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Trends in

Plant Science
SiO2NPs endow arabidopsis attacks or the application of resistance-
Silica nanoparticles: (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants with inducing compounds such as benzo-
the rising star in plant pathogen resistance by activating thiadiazole, which activate signal trans-
disease protection SAR duction pathways leading to signal
In order to establish a balance between transmission throughout the plant [9].
Nidhi Kandhol, 1 increasing food demand and a compara- Phytohormone salicylic acid (SA) also
Vijay Pratap Singh, 2 tively low food supply, while maintaining contributes to SAR by activation of
José Peralta-Videa , 3 food security, it is of paramount impor- pathogenesis-related (PR) genes [9]. SAR
Francisco J. Corpas , 4,* and tance to develop new tools combatting also involves a natural signaling cascade
Durgesh Kumar Tripathi 1,* plant diseases and raising agricultural pro- to control plant pathogens and pests,
ductivity. Up to now, genetic engineering composed of SA, reactive oxygen species
When applied exogenously, silica has been the most effective method used (ROS), and NO [6]. To provide a mechanis-
(Si) can have a beneficial impact to enhance disease tolerance, as well as tic insight into the processes involved
the nutrient profile of plants under patho- in SiO2NP-induced triggering of SAR,
on plants under biotic stress con-
gen attack [7]. However, this technique is bacterial growth on arabidopsis leaves
ditions, as revealed by its recent
complex, time-consuming, has a high was measured to quantify local defense
application in the form of nanoparti- economic cost, and requires specific con- responses to a virulent strain of P. syringae
cles (SiO2NPs) to induce pathogen ditions to achieve the desired results. The under control, SiO2NP, and Si(OH)4 treat-
resistance (El-Shetehy et al.). This assessment of suitability and toxicity of ment regimes. SiO2NPs were able to
opens up a new window of research nanotechnological applications to plants reduce the number of bacteria eightfold
into combating the devastating under different conditions has recently within 24 h as compared with the control
effects of biotic stresses. caught the attention of researchers. So treatment, while treatment with Si(OH)4
far, contentious observations have been also resulted in the induction of SAR
made, trying to understand the mode of against the bacterial pathogen. In addi-
action of SiO2NPs in mediating stress tion, the triggering of SAR by both
forbearance to plants [8], but a recent SiO2NPs and Si(OH)4 is dose-dependent.
Nanotechnology, a rapidly developing approach by El-Shetehy et al. [5] has In the case of SiO2NPs, maximum bacterial
field of research, can be applied in provided new insight. El-Shetehy et al. inhibition (>90%) was observed at a con-
many areas, including agriculture. The describe triggering SAR through the centration of 100 mg SiO2 l–1 as compared
use of nanoparticles (NPs), combined dose-dependent treatment of leaves with with control plants treated with only HEPES
with the controlled release of com- SiO2NPs. This has led to an investigation buffer or MgCl2. qPCR analysis of the
pounds such as nitric oxide (NO) and a of the capacity of SiO2NPs to boost the OPRF gene, encoding the bacterial outer
diverse range of metals, has been the resistance of Arabidopsis thaliana to the membrane protein F (OmpF), also provided
subject of numerous studies [1–3]. The bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae a good idea of bacterial biomass and
application of silica (Si) is known to at both a local and systemic level. Accord- asserted the results of bacterial colony
have beneficial effects on various abiotic ingly, it has confirmed the effectiveness of counting in line with previous similar work
stresses, in many cases by affecting SiO2NPs in activating SAR. Thus, a com- [10]. The armoring effect of SiO2NPs and
antioxidant systems to alleviate oxida- parative analysis of the mode of action of Si(OH)4 is not due to a direct toxic effect
tive damage associated with these SiO2NPs and orthosilicic acid, Si(OH)4, on bacterial growth, as neither damaged
stresses [4]. A recent study indicated was carried out (Figure 1), while SiO2NPs bacterial growth when cultured in vitro
that SiO2NPs are capable of inducing were also tested for controlled delivery of with virulent P. syringae. This demon-
an immune response, called systemic nanoporous silicon (Si) to the plant. This strates that SiO2NPs make plants patho-
acquired resistance (SAR) [5], in plants; study provides clear evidence of interac- genically resistant by activating defense
this is similar to the response trig- tions between SiO2NPs and plant leaves, responses, rather than by inhibiting or
gered following an attack by some ranging from entry to distribution in the killing the pathogen.
pathogens [6]. This finding points to apoplast at the subcellular level.
a new role for SiO 2 NPs as effective, However, at higher concentrations, SiO2NPs
sustainable, and economical biostimulants SAR is characterized by a basal defense (1600 mg SiO2 l–1) and Si(OH)4 (1000 mg
in plants. mechanism induced by either pathogen SiO2 l –1) are less effective at activating

Trends in Plant Science, January 2022, Vol. 27, No. 1 7

Trends in Plant Science

release of Si(OH)4 after entering through

the stomata and their dispersal in the
spongy mesophyll. However, this protec-
tion is majorly mediated by the activation
of SA-dependent defense reactions by
intact particles that play a prominent role
in plant immunity [9]. Neither SiO2NPs
nor Si(OH)4 produce any local or systemic
disease resistance in SA induction-deficient
2 (sid2), an arabidopsis mutant deficient
in SA biosynthesis. The gene expression
of the SA-responsive marker genes,
AtPR-1 and AtPR-5, encoding PR-1 and
PR-5 proteins, has also been observed
to increase in response to SiO2NPs and
Si(OH)4, an increase that is comparatively
lower in the case of SiO2NPs. These analy-
ses confirm that SA-dependent pathways
are involved in SAR activation by SiO2NPs
and Si(OH)4.
Trends in Plant Science

Figure 1. Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) induced in Arabidopsis thaliana by SiO2 nanoparticles Given the evidence provided by this study
(NPs) and Si(OH)4 via salicylic acid (SA) signaling for fostering plant defense against Pseudomonas [5], SiO2NPs are clearly safer for plants
syringae. Slowly released Si(OH)4 from SiO2NPs (some cling between guard cells) into cells induces local than the direct application of Si(OH)4.
defense by triggering SA signaling; signals move to distant organs of plants and stimulate SAR for subsequent
Also, as the NPs remaining in the extracel-
defense. Directly applied Si(OH)4 also shows similar SAR activation, but excess SA signaling at higher
concentrations, which leads to less effective SAR. Low concentration: 100 mg SiO2 l−1; high concentration: lular air spaces of the spongy mesophyll
1000 mg SiO2 l−1. (Drawn as per the results described by El-Shetehy et al., 2021 [5]). do not risk being washed away from leaf
surfaces, they can function more effec-
tively; further in-depth research into the
SAR and even increase bacterial infec- showed that NPs measuring ~50–70 nm physical effects of NPs on leaves needs
tion, which is more severe in the case are capable of entering the leaf only to be carried out. As SAR is mainly regu-
of Si(OH)4, possibly due to increased through the stomata, refuting the earlier lated by SA and PR genes [9], defense-
oxidative stress. This is confirmed by the speculations that NPs are capable of pene- related genes in other plants of agronomical
much higher gene expression levels of trating the cuticle [12]. SiO2NP uptake by importance, containing different pathogens,
AtHSP17.4C1, a cytosolic class I small the cell wall, as well as cell-to-cell translo- will also need to be studied. The role of
heat shock protein (sHSP) induced by cation via plasmodesmata, has been partially closed stomata and NP interactions
abiotic, biotic, and oxidative stresses found to be obstructed due to the size of with the spongy mesophyll in initiating
[11], in the case of Si(OH)4 treatment NPs [12]. SiO 2 NPs, which are dis- SA-related responses should also be
at concentrations of 100 and 1000 mg persed in the extracellular air spaces investigated. Beneficial NPs as a tool to
SiO2 l–1 but not in the case of SiO2NPs, of the spongy mesophyll without pen- enhance disease resistance hold the
which led to an insignificant increase etrating any cell walls, have also been potential to bypass the risks associated
in gene expression. But, impairment of observed to change in the guard cells with genetic modification of plants, such
SAR by SiO2NPs, only under very high of leaves, thus preventing full stomatal as unexpected genetic variations in the
concentrations, might be credited to closure. Even after 2 days of treatment, next generation and undesired inter-
the superfluous release of Si(OH) 4 from numerous intact SiO2NPs remain present action with environment if applied after
SiO2NPs resulting in oxidative stress or in the stomata, suggesting that their disso- passing complete risk evaluation. The
redundant stomatal clogging by SiO2NPs lution in plants is slow. favorable role exhibited here by SiO2
that ultimately disrupts evapotranspira- NPs does not approve their successful
tion. Electron microscope analysis of The overall protective effect of SiO2NPs commercialization. Possible risks in-
treatment with SiO2NPs after 2 days can be partly attributed to their slow volved must be considered before the

8 Trends in Plant Science, January 2022, Vol. 27, No. 1

Trends in Plant Science

3. Mahakham, W. et al. (2017) Nanopriming technology for

use of SiO2NPs as biostimulants, pesti- Declaration of interests enhancing germination and starch metabolism of aged
cides, herbicides, or fertilizers; in partic- No interests are declared. rice seeds using phytosynthesized silver nanoparticles.
Sci. Rep. 7, 8263
ular, possible effects on human health 4. Tripathi, D.K. et al. (2021) Silicon crosstalk with reactive
and on microorganisms in soil–plant 1Amity Institute of Organic Agriculture, Amity University Uttar oxygen species, phytohormones and other signaling mol-
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systems require investigation. Neverthe- Noida 201313, India 5. El-Shetehy, M. et al. (2021) Silica nanoparticles enhance dis-
less, this research has outlined many 2Plant Physiology Laboratory, Department of Botany, C.M.P. ease resistance in Arabidopsis plants. Nat. Nanotechnol. 16,
Degree College, A Constituent Post Graduate College of 344–353
pointers as to how SiO 2 NPs can sus- University of Allahabad, Prayagraj 211002, India 6. Gao, H. et al. (2021) Signals in systemic acquired resis-
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SAR, with a minimum amount of adverse 4Group of Antioxidants, Free Radicals and Nitric Oxide in tions towards pest-and disease-resistance traits. Trends
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effects. Biochemistry and Cell and Molecular Biology of Plants, Estación 8. Mukarram, M. et al. (2021) Silicon nanoparticles elicit an
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Acknowledgments yield. J. Hazard. Mater. 412, 125254
D.K.T. is thankful to Science and Engineering 9. Durrant, W.E. and Dong, X. (2004) Systemic acquired re-
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grants (SRG/2020/002309) to carry out this work.
PCR assay for robust growth quantification of the bacterial
F.J.C.’s research is supported by a European pathogen Pseudomonas syringae on Arabidopsis thaliana.
Regional Development Fund cofinanced grant from Plant Methods 12, 1–8
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 11. Sewelam, N. et al. (2019) The AtHSP17.4C1 gene expres-
the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
sion is mediated by diverse signals that link biotic and abiotic
(PID 2019-103924 GB-I00), the Plan Andaluz de stress factors with ROS and can be a useful molecular
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mation under full sun in the nursery. Sci. Rep. 9, 17371 for uptake, translocation and accumulation of nanomaterials
Spain. V.P.S. is grateful to the Science and Engineering in plants–critical review. Nanotoxicology 10, 257–278
2. Silveira, N.M. et al. (2019) Encapsulation of S-nitrosogluta-
Research Board, New Delhi (EMR/2017/000518) for thione into chitosan nanoparticles improves drought toler-
providing financial assistance to carry out this work. ance of sugarcane plants. Nitric Oxide 84, 38–44

Trends in Plant Science, January 2022, Vol. 27, No. 1 9

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