Test 4

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Question 1: Kelly was an early proponent of Personal ________ Theory.

A. Stress B. Cognitive C. Construct D. Conditioning

Question 2: Attributing your feelings to another person is known as
A. Process
B. Projection
C. Stimulus
D. Behaviour
Question 3: overstimulation of the organism can result in emotional tension or ______.
A. Stress
B. Anxiety
C. Fear
D. Aggression
Question 4: Another meaning of Psyche
A. Organ
B. Mind
C. Conscious
D. Behaviour
Question 5: “Training through stimulus and response” is the definition of
A. Conditioning B. Experience C. Unconscious D. Operant
Question 6: “The study of unnatural phenomena” is the definition of
A. Psychometric B. Parapsycholog C. Mysticism D. Hypnotizing
test y
Question 7: Who first proposed the theory of Psychodynamics?
A. Kelly B. Pavlov C. Freud D. Jung
Question 8: Process and Person are two different _____ to psychology
A. Fields B. Approaches C. Science D. None is
Question 9: Who popularized humanism?
A. Gross B. Maslow C. Gergen D. Freud
Question 10: Who founded the principles of behaviourism?
A. Gross B. Maslow C. Gergen D. Freud
Question 11: A/an ________ psychologist works with prisoners.
A. Educational
B. Developmental
C. Forensic
D. Clinical
Write down THREE words to describe the following pictures



1. What is “A Skinner Box” experiment?

2. Write down the definition of Psychology.

Visions: mental _________ of imaginary objects and people

___________: exploring the structure and functions

Stimulus: produces a ____________ in an organism

Conscious: one of the levels of mental _________ described by Freud

Theory: A ___________ for explaining an event or process

__________: An approach to psychology that explains behaviour through mental processes

Psychodynamic: The theory that the personality is created by the interaction of the ____________ and
the ___________

Approach: A way of _______ a theory

_____________: The mental process of being aware as a result of stimulus on the sense.

Motivational: Causing ____________

Constructivist: Follow the theory that each individual constructs their _________ of the world (adj)/ A
______ who follows constructivist theory (n)

Appraisal: A process by which employees and their managers ___________ their ____________ and
plan their future
Psychometric test: Identify personality _______

Interview schedule: A framework of ________ questions

_________: The accepted behaviour and customs of a group of people

Traits: __________ patterns of behaviour and feelings

Prefix Meaning

Suffix Meaning

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