DGP, Gujarat
13. M S Bhatnagar DGP, Haryana
14. Peer Ghulam Hassan Shah DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
15. A R Niazmuddin DGP & Comdt. General Home Guards,
16. M K Joseph DGP, Kerala
17. B P Dube DGP, Madhya Pradesh
18. K P Medhekar DGP, Maharashtra
19. N Swain DGP, Orissa
20. Raghu Nath Singh DGP, Rajasthan
21. K Radhakrishnan DGP, Tamil Nadu
22. S C Dikshit DGP, Uttar Pradesh
23. G Majumdar DGP, West Bengal
24. P K Mallick Jt. Director, IB (Secretary)

18th Conference
March 21-23, 1983

In those years...

n 1982, Falkland Islands was invaded by Argentina, leading
to UK declaring war. Michael Jackson released Thriller and the
first heart transplant surgery took place in USA. Compact Discs
were developed and sold by Philips and Sony. India launched
INSAT 1A. NABARD was established. Asian Games were held in
Delhi. In 1983, Bandit Queen Phoolan Devi surrendered and the
Nellie massacre in Assam left it's indelible mark.

Prakash Chandra Sethi, HM

T. V. Rajeswar, DIB

18th Conference 67
18th Conference
March 21-23, 1983

18th Conference 69
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference - March 21-23, 1984

1. R K Kapoor Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. Birbal Nath DG, BSF
3. G V Saxena Director, R&AW Prakash Chandra Sethi, HM
4. S Anandaram DG, CISF
5. J S Bawa Director, CBI
6. M D Dikshit DG, RPF
7. R T Nagrani Principal Director, DG(S)
8. Shiva Swarup DG, CRPF
9. S K Mallik DG, BPR&D
10. M C Misra DG, ITBP
11. R S Kulkarni Director, ICFS
12. B K Dube Director, Police Telecommunications
13. S K Shunglu Addl. Director, R&AW
14. H A Barari Addl. Director, IB
15. K Gopalakrishna Erady DGP, Andhra Pradesh
16. M K Jha DGP, Bihar
17. S C Tandan CP, Delhi
18. V T Shah DGP, Gujarat
19. M S Bhatnagar DGP, Haryana
20. Peer Ghulam Hassan Shah DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
21. B N Garudachar DGP, Karnataka
22. M K Joseph DGP, Kerala
23. H M Joshi DGP, Madhya Pradesh
24. K P Medhekar DGP, Maharashtra
25. S S Padhi DGP, Orissa
26. Raghunath Singh DGP, Rajasthan
27. K Radhakrishnan DGP, Tamil Nadu
28. S C Dikshit DGP, Uttar Pradesh
29. R K Bhattacharya DGP, West Bengal
30. R P Joshi Jt. Director, IB (Secretary)

19th Conference
March 21-23, 1984

In those years...

n 1984, Rakesh Sharma became the first Indian in space
on a Soyuz T-11. India captured the Siachen Glacier under
Operation Meghdoot. Operation Bluestar was conducted.
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated, followed by
widespread violence and killings. The largest chemical disaster
in India happened in Bhopal. Indian diplomat Ravindra Mhatre
was kidnapped and murdered in England. USA and Vatican
reinstated diplomatic ties after more than a century.

R. K. Kapoor, DIB

19th Conference 71
19th Conference
March 21-23, 1984

19th Conference 73
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference – April 16-18, 1985

1. H A Barari Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. G C Saxena Director, R&AW
3. S Anandaram DG, CISF Rajiv Gandhi
4. M D Dikshit DG, RPF
5. R T Nagrani Principal Director, DG(S)
6. Shiva Swarup DG, CRPF
7. M C Misra DG, BSF
8. M G Katre Director, CBI
9. O P Bhutani DG, ITBP
10. P K Mallick Addl. Director, IB
11. M K Narayanan Addl. Director, IB
12. K Dadabhoy IG, NSG
13. B K Dubey Director, Police Telecommunications
14. P V G Krishnamacharyulu DGP, Andhra Pradesh
15. J S Pathak DGP, Assam
16. S S Jog Commissioner of Police, Delhi
17. Jagdanand DGP, Bihar
18. M S Bhatnagar DGP, Haryana
19. M M Khajooria DGP, J&K
20. B N Garudachar DGP, Karnataka
21. M K Joseph DGP, Kerala
22. B K Mukerji DGP, Madhya Pradesh
23. K P Medhekar DGP, Maharashtra
24. B K Panigrahi DGP, Orissa
25. K S Dhillon DGP, Punjab
26. Raghunath Singh DGP, Rajasthan
27. V R Lakshminarayanan DGP, Tamil Nadu
28. J N Chaturvedi DGP, Uttar Pradesh
29. R K Bhattacharyya DGP, West Bengal
30. S C Mehta Jt. Director, IB (Secretary)

20th Conference
April 16-18, 1985

In those years...

he first domain name was registered on the Internet. Mikhail
Gorbachev called for 'glasnost' and 'perestroika'. The first hole
in the Ozone layer was detected near the Antarctic region.
French intelligence agents sank the Greenpeace ship, Rainbow
Warrior, in the Auckland harbour. TWA 847 was hijacked in Athens
by Hizbollah and Islamic Jihad. AI 182 exploded south of Ireland
in the Atlantic killing 329. The historic Assam Accord was signed.
GNLF-led violence began in the Darjeeling Hills. IGNOU and SPG
were created. TADA and NDPS Acts were enacted.
Prakash Chandra Sethi, HM

H. A. Barari, DIB

20th Conference 75
20th Conference
April 16-18, 1985

20th Conference 77
List of Participants
IGPs Conference - March 17-20, 1986

1. H A Barari Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. R T Nagrani DG(S) & NSG
3. S K Mallik DG, BPR&D
4. M C Misra DG, BSF
Rajiv Gandhi
5. S E Joshi Director, R&AW
6. M G Katre Director, CBI
7. O P Bhutani DG, ITBP
8. D M Misra DG, CISF
9. S D Pandey DG, CRPF
10. S P Banerjee DG, RPF
11. R S Kulkarni Director, ICFS
12. P K Mallick Addl. Director, IB
13. M K Narayanan Addl. Director, IB
14. V S Seigell Addl. Director, IB
15. B P Singhal DG, Civil Defence
16. A A Ali Director, SVP, NPA, Hyderabad
17. M L Bhanot Director, Civil Aviation Security
18. S K Sharma Director, NCRB
19. Devendra Singh Director, SPG
20. C G Saldanha DGP, Andhra Pradesh
21. T A Subramanian DGP, Assam
22. B S Sahai DGP, Bihar
23. M S Bawa DGP, Haryana
24. B N Garudachar DGP, Karnataka
25. M K Joseph DGP, Kerala
26. B K Mukerji DGP, Madhya Pradesh
27. S S Jog DGP, Maharashtra
28. B K Panigrahi DGP, Orissa
29. B S Dhaliwal DGP, Punjab
30. P C Misra DGP, Rajasthan P V Narasimha Rao, HM
31. D K Agrawal DGP, Uttar Pradesh
32. R K Bhattacharyya DGP, West Bengal
33. V K Marwah Commissioner of Police, Delhi
34. K Saranyan Jt. Director, IB (Secretary)

21st Conference
March 17-20, 1986

In those years...

pace Shuttle Challenger exploded. Chernobyl's nuclear
disaster occurred. Ferdinand Marcos fled Philippines. The first
computer virus, Brain, that attacked MS-DOS, was discovered.
The Sumdorong Chu incursion by the Chinese became a flash-
point. India declared Arunachal Pradesh a State. The Mizo Accord
was signed and implemented. VSNL was created. The Consumer
Protection Act was passed in Parliament.

H. A. Barari, DIB

21st Conference 79
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference - March 2-5, 1987

1. H A Barari Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. M C Misra DG, BSF
3. R N Palit Secretary (CS) & DG (Security)
4. S E Joshi Secretary, R&AW
5. M G Katre Director, CBI
Rajiv Gandhi
6. D M Misra DG, CISF
7. T A Subramanian DG, BPR&D
8. S D Pandey DG, CRPF
9. S P Banerjee DG, RPF
10. M K Narayanan Addl. Director, IB
11. B P Singhal DG, Civil Defence
12. V S Seigell Addl. Director, IB
13. K L Watts DG, NSG
14. H B Johri Director, SSB
15. J M Qureshi DG, ITBP
16. M L Bhanot Director, Civil Aviation Security
17. S K Sharma Director, NCRB
18. Devendra Singh Director, SPG
19. C G Saldanha DGP, Andhra Pradesh
20. M R Choudhury DGP, Assam
21. S B Sahai DGP, Bihar
22. G Ramchandran DGP, Gujarat
23. K K Zutshi DGP, Haryana
24. F T R Colaso DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
25. A R Nizamuddin DGP, Karnataka
26. M K Joseph DGP, Kerala
27. M Natrajan DGP, Madhya Pradesh
28. S S Jog DGP, Maharashtra
29. M I S Iyer DGP, Meghalaya
30. S S Padhi DGP, Orissa
31. J F Ribeiro DGP, Punjab
32. P C Misra DGP, Rajasthan
33. K Ravindran DGP, Tamil Nadu Sardar Buta Singh, HM
34. H C Jatav DGP, Tripura
35. P C Kakkar DGP, Uttar Pradesh
36. R K Bhattacharyya DGP, West Bengal
37. V P Marwah Commissioner of Police, Delhi
38. Sarath Chandra Jt. Director, IB (Conference Secretary)

22nd Conference
March 02-05, 1987

In those years...

he IPKF landed in Sri Lanka. There was rising concern at the
flow of Sri Lankan refugees into India. Goa became a State.
NYSE suffered a major crash on October 19 - 'Black Monday'.
A West German pilot landed unchallenged in Red Square, Moscow.
The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty was signed by
USA and USSR, aimed at preventing the use of nuclear and mid-
range missiles.

H. A. Barari, DIB

22nd Conference 81
22nd Conference
March 02-05, 1987

22nd Conference 83
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference - April 18-21, 1988

1. M K Narayanan Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. M G Katre Director, CBI
3. T A Subramanian DG, BPR&D
4. A K Verma Secretary, R&AW
5. R Swaminathan Principal Director, DG(S) Rajiv Gandhi
6. V S Seigell Sr. Addl. Director, IB
7. H P Bhatnagar DG, BSF
8. P G Halarnkar DG, CRPF
9. V P Marwah DG, NSG
10. G S Mander DG, CISF
11. Dr. K V H Padmanabhan Addl. Director, IB
12. V G Vaidya Addl. Director, IB
13. S K Sharma Director, NCRB
14. S C Mehta Addl. Director, IB
15. Devendra Singh Director, SPG
16. M B Kaushal DG, RPF
17. P S Rama Mohan Rao DGP, Andhra Pradesh
18. N Changkakoti DGP, Assam
19. J M Qureshi DGP, Bihar
20. M M Singh DGP, Gujarat
21. H R Swan DGP, Haryana
22. I B Negi DGP, Himachal Pradesh
23. Gulam Jeelani Pandit DGP-cum-Adviser Security, Jammu & Kashmir
24. A R Nizamuddin DGP, Karnataka
25. M K Joseph DGP, Kerala
26. B K Mukerji DGP, Madhya Pradesh
27. D S Soman DGP, Maharashtra
28. V P Kapur DGP, Manipur
29. M I S Iyer DGP, Meghalaya
30. Janak Kumar DGP, Mizoram
31. K K Zutshi DGP, Nagaland
32. P C Ratho DGP, Orissa
33. J F Ribeiro DGP, Punjab
34. Dr. G P Pilania DGP, Rajasthan
35. A Ghatak DGP, Sikkim
36. N Som DGP, West Bengal
37. Vijay Karan Commissioner of Police, Delhi
38. J K Saksena Jt. Director, IB (Conference Secretary)

23rd Conference
April 18-21, 1988

In those years...

ndia's GDP was 1/12th of GDP in 2014-15, while inflation was at
10%. India averted a military coup in Maldives. Operation Black
Thunder was successfully carried out in Amritsar. The Gorkhaland
Accord was signed. Pan Am 103 was bombed over Lockerbie in UK.
Benazir Bhutto became Prime Minister of Pakistan. The Iran-Iraq
war ended after 8 years and a million dead. Led by AT&T, France
Telecom and British Telecom, TAT-8, the first Trans Atlantic Fiber
Optic cable was installed, connecting France, England, and USA.

Sardar Buta Singh, HM

M. K. Narayanan, DIB

23rd Conference 85
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference - April 3-6, 1989

1. M K Narayanan Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. M G Katre Director, CBI
3. A K Verma Secretary, R&AW
4. R Swaminathan Principal Director, DG (Security)
5. B P Singhal DG, Civil Defence Rajiv Gandhi
6. V K Kaul DG, BPR&D
7. H P Bhatnagar DG, BSF
8. P G Halarnkar DG, CRPF
9. V P Marwah DG, NSG
10. G S Mander DG, CISF
11. Dr. K V H Ramakrishna Rao Sr. Addl. Director, IB
12. D V L N Ramakrishna Rao DG, ITBP
13. Raja Sreedharan DG, RPF
14. V G Vaidya Addl. Director, IB
15. S K Sharma Director, NCRB
16. S C Mehta Addl. Director, IB
17. O N Shrivastava Addl. Director, IB
18. Devendra Singh Director, SPG
19. S S Brar DGP, Haryana
20. I B Negi DGP, Himachal Pradesh
21. G J Pandit DGP, J&K
22. A R Nizamuddin DGP, Karnataka
23. Rajgopal Narayan DGP, Kerala
24. M Natrajan DGP, Madhya Pradesh
25. R S Kulkarni DGP, Maharashtra
26. G S Pandher DGP, Manipur
27. M I S Iyer DGP, Meghalaya
28. K K Zutshi DGP, Nagaland
29. P C Ratho DGP, Orissa
30. K P S Gill DGP, Punjab
31. Dr. G P Pilania DGP, Rajasthan
32. R P Sharma DGP, Tripura
33. Hari Mohan DGP, Uttar Pradesh
34. Vijay Karan Commissioner of Police, Delhi
35. S D Trivedi Jt. Director, IB (Conference Secretary)

24th Conference
April 03-06, 1989

In those years...

achin Tendulkar played for India for the first time. Rubayya
Saeed was kidnapped. Safdar Hashmi was killed and the
Agni missile was test-fired. Anti-Mandal Commission protests
began. The Berlin Wall fell, Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu
was executed and agitating Chinese students were massacred at
Tiananmen Square. Ivory trade was banned globally.

Sardar Buta Singh, HM

M. K. Narayanan, DIB

24th Conference 87
24th Conference
April 03-06, 1989

24th Conference 89
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference – April 16-19, 1990

1. R P Joshi Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. A K Verma Secretary, R&AW
3. R Swaminathan Principal Director, DG(Security)
4. V K Kaul DG, BPR&D V. P. Singh
5. H P Bhatnagar DG, BSF
6. P G Halarnkar DG, CRPF
7. G S Mander DG, CISF
8. Rajendra Sekhar Director, CBI
9. D V L N Ramakrishna Rao DG, ITBP
10. K Dadabhoy DG, Civil Defence
11. Raja Sreedharan DG, RPF
12. Dr. K V H Padmanabhan Sr. Addl. Director, IB
13. V G Vaidya Addl. Director, IB
14. S K Sharma Director, NCRB
15. S C Mehta Addl. Director, IB
16. O N Srivastava Addl. Director, IB
17. K Saranyan Addl. Director, IB
18. Sushil Kumar DGP, Andhra Pradesh
19. S V Subramanian DGP, Assam
20. A K Chaudhary DGP, Bihar
21. R R Singh DGP, Haryana
22. I B Negi DGP, Himachal Pradesh
23. J N Saksena DGP, J&K
24. K U Balakrishna Rau DGP, Karnataka
25. Rajgopal Narain DGP, Kerala
26. P D Malviya DGP, Madhya Pradesh
27. V K Saraf DGP, Maharashtra
28. Nathoo Lal DGP, Manipur
29. H S Chittranjan DGP, Meghalaya
30. K K Zutshi DGP, Nagaland
31. S Sinha DGP, Orissa
32. K P S Gill DGP, Punjab
33. M L Kalia DGP, Rajasthan
34. P Dorai DGP, Tamil Nadu
35. R P Sharma DGP, Tripura
36. R P Mathur DGP, Uttar Pradesh
37. B K Basu DGP, West Bengal
38. Vijay Karan CP, Delhi
39. D C Nath Jt. Director, IB & Conference Secretary

25th Conference
April 16-19, 1990

In those years...

ilitancy began in Kashmir. IPKF withdrew from Sri Lanka.
Mandal Commission Report was implemented, leading
to widespread violence. Communal violence was a
serious concern. TN Seshan was appointed the Chief Election
Commissioner. After 27 years, Nelson Mandela was released from
prison. Gorbachev was elected as President of USSR, Germany was
unified. Iraq invaded Kuwait. Aung San Suu Kyi won a landslide
victory, but was denied power as the election results were annulled.

Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, HM

R. P. Joshi, DIB

25th Conference 91
25th Conference
April 16-19, 1990

25th Conference 93
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference - March 19-21, 1991

1. M K Narayanan Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. H P Bhatnagar DG, BSF
3. D P N Singh DG, BSF
4. Vijay Karan Director, CBI
5. G S Bajpai Secretary, R&AW, Cab. Sectt.
6. K Dadabhoy DG, Civil Defence
7. K P S Gill DG, CRPF Chandra Shekhar
8. P S Bhindar DG, CISF
9. V G Vaidya Spl. Director, IB
10. S C Mehta Addl. Director
11. O N Srivastava Addl. Director
12. K Saranayan Addl. Director
13. S D Trivedi Addl. Director
14. D C Pathak Addl. Director
15. D C Nath Addl. Director
16. D V L N Ramakrishna Rao DG, ITBP
17. K K Puri DG, ICFS
18. S Subramanian DG, NSG
19. C Chakraborthy DG, NCB
20. S K Sharma DG, NCRB
21. Raja Sreedharan DG, RPF
22. T N Mishra Director, SPG
23. R Prabhakar Rao DGP, Andhra Pradesh
24. Prakash Singh DGP, Assam
25. A K Chaudhary DGP, Bihar
26. B S Nirula DGP, Gujarat
27. R K Hooda DGP, Haryana
28. R R Verma DGP, Himachal Pradesh
29. J N Saksena DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
30. Raj Gopal Narayan DGP, Kerala
31. R P Sharma DGP, Madhya Pradesh
32. V K Saraf DGP, Maharashtra
33. B L Vohra DGP, Maipur
34. H S Chittaranjan DGP, Meghalaya
35. S N Mishra DGP, Orissa
36. D S Mangat DGP, Punjab
37. Rajendra Shekhar DGP, Rajasthan
38. B P Rangaswamy DGP, Tamilnadu
39. B J K Tampi DGP, Tripura
40. V K Jain DGP, Uttar Pradesh
41. A P Mukherjee DGP & IGP, West Bengal
42. Arun Bhagat Commissioner of Police, Delhi
43. K P Singh Jt. Director, IB (Conference Secretary)

26th Conference
March 19-21, 1991

In those years...

ndia's foreign exchange reserves were at $1.2 billion, enough for
three weeks of imports and the country was close to defaulting on IMF
loan repayments. Two bombs killed 41 in Rudrapur, UP. Rajiv Gandhi
was assassinated. A new age of economic reform was initiated through
reduced tax rates and liberalisation. Harshad Mehta, the Big Bull, took the
stock markets to dizzying heights. The RAF was born to tackle incidents of
communal strife. The US freed Kuwait from Iraqi forces, which left behind
burning oil wells and an economic and climatic disaster. Georgia voted for
independence from the Soviet Union. KGB was replaced by SVR. USA and
M. K. Narayanan, DIB Soviet Union signed START-1, limiting deployment of strategic nuclear

26th Conference 95
26th Conference
March 19-21, 1991

26th Conference 97
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference - March 9-11, 1992

1. M K Narayanan Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. T Ananthachari DG, BSF
3. Vijay Karan Director, CBI
4. O P Tandon Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt.
5. N Narasimhan Secretary, R&AW
6. K Dadabhoy DG, Civil Defence
7. D P N Singh DG, CRPF
8. V G Vaidya Spl. Director, I B P. V. Narasimha Rao
9. S C Mehta Spl. Director, IB
10. O N Shrivastava Addl. Director, IB
11. K Saranyan Addl. Director, IB
12. Dr. S D Trivedi Addl. Director, IB
13. D C Pathak Addl. Director, IB
14. D C Nath Addl. Director, IB
15. J N Roy Addl. Director, IB, Srinagar
16. P K Kanungo Addl. Director, IB, Chandigarh
17. R K Wadehra DG, NSG
18. C Chakrabarty DG, NCB
19. Raja Sreedharan DG, RPF
20. T N Mishra Director, SPG
21. T S Rao DGP, Andhra Pradesh
22. S V Subramanian DGP, Assam
23. A K Chaudhary DGP, Bihar
24. A K Tandon DGP, Gujarat
25. Kalyan Rudra DGP, Haryana
26. R R Verma DGP, Himachal Pradesh
27. B S Bedi DGP, J&K
28. M S Raghuraman DGP, Karnataka
29. A V Liddle DGP, Manipur
30. V K Saraf DGP, Maharashtra
31. J K Sinha DGP, Meghalaya
32. Mrs. Kiran Bedi DIG, Mizoram
33. P C Ratho DGP, Orissa
34. K P S Gill DGP, Punjab
35. Rajendra Shekhar DGP, Rajasthan
36. H D Pillai DGP, Sikkim
37. Prakash Singh DGP, Uttar Pradesh
38. M D Sharma DGP, Tripura
39. A Ghatak DGP, West Bengal
40. M B Kaushal CP, Delhi
41. Shyamal Datta Joint Director, IB & Conference Secretary

27th Conference
March 09-11, 1992

In those years...

idespread violence related to events in Ayodhya. Caste-related
gangs killed 37 upper caste men in Bihar. Warren Anderson of
Union Carbide was declared a proclaimed offender. SEBI was
formed. Harshad Mehta scam came to light. Indian Rupee depreciated
by 50% from about Rs. 20 to about Rs. 30/dollar during the year. Boris
Yeltsin and George Bush formally declared the end of the Cold War.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was
adopted. Lithuania declared independence from Soviet Union.

Shankar Rao Chavan, HM

M. K. Narayanan, DIB

27th Conference 99
27th Conference
March 09-11, 1992

27th Conference 101
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference – May 12-14, 1993

1. V G Vaidya Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. T Ananthachari DG, BSF
3. J N Saksena DG, BPR&D
4. K Saranyan Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt.
5. J S Bedi Secretary, R&AW, Cab. Sectt.
6. S K Datta Director, CBI
P. V. Narasimha Rao
7. S C Mehta DG, CISF
8. D P N Singh DG, CRPF
9. S D Tripathi Spl. Director, IB
10. D C Pathak Addl. Director, IB
11. D C Nath Addl. Director, IB
12. J N Roy Addl. Director, IB
13. K N Thakur Addl. Director, IB
14. P K Kanungo Addl. Director, IB
15. S P Talukdar Addl. Director, IB
16. D K Arya DG, ITBP
17. L C Amarnathan Director, NCRB
18. B J S Sial DG, NSG
19. B P Saha (Dr.) DG, RPF
20. T S Rao DGP, Andhra Pradesh
21. S V Subramanian DGP, Assam
22. A K Chaudhary DGP, Bihar
23. A K Tandon DGP, Gujarat
24. Kalyan Rudra DGP, Haryana
25. B S Bedi DGP, J&K
26. S N S Murthy DGP, Karnataka
27. R Jayaram Padikkal DGP, Kerala
28. R P Sharma DGP, Madhya Pradesh
29. J K Sinha DGP, Meghalaya
30. S C Tripathi DGP, Nagaland
31. K P S Gill SGP, Punjab
32. V K Thanvi DGP, Rajasthan
33. H D Pillai DGP, Sikkim
34. B J K Tampi DGP, Tripura
35. Prakash Singh DGP, Uttar Pradesh
36. A Ghatak DGP, West Bengal
37. M B Kaushal CP, Delhi
Shankar Rao Chavan, HM
38. K N Singh Jt. Director, IB & Conference Secretary

28th Conference
May 12-14, 1993

In those years...

ommunal violence rocked Mumbai and Ahmedabad. Mumbai
was hit by massive serial blasts by underworld terrorists backed
by Pakistan. The All Party Hurriyat Conference was formed. The
Velvet Divorce led to formation of The Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The European Economic Community created a single market system.
START-2 was signed between USA and Russia and PLO and Israel signed
a peace accord.

V. G. Vaidya, DIB

28th Conference 103

28th Conference
May 12-14, 1993

28th Conference 105
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – July 06-08, 1994

1. V G Vaidya Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. J N Roy Commissioner, BCAS
3. N K Singh DG, BPR&D
4. D K Arya DG, BSF
5. A S Syali Secretary R&AW, Cab Sectt.
6. K Vijay Ramarao Director, CBI
7. S C Mehta DG, CISF P. V. Narasimha Rao
8. S V M Tripathi DG, CRPF
9. D C Pathak OSD IB
10. S D Trivedi (Dr) Special Director, IB
11. D C Nath Addl Director, IB
12. P K Kanungo Addl Director, IB
13. S P Talukdar Addl Director, IB
14. Abhijit Mitra Addl Director, IB
15. M K Rathindran Addl Director, IB
16. N V Vathsan Addl Director, IB
17. K N Singh Addl Director, IB
18. R C Jha DG, ITBP
19. Joginder Singh DG, NCB
20. A K Tandon DG, NSG
21. H S Chittranjan DGP, Assam
22. V P Jain DGP, Bihar
23. S N Sinha DGP Gujarat
24. Kalyan Rudra DGP Haryana
25. Amrik Singh DGP, Himachal Pradesh
26. M N Sabharwal DGP, J&K
27. R Ramalingam DGP, Karnataka
28. T V Madhusudanan DGP, Kerala
29. Pratap Singh DGP Madhya Pradesh
30. M D Sharma DGP, Manipur
31. S V Baraokar DGP, Maharashtra
32. D N S Srivastava DGP, Meghalaya
33. Chaman Lal DGP, Nagaland
34. R N Mohapatra DGP, Orissa
35. K P S Gill DGP, Punjab
36. K N Thakur DGP, Rajasthan
37. P S Bawa DGP, Sikkim
38. B J K Tampi DGP, Tripura
39. V P Kapur DGP, Uttar Pradesh
40. S C Gossain DGP West Bengal
41. T K Mitra JD, IB (Conference Secretary)

29th Conference
July 06-08, 1994

In those years...

rithvi missile was rolled out. Sushmita Sen was crowned Miss
Universe and Aishwarya Rai, Miss World. Four westerners were
abducted by Omar Saeed Sheikh of Harkat ul Ansar. Nelson
Mandela bacame the first black President of South Africa. Russia and
China agreed to de-target each other from potential nuclear weapon
strikes. Netscape Navigator, the first web browser was launched. The
famous cartoon film Lion King was released.

Shankar Rao Chavan, HM

V. G. Vaidya, DIB

29th Conference 107

29th Conference
July 06-08, 1994

29th Conference 109
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – June 21-23, 1995

1. D C Pathak Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. S P Talukdar Commissioner BCAS
3. N K Singh DG, BPR&D
4. D K Arya DG, BSF
5. A S Syali Secretary, R&AW, CAB Sectt.
6. K V Rama Rao Director, CBI
7. P K Kanungo DG CISF P. V. Narasimha Rao
8. S V M Tripathi DG CRPF
9. Abhijit Mitra Special Director, IB
10. M K Rathindran Special Director, IB
11. K N Singh Addl. Director, IB
12. R C Mehta Addl. Director, IB
13. Ratan Sehgal Addl. Director, IB
14. Joginder Singh DG ITBP
15. H P Kumar DG NCB
16. A K Tandon DG NSG
17. Kalyan Rudra DG RPF
18. Shyamal Datta Director SPG
19. R K Ragala DGP Andhra Pradesh
20. Ranju Das DGP Assam
21. G P Dohare DGP Bihar
22. S N Sinha DGP Gujarat
23. Ramesh Sehgal DGP Haryana
24. M N Sabharwal DGP J&K
25. F T R Colaso DGP Karnataka
26. K V Rajagopalan Nair DGP Kerala
27. T N Mishra DGP Manipur
28. A V Krishnan DGP Maharashtra
29. D N Srivastava DGP Meghalaya
30. Kulbir Singh DGP Mizoram
31. Chaman Lal DGP Nagaland
32. R N Mohapatra DGP Orissa
33. K P S Gill DGP Punjab
34. K L Meena DGP Rajasthan
35. P S Bawa DGP Sikkim Shankar Rao Chavan, HM
36. V Vaikunth DGP Tamil Nadu
37. S K Chatterjee DGP Tripura
38. V S Mathur DGP Utter Pradesh
39. Dr. S C Gossain DGP West Bengal
40. Nikhil Kumar CP Delhi
41. V N Mathur Jt, Director, IB (Conference Secretary)

30th Conference
June 21-23, 1995

In those years...

unjab Chief Minister, Beant Singh, was assassinated. Al Faran
kidnapped six foreign tourists in Kashmir, killing five. The Ranvir
Sena perpetrated its first act of violence in Bihar. Delhi Metro Rail
Corpn was founded. An Antonov AN-26 aircraft made the Purulia arms
drop. War erupted in Chechnya. The Schengen Agreement came into
effect easing intra-European travel and trade. Ramzi Yousef bombed
the World Trade Centre in Oklahoma, USA and killed 168. JavaScript
was used for the first time.

D. C. Pathak, DIB

30th Conference 111

30th Conference
June 21-23, 1995

30th Conference 113
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – July 22-24, 1996

1. D C Pathak Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. S C Tripathi Commissioner, BCAS
3. R D Kapur DG, BPR&D
4. Arun Bhagat DG, BSF
5. D N Srivastava DG, Civil Defence
6. Ranjan Roy Secretary R&AW, Cab Sectt.
7. K V Rama Rao Director, CBI H. D. Deve Gowda
8. A K Tandon DG, BSF
9. Arun Bhagat DG, CRPF
10. Abhijit Mitra Spl. Director, IB
11. N V Vathsan Addl. Director, IB
12. K N Singh Addl. Director, IB
13. R C Mehta Addl. Director, IB
14. Ratan Sehgal Addl. Director, IB
15. R K Shrama DG, ITBP
16. H P Kumar DG, NCB
17. L C Amarnathan Director NCRB
18. A K Tandon DG, NSG
19. Joginder Singh DG, RPF
20. Shyamal Datta DG, SPG
21. M S Raju DGP, Andhra Pradesh
22. K Hrishikesan DGP, Assam
23. Sri Kumar Saxena DGP, Bihar
24. P K Datta DGP, Gujarat
25. Budh Ram Fansal DGP, Haryana
26. B S Thakur DGP, Himachal Pradesh
27. M N Sabharwal DGP, J&K
28. A S Malurkar DGP, Karnataka
29. D P Khanna DGP, Madhya Pradesh
30. D S Grewal DGP, Manipur
31. A S Samra DGP, Maharashtra
32. I T Longkumer DGP, Meghalaya
33. P N Khanna DGP, Nagaland
34. A B Tripathy DGP, Orissa
35. Sube Singh DGP, Punjab Indrajit Gupta, HM
36. Devendra Singh DGP, Rajasthan
37. P S Bawa DGP, Sikkim
38. A Rajmohan DGP, Tamil Nadu
39. S K Chatterjee DGP, Tripura
40. R K Nigam DGP, West Bengal
41. R Sundara Raj Joint Director, IB (Conference Secretary)

31st Conference
July 22-24, 1996

In those years...

WA 800 explodes off Long Island, New York killing 230. Khobar
Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia left 19 US servicemen dead. A
Saudi Boeing 747 and a Kazakhstan Ilyushin cargo plane collided
over Charkhi Dadri killing 349 in the world's deadliest mid-air collision.
Microsoft's first browser, Internet Explorer, was launched. Hotmail,
Yahoo and eBay were created. The first rewritable CDs made their way
into markets. Brahmaputra Mail was bombed by Bodo militants, killing
31. Violence in Kashmir peaked. Elections were held first time since
President's Rule was imposed. The Amarnath Yatra was re-started.
D. C. Pathak, DIB

31st Conference 115

31th Conference
July 22-24, 1996

31st Conference 117
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference – July 09-11, 1997

1. Arun Bhagat Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. S C Tripathi Commissioner, BCAS
3. G S Pandher DG, BPR&D
4. Ashok Tandon DG, BSF
5. M B Kaushal DG, CRPF
6. R C Sharma Director CBI
7. R K Sharma Director CISF I. K. Gujral
8. Arvind Dave Secretary R&AW, Cabinet Sectt.
9. D N S Srivastava DG, Civil Defence
10. R C Mehta Spl. Director IB
11. M N Sabharwal Spl. Director IB
12. K P Singh Addl. Director IB
13. A S Dulat Addl. Director IB
14. Shyamal Datta Addl. Director IB
15. P K Mishra Addl. Director IB
16. Nikhil Kumar DG, ITBP
17. H P Kumar DG, NCB
18. L C Amarnathan Director NCRB
19. R D Tyagi DG, NSG
20. A P Durai DG, RPF
21. M R Reddy Director SPG
22. H J Dora DGP, Andhra Pradesh
23. K Hrishikesan DGP, Assam
24. Sri Kumar Saxena DGP, Bihar
25. K V Joseph DGP, Gujarat
26. Budh Ram Fansal DGP, Haryana
27. B S Thakur DGP, Himachal Pradesh
28. Gurbachan Jagat DGP, J&K
29. T Srinivasulu DGP, Karnataka
30. C A Chaly DGP, Kerala
31. A N Pathak DGP, Madhya Pradesh
32. D S Grewal DGP, Manipur
33. A S Samra DGP, Maharashtra
34. I T Longkumer DGP, Meghalaya
35. P N Khanna DGP, Nagaland
36. P C Dogra DGP, Punjab
37. Devendra Singh DGP, Rajasthan
38. P C Shrama DGP, Sikkim
39. K K Rajasekharan Nair DGP, Tamil Nadu
40. Sri Ram Arun DGP, Uttar Pradesh
41. S K Banerjee Joint Director, IB (Conference Secretary)

32nd Conference
July 09-11, 1997

In those years...

other Teresa died. TRAI was established. Queen Elizabeth
II visited India. Hong Kong was handed over by UK to
China. Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris. IBM's
Deep Blue computer beat world champion Garry Kasparov.
Microsoft acquired Hotmail. Google search engine was launched.
Dolly the first cloned sheep was born. A series of blasts killed six
and injured 250 persons in Delhi. Caste-oriented gangs killed 58
Dalit women and children in Bihar.

Indrajit Gupta, HM

Arun Bhagat, DIB

32nd Conference 119

32nd Conference
July 09-11, 1997

32nd Conference 121
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – November 09-11, 1998

1. Shyamal Datta Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. S C Tripathi Commissioner, BCAS
3. B B Nanda DG, BPR&D
4. E N Rammohan DG, BSF
5. Trinath Mishra Director, CBI
6. R K Sharma DG, CISF Atal Bihari Vajpayee
7. M N Sabharwal DG, CRPF
8. Arvind Dave Secretary, R&AW Cabinet Sectt.
9. M K Shukla DG, Civil Defence
10. Gautam Kaul DG, ITBP
11. H P Kumar DG, NCB
12. Sharda Prasad Director, NCRB
13. T R Kakkar DG, NSG
14. M R Reddy Director, SPG
15. H Rao DG, RPF
16. A S Dulat Special Director, IB
17. K P Singh Additional Director, IB
18. N C Padhi Additional Director, IB
19. H J Dora DGP, Andhra Pradesh
20. K A Jacob DGP, Bihar
21. C P Singh DGP, Gujarat
22. S K Sethi DGP, Haryana
23. T R Mahajan DGP, Himachal Pradesh
24. Gurbachan Jagat DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
25. T Srinivasulu DGP, Karnataka
26. B S Sastry DGP, Kerala
27. V P Singh DGP, Madhya Pradesh
28. A S Inamdar DGP, Maharashtra
29. L Jugeswar Singh DGP, Manipur
30. I T Longkumer DGP, Meghalaya
31. P N Khanna DGP, Nagaland
32. P C Dogra DGP, Punjab
33. L C Amarnathan DGP, Sikkim
34. F C Sharma DGP, Tamil Nadu
35. B P Singh DGP, Tripura
36. K L Gupta DGP, Uttar Pradesh
37. D K Sanyal DGP, West Bengal
38. N C Padhi Joint Director, IB (Conference Secretary)

33rd Conference
November 09-11, 1998

In those years...

oogle Inc. was founded by Larry Page and Sergei Brin.
Sony introduced the memory stick. Serial bombs exploded
in Coimbatore. India conducted five underground nuclear
tests at Pokharan. 49 minority persons killed by terrorists in
Kashmir at Wandhama and Doda. Thousands were killed as a
cyclone hit Gujarat. Communal violence in Mangalore killed

L. K. Advani, HM

Shyamal Datta, DIB

33rd Conference 123

33rd Conference
November 09-11, 1998

33rd Conference 125
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – December 17-19, 1999

1. Shyamal Datta Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. P K Mishra Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. K P Singh Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. N C Padhi Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. B B Nanda DG, BPR&D
6. E N Ramamohan DG, BSF Atal Bihari Vajpayee
7. T N Mishra DG, CISF
8. M N Sabharwal DG, CRPF
9. R K Raghavan Director, CBI
10. A S Dulat Secretary, R&AW
11. M K Shukla DG, Civil Defence
12. Pt. Gautam Kaul DG, ITBP
13. Sharda Prasad Director, NCRB
14. Nikhil Kumar Director, NSG
15. H P Kumar DG, NCB
16. H Rao DG, RPF
17. M R Reddy Director, SPG
18. H J Dora DGP, Andhra Pradesh
19. P V Sumant DGP, Assam
20. K A Jacob DGP, Bihar
21. Ajai Raj Sharma CP, Delhi
22. C P Singh DGP, Gujarat
23. T R Mahajan DGP, Himachal Pradesh
24. S P S Rathore DGP, Haryana
25. B S Sastry DGP, Kerala
26. T Srinivasulu DGP, Karnataka
27. A S Inamdar DGP, Maharashtra
28. L Jugeswar Singh DGP, Manipur
29. M Tumsanga DGP, Mizoram
30. Sarabjit Singh DGP, Punjab
31. Amitabh Gupta DGP, Rajasthan L. K. Advani, HM
32. L C Amarnathan DGP, Sikkim
33. K T D Singh DGP, Tripura
34. F C Sharma DGP, Tamil Nadu
35. K L Gupta DGP, Uttar Pradesh
36. D K Sanyal DGP, West Bengal
37. Anjan Ghosh Joint Director, IB & Conference Secretary

34th Conference
December 17-19, 1999

In those years...

n economically weak Pakistan was in a belligerent mood
after the 1998 nuclear tests. The slow and steady intrusion
of Pakistani forces into Kargil and subsequent gallant
efforts by Indian armed forces occupied global attention. Moving
beyond Punjab and Kashmir, Pakistan initiated attempts to
create terrorism in the hinterland ensuring plausible deniability.
IA 814 was hijacked. UNSCR 1267 was passed on the situation in
Afghanistan and a sanction regime was enforced on Al Qaeda,
Osama Bin Laden and Taliban.
Shyamal Datta, DIB

34th Conference 127

34th Conference
December 17-19, 1999

34th Conference 129
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference - September 27-29, 2000

1. Shyamal Datta Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. P K Misra Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. K P Singh Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. N C Padhi Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. A K Doval Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. K M Singh Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. ESL Narasimhan Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
8. N C Padhi Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau Atal Bihari Vajpayee
9. Sudhir Kumar Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
10. V N Singh DG, BPR&D
11. E N Rammohan DG, BSF
12. B B Nanda DG, CISF
13. Dr. T N Mishra DG, CRPF
14. Dr. R K Raghavan Director, CBI
15. M N Sabharwal Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt.
16. A S Dulat Secretary, R&AW
17. Pt. Gautam Kaul DG, ITBP
18. Sharda Prasad Director, NCRB
19. Nikhil Kumar DG, NSG
20. H P Kumar DG, NCB
21. H Rao DG, RPF
22. T K Mitra Director, SPG
23. H J Dora DGP, Andhra Pradesh
24. P V Sumant DGP, Assam
25. K A Jacob DGP, Bihar
26. Ajai Raj Sharma CP, Delhi
27. Gurcharan Singh DGP, Goa
28. C P Singh DGP, Gujarat
29. A K Puri DGP, Himachal Pradesh
30. S P S Rathore DGP, Haryana
31. Gurbachan Jagat DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
32. S C Malhotra DGP, Maharashtra
33. D S Grewal DGP, Manipur
34. B K Dey DGP, Meghalaya
35. M Tumsanga DGP, Mizoram
36. S C Tripathi DGP, Madhya Pradesh
37. Lukhei Sema DGP, Nagaland
38. Sarbjit Singh DGP, Punjab
39. Amitabh Gupta DGP, Rajasthan
40. L C Amarnathan DGP, Sikkim
41. B L Vora DGP, Tripura
42. F C Sharma DGP, Tamil Nadu
43. M C Dewedy DGP, Uttar Pradesh
44. D K Sanyal DGP, West Bengal
45. B S Sial Joint Director, IB & Conference Secretary

35th Conference
September 27-29, 2000

In those years...

2K was a milestone for the emergence of Indian IT companies at the
global stage. Coupled with it came the dawn of information technology
and the potential array of its use for national security and crime control.
In the aftermath of Kargil, various committees and task forces delved deep
into the working of security agencies and several positive decisions were
made by a Group of Ministers. This landmark year saw America being attacked
by Al Qaeda by sea (USS Cole) after an attack on land in 1998 (Kenya/Tanzania
embassy bombings). Kashmir continued to be under attack with IEDs, car
bombs, land mines and rocket attacks, and the Red Fort was attacked as well.
L. K. Advani, HM UNSCR 1325 was passed to ensure peace and security for women.

Shyamal Datta, DIB

35th Conference 131

35th Conference
September 27-29, 2000

35th Conference 133
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference - September 5-7, 2001

1. K P Singh Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. A K Doval Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. K M Singh Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. E S L Narsimhan Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. N C Padhi Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. Sudhir Kumar Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. V N Mathur Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
8. V N Singh DG, BPR&D
9. Gurbachan Jagat DG, BSF Atal Bihari Vajpayee
10. B B Nanda DG, CISF
11. Dr. T N Mishra DG, CRPF
12. P C Sharma Director, CBI
13. Vikram Sood Secretary, R&AW
14. S C Chaube DG, ITBP
15. V K Malik DG, SSB
16. Harish Kumar Director, NCRB
17. Satish Chandra Secretary, NSCS
18. R Rajagopalan DG, NSG
19. G Achari DG, NCB
20. H Rao DG, RPF
21. Y Hari Shankar Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt.
22. H J Dora DGP, Andhra Pradesh
23. H K Deka DGP, Assam
24. R R Prasad DGP, Bihar
25. Dr. R L S Yadav DGP, Chhattisgarh
26. Ajai Raj Sharma CP, Delhi
27. Gurcharan S Sandhu DGP, Goa
28. K Chakravarthi DGP, Gujarat
29. A K Puri DGP, Himachal Pradesh
30. M S Malik DGP, Haryana
31. A K Suri DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
32. T P Sinha DGP, Jharkhand
33. R Padmanabhan DCP, Kerala
34. V V Bhaskar DGP, Karnataka
35. S C Malhotra DGP, Maharashtra
36. A A Siddiqui DGP, Manipur
37. L Sailo DGP, Meghalaya
38. M Tumsanga DGP, Mizoram
39. S C Tripathi DGP, Madhya Pradesh
40. M Hesso Mao DGP, Nagaland
41. N C Padhi DGP, Orissa L. K. Advani, HM
42. Sarabjit Singh DGP, Punjab
43. Shantanu Kumar DGP, Rajasthan
44. R K Handa DGP, Sikkim
45. B L Vora DGP, Tripura
46. A Ravindaranath DGP, Tamil Nadu
47. R K Pandit DGP, Uttar Pradesh
48. A K Sharan DGP, Uttaranchal
49. D C Vajpai DGP, West Bengal
50. K P Jain Joint Director & Conference Secretary, IB

36th Conference
September 05-07, 2001

In those years...

ikipedia was launched, George Bush became President and the
Twin Towers in USA were attacked from the sky by Al Qaeda,
setting the stage for an ongoing war-on-terror. Post-9/11, UNSCR
1373 was passed in order to freeze the flow of terror funds to Al Qaeda.
The FATF was energised as the primary tool to tackle terror financing.
Afghanistan was invaded by US-led forces, thereby unseating the Taliban.
The President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, visited India for historic talks
at Agra in July 2001. On December 13, 2001 four Pakistani LeT terrorists
attacked the Indian Parliament, a milestone event, which led to a near-war
K. P. Singh, DIB situation with Pakistan. The year saw the formation of the Multi-Agency
Centre (MAC) and discussions for replacement of the repealed TADA.

36th Conference 135

36th Conference
September 05-07, 2001

36th Conference 137
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference – September 29-October 1, 2002

1. K P Singh Director, Intelligence Bureau
2. A K Doval Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. K M Singh Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. E S L Narasimhan Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. N C Padhi Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. Sudhir Kumar Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. V N Mathur Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
8. R Sundara Raj Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau Atal Bihari Vajpayee
9. L C Amarnathan DG, BPR&D
10. Ajai Raj Sharma DG, BSF
11. R K Pandit Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt.
12. Dr. T N Mishra DG, CRPF
13. P C Sharma Director, CBI
14. B L Vohra DG, Civil Defence
15. V K Malik DG, SSB
16. S C Chaube DG, ITBP
17. M K Singh DG, NCB
18. Ramavtar Yadav Director, NCRB
19. R S Mooshahary DG, NSG
20. A K Pandey DG, RPF
21. Vikram Sood Secretary, R&AW
22. P Ramulu DGP, Andhra Pradesh
23. Suresh Roy DGP, Arunachal Pradesh
24. H K Deka DGP, Assam
25. R R Prasad DGP, Bihar
26. R S Gupta CP, Delhi
27. Gurcharan S Sandhu DGP, Goa
28. M S Malik DGP, Haryana
29. A K Puri DGP, Himachal Pradesh
30. Rajiv Ranjan Prasad DGP, Jharkhand
31. V V Bhaskar DGP, Karnataka
32. K J Joseph DGP, Kerala
33. D C Jugran DGP, Madhya Pradesh
34. S C Malhotra DGP, Maharashtra
35. L Sailo DGP, Meghalaya
36. M Tumsanga DGP, Mizoram
37. M Hesso Mao DGP, Nagaland
38. N C Padhi DGP, Orissa
39. M S Bhullar DGP, Punjab
40. Shantanu Kumar DGP, Rajasthan
41. R K Handa DGP, Sikkim
42. Mathew John DGP, Tripura
43. B P Nailwal DGP, Tamil Nadu
44. P D Raturi DGP, Uttaranchal
45. D C Vajpai DGP, West Bengal
46. V K Joshi Joint Director & Conference Secretary, IB

37th Conference
Sept 29 to Oct 01, 2002

In those years...

ree and fair polls were held in J&K, heralding much-needed
normalization in the valley, with the return of democracy and
public representation – an event which has contributed in very
large measure to have brought relative peace to the region in the
past 13 years. The terrorist attack on Akshardham temple in Gujarat
and the rising activity of Pakistani terrorists in the hinterland,
were a cause for concern. Inter-community tensions continued
to simmer. APJ Abdul Kalam became President of India. Al Qaeda
continued its deathly campaign with the Bali bombings in October.
A landmark event for economics was the initiation of the Euro as a
new currency.
L. K. Advani, HM

K. P. Singh, DIB

37th Conference 139

37th Conference
Sept 29 to Oct 01, 2002

37th Conference 141
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – November 4-6, 2003

1. K P Singh Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. A K Doval Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. E S L Narasimhan Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. N C Padhi Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. Sudhir Kumar Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. Anil Chowdhry Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. V N Mathur Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
8. R Sundara Raj Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
9. A K Suri Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau Atal Bihari Vajpayee
10. K C Verma Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
11. V K Joshi Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
12. Ajai Raj Sharma DG, BSF
13. R K Pandit Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt.
14. S C Chaube DG, CRPF
15. P C Sharma Director, CBI
16. B L Vohra DG, Civil Defence
17. K M Singh DG, CISF
18. Divakar Prasad DG, SSB
19. R C Agarwal DG, ITBP
20. C D Sahay Secretary, R&AW
21. R K Das Director, SPG
22. S R Sukumara DGP, Andhra Pradesh
23. P V Sumant DGP, Assam
24. D P Ojha DGP, Bihar
25. Ashok Darbari DGP, Chhattisgarh
26. Seva Dass DGP, Goa
27. K Chakravarthi DGP, Gujarat
28. M S Malik DGP, Haryana
29. A K Puri DGP, Himachal Pradesh
30. Gopal Sharma DGP, Jammu and Kashmir
31. Rajiv Rajan Prasad DGP, Jharkhand
32. T Madiyal DGP, Karnataka
33. P K H Tharakan DGP, Kerala
34. D C Jugran DGP, Madhya Pradesh
35. S M Shangari DGP, Maharashtra
36. L Sailo DGP, Meghalaya
37. J Changkija DGP, Nagaland
38. N C Padhi DGP, Orissa
39. A A Siddiqui DGP, Punjab L. K. Advani, HM
40. V K Hansukha DGP, Rajasthan
41. T N Tenzing DGP, Sikkim
42. G M Srivastava DGP, Tripura
43. I K Govind DGP, Tamil Nadu
44. V K B Nair DGP, Uttar Pradesh
45. P D Raturi DGP, Uttaranchal
46. D C Vajpai DGP, West Bengal
47. A B Vohra Joint Director & Conference Secretary, IB

38th Conference
November 04-06, 2003

In those years...

he year saw the invasion of Iraq via the ‘shock and awe’ campaign
on allegations of Saddam Hussein possessing WMD, the beginning
of wars and strife in many neighbouring countries as well. In India,
Maoists attacked the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister. Efforts to control
left wing extremism were initiated. Subsequent talks and their failure
led to the spread of Maoist influences to other parts of the country.
Jihadi terrorism hit Mumbai with two bombs killing hundreds at the
Gateway of India and on a BEST bus.

K. P. Singh, DIB

38th Conference 143

38th Conference
November 04-06, 2003

38th Conference 145
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – November 3-5, 2004

1. A K Doval Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. E S L Narasimhan Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. N C Padhi Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. P C Haldar Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. R K Das Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. K C Verma Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. V K Joshi Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
8. Ajai Raj Sharma DG, BSF
9. Sudhir Kumar Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt. Dr. Manmohan Singh
10. J K Sinha DG, CRPF
11. U S Misra Director, CBI
12. K M Singh DG, CISF
13. Himanshu Kumar DG, SSB
14. K J Singh DG, ITBP
15. Ramavtar Yadav Director, NCRB
16. R S Mooshahary DG, NSG
17. A K Suri DGP, RPF
18. C D Sahay Secretary, R&AW
19. B V Wanchoo Director, SPG
20. S R Sukumara DGP, Andhra Pradesh
21. U K Katna DGP, Arunachal Pradesh
22. P V Sumant DGP, Assam
23. Narayan Mishra DGP, Bihar
24. Om Prakash Rathor DGP, Chhattisgarh
25. K K Paul CP, Delhi
26. Amod K Kanth DGP, Goa
27. A K Bhargava DGP, Gujarat
28. M S Malik DGP, Haryana
29. A K Puri DGP, Himachal Pradesh
30. Gopal Sharma DGP, Jammu and Kashmir
31. S M Cairae DGP, Jharkhand
32. S N Borkar DGP, Karnataka
33. P K H Tharakan DGP, Kerala
34. S K Das DGP, Madhya Pradesh
35. K K Kashyap DGP, Maharashtra
36. A K Prashar DGP, Manipur
37. L Sailo DGP, Meghalaya
38. M Tumsanga DGP, Mizoram
39. J Changkiga DGP, Nagaland
40. A A Siddiqui DGP, Punjab
41. T N Tenzing DGP, Sikkim
42. G M Srivastava DGP, Tripura
43. I K Govind DGP, Tamil Nadu
44. V K B Nair DGP, Uttar Pradesh
45. K C Bhattacharya DGP, Uttaranchal
46. S K Dutta DGP, West Bengal
47. B C Nayak Joint Director & Conference Secretary, IB Shivraj V Patil, HM

39th Conference
November 03-05, 2004

In those years...

acebook was launched, heralding a social media revolution. The
Madrid bombings by Al Qaeda reminded the world of the latter’s
existence, while the Beslan school massacre by Chechen terrorists
killed more than 300 children. South-East Asia and India were hit by a
tsunami in December causing a catastrophe seldom seen on Earth. A
disaster management authority and force were created. The infamous
sandalwood smuggler, Veerappan, was killed after many years of man-

A. K. Doval, DIB

39th Conference 147

39th Conference
November 03-05, 2004

39th Conference 149
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – October 5-7, 2005

1. E S L Narasimhan Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. P C Haldar Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. R K Das Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. K C Verma Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. V K Joshi Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. Rajiv Mathur Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. N C Joshi DG, BPR&D
8. R S Mooshahary DG, BSF
9. N C Padhi Secretary (Security) Dr. Manmohan Singh
10. J K Sinha DG, CRPF
11. U S Misra Director, CBI
12. S I S Ahmed DG, CISF
13. Himanshu Kumar DG, SSB
14. S K Kain DG, ITBP
15. Vijay Shanker DG, Civil Defence
16. Ramavtar Yadav Director, NCRB
17. A K Mitra DG, NSG
18. A K Suri DGP, RPF
19. P K H Tharakan Secretary, R&AW
20. B V Wanchoo Director, SPG
21. Swaranjit Sen DGP, Andhra Pradesh
22. Amod K Kanth DGP, Arunachal Pradesh
23. P V Sumant DGP, Assam
24. A R Sinha DGP, Bihar
25. O P Rathor DGP, Chhattisgarh
26. K K Paul CP, Delhi
27. U K Katna DGP, Goa
28. A K Bhargava DGP, Gujarat
29. Nirmal Singh DGP, Haryana
30. Ajit Narayan DGP, Himachal Pradesh
31. Gopal Sharma DGP, Jammu and Kashmir
32. V D Ram DGP, Jharkhand
33. B S Sial DGP, Karnataka
34. Raman Srivastava DGP, Kerala
35. Swaraj Puri DGP, Madhya Pradesh
36. P S Pasricha DGP, Maharashtra
37. A K Prashar DGP, Manipur
38. L Sailo DGP, Mizoram
39. J Changkija DGP, Nagaland
40. Suchint Das DGP, Orissa
41. S S Virk DGP, Punjab
42. A S Gill DGP, Rajasthan
43. C M Ravindran DGP, Sikkim
44. G M Srivastava DGP, Tripura
45. A X Alexander DGP, Tamil Nadu
46. Yashpal Singh DGP, Uttar Pradesh
47. K C Bhattacharya DGP, Uttaranchal
48. S C Avasthy DGP, West Bengal
49. A B Mathur Joint Director & Conference Secretary, IB

40th Conference
October 05-07, 2005

In those years...

ouTube was launched. Al Qaeda caused the horrific London
Underground bombings on 7/7 and second Bali bombings on 1/10.
In India, hinterland terrorism expanded to Sarojini Nagar market
in Delhi, the first in many terror attacks in the hinterland. Terrorists
attacked scientists at IISc in Bangalore. Talks between Maoists and the
Andhra Pradesh Government failed again. The Conference discussed the
need for a sophisticated response mechanism to counter diverse threats
to national economic security, including countering terror financing,
currency counterfeiting and economic espionage. The National Police
Shivraj V Patil, HM Mission was formally approved.

E. S. L. Narasimhan, DIB

40th Conference 151

40th Conference
October 05-07, 2005

40th Conference 153
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – November 22-24, 2006

1. E S L Narasimhan Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. P C Haldar Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. R K Das Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. Rajiv Mathur Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. N Sandhu Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. H Upadhyay Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. Viswa Ranjan Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
8. Ajit Lal Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
9. Dr. Kiran Bedi DG, BPR&D Dr. Manmohan Singh
10. A K Mitra DG, BSF
11. N C Padhi Secretary (Security)
12. J K Sinha DG, CRPF
13. Vijay Shanker Director, CBI
14. S I S Ahmed DG, CISF
15. Tilak Kak DG, SSB
16. V K Joshi DG, ITBP
17. M K Sinha DG, NDRF/Civil Defence
18. K C Verma Director, NCB
19. Sudhir Awasthi Director, NCRB
20. J K Dutt DG, NSG
21. A K Suri DGP, RPF
22. P K H Tharakan Secretary, R&AW
23. B V Wanchoo Director, SPG
24. Swaranjit Sen DGP, Andhra Pradesh
25. Amod K Kanth DGP, Arunachal Pradesh
26. D N Dutt DGP, Assam
27. A R Sinha DGP, Bihar
28. O P Rathor DGP, Chhattisgarh
29. Dr. K K Paul CP, Delhi
30. P C Pande DGP, Gujarat
31. R S Dalal DGP, Haryana
32. Ashwani Kumar DGP, Himachal Pradesh
33. Gopal Sharma DGP, Jammu and Kashmir
34. Jag Bandhu Mahapatra DGP, Jharkhand
35. B S Sial DGP, Karnataka
36. Raman Srivastava DGP, Kerala
37. A R Pawar DGP, Madhya Pradesh
38. P S Pasricha DGP, Maharashtra
39. W R Marbaniang DGP, Meghalaya
40. L Sailo DGP, Mizoram Shivraj V Patil, HM
41. J Changkija DGP, Nagaland
42. S S Virk DGP, Punjab
43. A S Gill DGP, Rajasthan
44. C M Ravindran DGP, Sikkim
45. G M Srivastava DGP, Tripura
46. D Mukherjee DGP, Tamil Nadu
47. A B Vohra DGP, West Bengal
48. V Rajagopal Joint Director & Conference Secretary, IB

41st Conference
November 22-24, 2006

In those years...

witter was launched. Google bought YouTube. Pak-sponsored
terror continued its depredations with a bomb in Varanasi’s Sankat
Mochan temple and the horrifying 7/11 train bombings in Mumbai
that killed more than 200. The year also witnessed the first Malegaon
blasts that killed 31. Government labeled the Maoist problem as the
single biggest internal security challenge ever. The Nathu La Pass was
re-opened for trade with China after 44 years. Bird Flu began its spread
from East Asia. Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death.

E. S. L. Narasimhan, DIB

41st Conference 155

41st Conference
November 22-24, 2006

41st Conference 157
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference – October 3-5, 2007

1. P C Haldar Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. Rajiv Mathur Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. A K Gupta Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. N Sandhu Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. H Upadhyay Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. Ajit Lal Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. Dr. Kiran Bedi DG, BPR&D
8. A K Mitra DG, BSF
9. S R Mehra Secretary (Security) Dr. Manmohan Singh
10. S I S Ahmed DG, CRPF
11. Vijay Shanker Director, CBI
12. R K Das DG, CISF
13. K Koshy DG, NDRF/Civil Defence
14. V K Joshi DG, ITBP
15. K C Verma Director, NCB
16. Sudhir Awasthi Director, NCRB
17. J K Dutt DG, NSG
18. M K Sinha DGP, RPF
19. A Chaturvedi Secretary, R&AW
20. Gopal Sharma DG, SSB
21. B V Wanchoo Director, SPG
22. M A Basith DGP, Andhra Pradesh
23. Ajay Chadha DGP, Arunachal Pradesh
24. R N Mathur DGP, Assam
25. A R Sinha DGP, Bihar
26. Vishwa Ranjan DGP, Chhattisgarh
27. Y S Dadwal CP, Delhi
28. R S Dalal DGP, Haryana
29. Ashwani Kumar DGP, Himachal Pradesh
30. Kuldip Khoda DGP, Jammu and Kashmir
31. V D Ram DGP, Jharkhand
32. K R Srinivasan DGP, Karnataka
33. Raman Srivastava DGP, Kerala
34. A R Pawar DGP, Madhya Pradesh
35. P S Pasricha DGP, Maharashtra
36. Y Joykumar Singh DGP, Manipur
37. B K Dey DGP, Meghalaya
38. J Changkija DGP, Nagaland
39. A Pattanayak DGP, Orissa
40. N P S Aulakh DGP, Punjab
41. C M Ravindran DGP, Sikkim
42. K T D Singh DGP, Tripura
43. P Rajendran DGP, Tamil Nadu
44. Vikram Singh DGP, Uttar Pradesh
45. K C Bhattacharya DGP, Uttarakhand
46. A B Vohra DGP, West Bengal
47. Renuka Mutto Joint Director, IB & Conference Secretary

42nd Conference
October 03-05, 2007

In those years...

he iPhone was launched. Benazir Bhutto was assassinated.
Musharraf declared Emergency in Pakistan. Nepal declared the
abolishing of its 240-year old monarchy. Burj Dubai became the
tallest building in the world. LWE killings continued, including that of a
MP in Jharkhand and 55 police personnel at Rani Bodli in Chhattisgarh.
The Samjhauta Express was bombed killing 68. Serial blasts occurred at
three courts in Allahabad, Lucknow and Ghaziabad. Hyderabad was the
target of several bomb blasts.

Shivraj V Patil, HM

P. C. Haldar, DIB

42nd Conference 159

42nd Conference
October 03-05, 2007

42nd Conference 161
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – November 22-23, 2008

1. P C Haldar Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. Rajiv Mathur Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. N Sandhu Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. Ajit Lal Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. R Bagchi Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. K V S Gopalakrishnan Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. K Koshy DG, BPR&D
8. M L Kumawat DG, BSF
9. K C Verma Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt. Dr. Manmohan Singh
10. V K Joshi DG, CRPF
11. Ashwani Kumar Director, CBI
12. N R Das DG, CISF
13. Gopal Sharma DG, SSB
14. Vikram Srivastava DG, ITBP
15. G L Sharma DG, Civil Defence/NDRF
16. Nasir Kamal Director, NCRB
17. J K Dutt DG, NSG
18. Ranjit Sinha DGP, RPF
19. A Chaturvedi Secretary, R&AW
20. B V Wanchoo Director, SPG
21. S S P Yadav DGP, Andhra Pradesh
22. Ajay Chadha DGP, Arunachal Pradesh
23. R N Mathur DGP, Assam
24. D N Gautam DGP, Bihar
25. Vishwa Ranjan DGP, Chhattisgarh
26. Y S Dadwal CP, Delhi
27. P C Pande DGP, Gujarat
28. R S Dalal DGP, Haryana
29. G S Gill DGP, Himachal Pradesh
30. R Srikumar DGP, Karnataka
31. Raman Srivastava DGP, Kerala
32. S K Rout DGP, Madhya Pradesh
33. A N Roy DGP, Maharashtra
34. Y Joykumar Singh DGP, Manipur
35. B K Dey DGP, Meghalaya
36. M M Praharaj DGP, Orissa
37. N P S Aulakh DGP, Punjab
38. K S Bains DGP, Rajasthan
39. C M Ravindran DGP, Sikkim
40. Pranay Sahay DGP, Tripura
41. K P Jain DGP, Tamil Nadu Shivraj V Patil, HM
42. Vikram Singh DGP, Uttar Pradesh
43. Subhash Joshi DGP, Uttarakhand
44. A B Vohra DGP, West Bengal
45. Yashovardhan Azad Joint Director, IB & Conference Secretary

43rd Conference
November 22-23, 2008

In those years...

undreds were killed in serial blasts in Delhi, Jaipur, Ahmedabad
and Bangalore, while similar attempts in Surat failed. 206 killed in
the ghastly LeT-sponsored attack on Mumbai. A suicide attack on
the Indian Embassy in Kabul killed 58. Sixth Pay Commission award was
approved. Abhinav Bindra won the first ever individucal Gold Medal for
India at the Olympic Games. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN Geneva
fired the first proton beam. Kosovo declared independence from Serbia.

M. K. Narayanan, NSA

43rd Conference 163

P. C. Haldar, DIB

43rd Conference
November 22-23, 2008

43rd Conference 165
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – September 14-16, 2009

1. Rajiv Mathur Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. N Sandhu Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. Ajit Lal Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. R Bagchi Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. P Mehendru Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. V Rajagopal Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. Renuka Mutto Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
8. Yashovardhan Azad Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
9. R N Ravi Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau Dr. Manmohan Singh
10. Prasun Mukherjee DG, BPR&D
11. Raman Srivastava DG, BSF
12. B K Dey Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt.
13. Ashwani Kumar Director, CBI
14. N R Das DG, CISF
15. A S Gill DG, CRPF
16. Vikram Srivastava DG, ITBP
18. Radhavinod Raju DG, NIA
19. N P S Aulakh DG, NSG
20. K C Verma Secretary, R&AW
21. B V Wanchoo Director, SPG
22. S S P Yadav DGP, Andhra Pradesh
23. Smt. Vimla Mehra DGP, Arunachal Pradesh
24. Shankar Barua DGP, Assam
25. Anand Shankar DGP, Bihar
26. Vishwa Ranjan DGP, Chhattisgarh
27. B S Bassi DGP, Goa
28. S S Khandwawala DGP, Gujarat
29. R S Dalal DGP, Haryana
30. G S Gill DGP, Himachal Pradesh
31. Kuldip Khoda DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
32. V D Ram DGP, Jharkhand
33. Ajai Kumar Singh DGP, Karnataka
34. Jacob Punnoose DGP, Kerala
35. S K Rout DGP, Madhya Pradesh
36. S S Virk DGP, Maharashtra
37. Y Joykumar Singh DGP, Manipur
38. B Kezo DGP, Meghalaya
39. Lalrokhuma Pachuau DGP, Mizoram
40. K Kire DGP, Nagaland
41. Manmohan Praharaj DGP, Orissa
42. P S Gill DGP, Punjab P. Chidambaram, HM
43. H C Meena DGP, Rajasthan
44. C M Ravindran DGP, Sikkim
45. K P Jain DGP, Tamil Nadu
46. Pranay Sahay DGP, Tripura
47. Vikram Singh DGP, Uttar Pradesh
48. Subhash Joshi DGP, Uttarakhand
49. Bhupinder Singh DGP, West Bengal
50. Rajiv Kapoor Joint Director, IB & Conference Secretary

44th Conference
September 14-16, 2009

In those years...

ational Investigation Agency was created. Satyam scam was
unearthed. Arihant, India's first nuclear-powered attack
submarine, was launched. Russia cut off gas supplies to
Europe through Ukraine. Prabhakaran was killed and Sri Lankan
Army gained control over LTTE-occupied territory. Israel entered
Gaza. Sri Lankan cricket team was attacked in Pakistan. Bernard
Madoff was imprisoned for 150 years for a $18 billion fraud.
Michael Jackson died.

M. K. Narayanan, NSA

44th Conference 167

Rajiv Mathur, DIB

44th Conference
September 14-16, 2009

44th Conference 169
List of Delegates
DGPs/IGPs Conference – August 25-27, 2010

1. Rajiv Mathur Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. N Sandhu Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. Ajit Lal Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. R Bagchi Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. B C Nayak Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. P Mehendru Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. R N Gupta Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
8. V Rajagopal Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
9. K Sankarnarayanan Special Director, Intelligence Bureau Dr. Manmohan Singh
10. Renuka Mutto Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
11. Yashovardhan Azad Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
12. R N Ravi Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
13. K B Gokulachandran Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
14. S Jayaraman Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
15. Arun Chaudhary Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
17. Raman Srivastava DG, BSF
18. B K Dey Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt.
19. Ashwani Kumar Director, CBI
20. N R Das DG, CISF
21. Vikram Srivastava DG, CRPF
22. R K Bhatia DG, ITBP
23. N P S Aulakh DG, NSG
24. K C Verma Secretary, R&AW
25. B V Wanchoo Director, SPG
26. M V Krishna Rao DG, SSB
27. R R Grish Kumar DGP, Andhra Pradesh
28. Shankar Barua DGP, Assam
29. Neelmani DGP, Bihar
30. Vishwa Ranjan DGP, Chhattisgarh
31. S S Khandwawala DGP, Gujarat
32. R S Dalal DGP, Haryana
33. Dr. D S Manhas DGP, Himachal Pradesh
34. Kuldip Khoda DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
35. Neyaz Ahmad DGP, Jharkhand
36. Ajai Kumar Singh DGP, Karnataka
37. Jacob Punnoose DGP, Kerala
38. S K Rout DGP, Madhya Pradesh
39. D Sivanandhan DGP, Maharashtra
40. Y Joykumar Singh DGP, Manipur
41. S B Kakati DGP, Meghalaya
42. Manmohan Praharaj DGP, Orissa P. Chidambaram, HM
43. P S Gill DGP, Punjab
44. H C Meena DGP, Rajasthan
45. Smt. Letika Saran DGP, Tamil Nadu
46. Pranay Sahay DGP, Tripura
47. Karamvir Singh DGP, Uttar Pradesh
48. J S Pandey DGP, Uttarakhand
49. Bhupinder Singh DGP, West Bengal
50. Rajiv Jain Joint Director, IB & Conference Secretary

45th Conference
August 25-27, 2010

In those years...

arthquake devastated Haiti, killing tens of thousands. Moscow
Underground bombings killed 39. Wikileaks emerged as an
online publisher of covert material, releasing US Government
emails. An explosion on a BP oil rig in Gulf of Mexico caused a massive
oil spill, costing the company $28 billion in cleaning expenses and
$21 billion in penalties. German Bakery was bombed in Pune killing
15. LWE killed 76 policemen in Chintalnar and 26 in Narayanapur,
Chhattisgarh. Aadhaar was launched. Commonwealth Games were
held in Delhi.
Shivshankar Menon, NSA

45th Conference 171

Rajiv Mathur, DIB

45th Conference
August 25-27, 2010

45th Conference 173
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference – September 15-17, 2011
1. N Sandhu Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. B C Nayak Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. R N Gupta Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. V Rajagopal Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. Yashovardhan Azad Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. K Sankarnarayanan Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. R N Ravi Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
8. K B Gokulachandran Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
9. S Jayaraman Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
10. J N Chaudhury Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
11. Rajiv Kapoor Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
12. Sanjay Sinha Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau Manmohan Singh
13. Ashok Prasad Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
14. Dineshwar Sharma Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
15. Rajinder Kumar Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
16. R N Behura Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
17. D P Sinha Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
18. Rajiv Jain Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
19. Udayan Mukerji Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
20. Surender Singh Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
21. Vikram Srivastava DG, BPR&D
22. Raman Srivastava DG, BSF
23. Pranay Sahay Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt.
24. A P Singh Director, CBI
25. N R Das DG, CISF
26. K Vijay Kumar DG, CRPF
27. Ranjit Sinha DG, ITBP
28. N K Tripathi Director, NCRB
29. S C Sinha DG, NIA
30. R K Medhekar DG, NSG
31. P K Mehta DGP, RPF
32. S K Tripathi Secretary, R&AW
33. B V Wanchoo Director, SPG
34. Y S Dadwal DG, SSB
35. V Dinesh Reddy DGP, Andhra Pradesh
36. Smt. Kanwaljit Deol DGP, Arunachal Pradesh
37. Shankar Barua DGP, Assam
38. Abhyanand DGP, Bihar
39. Anil M Navaney DGP, Chhattisgarh
40. B K Gupta CP, Delhi
41. Dr. Aditya Arya DGP, Goa
42. Y P Singal DGP, Haryana
43. Dr. D S Manhas DGP, Himachal Pradesh
44. Kuldeep Khoda DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
45. G S Rath DGP, Jharkhand
46. N Achutha Rao DGP, Karnataka
47. Jacob Punnoose DGP, Kerala
48. S K Rout DGP, Madhya Pradesh
49. Ajit Parasnis DGP, Maharashtra
50. Lalrokhuma Pachuau DGP, Mizoram
51. K Kire DGP, Nagaland
52. Manmohan Praharaj DGP, Orissa
53. P S Gill DGP, Punjab
54. Jasbir Singh DGP, Sikkim
55. K Saleem Ali DGP, Tripura
56. Atul DGP, Uttar Pradesh
57. J S Pandey DGP, Uttarakhand
58. Naparajit Mukherjee DGP, West Bengal
59. A K Patnaik Joint Director, IB & Conference Secretary

46th Conference
September 15 - 17, 2011

In those years...

orld population crossed 7 billion. A 9.0 magnitude
earthquake led to a tsunami in Japan, which
killed nearly 20,000 and triggered the Fukushima
nuclear plant meltdown. Osama Bin Laden was killed by
US forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Arab Spring began in
Tunisia and swept through Egypt, Syria, Libya and Yemen.
Muammar al-Gaddafi was dethroned and killed in Libya.
Occupy Wall Street movement began in New York. Serial
bomb blasts in Mumbai killed 26. F1 racing came to India.
MF Hussain died.
P. Chidambaram, HM

Shivshankar Menon, NSA

47th Conference 175

Nehchal Sandhu, DIB

46th Conference
September 15 - 17, 2011

47th Conference 177
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference – September 6-8, 2012
1. N Sandhu Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. R N Gupta Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. V Rajagopal Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. Yashovardhan Azad Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. K B Gokulachandran Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. S Jayaraman Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. S A Ibrahim Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
8. Rajiv Kapoor Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
9. Dineshwar Sharma Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
10. Rajinder Kumar Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
11. D P Sinha Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
12. Rajiv Jain Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau Manmohan Singh
13. Surender Singh Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
14. K Ram Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
15. Satish Chandra Jha Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
16. Dr. Anand Kumar Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
17. K N Sharma DG, BPR&D
18. U K Bansal DG, BSF
19. Alok Rawat Secretary (Security), Cab. Sectt.
20. A P Singh Director, CBI
21. Rajiv DG, CISF
22. K Vijay Kumar DG, CRPF
23. Ranjit Sinha DG, ITBP
24. Shafi Alam Director, NCRB
25. Dr. P M Nair DG, NDRF/Civil Defence
26. Subash Joshi DG, NSG
27. P K Mehta DGP, RPF
28. S K Tripathi Secretary, R&AW
29. K Durga Prasad Director, SPG
30. Pranay Sahay DG, SSB
31. V Dinesh Reddy DGP, Andhra Pradesh
32. Smt. Kanwaljit Deol DGP, Arunachal Pradesh
33. J N Choudhury DGP, Assam
34. Abhyanand DGP, Bihar
35. Anil M Navaney DGP, Chhattisgarh
36. Neeraj Kumar CP, Delhi
37. Krishan Kumar DGP, Goa
38. Chitranjan Singh DGP, Gujarat
39. R S Dalal DGP, Haryana
40. I D Bhandari DGP, Himachal Pradesh
41. Ashok Prasad DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
42. G S Rath DGP, Jharkhand
43. Lalrokhuma Pachuau DGP, Karnataka
44. K S Balasubramanian DGP, Kerala
45. Nandan Dube DGP, Madhya Pradesh
46. Sanjeev Dyal DGP, Maharashtra
47. Y Joykumar Singh DGP, Mainpur
Sushil Kumar Shinde, HM
48. N Ramachandran DGP, Meghalaya
49. Alok Kumar Verma DGP, Mizoram
50. M Obanglemba Ao DGP, Nagaland
51. S S Saini DGP, Punjab
52. H C Meena DGP, Rajasthan
53. Jasbir Singh DGP, Sikkim
54. Sanjay Sinha DGP, Tripura
55. A C Sharma DGP, Uttar Pradesh
56. Vijay Raghav Pant DGP, Uttarakhand
57. Naparajit Mukherjee DGP, West Bengal
58. Smt. Neelmani N Raju Joint Director, IB & Conference Secretary

47th Conference
September 06 - 08, 2012

In those years...

thnic killings in Assam triggered an exodus from Bengaluru.
India launched its first ICBM, Agni-V, with a range of 5,000
km. Stringent amendments were enacted to protect women
from violence. Aung San Suu Kyi was released after 20 years in
captivity. CERN announced the discovery of a new particle with
properties consistent with the Higgs Boson. US Ambassador was
killed in Benghazi in an attack on the consulate. Malala was shot
and injured by the Taliban in Pakistan.

Shivshankar Menon, NSA

Nehchal Sandhu, DIB

47th Conference 179

47th Conference
September 06 - 08, 2012

47th Conference 181
List of Participants
DGPs/IGPs Conference – November 21-23, 2013

1. S A Ibrahim Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman
2. Rajiv Kapoor Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
3. Dineshwar Sharma Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
4. D P Sinha Special Director, Intelligence Bureau
5. Rajiv Jain Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
6. Surender Singh Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
7. Dr. K Ram Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
Manmohan Singh
8. Satish Chandra Jha Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
9. Malay Kumar Sinha Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
10. A K Patnaik Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
11. Smt. Neelmani N Raju Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
12. Subhash Joshi DG, BSF
13. Ranjit Sinha Director, CBI
14. Dilip Trivedi DG, CRPF
15. Subhas Goswami DG, ITBP
16. Sharad Kumar DG, NIA
17. Arvind Ranjan DG, NSG
18. Alok Joshi Secretary, R&AW
19. K Durga Prasad Director, SPG
20. Arun Chaudhary DG, SSB
21. B Prasada Rao DGP, Andhra Pradesh
22. J N Choudhury DGP, Assam
23. Abhyanand DGP, Bihar
24. Ram Niwas DGP, Chhattisgarh
25. B S Bassi CP, Delhi
26. Pramod Kumar DGP, Gujarat
27. Shriniwas Vashisht DGP, Haryana
28. Sanjay Kumar DGP, Himachal Pradesh
29. Ashok Prasad DGP, Jammu & Kashmir
30. Rajiv Kumar DGP, Jharkhand
31. Lalrokhuma Pachuau DGP, Karnataka
29. K S Balasubramanian DGP, Kerala
30. Sanjeev Dyal DGP, Maharashtra
31. P J P Hanaman DGP, Meghalaya
32. Besesayo Kezo DGP, Nagaland
33. Prakash Mishra DGP, Orissa
34. Sumedh Singh Saini DGP, Punjab
35. P Kamraj DGP, Puducherry Sushil Kumar Shinde, HM
36. Omendra Bhardwaj DGP, Rajasthan
37. Jasbir Singh DGP, Sikkim
38. K Ramnujam DGP, Tamil Nadu
39. C Balasubramanian DGP, Tripura
40. Deo Raj Nagar DGP, Uttar Pradesh
41. B S Sidhu DGP, Uttarakhand
42. G M P R Reddy DGP, West Bengal
43. Avinash Mohananey Joint Director, IB & Conference Secretary

48th Conference
November 21 - 23, 2013

In those years...

dward Snowden revealed USA's mass surveillance programmes,
including PRISM and the Five Eyes programme in association
with UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Two Chechen
brothers bombed the Boston marathon. A UN-negotiated
settlement led to destruction of Syria's chemical weapons stockpile.
Terror attack in Hyderabad killed 17. BrahMos missile was tested.
India's Mars Orbiter Mission was launched. Communal violence
occurred in Muzaffarnagar. Nearly 10,000 people killed in rain and
landslides in Uttarakhand.
Shivshankar Menon, NSA

S. A. Ibrahim, DIB

48th Conference 183

48th Conference
November 21 - 23, 2013

48th Conference 185
48th Conference
November 21 - 23, 2013

48th Conference 187
49th Conference
November 29 - 30, 2014

49th Conference 189
49th Conference
November 29 - 30, 2014

In those years...

List of Participants he Occupy Central/Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong lasted three
DGPs/IGPs Conference – November 29-30, 2014 months. Ebola virus hit West Africa. Malaysian Airlines flight MH-370
disappeared mysteriously. Indonesian Air Asia flight crashed into
S/Shri the Java Sea. Maidan protests in Kiev led to regime change in Ukraine.
1. S A Ibrahim Director, Intelligence Bureau & Chairman Russian forces entered Ukraine and annexed Crimea. Telangana was
2. Ashok Prasad Special Director, Intelligence Bureau created. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was elected. India and Australia
3. Dineshwar Sharma Special Director, Intelligence Bureau signed a uranium supply deal. Landmark economic and social initiatives
4. D P Sinha Special Director, Intelligence Bureau were implemented. ISRO agreed to collaborate with NASA on future Mars
5. Surender Singh Special Director, Intelligence Bureau missions. Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousufzai were awarded the Nobel
6. Satish Chandra Jha Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau Peace Prize. Mangalayaan (Mars Orbiter Mission) entered Mars orbit,
7. Malay Kumar Sinha Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau making India the first country to reach Mars in its first attempt.
8. Gurbachan Singh Additional Director, Intelligence Bureau
9. Rajan Gupta DG, BPR&D
10. D K Pathak DG, BSF
11. Ranjit Sinha Director, CBI
12. Arvind Ranjan DG, CISF
13. Dilip Trivedi DG, CRPF
14. Subhas Goswami DG, ITBP
15. Rajiv Mehta DG, NCB
16. R R Verma Director, NCRB
17. O P Singh DG, NDRF/Civil Defence
18. Sharad Kumar DG, NIA
19. J N Choudhury DG, NSG
20. Alok Joshi Secretary, R&AW
21. B D Sharma DG, SSB
22. J V Ramudu DGP, Andhra Pradesh
23. S Nithianandam DGP, Arunachal Pradesh
24. Khagen Sarma DGP, Assam
25. Sudhir Yadav DGP, Andman & Nicobar Islands
26. P K Thakur DGP, Bihar
27. A N Upadhyay DGP, Chhattisgarh
28. B S Bassi CP, Delhi
29. P C Thakur DGP, Gujarat
30. Shriniwas Vashisht DGP, Haryana
31. Sanjay Kumar DGP, Himachal Pradesh
32. Lalrokhuma Pachuau DGP, Karnataka
33. K S Balasubramanian DGP, Kerala
34. Sanjeev Dayal DGP, Maharashtra
35. P J P Hanaman DGP, Meghalaya
36. Dharmendra Kumar DGP, Mizoram
37. L L Doungel DGP, Nagaland
38. Sanjeev Marik DGP, Odisha
39. Sumedh Singh Saini DGP, Punjab
40. Omendra Bhardwaj DGP, Rajasthan
41. Ashok Kumar DGP, Tamil Nadu
42. Anurag Sharma DGP, Telangana
43. B S Sidhu DGP, Uttarakhand
44. G M P R Reddy DGP, West Bengal
45. Sheel Vardhan Singh Joint Director, IB & Conference Secretary

49th Conference 191

Rajnath Singh, HM S. A. Ibrahim, DIB

49th Conference
November 29 - 30, 2014

49th Conference 193
49th Conference
November 29 - 30, 2014

49th Conference 195
50th Conference
December 18 - 20, 2015


50th Conference 197

Indian Police

By Ajit Ninan
Source: 'The Times of India Group. ©: BCCL. All rights reserved.'

Safi Ahsan Rizvi
Joint Director, IB

Majid M Din
Viplav Saxena

Research Team
G N Jha
B M S Chaudhari
Mohd. Irfan

Publishing Team
Mohd Zafar Alam
Vikash Kejriwal
Shailesh Kumar
Patanjali Kumar
Tathir A Usmani
Virendra Kr Tiwari
Sujay Biswas

Editorial Board
extends its gratitude to

Omendra Nath Bhaskar

Deputy Director, IB

Mandeep Tuli
Deputy Director, IB

National Archives of India

Nehru Memorial Museum & Library
Press Information Bureau Archives Library
The Times of India


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C-59, Okhla Industrial Area, New Delhi

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