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Team 4: Thanh Truc, Chau Anh, Mai Linh, Hương Ly

Should there be a ban on TV ads aimed at children?

Pros Cons
1. There are many ads with 1. Television advertising is a vivid
unhealthy content. For example, combination of images, sounds,
advertising that promotes the use colors plus movement, and
of alcohol or drugs. Children's television effects to give viewers
advertisements encourage drug vivid and realistic images of what
and alcohol usage by making it is happening in front of them.
appear enjoyable and cool. Thereby creating attention,
Similar to how Coca-Cola attracting and stimulating the
commercials promote a refreshing curiosity of viewers, especially
beverage. Advertisements are also children, and providing
shown during commercial breaks consumers with more information
during shows aimed at minors. about products and services than
What these commercials clearly other advertising means.
do not portray is how harmful
alcohol is to youngsters and
teenagers. Long-term alcohol
intake can cause brain damage,
and I've heard of many underage
drinkers binge drinking. This is
all due to commercials urging
children my age to consume
excessive amounts of alcohol.
2. Advertising can negatively affect 2. Advertisements may also have
children's behavior. There are too motivating content that can
many imaginary and fictional encourage children to choose a
scenes in the advertisement, so profession or chase a specific
many children think abnormally, dream. They can help them
speak and behave like virtual develop a passion for the same
characters in the advertisement. and work towards it from a young
Moreover, there are violent age.
advertisements, which greatly
influence children's behavior.
Many children will imitate and
follow the bad things in the
advertisement. From there, the
children's personality will be
eroded and become spoiled,
uneducated children.
3. Advertising may affect children's 3. Some ads include content related
health. Children can become to social change that can help
obese due to the advertising of promote empathy and a sense of
fast food on TV, which, although community responsibility in
delicious, contains a lot of sugar, children. Environmental
fat and other unhealthy additives. advertising also calls children's
They will be attracted by the eye- attention to this issue. And some
catching pictures of the dishes ads also show the consequences
and from there they will ask their of alcohol and tobacco, which can
parents to buy them. Obesity rates help children understand the risks
in children aged 12 to 17 years involved and encourage them to
old will fall if limits on food stay away from those products.
advertisements are lifted, as they
are currently. This is why I
believe that food advertisements
should be restricted in order to
reduce the rise of obesity among
children, who ask their parents for
sweet treats or buy them
4. Children beg for items as a result 4. Advertisements that present other
of advertisements, which affects children of a similar age engaging
child-parent relationships. in activities like helping out in the
Children's advertising is unethical house or saving can influence
because they have little or no kids to do the same. Children are
money of their own and must rely generally attracted to their
on their parents to purchase items classmates and find it simple to
for them. Companies utilize a emulate them. As a result, they
"nag and whine" strategy instead are drawn to the possessions of
of advertising directly to parents, their peers. This could also be
which causes ill feelings between used to encourage youngsters to
parents and children. They rely on use their natural curiosity for
the power of persuasion to good. For example, certain
persuade people to spend money advertisements – those for
they don't have on products they hygiene products, for example –
don't want to buy and that their can help inculcate good habits in
children may only use for a few the child.
5. Another essential drawback is 5. They can be a source of
that advertisements may take up information. Certain
too much time for youngsters, advertisements, especially public
hence it may longer their screen service announcements present
time and cause a negative impact innovations and technological
on children's eyesight. For milestones that can offer a good
example, when a child is working learning opportunity to the child.
on his assignment with an iPad, Moreover, they also educate the
an ad in video form might catch child about new products on the
kids' attention and the child market. Healthy food choices
would stop his assignment to advertised the right way can also
watch the ad. Consequently, prompt the child to opt for a more
children may spend more time balanced diet.
watching the video advertisement,
which will bring a damaging
effect on their eyesight. I
personally think that
advertisements that appeared in
children's programs should be

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