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Упражнение 1.

Заполни пропуски одним из предложенных глаголов: take, make, do,


… action
… research
… an impact on
… into account
… damage
… an effect on
… sightseeing

Упражнение 2. Заполни пропуски словами. Первая буква слова дана в предложении.

1. Plastic bottles can be r… into clothing.

2. Wrap small ornaments in paper to p… them from being damaged.
3. The lizards are classed as an e… species.
4. Exactly what caused the e… of the dinosaurs?
5. Air p… can cause breathing problems for some people.
6. It is important that nature c… issues are taken into account.
7. The bird’s natural diet mainly consists of small i….
8. Many works of art were d… in the fire.
9. Rare … , national parks and villages are all threatened.
10. These chemicals have been found to cause serious environmental d… .
11. The survivors were close to s… when they were r… .

Упражнение 3. Заполни пропуски подходящими предлогами.

A humpback whale (горбатый кит) has been freed from fishing nets which marine experts said
was a rare and remarkable case. The 50-ton whale had been heading for Baja California when it
became trapped. At 8.30 on Sunday morning, a crab fisherman called the Marine Mammal
Centre and explained that the creatures was … trouble. When rescuers reached … the whale,
they realised they had to dive … the water and cut the ropes. ‘It was a dangerous situation,’ said
one of the rescuers, Moskito by name. ‘One flick of a humpback’s massive tail can kill a man.’
The divers spent … about an hour cutting the ropes, and … the end everything turned out fine.
According … Moskito, the whale had several deep cuts, but floated quietly the whole time:
‘When I was cutting near its mouth, it stayed completely still watching me. It was a fantastic

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