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Portfolio video notes

Video 1 What is a portfolio - YouTube

Video 2 Preparing a portfolio for undergraduate study - YouTube

Video 3 What to include in a portfolio - YouTube

Video 4 How to structure your portfolio - YouTube

Video 5 Interviewing with a portfolio - YouTube

When you Portfolio Video 1 – What is a portfolio?

 What did you learn about what a portfolio is by watching the video?

A portfolio is something where you document all your work to show off to the place you apply to so
that the interviewer can see if you are right for the course.

 How might the information help you in starting or improving your portfolio?

It gives me an idea of what I should include in my portfolio.

Portfolio Video 2 – Preparing a portfolio

 What did you learn about preparing a portfolio?

I learnt that your portfolio shouldn’t be the final outcome, instead be your destination so the
interviewer can see your progress.

Include any quotes from the interviewees which you feel are important to you
“Were looking for the journey the applicants been on”

Portfolio Video 3 – What to include in a portfolio?

 What did you learn about what to possibly include in your portfolio?
I learnt that you should include things that you do in your free time to show that your
passionate about the idea.

 What do you currently have to include in your portfolio? This can include work and ideas
from your current course and outside of college.
I could share that I passed the first year of college and that I passed my GCSEs.

Portfolio Video 4 – How to structure your portfolio

 What did you learn about structuring your portfolio?

I learnt that you should make sure your portfolio is written well and clear because if there is
no interview it will rely on your portfolio, so if it’s not clear enough you may not get to the
place you want.

 How might you structure your own portfolio?

It should be like you are storytelling and should read like a book as the interviewer wants to
see your progress and how far you’ve come in a legible and clear way.

Portfolio Video 5 – Interviewing with a portfolio

 What did you learn about attending an interview with a portfolio?

I learnt that you need to be passionate about the subject you’re applying for as the university
wants people that actually take an interest to the subject instead of just applying for the sake
of it. Also, you should reference your work while in the interview to further show your work
and hopefully impress them to consider you for the course.

 What questions do you think might be asked of you regarding the work in your portfolio?
I think they will ask you about what you’re interested in, and they could suggest other
courses maybe you weren’t aware of so you get a wider choice of what you want to do.

Include any quotes from the interviewees which you feel are important to you
You should provide the name of the interviewee proving the quote and ideally a
screenshot of them.

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