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I. Overview of the enterprise
I.1.The history of formation
I.2.Vision and Mission
I.3.Business model/ Revenue model
I.4.Business operation overview
I.5.SWOT/ Market analysis/ Competitor research
II. Strategic goals and strategy
II.1. Strategic goal
II.2. Digital transformation strategy
II.3. Enterprise architechture
III. Business model transformation (Technological proposal to Company)
The application and its function
Data collection and feedback
Administration and productivity
Internal/ External Communication
Training, registration, and legal
IV.Management model transformation (Technological proposal to Company)
The application and its function
Data collection and feedback
Administration and productivity
Internal/ External Communication
Training, registration, and legal
V. Business innovation (Technological proposal to Company)
The application and its function
Data collection and feedback
Administration and productivity
Internal/ External Communication
Training, registration, and legal
 What you have learnt from the project working and from the course
 What difficuties you have had
 Group member evalution
How to choose a business:
 Businesses, who has implemented a digital transformation before, so you can
analyze what they have done up to now, and what they should do next.
 Traditional businesses, who have never been applied any digitalization. You
should analyze the business based on SWOT, the markets, the competitors, the
digital trend, etc…, then make a plan to digitally transform the business.
 Please find the file EDT_Huong dan chuyen doi so.pdf as your valuable references

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