VAP Assignment Q2

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Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) is an Autonomous

Society promoted by Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers’
Welfare, Government of India.
SFAC is implementing the central schemes of Government of India
namely VCA, EGCGS for economic inclusion of small and marginal
farmers in agribusiness activities.
Society is pioneer in organising small and marginal farmers as Farmers
Interest Groups, Farmers Producers Organisation and Farmers
Producers Company for endowing them with bargaining power and
economies of scale. It provides a platform for increased accessibility and
cheaper availability of agricultural inputs to small and marginal farmers
and in establishing forward and backward linkages in supply chain
management. This initiative has triggered mobilization of farmers for
aggregation across the country with ultimate aim of sustainable business
model and augmented incomes.

 SFAC is an exclusive Society focused on increasing incomes of

small and marginal farmers through aggregation and development
of agribusiness.
 SFAC has pioneered the formation and growth of Farmer Producer
Organizations/Farmer Producer Companies, which is now being
implemented across the length and breadth of the country. SFAC
is progressing towards establishing an eco system for FPOs/FPCs
to make them sustainable and viable in the long run.
 SFAC offers Schemes like Equity Grant and Credit Guarantee
Fund Scheme to FPCs to improve availability of working capital
and development of business activities.
 SFAC promotes development of small agribusiness through its
VCA Scheme for value added processing and marketing linkages.
 SFAC is also implementing the National Agriculture Market
Electronic Trading (e-Nam) platform. The purpose is to provide for
a single unified market for agricultural products with much higher
price discovery for farmers.

NABARD came into existence on 12 July 1982 by transferring the

agricultural credit functions of RBI and refinance functions of the then
Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation (ARDC).

Development Bank of the Nation for Fostering Rural Prosperity

MISSION: Promote sustainable and equitable agriculture and rural

development through participative financial and non-financial
interventions, innovations, technology and institutional development for
securing prosperity.

Their initiatives are aimed at building an empowered and financially

inclusive rural India through specific goal oriented departments which
can be categorized broadly into three heads: Financial, Developmental
and Supervision. Through these initiatives they proivide refinance
support, build rural infrastructure; prepare district level credit plans,
guide and motivate the banking industry in achieving these targets;
supervise Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), help
them develop sound banking practices and onboarding them to the CBS
platform; design new development schemes to the implementation of
GoI’s development schemes; train handicraft artisans, provide them a
marketing platform for selling these articles.
In collaboration with other agencies involved in rural development, the
Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) was established as an
apex body under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium-sized
businesses to assist in the planning, promotion, facilitation, organisation,
and growth of Khadi and Village Industries in rural India.
Functions of KVIC
 Creating a raw material reserve and putting it into action so that it
may be distributed to producers
 Establishment of shared service facilities for the processing of raw
materials, including semi-finished items
 Khadi and Village Industries items, as well as handicrafts, are
being promoted for sale and marketing.
 Promoting research into production processes and equipment for
the village industries sector
 Providing financial support to people and organisations for the
development and operation of the Khadi and Village industries
Objectives of KVIC
 To promote Khadi in rural areas
 To provide employment
 To produce saleable articles
 To create self-reliance amongst the poor
 Developing a strong rural community
The Khadi and Village Industries Commission, which is an apex
organisation at the national level, and the State Khadi and Village
Industries Boards, which operate in various states and union territories,
collaborate to execute the Khadi and Village Industries Program in our
country. Though state Khadi and Village Industries Boards have main
responsibility for implementing village industries programmes, they
require leadership and guidance from both the federal and state
governments to ensure the sector’s effective growth. That is why the
Indian government decided to establish the Khadi and Village Industries
Commission as a national level organisation (KVIC).

North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation (NERAMAC)
Limited was incorporated in 1982 as a Government of India Enterprise
with North Eastern Council (NEC), Shillong as a Promoter. It is now
under the administrative control of the Ministry of Development of the
North Eastern Region (MDoNER).
To become a preferred and trusted brand in the national and
international market for authentic agri-horti produce of the North East

Our Mission
01 Provide a comprehensive market ing solution to farmers and
entrepreneurs associated with agri-horti sector in the North East Region.
02 Initiate livelihood generation, skill upgradation and training programs
at the grass root
03 Support women led enterprises in the North East Region.
04 Focus on value addition to fruits, vegetables and spices with the
intent to reduce waste and increase income of farmers

NERAMAC intervenes in sourcing, procuring and marketing a variety of

agro-horticultural commodities produced by farmers of the NER.
The categories of interventions by NERAMAC include; projects, skill
training, bulk procurement of produce from farmgate (market linkage)
and sale of retail products manufactured by entrepreneurs.
The activities undertaken as projects are all related to the sector and
varies from plantations at the ‘input level’ to horticulture value chain
addition by food processing as the ‘end product’. The Corporation, in the
recent past has also ventured into eco-tourism as a means of promoting
agri-horti produce.
NERAMAC also provides training on Post Harvest Management and fruit
processing from time to time to develop entrepreneurs for value addition
of the agri-horticultural produces grown in the region.

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