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Advanced speaking - tips

Respond promptly to the interlocutor with complete answers that are
extemporaneous in nature. Avoid rehearsed speeches as they are easily spotted and
may be inappropriate based on the context.
Learn to think on your feet and provide answers to questions quickly even if you have
little practice with a particular subject matter.
Make use of a range of tenses, structures and rich vocabulary during this part of the
exam. This will foster a positive impression and provide you with the confidence to
perform at a high level during the other parts of the exam.

*extemporaneous = improvised
*think on your feet = think fast
*foster = support
Advanced speaking - practice

How important do you think family is? … (Why?)

How much time do you spend with your family and
what do you enjoy doing with them?
What qualities does a close friend need to possess?
With whom would you discuss a difficult personal
situation, a family member or a close friend? …

Improvise, think fast, use various structures

Talk for a
Te zajęcia nie są

Choose one subject

from the right and talk
about it for 60 seconds.
Why is Christmas in winter?

What was Yule?

Why do we have Christmas trees in our

Unit 1 p. 7
Unit 1 p. 7

Watch out!

Demand and expect are not the same, only

one of them can be followed by a pronoun!
Exam task
p. 4

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