Task 2 Critical Reading

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Critical Review of “Artificial Intelligence” by Stephanie Dick

The article “Artificial Intelligence” by Stephanie Dick was posted on July 2nd, 2019 on
Harvard Data Science Review (https://hdsr.mitpress.mit.edu/pub/0aytgrau/release/2). Dick’s
article provides academic studies analyzing the development of artificial intelligence (AI).
The purpose of the text is to contribute to having a deeper look at this topic by helpful
information including origin, challenges, approaches and roles of AI.
The term "Artificial Intelligence" was first known in the Dartmouth Summer Research Project
in 1956. Since then, the researchers have been more specialized in the behaviors and activated
laws of human intelligence in various fields with the aim of bringing them into automated
systems. It was found that AI had appeared in far longer histories, not only the history of
mechanical efforts to regenerate or alternate some concepts of human intelligence, but also
shows a renovation in thinking about intelligence. The AI revolution is associated with human
intelligence development. Human cognition is analyzed, evaluated and classified in many
different ways; as a result, quick and complex calculation formulas have been studied. In the
middle of the 19th century, the calculation was influenced by the automatic machinery
system, becoming the major of amateur workers and women. Machines started to be created
to support the labor force. By the 20th century, computers were widely used; along with that,
many people pursued a digital computer manufacturing profession. In addition, the
controversy over the capacity and future development of artificial intelligence has also broken
out until now. Even though it is important that humans used to be the premise and motivation
for AI research, they are almost replaced.
The highlight in this article is the use of complex sentences and in-depth academic words to
analyze issues related to artificial intelligence. Besides, when expressing judgments,
comments, and conclusions, the author chooses his words carefully (perhaps most, rather
than; in fact; many; largely; may not...). To increase the authenticity of his article, the author
has used a lot of quotes from famous authors and researchers, all of which have clear sources
to help readers easily look up that information. For example, in this article, the author used the
quotes of those who are experts on Computer technology, such as McCarthy, a computer
scientist who helped design the foundation of today's Internet-based computing and who is
widely credited with coining the term for a frontier of research he helped pioneer, Artificial
Intelligence, or A.I; Edward Feigenbaum, the Stanford-based computer scientist who named
this field, augmented intelligence, or A.I….
However, this article has some limitations. The author does not use many kinds of evidence,
for instance, anecdotes or statistics to support her opinion; she only uses quotations to explain
and prove this issue. Although the authenticity of the article is still high, it does not reach the
absolute level for readers. In addition, some rather outdated quotes are taken from sources in
the early 20th century.
In conclusion, the author provides useful information about the history and revolution of
Artificial intelligence. Although there are some shortcomings, this article is reliable and
should be accessible to more generations of readers.

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