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What is entrepreneurship?

Skills: pb solving, creativity, resourcefulness, everyday

Initiative, knowledge
Profit and not for profit
Adaptability→transfer to DC
Value(economic, who we are creating value for)
Sell the idea
Acceptance from others
Visionary, motivate
Defined goal X, define and organize
Social entrepreneurship?
Create jobs
Developing country: sustainbility, social institutions,
Realistic, backup plan, based on the real scenario, Report 5000

Guiding questions:
1. What problems and inefficiencies currently exist in the maritime shipping industry?
a. Surplus of ships
b. High complexity – includes many different parties over the course of the supply
c. Lack of transparency – information often not available; lack of transparency on
location; inconsistent information
d. Inefficiency – paper documentation prone to error and difficult to track; people-
based (connections, etc)
e. Fraud and safety challenges
f. Delays – information not on time
g. Weak predictability
2. How is the Maersk-IBM Global Trade Digitalization platform (GTD) supposed to solve
these problems?
a. Blockchain – secure and reliable real-time documentation, greater visibility and
b. Decentralization – information security and group trust; availability of
c. Independent GTD company – no conflict of interest, unfair competitive insights
and price fixing; single conduit of truth
d. Industry-wide platform – includes all stakeholders from government agencies to
logistic managers, closing the blind spots; different value proposition for buy-in;
investment efficiency
e. Paperless trade – securely managing documents in a fast way with smart
3. What negative consequences may emerge from implementing the GTD?
a. Digital literacy and IT competence - Insufficient knowledge and training in
blockchain and digital technology -> lead to mis- or under-utilization of the
b. Lack of available technology in the global east and south -> major raw materials
and product producers and shippers
c. Risk of technical problems that could disrupt trade transactions; data security
and privacy
d. Regulation complexity and compliance – different legislations regarding data
security, etc.
e. Trust issues (especially competitors)
f. New and better technology than blockchain/ or just another solution
g. Switching costs and investment in the platform

 What are the incentives for each of the players when there are the challenges above?

- Complex/many stakeholders
- Consolidated
- High barriers to entry
- Regulated and heterogeneous regulations
- Price pressures from large shippers
- People-centered operations
- Paper work
- high pressures on delivery times/poor performance
- IT competence
- 19%
- Alliance (2M)
- Leader
- Deep knowledge of supply chain (but still a shipping company)
- Suppliers (machinery/containers) 2/5
- Trains/trucks/etc. (complementary to Maersk; easier to sell to) 4/5
- Competitors (difficult to sell to) 5/5
- Customs authorities/policy makers 5/5
- Shippers 4/5
- Port operators 2/5 (do not have administrative tasks)
- IBM 5/5
- Insurance 2/5
- Freight forwarder 2/5
KPIs for Maersk:
- Delivery time / Speed
- Shipping Volume
- Shipping Value
- Prices
- Reliability
- Market share; growth/decline?

Profit margin
- Volume*price and cost
- Stricter uniform rules withing platform and transparency
- Lean way of implementing the platform in order to increase investment efficiency (roll
out step-wise per region; Test and experiment on a small scale)
- Step-by-step attraction of supply chain players: attract the customs first (biggest point),
increase value proposition for other supply chain players (competitors)
o Incentives: lower costs and processing times, less fraud and higher transparency

Learning: we did not talk about who pays

- Who sponsors the company and for what reasons? – conflict of interest, Maersk will
benefit from the dividends
- Spin of and make it independent; or make other competitors benefit from it (e.g.,
investments, ownership)

Who is disturbed by this idea and how should we solve that issue

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