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Marketing Management MCQs [set-23]

551. The process of collecting information about the external marketing

environment is
A. Environmental management
B. Environmental scanning
C. Marketing management
D. Marketing research
Answer: B

552. The most formal definition of marketing is ________.

A. Meeting needs profitably
B. Identifying and meeting human and social needs
o m
C. The four Ps (product, price, place, promotion)
. c
D. An organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering
and its stakeholders
q M
value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization

Answer: D
553. Which of the following would be the best illustration of a subculture?
A. A religion.
B. A group of close friends.
C. Your university.
D. Your occupation.
Answer: A

554. The ________ is a tool for identifying ways to create more customer value.
A. Value chain
B. Customer survey
C. Brand loyalty index
D. Promotion channel
Answer: A

555. Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and ________.
A. execution
B. selling
C. strategies
D. research
Answer: A

556. Marketing management is ________.

A. managing the marketing process
B. monitoring the profitability of the company’s products and services
C. the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers
through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value
D. developing marketing strategies to move the company forward
Answer: C

557. Chimney Sweeps employs people to clean fireplaces and chimneys in homes
and apartments. The firm is primarily the marketer of which one of the following?
A. An image
B. A service
C. A good
D. An idea
Answer: B

558. Marketers often use the term ________ to cover various groupings of
A. people
B. buying power
C. demographic segment
D. market
Answer: D

559. The ________ concept holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, will
ordinarily not buy enough of the organization’s products.
A. production
B. selling
C. marketing
D. holistic marketing
Answer: B

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560. ________ is the father of modern marketing.
A. Peter Drucker
B. Philip Kotler
C. Neil Armstrong
D. Maslow
Answer: B

561. The product mix pricing technique through which companies develop product
lines for pricing instead of single products is classified as
A. by-product pricing
B. optional-feature pricing
C. product line pricing
D. Two-part pricing
Answer: C

562. The concept of product mix which refers to wide range of product lines
carried by the company is classified as
A. width of product mix
B. length of product mix
C. depth of product mix
D. consistency of product mix
Answer: A

563. In the product mix, the company producing the toothpaste, paper products,
detergents and bathing soap bars is classified as
A. product line consistency
B. product line width
C. product line length
D. product line depth
Answer: C

564. The ________ of a product mix refers to how many variants are offered of
each product in the line.
A. Width
B. Length
C. Depth
D. Consistency

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Answer: C

565. The ________ of the product mix refers to how closely related the various
product lines are in end use, production requirements, distribution channels, or
some other way.
A. Consistency
B. Depth
C. Width
D. Length
Answer: A

566. The pricing technique used by sellers while selling individual products in
bundles is
A. optional-feature pricing
B. pure bundling pricing
C. mixed bundling pricing
D. pure bundling pricing
Answer: C

567. Pricing cues such as sale signs and prices that end in 9 become more
influential when ________.
A. Consumer price knowledge is poor
B. Items are purchased frequently
C. Items have been on the market a long time
D. Prices are consistent year-round
Answer: A

568. In market-penetration pricing, the company’s objective is to ________,

believing that higher sales volume will lead to lower unit costs and higher long-run
A. Block competitive launches
B. Maximize their market share
C. Minimize their market share
D. Maximize volume
Answer: B

569. To maximize market share, a firm may use _____________ pricing, which is
based on the theory that as sales volume increases, unit costs will decrease.

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A. Market-penetration
B. Market-skimming
C. Value pricing
D. Demand pricing
Answer: A

570. Consumers ________ low-cost products or items they buy infrequently.

A. Prefer the lowest total cost of ownership of
B. Are ambivalent to prices of
C. Are more price sensitive to
D. Are less price sensitive to
Answer: D

571. Sigma-Sunco has decided to introduce its new sunscreen eye drops in a limited
market consisting of only two cities and closely monitor the reactions of potential
customers to the product and marketing program. This is called
A. Diffusion analysis
B. Use test
C. Concept test
D. Test marketing
Answer: D

572. At the Melting Moments, an ice cream parlor, customers place their orders,
watch their ice- cream sundaes being prepared, and then quickly eat the sundaes in
the store before the ice cream melts. This is an example of a characteristic of
services known as
A. Inseparability
B. Intangibility
C. Heterogeneity
D. Perishability
Answer: D

573. Raw materials such as forest and food are termed as a.

A. Infinite resources
B. Finite resources
C. Finite renewable resources
D. Finite nonrenewable resources

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Answer: C

574. The optional-feature pricing, captive-product pricing, product-bundling

pricing and byproduct pricing are considered as the techniques of
A. product mix pricing
B. line stretching pricing
C. line filling pricing
D. line deepening pricing
Answer: A

575. Which of the following is not one of the problems typically associated with
secondary data?
A. It is too expensive to obtain
B. It may not be current
C. It may not exist
D. It may not be impartial
Answer: A

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