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Question 1: Cognitive skills are developed through _____________.

A. Dream B. Experimentation C. Imitation D. Social

analysis interaction
Question 2: To, Vygotsky, children need __________ to help them understand new
A. An apprentice
B. A parent
C. A brother/sister
D. A mentor
Question 3: The human brain _____________ new information.
A. Repeats
B. Adjusts
C. Accommodates
D. B and C
Question 4: Children __________ knowledge by interacting with their environment.
A. Assimilate
B. Learn
C. Accumulate
D. Imitate
Question 5: Both ________ made significant contributions to research into the
development of thought and language.
A. Freud and B. Jung and C. Pavlov and D. Piaget and
Jung Vygotsky Piaget Vygotsky
Question 6: _________ is the process of storing information. (6)
A. Mediate B. Collective C. Mysticism D. Component
Question 7: Which part of the brain that receives the information from the sensory
organs. (7)
A. Method B. Aspect C. Urge D. Myth
Question 8: The recycling of information in the brain is known as (11)
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. None is
Question 9: What is the synonym for “Retrieval”? (15)
A. Morality B. Consciousness C. Aggressive D. Mediation
Question 10: The ________ encodes information so that it can be stored in the short-
term memory. (8-across)
A. Ego B. Oedipus C. Mysticism D. Collective
complex unconscious
Question 11: Which part of the brain is responsible for recycling information before it is
converted into long-term memory? (2)
A. Ancestors
B. An individual
C. An ancient symbol
D. The wholeness, completeness

Write down THREE words to describe the following pictures



1. What you know about cognitive development theory of Vygotsky?


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