Assignment 1 Solutions

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Assignment 1 Detailed Solutions

1. Who among the following is an urban environmental historian?

Correct Answer: (c) Martin Melosi

Solution: Please go through lecture 1 and M. Melosi’s article entitled ‘The place of city in
environmental history’, published in 1993.

2. GBI implies:

Correct Answer: (a) Green blue infrastructures

Solution: Please go through lecture 1.

3. Which of the following is not a step in making cities zero-carbon?

Correct Answer: (c) Creating cost-intensive hard infrastructures

Solution: Please go through lecture 1.

4. ‘Anthropocene’ implies:

Correct Answer: (d) the geological epoch in which humans are the primary cause of
permanent of planetary change

Solution: Please go through lecture 2.

5. ‘Anthropocene’ implies remarkable changes in:

Correct Answer: (d) all of these

Solution: Please go through lecture 2.

6. Non-linear transitions in the functioning of coupled human-environmental systems

Correct Answer: (d) thresholds

Solution: Please go through lecture 3 and Rockstrom et al. article entitled ‘Planetary
boundaries’, published in 2009.

7. Which of the following is not one of the ‘nine planetary boundaries?

Correct Answer: (a) ecological footprints

Solution: Please go through lecture 3 and Rockstrom et al. article entitled ‘Planetary
boundaries’, published in 2009.

8. Which of the following planetary boundaries have not been transgressed?

Correct Answer: (c) ozone depletion

Solution: Please go through lecture 3 and Rockstrom et al. article entitled ‘Planetary
boundaries’, published in 2009.

9. Wallace et al. 2020 have considered COVID 19 as a:

Correct Answer: (b) neoliberal disease

Solution: Please go through lecture 4 and Wallace et al. written piece entitled ‘COVID 19
and circuits of capital’, published in 2020.

10. Michael Greger is the author of which of the following books?

Correct Answer: (c) Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching

Solution: Please go through lecture 4 and M. Greger’s book entitled ‘Bird Flu: A Virus of
Our Own Hatching’, published in 2006.

11. “Part of story of the anthropogenesis of humans is the story of the species’ urbanization:
anthropogenesis is urbanogenesis”, is a remark made by:

Correct Answer: (d) E. Mendieta

Solution: Please go through lecture 5 and E. Mendieta’s article entitled ‘Edge city’,
published 2019.

12. Who has worked on urban non-networked infrastructures/landscapes?

Correct Answer: (b) Adriana Allen

Solution: Please go through lecture 5.

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