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The charts illustrate the budget allocation of UK people in different areas

in 1971 and 2001.

Overall, while petrol accounted for the largest proportion of spending

originally, cars became the leading area of expenditure in 2001. Besides,
while certain areas witnessed lower percentages of spending after 30
years, new expenses emerged.

As shown, initially, petrol took up over one-third of the total expenditure,

followed closely by furniture with the equivalent figure of 32%. Meanwhile,
while nearly a quarter of the total spending went into restaurants,
computers only represented a marginal 7% in this regard.

In 2001, Petrol, furniture, and restaurants observed a dramatic reduction

in their shares of expenditure, to only 8% and 14% respectively.
Conversely, the figure for computers nearly doubled to 12%, which was
almost identical to that for foods (14%). British people channeled nearly
half of their expenditure on cars, but only 1% on books.

Education is believed to serve the primary function of promoting

knowledge and skills acquisition among students, thereby transforming
them into fulfilled and helpful citizens. Personally, I partially agree with
this sentiment, for education can also act as an impetus for individual

In the first place, education plays a preponderant role in transforming

students into helpful and upstanding citizens. For one, students may
become virtuous members of the community after completing their
education. To elaborate, within contemporary curricula, not only
theoretical knowledge but essential moral instructions such as kindness
are imparted to students. In addition, these learners also try to emulate
virtuous teachers, whom they deeply admire, and their moral qualities.
Hence, having assimilated such virtues, pupils stand poised to become
upright citizens. For another, education turns students into helpful
contributors to society. Indeed, lying at the core of this sector is the
preparation of students for the workforce. In this regard, such learners are
involved in intensive training on domain-specific skills and knowledge,
thereby emerging as fully qualified individuals, ready to contribute to the
national economy.

However, people may also benefit from education as individual. First and
foremost, education can do wonders for students’ self-growth. To this
end, educational programs, which encompass a wide array of subjects, can
offer learners diverse experiences, allowing them to explore their dormant
talents and abilities more profoundly. In turn, equipped with such
self-understanding, students can devote themselves to maximizing their
strengths. Moreover, students engage in a continual process of constantly
bettering themselves. Along the way, the are provided with constructive
feedbacks, whereby their personal strengths and weaknesses can
manifest. Accordingly, this enables them to channel efforts into improving
such personal elements.
To conclude, it is undeniable that education figures prominently in the
transformation of people into helpful and upright members of society.
Having said that, these individuals may stand to gain from immense
personal development following the completion of their education.

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