3i's Lesson

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CHAPTER II (Review of Related Literature)


- is a comprehensive examination and - it explains the uniqueness of the study being
analysis of existing scholarly literature and
- it also explains that the limitations of the
research studies that are relevant to the
previous research will be put into considerations
topic or research question at hand. and will not become the limitations of the new
COMPONENTS OF CHAPTER II: - title ( author, year)
 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK - methods (sampling, instrument, research
- you to create graphic organizer design, locale, analysis)
- the outline of the key concepts - result
- limitations (recommendation)
- a model that serves as the foundation for a
- you need to make it in 3 – 4 sentences only
research study
This study is different from the previous study of
Author 1, Author 2, Author 3
Figure 1: Paradigm of the study _______________________________
_________________________________________ CHAPTER III (METHODS AND PROCEDURES)
_________________________________________ - it outlines the specific procedures and
_________________________________ techniques
- research paradigm is just a part of COMPONENTS:
conceptual framework  RESEARCH DESIGN
- you need to discuss in paragraph form QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH
Quasi – experimental
 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK (wala) -discussed the specific characteristics of the area
- when the subjects are humans  SAMPLING METHODS
- theories supporting independent variables are a
- refers to the techniques and methods used
to select a subset of individuals or elements
from a larger population
- discussion of independent variables
- introduce the definition and attributes of the
purposive sampling
independent variales  SUBJECT OF THE STUDY
Example: - lettuce
Cow dung _______(definition)_____________  RESEARCH INSTRUMENT
_____________________________________________ - the device the tools
_______________________________ mechanical devices – tools available in different
clerical tools – like questionnaires, records
_____________________________________________  RESEARCH PROCEDURE
_______________________________ Stages:
- you need to provide 3 – 4 research citation per 1) Entry protocol
independent variable  permission/ethics
 preparation
 RELATED STUDIES  gathering
- you have to look into published and unpublished 2) Experimental proper
reports on actual researchers done previously to
 Execute
know what have been done in the field in
relation to your topic 3) Exit protocol
- provide 3 – 4 related studies conducted
internationally  METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS
- provide 3 – 4 related study conducted nationally
- refers to the systematic approaches and a bowl (this is the population N). Select 10 balls
techniques employed to examine, interpret, from the bowl without looking (this is your sample
and draw meaningful conclusions from n).
collect data. Note that it’s important not to look as you could
(unknowingly) bias the sample. While the “lottery
Population & Sample bowl” method can work fine for smaller populations,
To make it clearer, let us define the terms in reality you’ll be dealing with much larger
population, sample and sampling technique. populations. A simple random sample is chosen in
Population such a way that every set of individuals has an
- is the entire group of people, organisms or equal chance to be in the selected sample.
things that share similar features and
characteristics which are of high relevance
to the research being conducted. In an
action research being conducted in a
particular school, all students can be
considered the population.
Sample Systematic sampling
- refers to members of a certain population. A - is an easier procedure than random
sample is a representation of the entire sampling when you have a large population,
population carrying the same and the names of the targeted population
characteristics. are available. Systematic sampling involves
- Taking the enrolled learners in a particular selection of every nth (i.e., 5th) subject in
school as population, two sections or the population to be in the sample.
classes in that school may serve as sample. Suppose you had a list of 10,000 voters in your
The process of selecting the samples is school district and you wished to sample 400
called sampling. voters to see if they supported special funding
Sampling Technique for a new school program. We divide the
- pertains to the specific manner or ways of number in the population (10,000) by the size of
selecting the sample which are discussed in the sample we wish to use (400) and we get the
your previous classes in Research and interval we need to use when selecting subjects
Mathematics. In quantitative research, (25). In order to select 400 subjects, we need to
sampling may require statistical operations, select every 25 person on the list. Before we
to ensure that the number of participants is start selecting subjects, we need to select a
sufficient to collect the data needed; while in random starting point on the list. That starting
qualitative research, selecting the specific point must be with one of the first 25 names on
number of samples has no definite rules. the list. We would use a random number table
However, the consideration should be to determine the starting point. Once we have
ensured in terms of saturation of the data the starting point, we select that subject and
about the topic and the variation that is every 25th subject after that on the list.
needed within the target population. Population Size / Desired Sample Size = Interval

Sampling Procedures
Probability Sampling
- is the selection of individuals from the
population so that they are representative of
the population.
Simple Random Sampling.
- is a set of n objects in a population of N
objects where all possible samples are
equally likely to happen.
Here’s a basic example of how to get a simple
random sample: put 100 numbered bingo balls into

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