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Vocabulary Resource

Year 2

Name :___________ Class :_______

Supermind Year 2
Unit 5-Free Time ( Textbook p58 - p69 )

1 week / weeks 星期

2 school / schools 学校

3 primary school 小学

4 secondary school 中学

5 boarding school 寄宿学校

6 school bus 校车

7 football 足球

8 football boots 足球鞋

9 footballer 足球员

10 football match 足球比赛

11 football team 足球队

12 match / matches 比赛

13 trip / trips 旅程

14 lake / lakes 湖

15 play / plays 玩

16 go / goes 去
17 playground 游乐场

18 player 游戏者

19 playmate 玩伴

20 swimming 游泳

21 busy 忙

22 ball / balls 球

23 game / games 游戏

24 sing / sings 唱歌

25 hide-and-seek 捉迷藏

26 watch / watches 看

27 where 哪里

28 lost 迷路

29 idea / ideas 主意

30 what 什么

31 wait / waits 等

32 see / sees 看见
33 fun 乐趣

34 rabbit / rabbits 兔子

35 now 现在

36 jump / jumps 跳

37 mud 淤泥

38 weekend / weekends 周末

39 brother / brothers 哥哥 / 弟弟

40 day / days 天 / 日

41 friend / friends 朋友

42 perfect 完美

43 ride / rides 骑

44 bike / bikes 自行车

45 toy / toys 玩具

46 sleep / sleeps 睡觉

47 healthy 健康

48 important 重要

49 sport / sports 运动
50 learn / learns 学习

51 piano / pianos 钢琴

52 hour / hours 小时

53 fit 健康的

54 swimming cap 游泳帽

55 swimming pool 游泳池

56 swimming trunks 游泳裤

57 basketball 篮球

58 netball (女子)无档板篮球

59 volleyball 排球

60 handball 墙手球

61 baseball 棒球

62 softball 垒球

63 computer games 电脑游戏

64 video games 电子游戏

65 singer 歌手

66 choral singing 合唱
67 watch out 小心

68 watchman 保安员

69 watchdog 看门狗

70 waiting list 等候者名单

71 funfair 露天游乐场

72 brother-in-law 姐夫

73 twin brother 孪生哥哥/弟弟

74 stepbrother 继兄

75 daydream 做白日梦

76 daybreak 天亮

77 day care 日托

78 daily 每天

79 day-to-day 每天的

80 friendship 敌人

81 good friend 好友

82 penfriend 笔友

83 rider 骑士

84 sleeping bag 睡袋
85 sleeping pill 安眠药

86 sleepy 瞌睡的

87 sleeping car 卧铺车厢

88 sports day 运动会

89 sports centre 体育中心

90 sports shirt 男式运动衫

91 sports shoes 运动鞋

92 sports jacket (运动)夹克

93 sportsman 运动员

94 sportscast 体育节目

Days of the week :

1 Monday 星期一

2 Tuesday 星期二

3 Wednesday 星期三

4 Thursday 星期四

5 Friday 星期五

6 Saturday 星期六

7 Sunday 星期日
Unit 6 - The Old House ( Textbook p70 - p81 )

1 bathroom / bathrooms 浴室

2 bedroom / bedrooms 睡房

living room / living

3 客厅

4 kitchen 厨房

5 hall / halls 门厅
dining room / dining
6 饭厅

7 stairs 楼梯

8 cellar / cellars 地下室

9 garden / gardens 花园

10 park / parks 公园

11 house / houses 房子

12 sofa 沙发

13 televisyen 电视机

14 old 老旧
15 little 小

16 animal / animals 动物

17 lost of 很多

18 plane / planes 飞机

19 rat / rats 老鼠

20 careful 小心

21 cold 冷

22 big 大

23 wow 哇 / 呀

24 problem / problems 难题

25 help /helps 帮忙

26 picture / pictures 图

27 full 满

28 hat / hats 帽子

29 live / lives 住

30 like / likes 喜欢
31 region / regions 区域

32 jungle 森林

polar region / polar

33 极地

34 ocean 海洋

35 desert / deserts 沙漠

36 mountain / mountains 高山

37 sand 沙

38 coral 珊瑚

39 tree / trees 树

40 rock / rocks 石头

41 snow 雪

polar bear / polar

42 北极熊

43 penguin / penguins 企鹅

44 camel / camels 骆驼
45 habitat / habitats 栖息地

46 bathtub 浴缸

47 toilet 厕所

48 master bedroom 主卧室

49 downstairs 楼下

50 upstairs 楼上

51 national park 国家公园

52 national habitat 天然栖息地

53 parrot / parrots 鹦鹉

54 goat / goats 山羊

55 shark / sharks 鲨鱼

56 jellyfish 水母

57 kitchenware 厨房用具

58 kitchenette 小厨房

59 kitchen paper 厨房卷用纸

60 household 家庭的
61 housewife 家庭主妇

62 longhouse 长屋

63 wooden house 木屋

64 gardener 园艺工作者

65 garden party 园游会

66 roof garden 楼顶花园

67 science park 科技公园

68 theme park 主题公园

69 bird park 飞禽公园

70 safari park 野生动物园

71 picture postcard 图画明信片

72 picture book 图画书

73 picture dictionary 图画词典

74 lion 狮子

75 tiger 老虎

76 dolphin 海豚

77 elephant 大象
78 monkey 猴子

79 sea horse 海马

Unit 7- Get Dressed ! ( Textbook p82 - p93 )

1 jeans 牛仔裤

2 jacket / jackets 夹克衫

3 shoe / shoes 鞋子

4 cap / caps 帽子

5 T-shirt / T-shirts T恤衫

6 sweater / sweaters 毛衣

7 skirt / skirts 短裙

8 shorts 短裤

9 sock / socks 袜子

10 trousers 长裤

11 pyjamas 睡衣
12 gloves 手套

13 dress 裙子

14 singlet 背心

15 sandals 凉鞋

16 clothes 衣服

17 time 时间

18 green 绿色

19 red 红色

20 blue 蓝色

21 brown 褐色

22 black 黑色

23 wearing 穿

24 favourite 特别喜爱

25 look / looks 看

26 sure 肯定

27 same 一样的

28 stop / stops 停
29 hey 嘿

30 thanks 谢谢

31 sorry 对不起

32 sandwich / sandwiches 三明治

33 trainers 球鞋

34 pony / ponies 矮种马

35 eat / eats 吃

36 helmet / helmets 头盔

37 cotton 棉

38 leather 皮革

39 wool 羊毛

40 rap 说唱

41 super 超级的 / 很棒的

42 coat / coats 外套

43 cool 凉爽

44 strong 结实的

45 warm 保暖
46 material / materials 材料

47 dressed 穿上衣服

48 put on 穿上 / 戴上

49 raincoat 雨衣

50 cotton wool 药棉

51 cotton candy 棉花糖

52 cotton bud 棉签

53 life jacket 救生衣

54 leather jacket (皮制)夹克

55 sport jacket (运动)夹克

56 shoemaker 鞋匠

57 shoelace 鞋带

58 shoebox 鞋盒

59 leather shoes 皮鞋

60 blackboard 黑板

61 black box 黑盒

62 blacklist 黑名单
63 black pepper 黑胡椒

64 brown sugar 黄糖

65 brown rice 糙米

66 brown bear 灰熊/棕熊

67 blue whale 蓝鲸

68 navy blue 海军蓝

69 look up 钦佩

70 look out 当心

71 look after 照顾

72 part - time 兼职

73 time limit 期限

74 time management 时间管理

Unit 8 The Robot ( Textbook p94 - p105 )

1 head 头部

2 hand / hands 手

3 leg /legs 脚
4 knee / knees 膝盖

5 arm / arms 手臂

6 finger / fingers 手指

7 toe / toes 脚趾

8 foot / feet 脚

9 mouth 嘴巴

10 nose 鼻子

11 ear / ears 耳朵

12 shoulder 肩膀

13 neck 颈项

14 eye / eyes 眼睛

15 kit / kits 成套设备

16 robot / robots 机器

17 touch / touches 触摸

18 skip / skips 跳绳

19 stand / stands 站
20 guess / guesses 猜

21 listen / listens 听

22 say / says 说

23 high 高

24 run / runs 跑

25 dance / dances 跳舞

26 crawl / crawls 爬

27 fly / flies 飞

28 dolphin / dolphins 海豚

29 kangaroo / kangaroos 袋鼠

30 ladybird / ladybirds 瓢虫

31 cheetah / cheetahs 猎豹

32 tennis 网球

33 right 右边

34 left 左边

35 battery / batteries 电池
36 speak / speaks 说

37 try / tries 尝试

38 go-kart / go-karts 微型赛车

39 guitar / guitars 吉他

40 skeleton / skeletons 骨架

41 walk / walks 走

42 sit / sits 坐

43 bone / bones 骨头

44 strong 强壮

45 pet / pets 宠物

46 long 长

47 tail / tails 尾巴

48 bone marrow 骨髓

49 boneless 无骨的

50 wing / wings 翅膀

51 headache 头疼

52 headmaster 男校长
53 headmistress 女校长

54 head office 总公司

55 handwriting 手写的

56 fingernail 手指甲

57 fingerprint 指纹

58 speaker 演讲者

59 dancer 舞者

60 dance studio 舞者训练场

61 dinner dance 晚宴舞

62 footstep 脚步声

Unit 9 At the Beach ( Textbook p106 - p117 )

1 catch / catches 抓

2 paint / paints 在... 上刷油漆

3 painter 油漆匠

4 shell / shells 贝壳

5 photo / photos 照片

5 bucket 桶
6 music 音乐

7 sandcastle / sandcastles 沙堡

8 dig / digs 挖

9 sun 太阳

10 holiday / holidays 假期

11 kite / kites 风筝

12 box / boxes 箱子

13 yes 太棒了

14 race / races 赛跑

15 hill / hills 小山

16 end / ends 结局

17 together 一同

18 tooth / teeth 牙齿

19 clean 干净

20 beautiful 漂亮

21 koala / koalas 树袋熊 / 无尾熊

22 snorkel / snorkels (潜水者用的) 水下呼吸管

23 whale / whales 鲸鱼

24 famous 著名

25 bagpipe / bagpipes 风笛

26 country / countries 乡村

27 sunny 阳光充足的

28 snowing 下雪

29 cloudy 阴天

30 soon 不久

31 ice cream 冰激凌

32 top / tops 顶端

33 forest / forests 森林

34 weather 天气

35 jungle trekking (在山中)远足

36 snorkelling 浮潜

37 snowman 雪人
38 snowball 雪球

39 snowshoe 雪鞋

40 snowflake 雪花

41 snow storm 暴风雪

42 blue whale 蓝鲸

43 sunrise 日出

44 sunset 日落

45 sunflower 向日葵

46 sunglasses 墨镜

47 sunblock 防晒霜

48 cheese 乳酪

49 bread 面包

50 peach 桃子

51 read 阅读
Weather 天气

sunny 阳光充足的 cloudy 阴天的

snowing 下雪 raining 下雨

windy 多风的
Supermind Year 2
Unit 5-Free Time ( Exercise 1 )
Circle the correct answer.

1 week / weeks 寄宿学校 星期

2 school bus 校车 中学

3 football 朋友 足球

4 playground 游乐场 自行车

5 swimming 星期 游泳

6 hide-and-seek 捉迷藏 小学

7 computer games 电脑游戏 墙手球

8 funfair 游戏者 露天游乐场

9 brother / brothers 哥哥 / 弟弟 周末

10 play / plays 比赛 玩
Unit 5-Free Time ( Exercise 2 )
Circle the correct numbers.

1 5
Monday Saturday

星期三 星期一 星期六 星期日

2 Thursday 6 Sunday

星期四 星期一 星期二 星期日

3 Tuesday 7 Friday

星期五 星期二 星期五 星期一

4 Wednesday weeks

星期三 星期五 星期 天


周末 周日
Unit 5-Free Time ( Exercise 3 )
Write the correct answer.

1 玩

2 球

3 唱歌

4 捉迷藏

5 迷路

6 什么

7 乐趣

8 淤泥

9 朋友

10 骑

11 自行车
Unit 5-Free Time ( Exercise 4 )
Write the days of the week.







Unit 6 - The Old House ( Exercise 5 )
Write the correct numbers.

1 4

2 5

3 6
Unit 6 - The Old House ( Exercise 6 )
Match to the correct words.




polar region

Unit 6 - The Old House ( Exercise 7 )
Circle the correct answer.

1 sofa 海豚 沙发

2 garden 花园 老虎

3 house 房子 木屋

4 animal 国家公园 动物

5 careful 厨房用具 小心

6 full 满 高山

7 bathtub 珊瑚 浴缸

8 shark 鲨鱼 难题

9 jellyfish 帽子 水母

10 elephant 大象 极地
Unit 6 - The Old House ( Exercise 8 )
Circle the correct answer.




polar bear








Unit 7- Get Dressed ! (Exercise 9 )
Circle the correct numbers.

1 5

wearing jeans skirt same

2 6

shorts cap trainers trousers

3 7

cap sweater wearing gloves


socks sweater sorry trainers

cool helmet
Unit 7- Get Dressed ! (Exercise 10 )
Circle the correct answer.

1 sorry 头盔 对不起

2 eat 吃 说唱

3 wool 羊毛 雨衣

4 leather 棉花糖 皮革

5 coat 外套 救生衣

6 warm 棉签 保暖

7 material 材料 鞋带

8 raincoat 黑板 雨衣

9 cotton 棉 黑胡椒

10 strong 钦佩 结实的
Unit 7- Get Dressed ! (Exercise 11 )
Write the correct answer.

Unit 7- Get Dressed ! (Exercise 12 )
Write the correct answer.

1 牛仔裤

2 夹克衫

3 手套

4 裙子

5 谢谢

6 外套

7 保暖

8 雨衣

9 黑板

10 照顾

11 凉爽
Unit 8 The Robot (Exercise 13 )
Circle the correct numbers.

1 5

dolphin head fingers toes

2 6

arm foot eyes walk

3 7

neck mouth skip speak


nose stand tennis listen

dance fly
Unit 8 The Robot (Exercise 14 )
Write the correct answer.

1 猜

2 听

3 说

4 跑

5 跳舞

6 爬

7 飞

8 电池

9 尾巴

10 宠物

11 坐
Unit 8 The Robot (Exercise 15 )
Write the correct answer.

Unit 8 The Robot (Exercise 16 )
Match to the correct words.
触摸 robot

机器 kangaroo

高 ladybird

爬 touch

袋鼠 high

瓢虫 crawl

网球 guitar

吉他 tennis

骨头 pet

宠物 bone

长 long
Unit 9 At the Beach (Exercise 17 )
Write the correct answer.

Unit 9 At the Beach (Exercise 18 )
Write the correct answer.

1 贝壳

2 风筝

3 小山

4 牙齿

5 干净

6 漂亮

7 著名

8 下雪

9 不久

10 冰激凌

11 墨镜
Unit 9 At the Beach (Exercise 19 )
Match to the correct words.
抓 shell

贝壳 dig

照片 catch

音乐 kite

挖 music

太阳 photo

假期 hill

风筝 clean

小山 sun

干净 holiday

漂亮 beautiful
Unit 9 At the Beach (Exercise 20 )
Circle the correct answer.




snow storm





ice cream



Grammar Note
Unit 5 - Free Time
A. The Simple Present Tense 简单现在式
1. The simple present tense is the base form of a
Example : play , go ,watch , sing , do , ride , read

2. The simple present tense is used to show habitual

Example : I play football on Sundays.

3. The table below shows how the simple present tense

is used.
Person Pronoun The Simple Present Tense
人称 代词 简单现在式
1 st person I go swimming on Tuesdays.
(singular )

watch TV on Fridays.
1 st person we
( plural ) play football on Sundays.

B. Questions and Responses 简单现在式

We use questions when asking things that we are not sure
about. The answers to the questions can be 'yes ' or 'no '.
疑问句用于提问我们不确定的事。其答复可以是 “yes "
或 “no ” 。

Positive Questions Positive Response Negative Response

肯定式疑问句 肯定式答复 肯定式答复
Do you watch TV at the
Yes, I do No, I don't .
weekend ?
Are you OK ? Yes , I am No , I'm not.
Unit 6 - The old house
A. The Use of 'There ' "There" 的用法
‘There' + 'linking verb ( be )' expresses the idea that something
“ There" + " 连系动词 ( be )" 可用于表达某些东西存在的概念.

Examples :
( 1 ) There's a tiger.
( 2 ) There are four parrots.

B. Question Forms 疑问句的形式

1. A question can be answered by 'yes' or ' no'
疑问句可以用 “yes" 或 ”no " 来回答.

Positive Questions Positive Response Negative Response

肯定式疑问句 肯定式答复 肯定式答复

Is there a car ? Yes,there is No, there isn't

Are there any bikes ? Yes , there are No , there aren't.

2. A wh-question begins with a wh-question word.

“Wh " 疑问句以 “wh" 疑问句用词来作为开头.

Wh - question Word Example

疑问句用词 例句
What 什么
refers to things , persons , actions * What's in the bedroom ?
and events
提问有关物体、人、动作和事件的 * What do you find in the jungle ?
Where 哪里
refers to places or positions * Where are you ?
* Where do you live ?
How many 多少 * How many cars are there ?
refers to number or quantity
提问有关数目或数量 * How many ducks are there ?
Unit 7- Get Dressed !
A. Demonstratives 指示代词或限定词
We use demonstratives to 'point to ' something in the situation.
我们用指示代词或限定代词来“指出” 某个情况中的某些东西。

Form Demonstrative Examples

形式 指示代词 / 限定词 例句
Singular a) This hat is green.
单数 this b ) Do you like this skirt ?
c ) I like this T-shirt.
Plural a) These socks are red.
复数 these b ) Do you like these caps ?
c ) I like these shoes.
1. 'This' is used to denote one thing near us.
“This” 用于指近处的一个物件.

2. 'That' is used to denote one thing away from us.

“That” 用于指远处的一个物件.

3. 'These' is used to denote more than one thing near us.

“These” 用于指近处一个以上的物件.

4. 'Those' is used to denote more than one thing away from us.
“Those” 用于指远处一个以上的物件.

B. The Present Continuous Tense 现在进行式

The Present Continuous Tense is used to show an actions that is
happening now.

Examples 例句
a) Is he wearing jeans ? a) He is wearing jeans.
b) Is she wearing a dress ? b) She is wearing a dress.
c) Is Amin wearing a cap ? c ) Amin is wearing a cap.
d ) Is Amy wearing sandals ? d ) Amy is wearing sandals.
Unit 8 The Robot
A. Modal Verbs 情态动词
A modal is a helping verb. It always used with a base verb ( V ).
情态动词是助动词。 它通常和原形动词连用。

’Must', 'could' , ' can ' , 'should ' and 'have / has to ' are
examples of modals.
情态动词的例子包括 “Must" 、 "could" 、" can" 、"should" 和 "have /
has to " 。

The negative form of a modal is formed by adding 'not' after it.

情态动词后加"not", 已构成否定词.
*Elephants can't climb.
*We can't skip the class.
* He can't finish the race.

'Can' is used to say that someone has an ability / opportunity to do

" Can " (可以)用于显示某人有能力/机会做某事。
* I can play the piano very well.
* I know you can do well in the examination.

'Can' is used to ask for or give permission / to request something.

“ Can" (可以)用于显示请求某人的允许.
* Can I sit beside you ?
* Can I borrow your storybook ?

B. Question with Modal Verb 'Can'有情态动词 “Can" 的疑问句

We use 'can' in questions to ask about someone's ability to do
something. 我们用 “can " 来提问某人做某事的能力。
Positive Questions Positive Response Negative Response
肯定式疑问句 肯定式答复 肯定式答复
Can you ride a bike ? Yes, I can No, I can't .
Can Amin dance ? Yes , he can No , he can't.
Unit 9 At the Beach
A. ‘Wh-'Question Words "Wh-" 疑问句用词
’Wh-' question words are used to ask questions.
“Wh-" 疑问句用词用于发问问题。

‘What' is used to ask about things , people or animals.

" What" 用于询问东西、人或动物。
Examples :
* What are you eating ? * What is her name ?
* What flower is this ? * What shape is that ?

‘ Who' is used to ask about people.

"Who" 用于询问人。
Examples :
* Who is that woman ? * Who is the class monitor ?
* Who drank the juice ? * Who won the drawing contest ?

' Where ' is used to ask about places or locations.

" Where " 用于询问地方或位置。
Examples :
* Where does Susan live ? * Where did she throw the rubbish ?
* Where are you going ? * Where does Mr. Lim park his van ?

'When' is used to ask about time.

"When" 用于询问时间。
Examples :
* When does your father come back from work ?
* When will they travel to Korea ?
* When is her birthday ?
B. The Use of 'Let's' "Let's" 的用法
'Let's ' + 'verb' is used to make a suggestion.
Suggestion Positive Response Negative Response
建议 肯定式答复 肯定式答复
Let's go to the beach. Good idea. Sorry, I don't want to.
Let's paint a picture. Good idea. I'm not sure.
Unit 5-Free Time ( Exercise 1 )
1. 星期 2. 校车 3. 足球
4. 游乐场 5. 游泳 6. 捉迷藏
7.电脑游戏 8. 露天游乐场 9. 哥哥 / 弟弟

Unit 5-Free Time ( Exercise 2 )

1. 星期一 2. 星期四 3.星期二
4. 星期三 5. 星期六 6. 星期日
7. 星期五 8. 星期 9. 周末

Unit 5-Free Time ( Exercise 3 )

1. play 2. ball 3. sing 4. hide-and-seek
5. lost 6. what 7. fun 8. mud
9. friend 10. ride 11. bike

Unit 5-Free Time ( Exercise 4 )

1. Friday 2. Monday 3. Saturday 4.Tuesday
5. Sunday 6. Thursday 7. Wednesday

Unit 6 - The Old House ( Exercise 5 )

1. kitchen 2. bedroom 3. living room
4. bathroom 5. dining room 6. cellar

Unit 6 - The Old House ( Exercise 6 )


Unit 6 - The Old House ( Exercise 7 )
1. 沙发 2. 花园 3. 房子
4. 动物 5. 小心 6. 满
7. 浴缸 8. 鲨鱼 9. 水母

Unit 6 - The Old House ( Exercise 8 )

1. coral 2. polar bear 3. rock
4. snow 5. tree 6. camel

Unit 7- Get Dressed ! (Exercise 9 )

1. jeans 2. cap 3. sweater 4. socks
5. skirt 6. trousers 7. wearing
8. trainers 9. helmet

Unit 7- Get Dressed ! (Exercise 10 )

1. 对不起 2. 吃 3. 羊毛 4. 皮革
5. 外套 6. 保暖 7. 棉 9. 结实的

Unit 7- Get Dressed ! (Exercise 11 )

1. shorts 2. pyjamas 3. skirt 4. sandals
5. socks

Unit 7- Get Dressed ! (Exercise 12 )

1. jeans 2. jacket 3. gloves 4. dress
5. thanks 6. coat 7. warm 8. raincoat
9. blackboard 10. look after 11. cool

Unit 8 The Robot (Exercise 13 )

1. head 2. arm 3. mouth 4. nose
5. fingers 6. eyes 7. skip 8. listen
9. dance
Unit 8 The Robot (Exercise 14 )
1. guess 2. listen 3. say 4. run
5. dance 6. crawl 7. fly 8. battery
9. tail 10. pet 11. sit

Unit 8 The Robot (Exercise 15 )

1. head 2. mouth 3. nose 4. leg 5. eyes

Unit 8 The Robot (Exercise 16 )


Unit 9 At the Beach (Exercise 17 )
1. raining 2. snowing 3. windy 4. sunny
5. cloudy

Unit 9 At the Beach (Exercise 18 )

1. shell 2. kite 3. hill 4. tooth
5. clean 6. beautiful 7. famous 8. snowing
9. soon 10. ice cream 11. sunglasses

Unit 9 At the Beach (Exercise 19 )




Unit 9 At the Beach (Exercise 20 )

1. cheese 2. sunglasses 3. snowman 4. peach
5. read

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