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Ruffa Mae T.

Acain BSED-1
NSTP 102 9:00-10:30 April 15, 2023


Last Saturday, April 15, we started our day with a prayer,

sang the "Lupang Hinirang", followed by the "Panatang
Makabayan", and finally sang the "UC Hymn". I was very
happy and proud at the same time because I was really on
time during that meeting. Afterwards, Sir Mel put the
attendance sheet on the table so that we'd be able to sign
it up. We discussed the topics of "Monitoring and
Evaluation" and "Documentation and Presentation." Sir Mel
discussed it so well that we are able to get the message he
was trying to convey from such a topic. He mentioned who
the people are that will monitor NSTP projects during
community immersion, the tools for evaluation processes,
and the importance of evaluation. Sir Mel even mentioned
the display of our documentation. He gave some tips on
how to create better documentation. Sir Mel also added
some information about the coming community
immersion. He mentioned the things that we need to
remember during the implementation of such immersion.
After the end of the discussion, it's not time to go home yet,
so Sir Mel let us do things we wanted to do first. After some
waiting until the time hit 10:30, Sir dismissed the class.

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