POM January2015

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10 % discount for
fanny packs with
promotional code!

AMUR Tactical – the new challenge in training and security - pages 6 -

professional services and special vocational courses - pages 35 -38

Security Group
– complex trainings for security and medical personnel – pages 33-34
Your free Private Ops
Magazine 2015 Calendar

Year 2 / no.1 / JANUARY 2015

www.privateopsmagazine.com International Airline
10 % discount for fanny
Security & Sky Air
Marshal School
packs with promotional

Pages 24 - 27

AMUR Tactical – the new challenge in training and security
- pages 6 - 7

Custom made
professional services and special vocational courses -
for YOU! An interactive
pages 30 -33
project by Voodoo
SMAT Security
Tactical Europe
December Special !
– complex trainings for security and medical personnel –
pages 28 -29
Pages 46 -48
Your free Private Ops
Magazine 2015 Calendar
Year 1 / no.6 / December 2014

Editorial Board Chairman

Mircea Dan OPRIS

General Manager

Winnie van DIJK

Research Editor
Cotermola Gryphon Think Tank

Soseaua Oltenitei, nr. 129, bl. 52, sc. 2, ap. 29 WORLDWIDE ALFA METAL
Sector 4, Bucuresti, Romania
- excellence brought by – SIA Close
CUI 32347190
Manrico Erriu Protection
Columnist Pages 49 -55 License
Mihaela Brooks course and
Cotermola Gryphon Think Tank
practical firearms
Contact: training at a special
office@operatorprivat.ro price!
Page 8 -9
tel: +40-744-538-740
tel: +40-755-041-771
January Special !
Your free Private Ops Magazine 2015 Calendar From
the editor
There are two ways of saying good bye to the
year that goes by. The long, soapy way and
the short, simple way. Not much to say about
the security and military world: of course
there is a lot going on every moment, from
Christmas rotations, to opening new markets explanation to collaborate and have their
and new operations in conflict zones, where, information published for free. It is their choice
as almost all experts say, private military and their option, which we respect. Maybe
companies and contractors will have a such a small, “young” magazine, coming from
heavy word to say in 2015. It all depends on Eastern Europe is not worth their attention
political decisions and budgets coming from or does not meet their demands and
the governments of the world ruling military expectation which are probably much bigger.
powers. We may understand and can respect this
Is 2015 the year of the PMC? We shall see. kind of option, as well.
News and analysis flood the internet and The magazine and its website will continue
magazines with lots of information, sometimes to be an open platform for all the serious,
contradictory. Of course, in a troubled world, reliable professionals in the security, military,
everybody looks for better living and working law enforcement, medical and disaster
opportunities. Some will come for the private management that want to use it and publish
security industry. But as all comes with a their opinions, announcements or other
price, I would rather let the things speak for information. You are always welcome!
themselves as various operations will start I must end by thanking from all my heart to
early next years and some others are already those friends and companies who gave their
ongoing. From Ukraine to Nigeria, from the trust and published in our magazine: from
boring residential security jobs to fighting ISIS our Bulgarian friends at Alfa Metal, the Brits
and other terrorist factions, 2015 seems to at Clearwater, Athena Academy for Female
be a busy year. And so will be for the maritime Bodyguards, SSG from Finland, Zehnder
security sector where new regulations will be Security- our brother from Switzerland,
put into force early next year. BGS and RAO Security in Romania, master
This is the last issue of the first year of life of the Manrico Erriu’s GENI-AX, Center for the Study
Private Ops Magazine, a “baby magazine” of Terrorism at University of Saint Andrews,
comparing with its much older and better the incredible tactical gear creators ar
sister publications in the field. Nevertheless the Voodoo Tactical Europe in Slovenia to the
magazine is doing fine and will be free to read newly arrived on the market Amur Tactical.
and free to download. It was not meant for profit And I am sure I missed a few. I apologize and
and so it will stay, despite critiques coming from I assure you we do not forget our friends and
friends, competitors, media marketing experts partners, even if they are not on this list above.
and others. It was and is the pleasure of Private My special thanks to our graphic designer
Ops Magazine’s editorial staff to offer you as Valentin Manolescu, who did a great work
much as we can every issue. every issue of the magazine and did it as a
This one does not have many information, real friend. My gratitude!
news, analysis and such of this kind. We For all of our readers, wherever they are and
preferred to keep it simple and informative for all our partners we also have a free 2015
on the some new companies and new calendar that I hope you will enjoy and find
courses and trainings offered by various for it useful, of at least will remember you, from
the beginning of 2015. We apologize for not time to time, that there is a little magazine that
publishing more of these announcements, keeps “walking”. Just as Johnny W.!
but will be honest here to say that many Stay safe! Be successful!
Powered by Voodoo Tactical Europe companies and even retailers from the Have a wonderful New Year in 2015!
industry simply ignore or refuse without an Yours, Mircea Opris

The training only usually available to USA. The company comes with a new
government or military specialists, is now approach on training, based on the
available to you! experience of professional operators in
the military, close protection, medical and
Amur Tactical has compiled a selection of
emergency relief.
the most popular courses, packed with
the ultimate skills & knowledge from the With a variety of packages and courses
worlds leading militaries & intelligence to choose from, you’ll be happy working
agencies! with Amur Tactical, as a student or
as a professional operator. The new
company’s staff has over 15 years of
• Surveillance Tradecraft experience in the security and intelligence
industry and they have worked in wide
• Escape & Evasion (S.E.R.E.) spectrum of environments as well as for
• Post disaster Survival an array of extremely pleased clients from
around the globe.
• Close Protection
Security, close protection services and
And now we offer a “Best of all 4” 1 day trainings as well are specially designed
fundamentals course for only £99. to meet the highest standards of today’s
(Usually £199) market. The courses and trainings
come with a new approach, by tasching
For more information visit www.
various techniques from various
corners of the world, so any student
and operator is prepared for the cultural
and operational demands of various
Armur Tactical is a new Security and regions of the globe, in normal or high
Intelligence Services & Training company, risk environments. Foreign instructors,
with main bases in the UK and the from various countries, with military or
– excellence
in training
Now entering its eight year as a
security training center Alfa-Metal
has expanded its weapon course
selection and weapons training
facilities from its original pistol and rifle
shooting range to simunition building
clearing area and on site limited living
accommodation. ICSTPS Alfa-Metal
Ltd offers an extended wide range of
training courses including: advance
weapon manipulation shooting
courses, VIP/Close protection
courses, CQB individual and tactical
courses, as well as individual self
private background will add a touch of
defense courses utilizing simunitions
knowledge for those who choose to do
weapon platforms, tactical medicine
their trainings and certifications at Armur
and maritime security courses. As
Tactical. Also, the network of security
well as that ICSTPS Alfa-Metal offers
professionals from various countries
SIA Close Protection Level 3 training
guarantee the highest operational
course in an extended cooperation
standards of protection and security for
with Clearwaterspecial projects UK.
clients, no matter what country they have
This strong cooperation gave us the
to work safely in.
opportunity to offer one of the first of
Stay tuned for more news from Armur its kind combined training packages
Tactical on their website: http://www. including SIA Close Protection Level 3
amurtactical.com, as well as their training and shooting long and short
facebook page and twitter account. barrel weapons at one of the most
competitive price points on the market
outside UK.

The International Center for Special

DESIGNED FOR YOU Training in Protection and Security
DEVELOPED BY ALFA-METAL Ltd. is a private and
PROFESSIONALS leading NAVET /National Agency for
Vocational Education and Training
- Specialized body to the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria
Crucial IEDs + Intelligence
established with the Law for the
Vocational Education and Training in
- Auto Patrol teams trainings
- Cash and Valuables in Transit /Bank
modules added to online
Approved security training company
Security and Collection Activity/
- Tactical and/or extreme vehicle
Terrorism Course
specialized in practical real situational driving The renowned Terrorism Studies online the rapid increase in the study and
training in combination with the - Survival Courses course from the University of St Andrews use of intelligence in counter-terrorism
uniquely methods of teaching of the - Training staff personnel from different has launched two new study options operations. It carefully analyses the use
instructor-trainers from the USA, specialized units of the governmental in IEDs and Terrorism Intelligence. Both of intelligence in decision making, the
Russia,Canada, Ukraine, Kazakhstan structures modules are delivered by tutored online challenges encountered, how it is used
and the European Union. - Special VIP Security Diver Training elearning which is accessible from by the terrorists themselves, different
Alfa-Metal offers trainings and - Diver Preparation - CMAS 1*, 2* and anywhere with an internet connection types of intelligence and its future.
refreshment trainings of operators and 3* and offers flexible study for professionals Policy decisions are explored along with
employees, working in the sphere of in the policing, security, military and civilian processes and structure of intelligence
protection and security in: Special moduls included in the communities. communities. Important, and very topical,
- Close Protection courses are: The IEDs module explores the growing issues of law and human rights, including
- SIA Close Protection Level 3 ( a - Firearms safety use and handle- range of threats from the terrorist weapon privacy, data protection and freedom
course designed and handled by an Driving in Hostile Environment / of choice in military and civilian arenas, of information are studied along with
UK Instructor with an UK completion Extreme Driving along with how they are dealt with and comparisons between political, military,
certificate ) - Personal safety in everyday life and in prevented via counter-IED technology. commercial, economic and ‘cultural’
- Hostile Environment training Hostile Environment As well as exploring the technologies intelligence, before considering the use of
- Physical Protection of Sites - Protective Vehicle Driving of IEDs, the course examines differing the internet and cyber intelligence in the
- Training and refreshment in shooting - First Aid IED strategies, such as comparing Al future.
(using short and long rifled firearms, - Hand-on-hand combat - Russian Qaeda suicide mass killings with the IRA
defensive shooting) style aiming primarily at specific targets, and The course is extremely popular with
- Maritime Security - Legal preparing and practical advices then how terrorists use supply chains to military personnel either placed on the
- Tactical Medicine obtain the explosives and components course by their units or as individuals
for IEDs. Emerging threats, including looking to boost their present or future
improvised thermobaric weapons and career options, with many using ELC
electromagnetic pulse (EMP) IEDs are funding (provider no 2035). Full course
considered, along with IED intelligence, details are easily accessible via the
detection, forensics and the challenges course website at www.terrorismstudies.
in dealing with evolving devices, such as com/FLR2398FB2J1.
improvised CBRN IEDs
The new intelligence course investigates Delivered by the Handa Centre for the
The Handa Centre for the
Study of Terrorism and
Political Violence (CSTPV)

Terrorism Studies Individual Modules / Certificate / Advanced Certificate
digital magazine dedicated
to law enforcement,
Delivered by part-time online e-learning
military, private security,
first responders and
October 2014 emergency services
February & June 2015


now in
Enrolment administered by:

Tel: +44 (0)20 3377 3210 / +1 (646) 957 8929 | Email: info@terrorismstudies.com
Quote VIP Code: FLR2433AA121

Study of Terrorism and Political Violence

(CSTPV) at the University of St Andrews
CSTPV is dedicated to the study of the
causes, dynamics, characteristics and
in a partnership with IBC Academy, the consequences of terrorism and related
course has enrolled over 4,300 students forms of political violence, with rigorous,
over the last 7 years, with many students evidence-based, scholarly analysis that is
returning to study additional optional policy-relevant but independent.
modules due to the excellence of the
course and the international networks The Certificate and Advanced Certificate
of high quality fellow participants they offer a high quality but flexible study
come into contact with via the discussion choice for professionals. Full details
forums. of course and study options can be
found at www.terrorismstudies.com/
The CSTPV was founded in 1994 and FLR2398FB2J1 by email to info@
is Europe’s oldest Centre for studying TerrorismStudies.com or by calling +44
terrorism, and one of the world’s leading (0)20 3377 3210 / +1 (646) 957 8929.
institutions for understanding the subject
in a practical as well as academic manner.
Subscribe Now FREE
The International Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT) is world renowned for uniting academic
research and education with Israel’s hard-won practical expertise to conceive a new brand of
Counter Terrorism studies. With its Executive Certificate Program consistently filled to capacity
and demand ever-growing, ICT has developed a new multi-module format:


» Students of Counter Terrorism, Security and Strategy Programs
» Law Enforcement Officers » Counter-Terrorism Experts
» First Responders » Homeland Security Officials
» Military Personnel » Private Sector Specialists

Designed and led by ICT’s founder and executive

director Dr. Boaz Ganor, and based on his book, The
Counter-Terrorism Puzzle: A Guide to Decision Makers,
course topics include:
» Defining Terrorism
» State Sponsored Terrorism
» Hybrid Terrorist Organizations
» Modern Terrorism Strategy
» Suicide Terrorism
» Global Jihad Terrorism
» Non-Conventional Terrorism
» Terrorism’s Use of the Internet
» Terrorism and the Media
» Dilemmas in Counter Terrorism Decision Making
Romania’s School of
Survival – implementing the
novelty through TACTICAL

School of Survival is one of the elite

private security and survival training
centers in Romania. It’s founder, Matei
Florin and his staff offer training to civilians
and military personnel, using methods
and techniques through the TCS system
covers three main fighting approaches:
hand to hand combat , knife combat and
firearms tactics.

Modern combat evolves continuously,

special drills were designed for all the
but the training services on the Romanian
participants to overcome their physical
market are still way behind the Western
and psychological barriers, to identify
trend, for both civilian and military. Many
their weak points and to control their
times, the complex real situations
fears. Special situations were simulated
overwhelm the private or state security
to create the most realistic conditions
and law enforcement as the techniques
someone in this given situation may face.
used are outdated. This is the main
reason why the School of Survival in
As a recognition of School of Survival’s
Romania was established and develops
professional staff and high quality
continuously the TCS (TACTICAL
trainings, they will give two TCS courses in
December in Genoa, Italy: one designed
In october 2014, School of Survival
for civilians, and one specially dedicated
organized the first Boot Camp in
for the training of the local police.
Romania, designed for civilians, focused
In October 2014, chief instructor Matei
Florin earned his certification in S.F.C.K
with 6 Dan – Shihan Black Belt, a
certificate issued by the M.A.A. -I ( Martial
Arts Association - International ). Matei
Florin became one of the youngest
Romanian instructors who have this rank.
Together with Alex Laykov - Head of the
World Council of Masters S.F.C.K and
other instructors of this organization,
this team will give classes, courses and
training sessions in various countries.
Also, in December 2014, School of
Survival organizes a new Boot Camp
focused on SURVIVAL –surviving in hostile
To stay up-to-date with the courses
offered in 2015 by the School of Survival
subscribe and regularly check their
Facebook page:

body language, murderous techniques (unorthodox
techniques) operational procedures for large flights
(food, personal needs, etc.. ), operational techniques
of different terrorist organizations, detecting opera-
tional techniques of attackers, the use of unconven-

Our job is securing the skies

tional weapons, choice location for operational rea-
sons, choosing clothes for operational reasons, shoot-
ing techniques and battle around people and crowds,
types of ammunition, weapon selection, selection of
By Iordanidis Eleftherios,
equipment and clothing, neutralization grenade, simu-
Sky Air Marshal Instructor, Director of International Airline Security & Sky Air Marshal lations of all possible situations, operational proce-
School dures for hijacking, protection from gunfire, operational
procedures for hijacked aircraft and / or passenger.
A sky marshal (also known as air marshal or
flight marshal) is an undercover law enforce-
ment or counter terrorist agent on board a Remember ...
commercial aircraft to counter aircraft hijack-
ings. They are specially trained and are
Do not allow the risk to find you,
responsible for protecting passengers and
flight crews in the event of a hijacking or ter-
search you for this!
rorist incident. Do not say that this will not Sky Air Marshals training is very demanding. The school provides
to students aircraft for their education in the field of air marshal.

Armed or unarmed air marshals blend in with happen to me.

ordinary passengers to cover high risk
domestic and international flights. They may
be provided by airlines or by government
The area of the airport, due to the movement of thou- separating the area of airport-aircraft security and put
The Sky Marshal program was created in the sands of passengers, it is most often the easiest tar- in persons who have been trained specifically for this
1970s to deal with unlawful acts at the first get of terrorists. The methods they are using have space.
hijackings in Cuba and expanded, culminat- been adjusted according to the type of security of
ing in the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001. each airport. One of the hardest things in an airport is The area of the airport has many parts that can be an
the control of thousands of passengers in proportion easy target for terrorists. External parts of the airport
to people's safety. who are a bit distant as the gates, the cargo, the car
SKY MARSHAL TRAINING: parks are places
Sky Marshal training includes: operational role of sky marshals on the entire security system, shots on battle hour, Measures that can easily
strenuous physical exercise, operational tactics - shooting aboard the aircraft, operational shots from different taken to pre- be exploited by
positions (with one hand / weak hand, by sitting from lying position, throws specific for the aircraft type), address- vent an act of terrorists. And do
ing the drawbacks, shootings in
unlawful not forget that
unusual situations (turbulence,
interference terrorists always
bad weather, after injury), dis-
is very little moving between
arming techniques in the air-
either in man- "crack technolo-
craft, unarmed combat against
power or in gy and the law,"
weapons, fighting techniques
t e c h n o l o g y. as great analysts
against multiple opponents,
The training of terrorism
operational knowledge of the
should be says. Terrorists
aircraft, operational coopera-
done for do not follow
tion with the crew and pilots,
security rules, they have
operational behavior during
around the their own beliefs
flight, operational procedures
airport staff, regardless of their specialty, are often not in their action, except anything that will make them
for departure, during the flight
implemented. Often in the educational part, there are gain publicity. Do not forget that a great asset for the
and arrival, security of the
many shortcomings in terms of information on new terrorists are the media.
cabin, numerous techniques for
methods used by terrorists.
treating terrorists in various
If they addressed by their cultural characteristics, then
parts of the airplane secretly
We must never forget that the cooperation of all air- they will disguised with features you not expect to see,
through communication with
port staff from different services, aviation security and in order to accomplish their mission. Besides, it is no
trusted staff, advanced fighting
armed flight escorts (sky marshals), always give a coincidence that the oldest law of terrorists, which fol-
techniques from a sitting posi-
better result in the prevention of unlawful acts. In low closely, says "do whatever it takes to accomplish
tion, after a battle injury, identi-
fication of potential suspects, many countries of the world, already, are beginning your mission!"
The International Airline Security and Sky Air Marshal
School offers a variety of education at the safety of airport
and aircraft. Participants who wish to develop a career in
the field of security, can choose from a wide range of

School Tasks: 1.Aviation security

2.Airport Security
3.Crew Training
4.Staff Around Aircraft
5.Sky Air Marshal
6.Staff on Board
7.Body Language Airport
8.Cargo Security

These courses are designed to develop practical and managerial

skills required to work in one area of airport or aircraft security. The edu-
cation is always based on realistic scenarios and constant new techniques
for tackling terrorism in the sensitive area of the airport.

The training takes place within the airplane. The school provides to students aircraft
for their education in the field of air marshal. Our belief is that with proper training and with the appropriate human
factor, preventing an unlawful action is possible!

PILOT TRAINING: the aircraft, not to cause a breaking of the glass in the
In recent years with the increasing terrorist attacks in cab, not endangering the physical safety of crew and
all nations of earth, the ICAO (International Civil passengers in the shaft.
Aviation Organization), decided, in cooperation with
country’s authorities, to be legal the possession of And here we can conclude that, although the weapon
weapons of airlines that fly to prevent an unlawful inter- is necessary, however, requires much attention. The
ference. moment that the governor chooses to use the weapon
is the most important point. The operational solution
must be given within 5-9 seconds, which means com-
plete elimination of terrorists. At this point the surprise
and the reaction rate is a great asset. Also, another
point to be noticed is the governor and his body lan-
guage what the terrorist message is transmitted and
how crucial it is.

The training must be ongoing until the end of their

career, they must be very good weapon handlers, have
self defense knowledge, be good decoders of body lan-
guage and very good coordinators of the company.

In all the above is specified our school, which gives a

You may ask yourself: How necessary is a business primary role in safety!
solution with a gun on the plane and on what time must
be used by the Governor; What is education to be The courses include:
attended and for how long? How to avoid hostageship in the cockpit. Business
solution through the cockpit. Crew coordination.
Let’s start with the first part. The business solution with
a gun is the last stage of a governor when all other CABIN CREW TRAINING:
negotiations do not work. It is a decision which should The training includes the following:
be taken with a very clear mind and the right time. Business Body Language. Operational coordination
with cockpit. Neutralization drunken passengers.
In this solution there are risks: if the weapon used in Suspicious objects isolation procedures. Detection of
the cockpit must watch the ball not to hit any body of explosives.
Group –
Special Security Group - SSG specializes military background, SIA certified in close
in close protection, investigation & protection, professionals with years
surveillance, and security training of experience within the international
services. We also provide basic security security business, where many are
guarding services. SSG Professional Ex-Special Forces operators. Our
Security team is trained to provide the international employees have many years
highest level of security anywhere in the of experience in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa,
world as in high risk environments. Middle East, Asia and Europe. Maritime Security
Security Training Courses
All our security team members has SSG also provides training programs
for security, military, law enforcement Security Training Services
and civilians. Our training facilities are in
Finland, but we also offer training around Main Instructor is Glenford Dinnal-Allen
the world. who has been decade’s in the Security
Industry including High Risk Countries
Services for example Iraq, Nigeria, Philippines and
Whether on a personal or corporate level, Central America. When Glenford was
from risk assessment to close protection, in Iraq he was employed by Dyncorp
SSG will work with you and your staff International LLC and his duties was a
to create secure environments even in PSD Operator and Operational Medic.
the most high-risk areas. Our years of
experience around the world put us in a Other Instructors have over than 14
great position to assist and advise on your years experience of an International
security needs. Security Business, Close Protection and
Surveillance Tasks. We have also many
Our Security Services: an Ex-Special Forces Instructors for
example from the US Army.
Close Protection
Investigation & Surveillance Courses for Civilian:
Static Security
High Risk Security Close Protection Basic Course
Close Protection Advanced Course
High Risk Armed Protection (PSD)
Tactical Combat Casualty Care TCCC
Course Course
Surveillance & Counter Surveillance - Anti Terrorism Course
Basic Course
Surveillance & Counter Surveillance We can mix and fix all these courses
Advanced Course for the customer demands.
CQB / Small Team Tactics Course
HEAT Course (Hostile Environments Training facilities are in Finland but we
Awareness Training) offer training around the world.

Special Security Group (SSG)

Courses for Government, Police, Army,
Special Forces, etc… www.specialsecuritygroup.net

- Basic Close Protection Course

- Advanced Close Protection Course
- PSD Course
- Surveillance and Counter Surveillance
- Scout Sniper Course
- Basic Sniper Course
- Advanced Sniper Course
- Scout Sniper Course
- Special Forces Movement and Tactics
- Special Forces Marksmanship and
CQB Course
- Tactical Combat Casualty Care, TCCC
‘Save the Life’ 2015 EMERGENCY, RESCUE-, SAFETY
towards More Resilience 11-13 March 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
in SE Europe
The different nature of disasters and ∙ display their products in a cost-effective
industrial accidents requires an way to professional audience;
implementation of professional ∙ establish long-term presence on the
experience, appropriate technology emerging South-East European market.
and intensified trans-border interaction.
In the most cases they affect humans, Exhibition Branches:
Parallel Events:
environment and global economy. Early warning systems and monitoring,
emergency and rescue equipment in Waste Management & Recycling

‘Save the Life’ is the first science-to- case of fire, earthquake, flood, water
business (S2B), business-to-government and air pollution; medical equipment;
(B2G) and B2B event in Bulgaria ICT; personal protective equipment
concerning the prevention, preparedness and clothing; civil protection equipment Organizer: Via Expo - office@viaexpo.com, www.viaexpo.com
and reactions, damage recovery, etc. It for rehabilitation and reconstruction,
will be held in 2015 from 11 to 13 March urban planning, insurance and risk
in Sofia. Due to the increasing climate management, etc.
Representatives from renowned and Crisis Communication. German
variability and more frequent industrial
institutions will present their know- company EverGlow will focus on the topic
accidents over the last few years, these Who will Visit the Exhibition?
how and best practices in disaster of ‘Improving Evacuation in Emergency
issues attain extreme significance for The invited visitors are experts in the field
management and prevention: Kenjiro Situations’. Speakes from World Bank,
the Region of South-East Europe. The of emergency management:
Omura from the Japanese University of International Telecommunication Union,
event aim is to transfer the international infrastructure operators, senior managers
Tsukuba will speak on ‘Urban Planning UK Environment Agency are also
experience and products to the Region. and decision makers from public
for Disaster Resilient Cities in Case of expected to join the SEE Conference.
authorities and private companies.
Japan’; ‘Resilient Citizen - remarks about
Why to Participate in the Exhibition?
preparing for risks and crisis on an For more information: Via Expo – www.
The exhibiting companies will have an Conference Program
individual level’ - is the viaexpo.com
opportunity to: The newly elected EU Commissioner for
topic of the speech of Mr. Herbert Koch
∙ make face-to-face business with Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management
from the International Association of Risk
present and potential customers; Christos Stylianides is officially
∙ get valuable marketing information; invited to open the SEE Conference.
international nonprofit
entity created to help
organizations succeed
and prosper in a world
threatened by terrorism
COTERMOLA is an international COTERMOLA established a Monitoring
counterterrorism and counterintelligence Center to provide accurate and
Think-Tank, one of the first in Romania actionable intelligence about potential
and in Eastern Europe. It was founded security threats throughout the world,
as a response to today’s dynamic global mainly about terrorism and organized
strategic security environment. It aims to crime in the Europe and the Balkans,
become a highly selective and enviable but also in other parts of the world. With
place to work and exchange information, a multilingual team of researchers and
share experience, because of Think- analysts, the Monitoring Center gathers
Tanks’ influence on policy and decision and provides intelligence on terrorist
makers through their production of high- activities and plans, information on
quality research, and typically connects international hot-spots, historical “red-
specialists and people with advanced flag” dates, and real-time security alerts.
degrees in the field.
COTERMOLA offers counterterrorism &
COTERMOLA’s international network money laundering monitoring, integrated
of experts provide counter-terrorism threat assessment, crisis response and
training, seminars, and security protection company. Based in Romania,
specialization in dealing with threats such it offers international services in Central
as Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), and Eastern Europe, the Balkans and
suicide bombers, and other forms of North Africa. Cotermola coordinates a
whether the needs are as specialized as COTERMOLA offers investigative
international terror striking both the public broad range of expertise to provide you
executive protection or as broad as anti- services to find the best solutions for you.
and private sector. with maximum results in a minimum time,
terrorism consulting.
contact: office@cotermola.com
COTERMOLA focuses on providing
physical and human security personnel, phone: +40-744-538-740
assessing and mitigating security risks,
and developing training programs http://cotermola.com
performed by our network of experts.
ghe-o.com contact / om
tel: +40744649215
BGS Security Division is part of BGS Group, along
with BGS Medical Division and with BGS Association
Disasters and Calamities Division. The activities of
BGS Group focus on two key issues: life and property.
Therefore, the reason why BGS Group exists is based
on providing services for protection, care and saving
of lives and goods.
The company was founded in 1993 and now we have
over 21.000 clients.
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There is no better source of information about contracting opportunities in Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, UAE and
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IBSSA (International Bodyguard And Security Register Today on the Security Jobs Network!
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formed an important and strategic alliance with land to Iraq, Afghanistan and across Africa.
Colonel Branislav Jovchevski who is the head of
IBSSA Macedonia.
As well as offering the Close Protection Level 3
standard we also have the Ship Security OfÞcers
training course (SSO) as well as basic,
intermediate and advanced level Þrearms
training courses launching in 2015.
From left to right: Colonel Branislav Jovevski, Kevin Horak,
Prof. George Popper & Henry Pattison

Better gear for better ops – interactive project

Custom made for YOU!

Author: Mircea OPRIS

Voodoo Tactical Europe and Private Ops

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http://www.voodootactical.eu selected Companies, Associates and just some of the keys they use to ensure
Consultants. effective and safe overseas operations.
They have developed, and are continuing For companies working abroad in remote
the growth of their company on 7 Pillars regions, such as disaster areas and
namely: “Strength of Character, Wisdom, high threat environments, they have
Perceptiveness, Advice, Precision, the means and capability to quickly
Capacity and Respect”. GENI-AX believes mobilize and provide the expertise in all
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investment and capability building base operations.
solutions by advising its clients to facilitate
practical market entry strategies, with
to pass onto students. Specialising in countries from the UK, USA and United International Service – all conditions, all
Counter Terrorism, VIP Protection and Arab Emirates through to Qatar and risks
Close Protection Operations have been Kosovo, and therefore knows that
and will continue to be pivotal areas of his learning based on respect is a golden rule Counter-terrorism is a system in demand
expertise. However, whichever service for success. right around the globe. That’s why
you require, rest assured, all are delivered Manrico Erriu’s services are offered
based on professionalism, ethics, respect worldwide. No situation is ever the same.
and dedication. These are key attributes Levels of risk and working conditions are
and must be adhered to when observing open to variation. Relevant experience of
These capabilities and services are all conditions and the ability to exercise
different cultures and customs.
tailored to each client, and each optimum skills in variable risk situations
Respect, Integrity, Code of Conduct
requirement as part of a turnkey solution. is vital. So, rest assured, it’s at the top of
His name and reputation are quickly
GENI-AX team of experienced the agenda – ensuring you have such
growing up, respected and trusted by
professionals have the know-how and procedures in place whenever and
clients and colleagues, even competitors
capability to effectively identify, evaluate wherever they are needed.
because of his skills and ability to satisfy
and implement risk mitigating measures
his clients, driven by the highest ethical
covering a wide range of industries and
standards, polite and respectful of people
their sectors. From Risk Assessments
and cultures, he is providing the best
and Staff training to full protective security
solutions available in the marketplace
in high threat environments.

Manrico Erriu - Trained, Experienced and Trusted

CEO at GENI-AX Worldwide Network

As an independent counter terrorism

instructor specialising in the field of Israeli
counter terrorism procedures, you’ll find Operating Field with Optimum Support
Manrico holds the expertise and aptitude
to arm you with the knowledge and When it comes to the operating field
skills essential for today’s most hostile only the best support teams in their field
environments. The fact he is independent will do. And that’s exactly what people
Because of that he is highly requested means people benefit from a truly can expect when they choose one of
by customers who want superior impartial approach. Manrico Erriu’s services and expert
services provided by an impartial, open tuition courses. In addition to qualified
minded, independent expert with high Governmental departments, civilian experience people will also benefit from
professionalism, ethic, dedication and special units, private security companies hands-on assistance from a variety of
respect. and multinational organisations have all close protection teams including:
The ultimate in Counter Terrorism Tactical made Manrico Erriu a preferred choice
Combat Shooting Instruction along with for the utmost in professionalism and First Response Teams
the highest quality tuition of the Protection proficiency. These are synonymous Anti-Maritime Piracy Teams
Industry Services, all supported by skilled qualities apparent throughout the Intelligence Agents and Consultants
manpower teams. complete range of customised close Counter-Surveillance Agents and
Manrico Erriu’s career began in Japan protection and operations courses Consultants
Manrico Erriu has built a strong
and spans several years within a diverse available.
rapport (business & friendship) with
range of terrain. This gave the in-depth These are all part of the services
representatives from a variety of
knowledge and experience needed
Manrico has available. All fundamental GENI-AX’s director? Protection Operations Courses, HEAT unexpected situations
accreditation recognised by the Hostile Environments Awareness - Fast and effective Close Quarter Battle
protection industry are firmly in place A: Training till the Customised Special (CQB) techniques
with all the fore mentioned courses. GENI-AX is mainly a large network, it was Training for Counter Terrorism Special - Prepares the operator to work both
Likewise, all associated supporting born just to collect all my professional Units and First Response SWAT Teams. independently and as a team
crews hold international licenses and connections, it is a brand I created to - Elevates fighting spirit and determination
relevant titles, from both Government and make clear and public my vision and We teach the Israeli Tactical Response - Elevates confidence of self and weapon
private entities. What’s more, all have had business mission. Method that is a radically different - Innovative and unique training methods
significant and highly valuable operational approach from any other combat - Releases the operator from thinking
experience required to equip you with the I usually put the emphasis on the fact shooting technique. about shooting techniques
right knowledge and methods. I am independent because it is very - Trains the operator not to depend on an
important to me that people know it, I Really effective, success is based solely instructor or supervisor
really enjoy to collaborate with others, on actual performance. - Mental aspects of this training are
I’m not in competition with anybody, covered in depth, as well as how to best
till now I did not signed any exclusive The guiding principle of our method is handle intense psychological stress.
contract, so I work as a consultant, to neutralize the threat quickly, in the
operative and instructor internationally, simplest and most intuitive way possible. All courses are conducted by me
working for different governmental, semi- Aggressiveness, decisiveness, accuracy supported by a Team of selected highly
governmental, operational and training and speed are all integral elements of qualified and experienced instructors.
situations, including other private security this method. For this reason, a proper All members are experts internationally
companies. mindset is emphasized to carry out the trained, who specialize in the field of VIP
A short interview to make clear some method. protection and Counter Terrorism are
point: still active Close Protection operatives at
all levels of risk.
What is your status? My specialty is to motivate and inspire,
thus providing a solid foundation
A: for teamwork; during teaching I put
I am an independent consultant working emphasis on building united, coordinated,
for both Governmental and Private strong and very effective teams.
sector, providing customised special
training, tactical stability support and risk Stress is introduced throughout the
mitigation services worldwide. training regimen in order to get the
As a Counter Terrorism Instructor I Q: trainees accustomed to the pressure
am specialised in the Tactical Combat Why people say you are the best close associated with actual events. This
Shooting for the Anti-Terror First protection training provider nowadays? commonsense approach is specifically
Response, VIP / Close Protection geared for deadly-force situations
Operations in Hostile Environments, A: rather than shooting competition. Often
specialist in provision of customised I guess because our training solutions techniques that bring X-ring accuracy on
special training to Governmental or are different, special and unique. We the range simply fail under stress.
civilian special units. offer a wide range of tactical courses
starting from the Firearms Tactical Key advantages of our System Q:
Q: Combat Shooting IDF Method Courses, We know you are working for a Royal
Talking about yourself you often use the Close Protection Courses, PSD - - Enhances the body’s muscle memory Family of a Muslim Country, what you can
word independent, why? Are you also the HECPO Hostile Environments Close - Prepares the operator for combat in tell us about that?
A: and knowledge. There are different of warriors, I have learned from them all
I’m sorry but I never speak about my options, for example people can decide about the warrior code, respect, humility,
clients, it is my policy. to be a regular representative or an determination and inner strength. Thanks
exclusive one with exclusive rights for his/ to their teachings I deeply respect people,
Q: her Country/territory. There is also the cultures and different point of view. Open
Could you at least tell us which kind of most expensive option that includes the minded I am working with a truly impartial
service you provide them? possibility to become a Counter Terrorism approach at all times. That’s my policy,
A: Instructor, joining our team and working clients really like my way to act with them.
Mainly I provide customized training whit us. All interested can ask info at our
solutions for the special units in charge of main email address. Q:
the close protection operations. There are rumors you created an
Q: operational unit working worldwide.
Where your business partners are A:
located? That is correct, you are talking about our
A: TOU Tactical Operatives Units, a selected
I have selected partners all over the world, number of specialists from all around the
that’s why we can cover most part of world engaged on operational activities.
requests. I believe collaboration is the
secret to success. We continually receive
and accept proposal for cooperation I am willing to give further details to those
from different Countries. who wish to contact me privately, and if
it is necessary, to arrange a meeting with
Q: Q: me or with my collaborators in London.
When and where do the PSD HECPO In a sector so much hard to work in, what
Q: Course take place? is the secret of your success? office@geni-ax.com
Are you allowed to teach the Israeli A: A:
procedures to Muslim Countries? The next one will be held in Poland Respect! I grew up in a Japanese family
A: on May 2015, from 4th to 9th May. It
Why not? What’s the problem? I am not represents our best training solution for
Jew, not Israeli; I am a specialist who is the private sector, it is the most complete,
providing professional training services intensives and effectives course we
to respectable people who cover all legal provide. Currently the most requested on
requirement to be trained. That’s all. the market.

Q: Q:
Few weeks ago it has been published a What about the GENI-AX’s headquarter?
post regarding the GENI-AX franchising A:
solution, what you can tell us about that? The Headquarter is based in London,
A: all is managed from here. London is an
It is a business opportunity we created amazing city offering lot of opportunities,
in order to improve our network and I decided to put basement here because
generate new connections. The it is the best place where this kind of
interested party will be allowed to open activities must be located and managed.
an official GENI-AX representative office
being supported by us, sharing income
A Choke by
Any Other Name
Due to the recent death of Eric Garner at
the hands of the NYPD by a chokehold
it is time to clear things up on chokes.
Between 1975-1982 the LAPD had 16
Chokehold Deaths, choke holds were
later banned. Chokeholds were banned
by the NYPD for almost 20 years after
the death of Anthony Baez. The NYPD
manual states in Section 203-11 of the
NYPD Patrol Guide under the Use Of
Force section “A choke hold shall include,
but is not limited to, any pressure to the
throat or windpipe, which may prevent
or hinder breathing or reduce intake of
air.” PG 203-11. Unfortunate due to the
raise of Mix Martial Arts and its popularity bouncers and police plenty of times.
rendering a person unconscious. This is takes 5lbs of force to be able to choke
everyone thinks by watching a few fights
Chokes has many names such as rear- also called a strangle. The strangles cuts someone out, it takes more force to
that they are able to execute a choke.
naked chokes, Special Forces Chokes, off the blood to the brain. An example break an egg with your hands. MMA
I have seen it done by bodyguards,
Sleeper hold, shime-waza, lateral vascular of this choke is the special forces choke fighters like Fedor has 500lbs of force and
neck restraint , and many more, but if and is when your biceps is on one side BJ Peen has 163 lbs of force. Women’s
done wrong can lead to death. Choking of the neck while your forearm is on the MMA pioneer Gina Carano has 380lbs
was a preferred method of assassination other side of the neck. It makes sort of a V of force. In those few seconds their heart
for the Thugge (where we get our word shape. rate, respiratory, and brain activity drops
Thug from) group of India which terrorized The brain uses 20% of the body’s to almost half.
travelers during their reign. oxygen. When you put someone in a Part of any reality based programs
There are two main categories of chokes. choke hold this cuts the brains oxygen teaches the use of force and how not
Air chokes (also called tracheal chokes) intake by 15%, this lack of oxygen stuns only to defend yourself in the streets but
compress the upper-airway passages, the cells to the frontal cortex of the brain also in the justice system. Every agency
causing a powerful gag response, pain which controls short term memory. all around the world has a use of force
and suffocation. This choke cuts oxygen This usually happens depending on continuum. Jim Wagner was the first
to the brain. The sharp side of the forearm the force of the choke between 4-8 person to make one for civilians called the
is on the throat and your hands are clinch seconds. 3 second into the choke your use of force ladder.
together like if you were washing your muscle activity raises. This is sometimes Article by Fernando Figueroa
hands with soap. It makes sort of an L interpreted that the suspect or opponent
shape. is fighting back and usually the person http://do.linkedin.com/in/
Blood chokes (sleeper holds) pinch doing the choke will choke harder. This figueroaprotection
the carotid arteries and jugular veins can lead to excessive force. 6 seconds https://www.facebook.com/
(main brain blood vessels), cutting off or less the vision starts to go and they RealityBased
blood circulation to the brain and quickly see black and then lights out. It only www.defensareal.com
JANUARY Special !
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