Uni Action Plan

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This document reflects the University of Limerick's Instiutional HR Stragegy and Action Plan based on analysis of the University

of Limerick's practicies against the European Charter for

Researchers and the Code of Conduct of Recruitment of Researchers.

Gap Anylysis
Action Number and
Item Action
Number Action Item Reference) Dependancy Status Owner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Ethical & Professional Aspects Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Update the researcher induction processes, both HR Officer Research /

centralised induction and that given by HR Officer Training,
supervisors/managers, to incorporate information Learning & *
on UL’s research-relevant policies and practices. Development &
Introduce induction checklists to ensure all relevant 1(a), 2(e), 7(a), Director Research
1.0 topics are covered. 8(a) Open Support Services
Update researcher information resources, such as HR Officer Research /
internal websites, guidelines and training Director Research
programmes, to ensure UL’s research-relevant 1(b), 2(b), 3(b), Support Service /
policies and practices are clearly documented in a 4(a), 4(b), 5(a), Systems
visible manner. Provide search facility to allow easy 6(a), 6(b), 8(b), Administrator
1.1 access to such information. 11© Open Research
Director Technology
Update UL policies and practices as appropriate, Transfer Office/
based on the outcomes of national initiatives, e.g. Director Research * *
the IUA national code of conduct for research ethics Support Services / HR
1.2 and integrity, the national IP framework. 2(a), 3(a) Open Officer Research
Update ethics guidelines, and corresponding
training, to provide clarity on relationships between Director Research
the various ethics approval committees, in Support Services / HR *
1.3 particular those at UL and the HSE. 2© Open Officer Research
Examine potential mechanisms to improve the
ethics review and approval process, including
possible mechanisms to simplify/expedite the
process, and mechanisms for two-way Director Research
feedback/exchange between researchers and the Support Services / UL
1.4 approval committees. 2(d), 2(f) Open Ethics Committee

Implement consistent guidelines on the collection, Director Research

use and retention of data for research purposes, Support Services/ UL
once the new regulations on this subject are Research Ethics *
finalised. Provide guidelines and training on Committee / Systems
procedures to ensure research data is secure and Administrator
1.5 reliably backed-up. 2(g), 3(b), 7(b) Open Research
This document reflects the University of Limerick's Instiutional HR Stragegy and Action Plan based on analysis of the University of Limerick's practicies against the European Charter for
Researchers and the Code of Conduct of Recruitment of Researchers.

Gap Anylysis
Action Number and
Item Action
Number Action Item Reference) Dependancy Status Owner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Director Research
Examine potential mechanisms to assist researchers Support
in understanding commonly used contractual terms Services/Systems *
and conditions, such as guideline documents, help- Administrator
1.6 desk services, etc. 5(b), 5© Open Research
Explore mechanisms to streamline researcher
processes, including those relating to accountability Director Research *
1.7 and authorisation. 6(c) Open Support Services

Develop strategy for compliance with data Information &

protection guidelines, including addressing issues Compliance Officer UL
such as open-plan workspaces, data retention / Director Research
requirements exceeding student/staff time at the Support Services / HR
1.8 university 7© Open Officer Research
HR Officer Research /
Provide training for researchers in public Director Research *
1.9 engagement activities, including media training. 9(a) Open Support Services
Identify mechanisms and supports for researchers Research Leadership
to engage in public dissemination, such as through Instiutional Project
the UL press office, and through the creation of a (Practice Impact),
* *
community forum to allow research findings to be Director Research
shared with the broader community (e.g. public Support Services, HR
1.10 lecture series) 9(b), 9© Open Officer Research
Complete EU project to examine role of women in
research - Female Empowement in Sciene & Festa Project Team &
1.11 Technology Academic (FESTA) 10(a) Open Research Fellow Festa
Research Fellow Festa
& HR Officer Training,
Monitor recruitment statistics for all areas of Learning & *
1.12 equality 10(b) Open Development UL
HR Officer Training,
Provide on-line diversity training, to complement Learning & *
1.13 existing diversity training programme 10© Open Development
Examine mechanisms to provide for replacement of HR Officer Research /
staff on research projects during situations of sick Director Research *
1.14 leave or maternity leave 10(d) Open Support Services
This document reflects the University of Limerick's Instiutional HR Stragegy and Action Plan based on analysis of the University of Limerick's practicies against the European Charter for
Researchers and the Code of Conduct of Recruitment of Researchers.

Gap Anylysis
Action Number and
Item Action
Number Action Item Reference) Dependancy Status Owner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Evaluate effectiveness of implementation of the HR Director / HR
PDRS system for the research community, including Officer Research / HR
PI involvement in this system. PDRS system should Officer Training, *
include focus on future career development of Learning &
1.15 researchers. 11 (a), 11 (b) Open Development
VPResearch / HR
Identify mechanisms/opportunities to reward Director / HR Officer *
1.16 outstanding research performance. 11© Open Research
This document reflects the University of Limerick's Instiutional HR Stragegy and Action Plan based on analysis of the University of Limerick's practicies against the European Charter for
Researchers and the Code of Conduct of Recruitment of Researchers.

Gap Anylysis
Action Number and
Item Action
Number Action Item Reference) Dependancy Status Owner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Gap Anylysis
Action Number and
Item Action
Number Action Item Reference) Dependancy Status Owner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Recruitment Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

The Research Careers and Development Framework

needs to be communicated effectively to
applicants/new hires to ensure realistic career
expectations are created with researchers from the *
beginning of the employment relationship and that HR Officer Research /
they are aware of the support mechanisms 13. (a); 13 (d); HR Officer Training,
available to them. This framework also needs to be 19 (a); 21 (c ); Learning &
2.0 communicated to current staff and PI’s. 28 (b); 38 (d) Open Development
Additional sources of international recruitment need HR Officer Research /
to be reviewed to ensure the University of Limerick HR Recruitment * *
2.1 obtains the best candidate for the role. 18. (a) Open Officer
Support for mobility for researchers to be provided
via centralised readily available information.
Consider possibility of external placements or other VPResearch / HR
supports for mobility. Review researcher intake with Officer Research /
international experience and act on this as 18. ( c); 29 (b); Director Research
2.2 appropriate. 29 (c); 29 (a) Open Support Services
HR Officer Research /
Appropriate recruitment training for selection board 12. (c); 14 (a); HR Officer Training,
members needs to be undertaken and mechanisms 14.(b); 14 (d); Learning & *
2.3 to increase uptake on training need to be identified. 15 (a); Open Development
12. (b) ; 13 (b);
Ensure continued improvement of recruitment 14. (c); 15 (a);
process including reviewing and communicating the 16. (a); 16 (b) ; HR Officer Research /
research recruitment procedures and updating 17 (a); 17(b) ; HR Recruitment
recruitment guidelines and supporting 18 (b) ;19 (a); Administrator
2.4 documentation/resources as appropriate. 19 (b) Open Research
This document reflects the University of Limerick's Instiutional HR Stragegy and Action Plan based on analysis of the University of Limerick's practicies against the European Charter for
Researchers and the Code of Conduct of Recruitment of Researchers.

Gap Anylysis
Action Number and
Item Action
Number Action Item Reference) Dependancy Status Owner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Review advertisements to ensure that requirements
are in line with the role, ensuring that they are
correctly labelled and in line with appropriate salary *
2.5 scales. 13 (b) Open HR Officer Research
Working Conditions & Social Security
Develop the recognition of researchers by reviewing
the access researchers have to participate in
relevant decision making bodies within the 22 (b); 35 (a); VPResearch / HR *
University of Limerick. Take appropriate action as a 35 (b); 35 (c); Director / HR Officer
3.1 result of this review. 36 (e) Open Research
Ensure all relevant policies/research support
initiatives are communicated clearly to research
staff and PI’s through a series of briefing
sessions/training initiatives. Review policies
annually, taking best international practice into
o Research Careers & Development Framework
o Research Contract Management Policy *
o Job Evaluation for Researchers 13. (c) ; 21 (b);
o Research Role Profiles 21 (d); 22 (c);
o Career Support Seminars / 1-1 Career Coaching 25 (d); 25 (e); HR Officer Research /
o Research Recruitment Policies 28 (a); 28 (d); HR Officer Training,
o Performance Development Review Process 30 (a); 30 (c) ; Learning &
o Intellectual Property Rights 31 (c); 33 (a); Development /
o Dignity & Respect Training 34 (d) Director Technology
3.2 Open Transfer Office
HR Officer Health &
Continue review of health and safety as part of the Safety / HR Officer *
3.3 HR Division’s ISO quality system 23 (a) Open Research
This document reflects the University of Limerick's Instiutional HR Stragegy and Action Plan based on analysis of the University of Limerick's practicies against the European Charter for
Researchers and the Code of Conduct of Recruitment of Researchers.

Gap Anylysis
Action Number and
Item Action
Number Action Item Reference) Dependancy Status Owner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

The University of Limerick is participating in an EU

project FESTA (Female Empowerment in Science &
Technology Academia ) with aim of identifying
barriers to progression for female academics, and
to identify suitable actions to deal with this. In
conjuction with this project review recruitment data 24 (a); 27 (a); Festa Project Team &
3.4 for equality statistics and take appropriate action. 27(b) Open Research Fellow Festa
Ensure information in relation to benefits for
researchers such as salary scales, pensions, VPResearch / HR
increments and payments for teaching are readily Director / HR Officer
available and communicated to research staff. 26 (a); 26 (b); Research / HR
Benchmark salaries annually and take appropriate (26) c; 26(d); Officer Compensation
3.5 action 26(e); 26(f) Open & Benefits
Continue to review IP management within the
University of Limerick and identify opportunities for
improvement by reviewing despites arising. Director Technology
Consider the possibility of a simply guide to IP, Transfer Office/ *
separate to the policy. Undertake initiatives to Director Research
support broader knowledge transfer in relation to 31 (a); 31 (d); Support Services / HR
3.6 IP. 31 (e) Open Officer Research
Continue to introduce and encourage flexible work HR Director / HR
3.7 practices such as shorter working year. 24 (b) Open Officer Research *
Director Research
Support Services /
Review resources available to researchers including Director Buildings &
IT equipment (visio/equipment for remote Estates /
collaboration) and space allocation (Buildings & VPResearch / HR
3.8 Estates) and take steps to improve same. 23 (d); 23 (e) Open Officer Research
This document reflects the University of Limerick's Instiutional HR Stragegy and Action Plan based on analysis of the University of Limerick's practicies against the European Charter for
Researchers and the Code of Conduct of Recruitment of Researchers.

Gap Anylysis
Action Number and
Item Action
Number Action Item Reference) Dependancy Status Owner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Communicate the research contract management

policy clearly to research staff at induction training.
Ensure researchers have clear expectations in
relation to their contracts of employment and PIs
are aware of their responsibilities to communicate
* *
with researchers. Support researchers in their own
career development through career development
training / PDR process, in which discipline specific
research training needs can be identified. Consider
further initiatives to improve stability of 25 (a); 25 (b);
3.9 employment conditions of research staff. 25(d) Open HR Officer Research
Draft and communicate guidelines on authorship to Director Research
3.10 all faculty. 32 (b) Open Support Services *
This document reflects the University of Limerick's Instiutional HR Stragegy and Action Plan based on analysis of the University of Limerick's practicies against the European Charter for
Researchers and the Code of Conduct of Recruitment of Researchers.

Gap Anylysis
Action Number and
Item Action
Number Action Item Reference) Dependancy Status Owner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Gap Anylysis
Action Number and
Item Action
Number Action Item Reference) Dependancy Status Owner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Training Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
As a follow on from the Research Careers
Framework implement training to support both the HR Officer Research /
researcher and the supervisor in their roles. This 36 (a); 37 (a); HR Training, Learning *
should outline their roles/responsibilities and 38 (e); 40(a); & Development
4.1 supports available to them. 40 (d) Open Officer
HR Officer Research /
HR Training, Learning
Develop a mentoring/coaching scheme for 28 (g); 28(h); & Development *
4.2 researchers, particularly for early stage researchers. 36 (d); 37 (c ) Open Officer
HR Officer Research /
Provide training for PI’s in mentoring and managing HR Training, Learning
post-docs. Develop a briefing document for PhD & Development
supervisors to act as a guide in relation to Officer / Director
frequency of meetings, level of support required Research Support
4.3 etc. 40 (c ) Open Services
HR Officer Research /
Consider possibility of support for discipline-specific Director Research
4.4 training for researchers 23 (e) Open Support Services
Director Technology
Provide ongoing IP management training to Transfer Office/
research staff. Consider introducing specialist Director Research *
induction for social sciences / humanities including Support Services / HR
4.5 application of IP policies and rights. 31 (b) Open Officer Research
This document reflects the University of Limerick's Instiutional HR Stragegy and Action Plan based on analysis of the University of Limerick's practicies against the European Charter for
Researchers and the Code of Conduct of Recruitment of Researchers.

Gap Anylysis
Action Number and
Item Action
Number Action Item Reference) Dependancy Status Owner Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Support the continued professional development of
research staff by developing and promoting a
comprehensive training schedule. Encourage
research staff to consider and plan for their future HR Officer Research, *
careers via the careers support seminars, one-to- HR Officer Training,
one coaching, PDR process and other initiatives as 38 (a); 38 (b); Learning &
4.6 may be deemed appropriate. 38 (c); 38 (g) Open Development
Review international research training initiatives HR Officer Research,
and adopt key learnings of this. Identify creative HR Officer Training,
ways to actively advertise and encourage take up of Learning & *
4.7 training initiatives. 23 (c ); 28 (f) Open Development

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