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AR 451 – Planning 2 - Fundamentals of Urban Design and Community Architecture

Assignment 5: Construction Management

Arch. Raul E.Pablo, UAP

The Owner and you the Architect agreed for a Construction Management Services to be rendered on a
4-storey Apartment Project, explain how you would implement the following 4-major functions in
Construction Management for this project. You are directly employed by the Owner, and the Contractor and
Sub-contractors are entities your will be dealing with in this project.

2.1.1 Coordination and Supervision

2.1.2 Cost and Time Control

2.1.3 Quality Control of Work and

2.1.4 Keeping of Records

Provide a CONCLUDING REFLECTION on learning for this topic.

To be submitted in PDF format, as per the usual standard set-up.

2.1.1 Coordination and Supervision

In this case, as the owner and I have agreed upon providing construction management services for a 4-
story apartment building. I should collaborate with the other specializations associated with the project to
ensure that everything is in sync with the plan and communicate with them to ensure that everyone is on
the same page to discuss technical issues and a building's structural integrity while taking into account the
signed contract terms between the owner and me as the architect. As for the supervision, as the architect in
charge of the project's construction, I will effectively supervise the construction sites on a regular basis to
ensure that all roles are coordinated and that everything is managed effectively and that everything is
proceeding as scheduled and that the agreement contracts are being observed. This is done to eliminate
mistakes and to reduce repetitive labor that causes building delays that affects the entire construction

2.1.2 Cost and Time Control

Every project is found by cost control and time management. I believe that good time management
increases effectiveness and also productivity. But It will all start at controlling the expenses with the labors
and materials. By considering the quality of materials to be used, it should meet the estimated budget of the
owner, as it will surely cover the timeline of the construction project and skip delays if considered properly. I
will make certain from time to time during my inspection of the construction site that the materials delivered
were safe and aligned with the agreement between the owner, contractor and me as the architect. I’ll make
sure that offers and proposals of the suppliers, subcontractors and contractors regarding the materials and
items to be brought to the site, even preassembled, will be checked for the safety of the workers, users and
its effectiveness to withstand the building. I will investigate any circumstances that may have an impact on
the construction in order to minimize disturbance and delays. We will analyze every cause of risk with the
assistance of my co-professional and will consider their judgment in their expertise to produce ideas and
solutions to avert repetitious effort and interruptions. Collaboration with the rest of the team is essential for
building a smooth communication process and managing time.
2.1.3 Quality Control of Work

Good quality control of work is very necessary to have and it takes a lot of early and constant monitoring on
the front end of that project, especially considering it could be a life safety issue for whoever inhabits that
building. In doing so, I will ensure that the final deliverable satisfies the owners standards and criteria,
which include the project being finished inside that scope of work and minimizing disputes all through
project's development. I will have a quality control checklist for the building work to ensure that the
inspection method is detailed and that nothing is overlooked. To make sure bad things don't happen to the
project, I will do a quality assurance that’s represents the owner and monitors the materials for compliance
with National Building Code and during the construction process, I will identify the build efficiencies of the
project and let the construction manager to ensure the quality on all aspects of materials testing process
and special inspections.

2.1.4 Keeping of Records

Retaining such archival data and documents is essential for future reference and legal importance for a
wide range of causes and purposes, to be an construction manager is to be always prepared and
organized in every transaction files such as of having soft copy and hard copy of every important document
so that it will be safe and readily available whenever needed, in keeping these record, I will be checking on
who’s member of the team have access to these important files as it is necessarily to know as the architect
in charge of the project to have backup in the event of loss, damage, or other unforeseen circumstances or
disputes, While the owner's representative assists in keeping them current, I will make sure that the
contractor who keeps and checks these record documents updates them on a constant schedule. These
records can also be updated on site but should be kept apart from those utilized for the construction
development. The client will be benefited after I ensure that the contractor's progress is reflected in the
original format, by having a modern digital set of records that are prepared for the next stage of the 4-storey
apartment's existence. The resources, project management files and correspondence records such as the
materials of delivery and use, as-built drawings, record drawings, secretary agreement contract, building
permit, blueprint, structural permit and project record document will be secured for the succeeding years
and legal reason.

Concluding Reflection

As I completed these construction management assignment tasks, I gained knowledge, particularly with
regard to being directly employed by the owner and having the contractor and subcontractors as entities
that I will be interacting with in this project. I also learned and gained knowledge from working with a variety
of professionals to have the goal of making a successful project and supervise to assess and ensure the
construction development safety by taking into account as well as the cost and time as it is one of the
crucial factors. I also discovered that cost control contributes to the achievement of a balanced design
spending between the many building components by meticulously analyzing and inspecting all the
materials to reduce costs and prevent repetitive labor if destroyed because of poor material selection. As
the person in charge of the construction management service, I must make sure that the development's
construction complies with safety regulations and will benefit current and future apartment residents as well
as time management and cost considerations. The last step is preserving records in order to retain the
work and offer backups in case a situation might emerge. These things were beneficial to me because they
gave me an idea of a potential scenario in the future and how I will ensure that everything is ordered and
thoroughly assessed.

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