IP MS 20 Underground Piping

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Doc No: IP/MS-20


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01 Introduction of HSE Instructions 12 Oct, 04 M Ashraf MSC AKK

0 Method Statement for Underground 24 July, 03 M Ashraf MSC AKK


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Descon Engineering Limited
Doc No: IP/MS-20
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Rev. No. Details Of Revision Date Prepared by Checked by Approved by


The objective of this method statement is to provide execution procedure for under
ground piping.


Scope of this method statement is to define the sequence and methodology for under
ground piping, detailing wrapping materials, field application and inspection, prior to
installation of piping.


Construction drawings & specifications


CAR Corrective Action Request

HSE Health, Safety and Environment

NDT Non Destructive Testing

QIP Quality Inspection Plan


Construction Manager shall be responsible for implementation of this method



6.1 Setting out

Layout marking for excavation using latest construction drawings and revisions
shall be marked by surveyor on ground with lime powder & shall be brought to
the notice of concerned area supervisor. Layout shall be done keeping in mind
working space required for a particular work scope. The working space shall be
in the range of 700~800 mm on each side of the work area.

6.2 Excavation

6.2.1 Identification of the existing underground services shall be made with the
help of available “as built” drawings of that area, using trial pits (hand
holes) and cable detector.
6.2.2 In case existing underground services / utilities are found, only hand
digging shall be allowed to avoid any damage to existing facilities and to
avoid hazards.

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6.2.3 For areas where ground water level is found to be above the excavation
level, ground water control plan shall be developed including disposal of
water and shall be subject to the approval of the customer/consultant.
6.2.4 For all underground services / utilities that are found within 500 mm of
excavation area, a proper shoring shall be provided to protect against any
probable deflection / damage.

6.2.5 For existing cables, pipes etc., proper care should be taken to support
these items.
6.2.6 In case no underground services / utilities are found, excavation shall be
done with the help of excavators.
6.2.7 All necessary compaction / ramming at bottom of excavation shall be

6.3 Installation of piping

6.3.1 The piping material shall be shifted from warehouse or from lay down
area by using suitable crane and nylon slings for lifting purposes. Proper
care should be taken for shifting of pipes depending upon the nature of
material, e.g. cement lined piping needs more care in handling as
compared to drainpipes.

6.3.2 Welding outside the trenches shall be preferred (if required) to save
additional jobs in trenches.

6.3.3 The pipes shall be lowered into the trench directly on sandbags (or firm
bearing surface as per project specification) except portions where field
joints shall be done. After welding and testing activity, the bearing shall be
extended under left over positions.

6.4 Testing

Testing as specified in Piping classification should be carried out after complete

welding of piping and repair works detected as a result of NDT or other quality

6.5 Materials For External Surface Protection

6.5.1 Coal Tar Primer : The primer shall consist of processed coal-tar pitch and
refined coal-tar oils, suitably blended to produce a liquid coating which
may be applied cold by brushing or spraying. Primer and enamel to be
used shall be from the same source as per design specifications.

6.5.2 Coal Tar Enamel: The enamel shall be composed of a specially

processed coal-tar base with mineral filler. The enamel shall possess
good adhesive qualities, and not flow or sag from a vertical surface when
exposed to an atmospheric temperature of 160 oF, and shall not peel off
or crack when exposed to an atmospheric temperature of –10 oF or as

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6.5.3 Glass Mat Reinforcement : The glass fiber fabric shall be a treated 10 x
10 open mesh mat and be compatible with the bituminous coating.

6.6 Field Application Of Coating And Wrapping

6.6.1 Surface Preparation: Remove all weld spatters, loose mill scale, loose
rust, mill, lacquer, oil, grease, dirt, moisture and other foreign matter by
wire brushing.

6.6.2 Primer Application - Straight Pipe: Immediately after the pipe has been
cleaned, it shall be given a uniform coat of coal-tar primer compatible with
the coal-tar enamel to follow.

 The pipe being primed must be dry and shall be above 35 oF during
application of the primer.

 The primer shall be applied by spray equipment or by hand brushing.

 The primer shall be applied at a rate of approximately one-gallon per

500 sq.ft. on new pipe, and shall be uniformly thin, free of runs, drips
and missed spots.

 Missed spots or areas covered with insufficient primer shall be

touched up immediately with primer by hand brushing. Primer which
has been applied too heavily, such as at the base of welds, shall be
brushed out before the primer sets. Any runs or sags, which have
dried, shall be scrapped off and re-primed.

 Minimum and maximum allowable drying time of the coal-tar primer

between application of primer and application of coal-tar enamel shall
be in accordance with instructions issued by the manufacturer of the
primer. If the enamel is not applied within the maximum time after
priming, an additional light coat of primer shall be applied or the entire
prime coat shall be removed and the pipe surface is re-primed. In no
case more than two coats of primer be applied.

6.7 Coal-Tar Enamel Application - Straight Pipe

6.7.1 The coal-tar enamel shall be chopped or cut into pieces and carefully
heated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The material
shall be kept well stirred and shall not be applied at less than 320 oF.
6.7.2 The coal-tar enamel shall be applied by flood coating. The thickness of
the applied hot coal tar shall be 3/32” +1/32”.
6.7.3 With the application of the coal tar, the glass mat reinforcement shall be
spirally applied in such a manner as to firmly bond the mat to the enamel.
The edges of the mat shall overlap 1/2” to 1” and shall be applied neatly
and smoothly and shall be free of wrinkles and buckles.

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6.8 Application - Joints and Fittings

6.8.1 After the joint or fitting has been cleaned, it shall be given a uniform coat
of coal-tar primer.

6.8.2 Beginning at a point three inches back on the adjacent coating, apply a

6.8.3 flood coat of enamel simultaneously with a spiral wrap of glass mat. The
glass mat shall overlap one half the width and be under firm tension as it

applied. Joint or fitting shall then have a second flood coat of enamel.

6.8.4 Risers, from underground pipe, shall be coated to a minimum of 3 inch

above grade (top of paving).

6.9 Class Mat Application - Widths

2 inch to 6 inch Pipe - 6 inch wide

8 inch and 10 inch Pipe - 9 inch wide
12 inch and over - 12 inch wide

6.10 Field Inspection

The coating shall be entirely field inspected by Quality control department for
voids, leaks or holes before pipe is buried. After taping of joints and fittings, the
surface shall be tested with an electric holiday detector set at 8,000 to 10,000

6.11 Backfilling

6.11.1 The backfill material shall be sourced from a suitable stockpile. The
backfill material shall be placed in layers. Sand may be placed before
placing backfill material. The layers shall be moisturized and compacted
to 95% compaction. Generally compaction shall be done by rollers /
compactors. In locations where compaction is around new (or existing
remaining) concrete foundations or other sub-structures, no rolling shall
be carried out within 500 mm of concrete surface, The space shall be
compacted using mechanical rammers.
6.11.2 Backfill material should be free of scrap, sticks, rocks or other hard debris
that could tend to damage pipe coatings.

6.12 Inspection

Quality inspection plan will be made according to specific project requirements

and accordingly inspection activities and results of inspection will be recorded on
formats given under "Related documents", or customer specified formats.

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In case of non-conformity at any stage of inspection, the segregation shall be

covered by method statement No. QA&QC/MS-02 and Corrective Action Request
(CAR) shall be raised as per standard operating procedure No. QA&QC/SOP-04.


Crane, Welding Machine, Grinder, Spray Machine, Brush, Hand Tools, Front End
Loader, Dumper/Trucks, Holiday Detector etc.


8.1 Appropriate personal protective gears shall be used for manual brush cleaning or
handling primer as per manufacturer instruction.

8.2 Handling, cutting & joining operation of piping shall be done as per safety

8.3 standards keeping in view that personal and environmental hazards are to be


8.4 Handling, heating and application of primer and / or coal tar shall be done as per
manufacturer specifications.

8.5 Before lowering or inspection in site ensure appropriate route / access to the
excavation area. Unwanted burials of materials / equipment or injury to any
person to be avoided during backfilling.

8.6 Excavations & Openings

 Prior to any excavation, a survey shall be carried out of the area to establish
the presence of any underground utilities, identification of any overhead lines
and other obstructions.
 Where “live” services are present, hand excavation shall be carried out, after
getting work safety permit from client.
 Only rigid & fixed barriers will be provided for edge protection on excavations
& floor openings.
 The trenches that go across roads shall be done in such a manner that
ensures and maintains access.
 Personnel will be kept clear of machinery whilst it is in operation at a
minimum distance of 5 meters.
 Trucks used for the removal of soil shall be controlled and sited by a banks-
 Excavated soil shall be stacked at a minimum distance of one meter from the
edge of the excavation.
 All shoring shall be constructed of materials capable of withstanding collapse
and shall be adequately braced.
 The excavation shall be provided with built staircases or ladder at 8-meter
intervals as means of escape.
 The walkways of minimum 600mm width shall be placed across trenches
where access is required.

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 Uncovered services and utilities will be adequately supported.

8.7 Minimize the soil erosion.

8.8 All hole ditches and sumps should be back filled to prevent the subsurface water
from contamination.

8.9 Periodically water sprinkling to prevent from dust arias.

8.10 Minimize the disturbances to the natural drainage system.

8.11 Preserve your natural environment.


9.1 Related drawings and customer specification

9.2 QA&QC/FRM-51 Radiographic Examination Report
9.3 QA&QC/FRM-52 Magnetic Particle Test Report
9.4 QA&QC/FRM-53 Dye Penetrate Test Report
9.5 QA&QC/FRM-54 Ultrasonic Test Report
9.6 QA&QC/FRM-62 Record Of Repairs
9.7 QA&QC/FRM-66 Welding Procedure Specification
9.8 QA&QC/FRM-67 Procedure Qualification Record
9.9 QA&QC/FRM-68 Welder Performance Qualification Record
9.10 QA&QC/FRM-69 Welder Identification Card
9.11 QA&QC/FRM-124 Pre-Hydro /Pneumatic Test, Piping Check List
9.12 QA&QC/FRM-127 Hydrostatic / Pneumatic Testing Report
9.13 QA&QC/FRM-139 Surface Preparation And Coating Inspection Report
9.14 QA&QC/FRM-141 Coat Wrapping Inspection Report
9.15 QA&QC/FRM-251 Cathodic Protection System Installation Report
9.16 QA&QC/FRM-08 Corrective Action Request

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Descon Engineering Limited

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