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Causes of the

Sugar Act :
The sugar act reduced the tax price
on molasses from six pence to three
pence. Per gallon this act caused
forgian good such as sugar, wines,
coffee, etc.
Stamp Act:
In 1765, the Stamp Act
imposed tax on all paper
documents in all colonies,
after being in debt, because
of the Seven years’ war.
They were looking at the
North Americans as a
source of revenue.
Quartering Act:
On March 24, 1765, the British parliament
passed the Quartering Act. The
Quartering Act required the colonies to
house the British soldiers in barracks
provided by the colonies. If the barracks
were too small to house the soldiers, then
you were to have them in a local inn or
Townshend Acts:
The Townshend Acts were a series of
measures, that taxed goods being
shipped to the American colonies. The
Americans saw this to be the British
abusing power. The Townshend Acts were
passed by British Parliament in 1767.
Tea Act:
The Tea Act was passed on
by the parliament on May 10,
1773. This act was not meant
to raise tax, but to help the
East India Company from
floundering, the company was
a key factor in the British
economy. The British
government gave the
company the monopoly on the
sales and importation of tea.
Intolerable Acts:
The Intolerable Acts were four
measures passed by the
British parliament, in
retaliation for acts of colonial
defiance, creating a new
administration for the territory
granted to the British after the
French and Indian War.
French and Indian War:
The French and Indian war, also known as the
Seven Years’ War, started when France expanded
land into the Ohio River, then caused conflict
between the British colonies.
Boston Massacre:
The Boston Massacre was a deadly
riot that happened on March 5,
1770. It started as a street brawl
then turned in to blood slaughter.
Boston Tea Party:
The Boston Tea Party was a
protest that happened on
December 16, when the
American colonists were
frustrated for the British
imposing taxes without
representation. The colonists
dumped 342 chests of tea that
were being imported by the
East India Company into the

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