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NWGiecoes| DUCE rah kot ae KARMA AND QUALITY A Guideto Indian Coffee Quality Specifications for Green Coffee a x Jawaid Akhtar, As. FOREWORD he standards prescribed for the various grades of indian Arabica and Robusta coffee-have been time tested and well accepted by the International Coffee: Fraternity. These standards which are quite stringent and easy to understand, ensure production of quality catfee. inorder to cater to therequirements of the coffee buyers the world aver as wellas to provide for a wider choice of grades, the Quality Committee of the Coffee: Board revised the moisture standards and introduced new Monsooned Coffee Standards with specific quality parameters and they have been defined in this ‘brochure along with the existing types and grades, This exercise is also aimed at making quality specifications of Indian coffee grades even more transparent For the benefit ofinternational as wellas domestic coffectrade. This bfochere on. quality specifications serves as a ready reckoner. for’ visual quality evaiuation. | nope our efforts to revise the quality standards of indian Coffee will Be weleomed and appreciated by both the Indian and International Coffee Fraternity. Chairman Coffee Board - Arabice and ‘Robusta ate the two eo mcealy converse varieties in ae ‘These two vatieties are classified as washed [wet Processed) and unwashed (natural/dry processed), based on the method of processing, The washed and: D. MISCELLANEOUS GRADES ‘arabieae and Robustas are peel categorised into; Quality Specifications for Indian Green Coffee “Moisture standard for the different types of coffee “Types OF Coffee Moisture (26) 105 ms Robusta Parchment 10.5 Robusta Cherry WS "Mysore Nuggets EB 9.0-10.5 Robusta Kaapi Royale 90-105 Monsconed Malabar Coffees 130-145 “Note: 1, Atolerance of + 0.5% in moisture content is permissibic. ~ 2. Moisture standards for the premium grades will be the same as those ofthe “type to which they belong. 3 Please refer to the glossary appended at the end for definitions of coffee terms. “tl Pa csiine size of test sieves used in coffee and their, Orresponding screen number Aperture size (Diameter of found holes in mm) oo 750 19 2.25, Between 19 & 18 7.40~ i8 6.70/6.65 1%: 6:50 Between 17& 16 f= 630 16 2000 ~ 15 5.60/S.50 14 It Grading ané-garbling (sorting) standards Grading and garding of Indian Coffee is based’ on the size of the coffee beans and percentage imperfections. In the Indian system of grading and garbling. the “tolerance: level. for each and every grade is specified and expressed in percentage by weight. Quality specifications for indian Coffee entail that all the grades be. totally free from foreign and extraneous matters. ARABICA COFFEE I WASHED ARABICA - ‘PLANTATION’ The grade designations of Arabica Plantation Coffee are: 1. PLANTATION PB 2. PLANTATION A 3, PLANTATION B 4. PLANTATION C 5. PLANTATION BLACKS 6 PLANTATION BITS 7. PLANTATION BULK ‘Quality Specifications 1. Plantation PB Sieve Standard 2 No sieve requirement Garbling Status 2 Clean garbled ‘Tolerance Flats (AB) 2 2% by weight PR Triage. 3% by weight 2. Plantation A. Sieve Standard 2 Minimum 90% by weight retention on sieve with round holes of 665mm {Screen 17). Not more than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 6.00mm (Screen 15). Garbling Starus. > Clean-garbled Tolerante PB 2% by weight “Triage 2% by weight - 3.PlantationB Sieve Standard ~ Garbling Status: Tolerance PR Se Triage 4.Plantationc — Sieve Standard Mayinclude Shailbetree from 5. Plantation Blacks Sieve Standard Mayinciude 6. Plantation Bits Sieve Standard Garbling Status ‘May contain 7. Plantation Bulk Grading Presence of Blacks/ Browns/Bits Minimum: 75% by weight retention on a sieve-with round holes of 6.00mm (Screen 15), Not more: than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 5.50mm [Screen 14). “Clean garbled Baby weight 3% by weight Minimum 75% by weight retention on a sieve with Round holes of 5.50mm {Screen 14). 160% by weight shall stand on a sieve with mound holes of 5.00mm (Screen 13) Triage, small whole beans of the presctibed sieve size, size, light beans, boat-shaped beans and spotted beans (less than quarter of a bean surface}. Blacks and damaged beans 100% by weight retention onasieve with roundholes of 5.00mm (Screen 13). Blacks beans with more than a quarter of the bean surface black, deep blue or dark brown, _ It: shall include damaged beans such as bleached {spongy} beans, insect-damaged beans, spotted (more than a quarter of a bean surface) beans, stinker and sour beans. 1.00% by weight shall pass throughasieve with round holes of §.00mm (Screen 13} Ungarblee Broken beans of less than 1/3 of a bean size, Blacks/ Browns and defective beans of the prescribed size. Ungraded Shall not contain more than Beby Weight JI: UNV/ASHED ARABICA - "ARABICA CHERRY’ The grade-designations of Arabica Cherry coffee are: ARABICA CHERRY PE ARABICA CHERRY AB ARABICA CHERRY-C ARABICA CHERRY. BLACKS/BROWNS. ARABICA CHERRY BITS ARABICA CHERRY BULK ‘Quality Specifications ou awNe 1, Arabica Cherry PB Sieve Standard: No sieve requirement Garbiing Status Clean garbled Tolerance Flats (AB) 2% by weight PB Triage 3% by weight 2, Arabica Cherry AB Sieve Standarc Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.00mm {Screen 15). Not more than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 5.50mm [Screen 14}. Garbling Status Clean garbled Tolerance PB 2% by weight Triage” 2 3%by weight +2. Arabica Cherry C Sieve Standard Minimum 75% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.50mm [Screen 14}. 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with found holes of 5.00mm (Screen 13} ‘May include : Ttiage, small whole beans of the prescribed sieve size, light beans, boat shaped beans and spotted beans fless than 2 quarter of a bean surface), It shall not contain more than: 2% of Blacks/Browns or Bits. 4. Arabica Cherry Blacks/Browns oe SieveStandard — ~ 100% by weight retention‘on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (Screen 13), ‘May include 2 Black/dark: prown beans, damaged beans such as : bleached {spongy) beans, insect-damaged beans, spotted {more than a quarter ofa bean ice} beans, fungal-damaged beans, sour and.greens. | 5. Arabica Cherry Bits ~ Sieve Standard. + [00% by weight shall pass through a sieve with Round holes of 5.00mm (Screen +3). Garbling Status : Ungarbied ore | ~ Maycontain Broken beans of less than 1/3 of a bean size, Blacks/ | Browns and defective beans of the prescribed size. : 6, Arabica Cherry Bulk | Grading : Ungraded | Presence of Blacks/ _ Browns/Bits Shall not contain more than 10% by weight ROBUSTA COFFEE |. WASHED ROBUSTA ‘ROBUSTA PARCHMENT’ The grade designations of Robusta Parchment Coffees are: ROBUSTA PARCHMENT PB | i - ROBUSTA PARCHMENT AB | 3 ROBUSTA PARCHMENT C 4 ROBUSTA PARCHMENT BLACKS/BROWNS. | & ROBUSTA PARCHMENT BITS: | 6. ROBUSTA PARCHMENT BULK | | Quality Specifications | 1, Robusta Parchment PB Sieve Standard No sieve requirement ‘ g Clean garbled at Flats (AB). ; 2% by weight | “PB Triage 3% by weight = Robusta Parchment AB SieveStancard Garbling Status Tolerance PB 2 Triage 3. Robusta, parenment c Sieve Standard Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.00mm (Scteen 15). Not more than 1.5% by Weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 550mm (Screen 14). = Clean garbled 2% by weignt 3% by weight Minimum 75% by weight retention ona sieve with round holes of 5.50mm {Screen 14}. 100% by weight shall be retained on a sieve with round holes of 5.00mm (Screen 13}. Triage small whole beans of the prescribed sieve size, light beans, boatshaped beans and spotted beans (less than.a- quarter of a bean surface}. It shall not Contain more than 2% of Blacks/Browns or Bits. 4,Robusta Parchment Blacks/Browns Sieve Standard Mayinchide 5. Robusta Parchment Bits Sjeve Standard Garbiing Status May contairy 6. Robusta Parchment Bulk Grading Presence of Blacks/ Browns/Bits 100% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 5.0Gmm (Screen 13) Blacks/ dark brown beans, damaged beans such as: bleached |spongy) beans, insect-damaged. \heans, spotted (more than a quarter of a bean Sutface| beans, stinker andsourbeans 100% by weight shall pass through @ Sieve with: round holes of 5.00mm (Seren 13}, Ungartsled Broken beans ofless than 1/3 of a. bean size, Blacks/ Browns and defective beans of the prescribed size. Ungraded ‘Shall net contain more than 2% by weight th UNWASHED ROBUSTA -'ROBUSTA CHERRY’ “The aradé designations of Robusta Chetry Cotfee are: ROBUSTA CHERRY PB -ROBUSTA CHERRY. AB : ROBUSTA CHERRY C z _ ROBUSTA CHERRY BLACKS/BROWNS : = ROBUSTA CHERRY BITS ROBUSTA CHERRY BULK } ROBUSTA CHERRY CLEAN BULK Nowsen— Quality Specifications = oat "1. Robusta Cherry PB “Sieve Standard 2 No sieve requirement ers Garbling Status : Clean garbled aadad Tolerance Fiats (AB) 2% by weight PB Triage + 3% by weight ii f 2. Robusta Cherry AB Sieve Staridara 2 Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with = round holes of 6.00mm (Screen 15). Not more than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holesof5.50mm (Screen-14}, /Garbling Status: : Clean garbled oe = & Tolerance = PB + 206 by weight Triage : 3% by weight 3, Robusta Cherry C ; Sieve Standard + Minimum 75% by weight retention on a Sieve with ’ round holes of 550mm (Screen 14]. 100% by weight : shall stand on.a sieve with round holes of 5.0mm : ; (Screen 13} May include + Trlages small whole beans of the prescribed sieve size, light beans, boat-shaped beans and spotted beans : {less than'a quarter of a bean surface}, It shall not Lets ae contain more than 2% of Blacks/Browns or Bits 4, Robusta Cherry Suciietonrs Sieve Standard ‘May include 5. Robusta Cherry Bits Sieve Standard Garbdling Status Mayconiain 6. Robusta Cherry Bulk Grading Presence of Black! Browns/Bits. 7, Robusta Cherry Clean/Bulk Grading Shall be free from B. PREMIUM GRADES 100% by weight retention on a sieve with round. holes of 5.0mm {Screen 13) Black/dark: brown beans, damaged beans such as bleached: |spangy| beans, insectdamaged. beans, spotted (more than a quarter of 2 bean surface} ‘beans. fungal-damaged beans, sour and greens. 100% by weight shall pass through @ sieve with round holes of 5.00mm [Screen 13) Ungarbled Broken beans of less than 1/3 of a beam in size, Blacks/Browns and defective beans of the prescribed size, Ungraded Shall not contain more than 10% by weight. Ungraded Blacks/Brown/Bits ARABICA COFFEE 1. WASHED ARABICA - PLANTATION’ QualitySpecifications 1,PlantationAA Sieve Standard ’ Gafbling Status Tolerance ‘PB Minimum 90% by-weight-fetention on a sieve with round Noles of 7.1mm (Screen 18). 100% shall stand ‘onasievewith round holes of 6,65mm (Seren 17). The 10% beans passing through the sieve of 7.1mm and standing on the sieve of 6.65mm shall bewhole beans, ‘Clean garbled 2osby weight 2. Plantation PB Bold Sieve Standard 100% by weight retention on a sieve with oblong holes of 4.75mm (Screen 12 oblong), Garbling Status © “Clean garbled Tolerance AB 2 2eby weight PB Triage + 29 by weight IS UNWASHED ARABICA - ‘ARABICA CHERRY! Quality Specifications 1. Arabica Cherry AA Sieve Standard : Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 7.10mm (Screen 18). 100% retention ‘ona sieve with round holes of 6.65mm (Screery 17} Garbling Status Clean garbled Tolerance PB + 2% by weight Triage : 1% by weight 2, Arabica Cherry A Sieve standard : Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 6.65mm (Screen 17) 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 6.00 mm {Screen 15}. Garbling Status Clean garbled Tolerance PB 2 2%by weight Triage > 2kby weight 3. Arabica Cherry PB Bold Sieve Standard, 2 100% by weight retention. on a sieve with oblong holes of 4.75mm {Screen 12 oblong), Garbling Status + Clean garbled Tolerance AB > 2% by weight PB Triage 29 by weight ROBUSTA COFFEE 1. WASHED ROBUSTA- 'ROBUSTA PARCHMENT’ ‘Quality Specifications 1, Robusta Parchment A Sieve Standard Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round files of 665mm (Screen |7}. 100% shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 6.00mm {Screen 15). Garbling Status Clean garbled Tolerance PB 2 2% by weight Triage Notolerance 2. Robusta Parchment PB Bold Sieve Standard 100% by Weight retention on a sieve with oblong holes of 4.50mm (Screen 11 oblong). Garbling Status Clean garbled Tolerance AB : Poby weight Triage 1 2% by weight II. UNWASHED ROBUSTA - ROBUSTA CHERRY’ Quality Specifications 1, Robusta Cherry AA SleveStandard + Minimum 90% by weight retention’ on a sieve with round holes of 7.10mm (Screen 18). 100% retention ori a sieve with round holes of 6.65mm {Screen 17). Garbling Status + Clean garbled Tolerance PB ; 2% by: weight Triage : 195 by weight 2) Robusta Cherry A Sieve Standard © Minimum, 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 65mm: (Screen 17]. 100% by weight shall stand on a sieve with round holes of 6.0mm (Screen 15} Garbling Status 2 Clean garbled Tolerance : : : ; PB 2% by weight Triage: » 2% by weight 3.Robusta Cherry PB Bold Bleves tan card + 100% by weight retention on a sieve: with obleng hates of 4.50mm [Screen 11 oblong). “Garbling Status + Clean garbled Tolestce : 2% by weight fe Triage 1 2% by weight ‘G. SPECIALTY COFFEES = 1. MYSORE NUGGETS EXTRA BOLD Arabica Plantation [Washed Coffee) Region of Growth 1 Shall be prepared from Plantation A coffee of Mysore, Coorg, Bababudan, Biligiris and Shevaroys. Sieve Standard Minimum 90% retention on a sieve with holes of 7.50mm (Screen 19}. 100% retention on a sieve with holes of 665mm (Screen 17). The 10% beans Passing through the sieve of 7.5mm and standing on the sieve of 6.65mm shall be whole beans. Processing / Garbling Standard Medium to well polished, clean garbled, - Free from : PB, Brokens (inclusive of Triageand Elephant beans} ‘or any extraneous matter. Defectives including bleached and spongy beans, Blacks, Browns, insect- damaged beans, fungaldamaged beans.and pulper cuts. I, ROBUSTA KAAPI ROYALE Robusta Parchment (Washed coffee} Region ofGrowth: + Shall be prepared from. Robusta Parchment AB’ Coffee of Mysore, Coorg, Travancore, Wayanad, Shevaroys, Pulneysand Bababudan Regions. Sieve Standard ‘ Minitium 90% Fetention on a sieve with holes of 670mm (Screen 17).-100% fetention on a sieve with holes of 6.00mm (Screen 15}. The 10% beans passing through the sieve of 6.70mm and standing ‘on the sieve of 6,00mm shall be whole beans, = x " MONSOONED MALABAR AAA MONSOONED MALABAR AA. “MONSOONED MALABAR A Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 7.50 mm (Screen 19). Not: mare than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 7.10 mm (Screen 18}. Clean garbled Maximum 2% by weight Nil Minimum 90% by weight retention ona round holes of 7.10 mim (Screen 18], Not more than 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with rouind holes of 6.70 mm(Screen 1). : Clean garbled _ Maximum 2% by weight Nil Minimum 75% by weight retention on a-sieve with round-holes. of 6.70mm (Screen 17). Not more thar 1.5% by weight shall pass through a sieve with round holes of 6.00 mm (Screen ‘T5). Tolerance Triage {Maximum 3% by weight i BBB sNil i 4, Monsooned Malabar Arabica Triage Sieve Standard : Minimum,-90% by weight retention ona sieve with round holes of 6.00mm [Screen 15) Tolérance: | BEB = 3% 8. Monsooned Malabar Robusta Coffees : (Prepared from Robusta Cherry Coffee) i ‘The grade designations of Robusta Monsooned Malabar Coffees are: 1 MONSOONED MALABAR ROBUSTA RR 2. MONSOONED MALABAR ROBUSTA TRIAGE 1, Monsooned Malabar Robusta RR Sieve Standard Minimum 90% by weight retention on a sieve with round holes of 7.10mm (Screen 18), Not more thant 1.5% by weight shall pass (Screen 17) Garbling Status Clean garbled Tolerance Triage + Maximum 3% by weight ape : Nil 2. Monsooned Malabar Robusta Triage Sieve Standard . Minimum 90% by weight retention ona sieve with round holes of 6,00mm (Screen 15) Tolerance BBB 23% ; 1. LIBERIA BULK [Bulk coffee from Liberica) ; Grading > Ungrade Presence Of Blacks Browns/Bits + Shall not contain more than 20% by weight. (A 3 7 = 2, EXCELSIA BULK (Bulk Coffee from Excelsia)_ “ = : Grading . : “Ungraded. : Presence Of Blacks = : = : Browns/Bits. + __Shall not contain more than 20% by weight. GLOSSARY. : = Aiabica Cherry + Coffed optained by nanvesting and drying Arabica coffee fruits; Coffee obtained by harvesting: pulping ana washing. Arabica cofiee: ‘ruts ‘Bean ‘The seed inside the coffee fruit. = Les Broken coffee beans of less than 1/3 of a bean Sze: : : Blous deans with more thar a quete ola been srfoce bid deg bls a = a z dark brown, = Bleached Coffee beans that have lost the characteristic colour andihaveturned whitish due to the presence of high mosture insitu. 2 " Bioichy Beans This is due to- defective drying of colfee: as a resu, the Colour Of th : ‘beans is far from uniform, = ~~ Beatshaped Beans whose 1wo ends Curve upwards and appear boat shaped: Beownis Beans that are brown in colour ‘Chery Coffee. Coffee obtained by harvesting and diying coffee fruits. This type oF Coffee is called unwasned or natural corte. ‘Cleangarbied Giade of coffee having stringent sorting standards, Which make: It 1g t competely tree from defective beans. Damaged Includes bleached beans jspongy). spotted beans (more than. quarter of 2 bean surface), insect / Rungal-damaged Beans. stinkers os - andsour bean Defectivetears = Beans that de not conform to the roxmally accepted standards of : Sone goodbieans. + Comiptisehusk fragment: pieceof parchment, malformed bean. insect damaged beer chergIh husk, ‘bean in parchment. black Bean, partly black bean; wsneture bean, spangy bean, White bean, stinker bea, sour bean, blotchy bean, foxy bean, brown béan, withered bean, ; : : Tauidy bean and pulpernipped bean: =" DryProcess” | Tieatment ecinsisting of drying coffee cherries Followed by mechanical Bins : Temovel of the dried pericarp to produce Cherry Coffee: fo Elephiane Bears + “Assembly of beans [usually two, at times more) resulting from false : Poly embryony. They ate beans of iregularshapehaying swoor more : : parts, closely locked! together, which may separate ether in the peeler fr during roasting, " Matétials not related to coffee. (Ref: Foreign matter) Coffee bean withrone: Pameseleaeee. : : Mineral, animator vegetable matter not ori an fromcottee, Dried chery, rock/stones, sacks: cortee skin, thisterm: ~ Acoffee bean which is rusty of redaish in colour Miietrrechanees fing orevernpe fruits, uncertoover' eee trcneaee ornare insufficient washing. Beans damaged by fungel (mould) infestation, Theprocessofremoval ofheans. pars ofbeans crdefective beans thar donot conformtothe respective qradestandatdli Thstermapplestocoecton ofcofeerutsane beans ound Yangon, the groune underneath coffee Bushes. After the last.reund of harvesting, gleaning istaken up. ‘A measure of quality agreeing with a standard or varying from i it according to certain fixed differences The process of classifying coffee beans into specified grades based their physical characteristics, This process is also called sing, as the! beans.are separated by machines according to their size afd shape, into the various grades of coffee. ‘ Immature beans especially with a greenish colour, Coffee harvested before itis physiologically matured, Beans damaged internally or externally by insect attack. ot Coffee obtained from Coffea Uberics. A region in Kerala where Robusta coffee is cultivated. ‘Green coffee beans, abtained from unwashed coffee, that have Beer - ‘pete to hud amorphers noida ta absers mesure, Dulin his process. the beans swell, and change colour to goidenytight ‘brown, This process is carried out in the coastal curing Works. during the peak of South West Monsoon. This is a special coffee largely = consumed by the Scandinavian countries, This coffee is also accepted _ asa base coee/o: espresso beverage especially n the United States e Mossy Beans e + Coffee beans showing: mould: growth aes 70 the naked g ese ee ‘evidence of attack by mould. “Mysore. : ‘A distict in Kerrataka: However, as a coffee district thisegionaso Sass. ae ‘comprises Hastan and Chikmagalur. i es ‘Natural Coffee = _Chemy Coffee: Coffee produced by ihe dry processing of the ‘rutts. t ParchinentCoftee — “Coffee beans obtained afte? coffee: fruits are subjected to pains F == ‘feriventation and washing, Coffee beans at ths stage will be oe : wrapped in the enctocarg [parchirnend) Coffee beans deteriorated by ferm and producing 2 sour taste when roastect - ae aa Begs of cork ne eve These bes St colour: . Bean having less than holf of its surface black, blue! colour, Stinker beans are generally causes due to prolonged Beans adhering to the puiper vats, if not cleaned meticulounly, becomestnkers, Stinkey bean when crushed or cut emanatesavely. when brewed and tasted. Coffee berries thatare indiscriminately harvested alongwith THis tye Of picking is normally resorted to at the end of season rn Consists of round small beans, spotted beans, elephant beans, pales, pulpercuts, dried and shrivelled beans, broken eon cba na 1/3 ofa bean insize, — Syn. Ory processed Coffee Green Coffee; re Ofthe fruit The term natural coflee aso S Use TS ‘Coffee processed by wot method,

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