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Given the imperativeness for both parents to secure livelihoods

for the family in contemporary society, it is opined that extra incomes may
do wonders for youngsters from such households. Another sentiment,
however, points to the lack of assistance for latchkey children. In my view,
both opinions are justified on multiple grounds. Having said that, I
maintain that a prodigious amount of children’s upbringing should involve
parental figures so as to ensure the former’s proper development.

On the one hand, both parents shouldering financial

responsibilities, which is synonymous with greater earning, confers
multiple merits to their offspring. For one, these youth are likely to
embark on a promising academic career. Indeed, relatively affluent
households can send children to prestigious institutions for high-quality
education, in addition to affording one-to-one tutoring tailored to the
young’s specific learning pace and needs. In turn, this will significantly
spurs their academic advancement and, hence, guarantee a better future
for them. For another, children from high-income families may enjoy
healthy physical growth. Alongside a daily supply of nutritious food, they
are also recipients of execellent medical services. Accordingly, not only are
they well-nourished on a constant basis, but they are also protected
against severe diseases such as rickets. It is evident, therefore, that should
both parents assume the role of a breadwinner, their offspring will benefit
academically and physically.

On the other hand, neglecting a child could entail grievous

repercussions on its development. To begin with, inadequate attendance
from parental figures can give rise to numerous psychological problems in
the long run. Undoubtedly, caregivers are indispensable to children's
psychological development, offering them affection and appreciation. The
absence of them, hence, may breed feelings of isolation, fear, and distrust,
which can translate into lifelong psychological consequences such as low
self-esteem, and depression. Moreover, latchkey children may grow up to
be ill-mannered individuals. Without sufficient guidance from parents
towards morality, youngsters acquire a skewed understanding of the
surrounding world. Understandably, as they interact with the real world,
such a perception can negatively influence their demeanors, which, if not
properly adjusted, can turn into incorrigible habits in adulthood.

To conclude, without denying the advantages of both parents

working for livelihoods, children should be well catered for by both
caregivers throughout their formative years, in order that they can grow
up to be morally and psychological mature adults.

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