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Formal Business Report

National University of Modern Languages

Management Sciences

Submitted to Sir Qalander Hayat

Submitted by Ahmed Tanveer (2211036)

This report provides an overview of Walmart, its history, its business model and business landscape. The
also includes a discussion of Walmart’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

I hope this report is helpful to my teachers and to my classmates. I believe that Walmart is a fascinating
company with a long and successful history. I am excited to share what I have learned about Walmart in
this report.

I would like to thank my teacher, adviser, mentor and class fellows for their assistance in getting this
assignment finished. I also want to express my gratitude to Walmart for giving me with information for my

This project is dedicated to my parents and teachers, who have always supported me.

Letter of Authorization
I have attached a letter of authorization from Walmart that gives me permission to use the company’s data
and information for my project.

Executive summary
This project examine the real-time supply chain corporations of Walmart. It discusses the company’s
strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats. It also makes recommendation for how Walmart can
improve its supply chain corporations.
Table of Content
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Background of Company ................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Management ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Facility/Location .............................................................................................................. 4
2 Organizational Culture ............................................................................................................ 4
3 Global Environment ................................................................................................................ 4
4 SWOT Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Strengths ........................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Weaknesses ...................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Opportunity ...................................................................................................................... 5
4.4 Threads ............................................................................................................................. 6
5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 6
5.1 Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 6
6 References ............................................................................................................................... 6
1 Introduction
Walmart was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton. The company has grown to over 10,500 stores in 24
countries. Walmart is the world’s largest retailer, and it is a leader in the supply chain industry.

1.1 Background of Company

Walmart’s supply chain operations are complex and efficient. The company uses a variety of technologies
to track inventory, manage shipments, and forecast demand. Walmart also has a strong relationship with its
suppliers which helps to ensure that it has the products it needs to meet customer demand.

1.2 Management
Walmart is a publically traded company with a board of directors that sets the company’s overall strategy.
The CEO, Doug McMillion, executes the strategy and ensures that the company meets its financial goals.
McMillion is supported by a team of senior vice president who oversee the company’s various business
units. Walmart’s management team is known for its focus on efficiency, customer service, and innovation.
The company strives to provide low prices for its customers while providing excellent service.

1.3 Facility/Location
Walmart has a network of warehouses and distribution centers that are strategically located around the
world. This allows the company to quickly and efficiently deliver products to its stores. Walmart also has
a strong presence in e-commerce market and it uses its warehouses and distribution centers to fulfill online

2 Organizational Culture
Walmart has strong organizational culture that is focused on efficiency and customer service. The
company’s employees are highly motivated and they are committed to providing customers with a great
shopping experience.

3 Global Environment
 Walmart has a global culture that is focused on collaboration and innovation. The company has
offices in over 24 countries and it works with suppliers from all over the world. Walmart is
constantly looking for ways to improve its supply chain operations in different countries.
 Walmart will need to continue to adapt its business model to stay ahead of the competition. The
company will need to focus on factors such as economic growth, urbanization, technology,
regulation, and culture in order to continue to grow its business globally.
 Technology is another key factor that is shaping the global environment for Walmart. Walmart is
investing heavily in technology to improve its supply chain, customer service, and online shopping

4 SWOT Analysis
4.1 Strengths
 Strong brand name: Walmart is the world’s largest retailer, and it has a very strong brand name.
This gives it a significant advantage over it competitors.
 Efficient Supply chain: Walmart has a very efficient supply chain, which allows it to keep its price
 Large customer base: Walmart has a very large customer base, which gives it a lot of bargaining
power with supplier.
 Global reach: Walmart has a global presence, which allows it to reach a wider market.
 Innovative Technology: Walmart is constantly investing in new technology, which helps it to
improve its efficiency and customer service.

4.2 Weaknesses
 Low profit margins: Walmart’s low prices mean that it has thin profit margins. This makes it
vulnerable to competition from other retailers.
 Limited product selection: Walmart does not offer a wide product selection as some of its
competitors. This could hurt its sales if competitors cannot find they are looking for.
 Poor customer selection: Walmart has been criticized for its poor customer service. This could
hurt its reputation and lead to lost customers.
 Labor practices: Walmart has been criticized for its labor practices. This could lead to boycotts
and other negative publicity.

4.3 Opportunity
 E-commerce growth: The growth of e-commerce is an opportunity for Walmart to expand its
reach and sales.
 International expansion: Walmart could expand into new markets like China and India.
 Development of new products: Walmart could develop new market products to appeal to a wider
range of customers.
 Acquisition: Walmart could acquire other retailers to expand its reach and product selection.
4.4 Threads
 Competition: Walmart faces competition from other larger retailers, such as Amazon and Target.
 Economic downturn: An economic downturn hurts Walmart’s sales.
 Changing in consumer behavior: Changes in consumer behavior such as a shift to online
shopping, could hurt Walmart’s sales.

5 Conclusion
Walmart is a leader in the supply chain industry. The company has to strong track record of success, and it
is constantly looking for ways to improve its operations. Walmart is well positioned to continue to grow in
the years to come.

5.1 Recommendations
Walmart can improve its supply chain operations by:

 Investing in new technologies to improve visibility and traceability.

 Developing closer relationships with suppliers
 Expanding its global operations
 Investing in training and development for employees
 Focusing on customer satisfaction

6 References
 https;//
 Walmart Inc. (2023, August 12). Walmart Company Profile. Retrieved from
 Wikipedia contributors. (2023, August 9). History of Walmart. Wikipedia, The Free
Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
 Fishman, Charles. The inside story of America's most powerful company. HarperBusiness, 2006.
 Fisher, M., & Raman, A. (1996). Walmart supply chain: A model for the future? Harvard
Business Review, 74(3), 105-117.

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