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REPUBLIC OF SERBIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS DOCUMENTS Book I DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Book Vi IAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS INSTITUTE OF BALKAN STUDIES Special Editions Book 77 DOCUMENTS ON GENOCIDE OF THE SERBS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. from April to August 1941 Dr Zdravko Antonié Received by the Department of Social Sciences of the Republic of Serbia Academy of Sciences and Arts on 7 August 2001 Approved atthe session ofthe Scientific Couneil of the Instinute of Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts ‘on 16 July 2001 EDITOR IN CHIEF ‘Academic Milan Vasié a, ©) Banja Luka spk Sarajevo es 2001. 2 an AKAMEMHIA HAYKA HYMJETHOCTH PEIYBJIMKE CPIICKE, NOKYMEHTA, Kesara 1 OIJEISERE UPYIITBEHHX HAYKA Kwuera VI CPIICKA AKAJIEMHJA HAYKA Hl YMETHOCTH BAJIKAHONOMKH HACTHTYT: Floce6wa wsaatsa krsura 77 MOKYMEHTA O TEHOLUMTY HAJ CPBUMA Y BOCHM Vi XEPLIETOBHHV on ariputa o asrycra 1941. Tp 3apasxe Antonuh TIpmexeno na Onjememy apyurraewix waya AHYPC 7. asrycra 2001. Tipmeneno na cenuuuu Hay Hor seha Baxkakonowikor micraryra ‘CAHY 16, jyna 2001. OMPOBOPHH YPERHVK ‘Axaeux Musa Bacuh om, @ \Ee Bawa IIyka Cprieko Capajezo 200 ro nowodio wanesod ead cH es _ssononsan zor’ money mio et 1Y61- mosnday i og “Fos 49 701 eet Tio tedou “HAVO wneeny =o ‘OF HES YYOVE emg cada 80898 NOS JAaHO WLYXHS eae day j dosnt TXXAN © 16 66880 6 oxou moe, soy s auVaVRHUOLVNON sow ou eye ames da n Lie eh toa w owas a ‘sped nono Somo¥e Py saga Cuanore a Samo Chiesa a 9 vemseuoss ta medtan vnc nee eee ay 8 rum exd saa at «pune poor hg ee ® » iD teeta ete ® wwodeszon 32) wimoeg el 6 » avionnvas © Seok eae os" pumgady cada, 5 young cod & cx peod S uusonay ed w 140 WIRVIOISTIUAN 2 Nousnaount 1 oss xx arwvanaio4 AX dosOiad unanyg redornyy Sapa MIHaeHanse moy odég. dit bod "yurtoa5 oxarng a hod ytzouoyy +g exoxmy di od yoy o4dog, dy 9H¥9O3 bu HIDyuE XubTtVi9< WANHAWLOL3sU VavrEH init ost Mung« a4aIMS VUMIY AthAalIOU VE EMVAD« £9 VE YRHTYLOU YO [ROWTIHVO A HIVMVALMD O t98t VH&E 61 SOMGONKU SHHMEN.SAO ¥ VELTMHUSIGOUVE PVLATSTIEH, vHHhOUE XHNIMVIDK IOIE VEIT DUK £9298aTS OES) WHAT #1 HO HNAUYHYS & .AHIOU SONOMEHSHY JONI’ EN VIROL MV LMSAEN ‘ak¥tYSON1 SMVID« 49 30% Vd YATE O 6 WHAT 8 LO VIBE VIOG JOWNMHKAAO TV LMCEEH ‘AMLYXME A VUOLD JONBSIAD Sth sdVIOU Ve VIEAO JOWEIHAL £9251 LIOAL O 61 YHAT'“1 UO VExnBy Tpanuunjy 0 3n04nHMMA, TaKO je mpentosHaru na cy Y He- Kum cpesoniima cacraasmatit Oni KDTHE FeHOMWa K 260r Tora noKasiBaaH Byulle Mapa qa ce mparonere mlojemuHocTH He Tpe- nycre 3aGopapy. Here ce ono nocaly npHcTynH0 nomuTHAKH, ca BU LMBOM HaMepoM a Ce TOBOPH YOIITEHO, jajy 3A0KPYRe~ ‘Hit W yBex HenloysjanK Opojenn, a na ce yenyr Hominbe m Apyra Crpatia enix nowmiseHUX 2nOumA, Fpyru neo s6upke ,.Ipatoan” seameaumt cy wspeurraju xp- BATCKHX H OKYNaIWIOHHX BuacTHt O HSBOheHY JnowNHA. SHaTaH eo THX HsBOpA ce He OGjanmyje MpBH nyt, a HeKH MpencraBsaly penone ca ctpavux jesika m panisje noaiarux uspeurraja. Bes ‘063upa wa cne cnaGocTs Koje mpare opy ucropujeky rpaby, Kao pallor cBeyloka npse Bpcre, ova 3OupKa je aparoulex upit0r on- iuTeM HeniTHBaRy HcTopHje reKOMuIa Ham cpmcKHM HApomOM 1941, Oxo urro rpeGa cranio ysuMari y OGaup je wuBeHTNa 1a cy O80 Kparke pernerpanuje HogaraKa, 3a Bpl0 orpaHHieHo Bpeme MpBHX MecettH jenonaisa ycramke snacty, Miranujancka ojexa je pacrionaraa nogaTkoM fla je mocrojano wapehewse 13 TaabHor yeramkor crata Ja ce MacoBHH OKO OGABH Of Kpaja aprycra jio 6. centemGpa 1941, ynpazo y BpeMe Ha Koje ce oBt Ax ce 8 's861 18H "9161 OARS euIEAL0 OG, ftp t-ormiy myoay yporodooiyoyrutog -otffoou Hou ontfoaeH af uo AymonueHonmen woHoGadtion 9 o#% sueudicon oxedes BMH 2 HO You “wLetfeIra mIro[MIN HO aH HO -dp teitoden sonedudatiaiad eaorso exRHAMIroN OF HAIDKALSON omredow ng oe1rvady “rode werral < numoss aymdan enegttae -0x onDODKGaN 20 A(edow ‘TAM MeO ‘Maeady “MMENLENTEY wed WetieMofiN HIMEOHQO HDHELA Hes eTeg “OEKE/O HAH “Hao 4 wsodeitous0s uo ef onadofnK onoacod: wialex edow Woden mex 1 xep, Trenelitdexa9@ H sHoHMiaue Hiodso ovs20U of ‘oun outs wstosraiox nuneHt foa> omnafaven af oxeX H ited Be Heo -0D01199H ‘PIED Hf HesD=KIOg OHO eNOS asDaKtHL > af OMEN HKD -e{90 wx Atoad x" :adawen afoas omnioeloo af deny “g161 east 1 Alecvamdy Adomey 1so Krtnjavi, Zapsnci ea kulsahrvauke pole, I, Zapred 1986, erp. 796, sate ve f]uenvanea no Lyn 1918, * Eamind Paris, Genocide in Satellite Croutia 1941-1945, Chicago 1961 (npewon ca @panuyeeor) erp. 65. * Heiwo, exp. 69. © Meso, erp 81, sxanax lapuha y Kataosnuxou tijerany, 18. ja 1941 xv FOREWORD, Documents on the Genocide over the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina Aptil to August 1941 by Dr. Zdravko Antonié is a collec- tion of source materials regarding the systematic extermination of the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina carried out in the frst four months of the existence of the Independent State of Cro: sists of two parts, formed according to the origin of the sources. The first part contains Documents on Genocide”, approximatively gro: uped according to administrative territorial units (stez) immediately after the liberation and intended to be used by the National Committee for Determining the Crimes of the Occupying Forces and their Collab- orators as a reliable basis for getting a general idea of the extent of the killing. Those involved in compounding this collection wished to put together 2 quick list of the mass crimes committed by the Ustas 1941”, and pointed out that this was by no means a comprehensive specifying every crime, since such an undertaking would require a dif- ferent preparation, a scientific organization of the work process, and could not be narrowed down to immediate needs. With the exception of Capljina, all the other stez improvised the greater part of the remaining information about the crimes. In some of the stez those who worked on collecting the sources had experienced the genocide fist- hand, and consequently made greater efforts to prevent any useful fact from falling into oblivion. Elsewhere, the work on creating the collec- tion was approached from a political perspective, with an obvious ten- dency towards generalizations, rounded and inexact figures, and frequent observations to the effect that crimes were committed on all sides. The other part of the collection entitled , Contributions” repre- sent official reports of the Croatian and occupying authorities regard- ing the execution of the crimes. Many of these sources have been published before, others are translations of known reports, Regardless of the deficiency of this type of source material, so close in time to its subject, this collection is a valuable contribution to the general study of the history of genocide over the Serbs carried out in 1941. A fact that must not be forgotten is that these are short recordings of infor- ox pinoys sqiag aup :9jdoad porerousBou w Jo stseq jrontfod atp se onses Pinoys ssoursteme jevonreu weneos “BurdsreuLaU! q uoRU o[SuIS 8 o1u pudig isnt “19 ‘suRUsOg ‘sIUO1D ‘streneMNyoC|“soows Bupxt £q 7 jearuna ewi099q pure 23{nt oF 22p30 ut zyer2pour puR Jogos aq ISNit “00? “9[doad AMG “uel -aBon 8 Buntuos9q Aq pu souounsge ro4ns q apt] Jo Seas sty paBuEyD 23 oY pu SoH o1 2]qEuN “funy yo 988 241 18 jdxa gmt 106 1YTY Jo Aeg aang axp im UOIUN F w10J OF seas Aimed sri ‘Ou aLUeS 2x IV woRROSsy S1oyreD ueNLOAD s,topeIg Jo UOISIOA padorduIt oip 8g 01 papuarul ‘ized mau e jo wrerFoad Bip pouaserdal ‘3161 ‘4 euuarA UI paystiand ‘uonsand o1Anis-wMog atLE 10m Utes SI puE swAuopriesd snouts J9pun “s320m (m9498 aIOIM 9H “1 y61 Ur JaMOd 0) ai109 uOHEZIUeSIO 241 22s OF oat] 10U PIP a4 YSNOWPE "WOLIAAOU! seis) auf Jo IS4Fojoo91 tuoUWOsd e Sea JRfIe OA] JAA dU, ‘wu1ao8ozr9Fy pure (od our ut uoneu r se squog atp uneuILs *,UoiSer] oe1e" 9tp poureU pue paws0} ea S19MINfON JO IfIN 2 “OUT ISay 24p 405 pasn sem ,:ysEISL) feUONEL weneOID" LID] 9HLL “6061-3061 J0 ,.sISHO woNEXSUUe™ axa OL AE woutlonow 1yseIS/| ayp ON anjOad dpuaMbosqns Pynom YA JO SIO pug *.s2rdiounrd jeuonew Jo stuowal9 pareys Aq punog are sos 91 ov “sunsnpY spremor Auuyye rejronsed™ si passans uaAo|§ auf 01 UONIPpE UU snowouoine Sif) o1uy saouin0. Furonpomur spreasor apes aq os pr oy BmqsqeH Ao8@zr9q] pue eusog nsf “vMoALIg “eneUtye Iusog Jo uoneZrueso Jeon 40 105 Sem oartoafgo KN p FaQuoLy &, SwOID ay aun OL Disegy" sit 01 SuIpios0¥go4 Sup qua ueSaq Suspungys, 105 St ap “samt s9 ease iy 20UIS xx eurodezi9}f pue viusog uo swIDID Jeo10% ei pandie syoes ey 2up Uo 9th uenoy £q van ou ayeur pjnoa sqag “8061 jo uonexauue ot 3009 # 03 5uodse1 Ul “BUINORaZIAE pe WwANOAD 2UL PaAIOAt YUAN “6303514 uous ® pey pry 2jdood wos ayn 16) ut aplooued aut aLojoq Se ‘siteisai0zg 10} 20uRI9[0) Jo 1000 Ur paion pry djquiassy vee? ung oun “wsMUEISaLoig Oy outeIajONUN Bu -puefor fiquassy 0 uorstoop ayy 21009 s1eak 1n0} *g991 UL ‘saproone yons Yai keave 128 01 Buryoeq ajdwe per) ened isnt yoryan “wistpeuor od au Jo ssauasin09 sanau SUIpLawios se poyrisnt pue poysiu BO OU} JO SOUELIO at YOILm JO puonbaug uooq avy sr941039 Asad 8st “AaLIEpE[OS Joy SuOstL pom 10m 19 Usepous jo woIssaica pu Wop ayy pout puny) 1YBtom sareau8 powies ou -sajow snorB yoy “opdood wor ayy £q pouqeyus Kromet oy jo ved © Uo suauieaisie Jo siseq 241 Uo payeaio aims v st inq oRz20Utap pe Aud ares y siussoudat pute s1yfus yeous0) WWI TY] “aNRIS ay; UK sty 01 stune}> wenwox a pox: usaynos ay} Jo £10} reaauo8 21 own aues ay IW deaouoses “sdureo yeep lau Ayia asayy yoy rouenbpeoy iyseasy) 91 UONEULIOJLE PE {oe Jo suLuOW. jowed to rule, but should instead be treated as an inferior He supposedly wrote a book under a false name entitled »Siidland”, extremely well received by the public in Vienna, The book Contained a detailed program of the new party, which was intended to be essentially an Austrian party. The program contains all the key ele- ments of the ideology that guided the Ustashi movement after 1929. the idea of a great Balkan state, the incorporation of the Muslims into the main body of the Croatian nation, and the exclusion of the Serbs. ‘The main purpose of the genocide perpetrated by the Ustashi in 1941 was to achieve the systematic and complete conversion of the Orthodox populati Archbishop Stepinac formed in 1936 was the direct po! of Archbishop Stadler’s Croatian Catholic Association of 1909, and of the unfulfilled hopes of Ivo Pillar 1918 of creating a general Croatian Catholic party within the Habsburg-dominated Central Europe. The main institutions within the organization of the association called Pure Catholic Action, the ,Crusade Fraternities” became the mobil centers of Ustashi organizations in 1941. A listis gi Franciscan monks who in April 1941 led armed troops in battle against the Yugoslav royal army. The Virgin Mary was hailed as the Croatian state’s ,signum in cielo”. On 2 April 1944 the Berlin newspaper Die Zeitung already wrote that ,in Croatia a furious battle of the church was being fought, The Ustashi authorities are persecuting the Ortho- dox Church and attempting to convert to Catholicism as many of the Orthodox inhabitants as possible, using persecution and every other means”, At the height of the massacres of the Serbs, the Archbishop of Sarajevo, Sarié wrote that these were sad incidents, which it was dif- ficult to observe ,.but polities makes different demands. For the good of all and for the sake of public interest, it requires a rigid, bratal, and iron discipline. The people in charge assume responsibility for this. It does not bring into question our religious and Catholic conscience”. This historical dimension is necessary in a study of the Ustasbi ‘movement's evolution from its roots in the ideology of the right of the state and of religious intolerance, in order to understand the meaning of the sources published in this collection. July 2001 Milorad Ekmecié XXIL YBOL je Bocue n Xepueropuue 360r were yiy- ‘Taube oceGyjHOCTH, HeEHIX MAaxOBHETHX ApyUNTBEKO-RONTTH- MUX, KYTYPHRX, CTHHNKIOX H JIpyTUX KPETaIa, HEHOF CMELITA- java packpernnaa pasinx yrjettaja m cykoO..anaisa BeAMKNX Mamux cycjena 1 3emama, nommTaKa 1 penruja, KYNTypa M Tpa- onuaja, oayDijex je Onza npuManubiina, amit 3a HaYKY TeMIKa H onropopita, O ono} 3eM7bit 1 Bers HapomtMMa MACAO Ce H MILE ce Moro H pasHonpcHo mpom semarcKe Kyrne. Kapaktep 1 MoTHBHC MHCAtGa Outi cy HOCTasH pasauuitTH. Fucane Tparose H sartaxarea o Bocuit it Xepueronitin ocrasian cy Gpojtin nyro- THU, Hay HTN, KOHSYAH, OGanetETajut, HOBHHApH st APYTH HO- Gopsnum micaxe prjexn. Coa cy om carnacim y oujent na je Bocua 1 Xepuerosnwa cnojesra semza no reorpacprijt « 10 BYTE KOjtt HO] >KuBE.! Par Hameriy? cpnckom Hapony y Bocun » Xepuerosunn 1991-1995. ronuie ynyhyje Hac Ha NOHOBHO KOHCYTTOBArE Te Opojre awreparype, ann m weHO KpHTHNKO MpenCTTHBatLe ¥3 yaaraie Hamtopa ga ce Robe fo HOBHX casHatsa. ToceOHO je Ba- OkHO na Ce AY:KHa Naka YoMjepH Ha HCTOpHjcKe TOKOBE H MpO- tece Koju mwajy caojcrea ayror Tpajarsa m He fajy ce carmenari y nlospemenin xoprsonrannina mpecujenmma. Jesart ON THX TOKO- Ba ORHOCH ce Ha HaCTAHAK, pasBo) Ht NONOXaj MojenHHNX HapoRa Koji xuBe y Opoj sem, Y Boca a Xepueronnan WattiaH cy ce a Tpajy jenn nopen apyrinx CpOx, Xpsarn i myemmmann. Maza cy cpaKomHeBHOM >xHBOTY Onan yayhewn jena Ha Apyre (ca0- Spahaj, Bone, Tpronitta, mye, rertame H Np.) HMAK CY BAH HKO- BHX MOhH TlOCTOjame cline Koje cy HX cTamo NomBajane, onTe- pehnpane mpenpacynama npominocra u mebycoOxo sanabaze. Ta ToaBojeHocr, Hertonjepere H oncycTBO cBMjecTH O 3ajentHaKHM uuTepecuMa BYKY KOpHjeHe jou! 3 cpemHoBHjeKoBHe Bocte y Kojo} cy ocsajauke cynporuocra, cbeyaamam pernonamiaMit 1 "Tip Ayu Syxas.Mpeazocopgpyrosewazmy ease xp Supasxa Awronnba _Neranax y netouno} expan} Boon 941. owe", Yahwopaan, Tana 1983, ops. 121 ho “96st vedioag 0 aynuag ov wownonay “pricady 2 dy w eyoud emLRYA 200 -ee A einade af xn efox wolmmawoN H HssOHIeUN afoao axedg et! mremAéxou 49 fox nod: “omnao.10ndox » H90g ennmodes a ewnaotieds wuyoe winresso X A{Kemeado ofsmnedio “HOWDU aHnUNTD 99 HY 9a ONDA af wee v ‘ood> afinoMIA eH infenex nne.Ado t axmnezawedu anfodg <9 axomdeey “exexal -90 xnakdlt w eqdx xERaNdH “PHEdbEN “eGo. xMNoudD BRAY -29 enedexou *_etodag™ rarox aeditvowar! ‘afadeuweam axouds ids Xo anadoted ‘eunenmnidag Suede exnnvoxoenovomadn soxodesAodioke ex ovnidu unmundyy o1ndae af ere ener e104 -on aironouree A> afon KealedeD X ewelunedronowat x “fitaL.JOu wooed & alsemstenes Yodes [edo 20 eM! Youu metioas Oex 296k af lox Auenione woxodoledey & sowmua of warmed ‘nancafn xitod -en woxonds # wlugd:y ervadu ongosou “Anemnreg ewadu axodes sKodioky exnamnton enous eHAHIadse exofiHaratamg ‘pI6T Aaafedes X eueaxaae afauaon onunoden & “3061 S681 vod? ciodu enelmedionowar wunodoaso mniexndatmn a wnuonnedd) wmo>xsditk 40 vies oxodeasodiony enmduano £ mof af envaoxs einod:y tex AYimnonss 0 efontyy rafnes H mureHE.“HnrsOHR 49 onnton mrnttedg ‘xeHeio10 er dodoo Htodudu o1 20 nods e'Auodo oreueH 49 ofor “oxnenoqy # axodeakodinsy wtedio eH sumer “enmrennnadn 9 onefes “uavady 99 4 een Sued WON stolaa wosdyy & adaleed axnian x Sinihel ongor oLunoden af sre “sHito3 “6p/gPST afnAvoMad Yo mo! axaftidon ana deus fe], ‘ated’ ayanzadxonmiras eared 1908 Adak et OMLEIS 13501999011 BHI xcleHON a4mT oy ‘sxomedy -adi3y, josanddox w a90g “RlIAIAGOYY * ne ‘arouRady marvoaMtfal> aya) o1ralit woaess0U96 :naHclodsomHD%0 99 al onswxd oxounady™ :axce 99 Pav ‘oud < faved Houeeds Somers HOLL HAL -wnina “ounraa adonio ett w veodg emmaor o% 2a9 HOURLY ALY “RHE EXLEIEL du ‘equated Seiunk enede ‘exned@ vmmsor ‘equa -ONUER]T PEMGOXHYA “exmdozeay eHasKg *eyondeld auty Yo umeehou ‘onvisaduon fo udennunrou wouvadx esedu 10. Asonon ep “,caedu oxoludoionx 1 onaexdi oxaLeade afoao adeaiso vt Afezawo nod wu ex ettoden oaafous odnm eH 1 OxnD -owadu onauai20u 20 afOx ‘wiovootin xuoueadx SERBLEEXD KOI nueady n vod3 AGawen excedottoon xne> n#OHOO x "BHTLAOION -dox W 210g 9f efnn ~ e101, ox0 HLINKOWs HWaRON “Hiker uaoxss Wiiadyou waniuuon n esos ofnimou e “Holnd eRe exo “wiradW W eu “eroueadx w estonda a9 fo vite mad af oxmay 2 SHMYO "3161-161 wed wyosalea nadyy & exmaosonday n eHsog af exmé “eLomox sonoaimédn eNneReLMt NHRLHO WHED & WL20HeuodoLox HW HIL90H axoresen aHmedidHh NoWaNeg NIDIMAL WHL kD “KarOEH A agen 00 entex adala aide stoden mien Axalton eugadaon 120% deunvoo efindeanawarofen naseden WH mone eLION aft 29 owner Adon (itedandeyy “wng) aivevenndu anneafec ago So ent -om nigoMsoxAe edeaxottia woodounit xinALedeU99 Mt ML20KOa -exd oadedioas oymyou soog “saraeusonedu dtKko OL vit 39 owe soaoen alaewooske onnnoaedy, Attondau A v ‘OaioHENIOLEX (S16I-8¢81) aHMG0xoNdaX H 90g ahmmPMIAXO sxodesKoduake Axon K*(Kdafa joni JooHeD00 BHeEedalsadu owned oF oxo ordinamwor af oxneeden (seg1-e9r1) wou20g 2 4 owafnda eg “wiremesduo aukdtr & “uireaoendoned WLAUOU “HHO sciixo1 wologs HosoHeRILOL ‘aorsndax HHO ‘afer EH eLea 29 elf aWos. 21 6 afow alsa exon :adal -og X enn -9dxou Hw KusoxAv Kufe axoHEs0g 14901 ‘nope HemnazocpaHo TyKna. Mla OH ce KOR MYcMUMAHCKOT 1 xpsatexor Hapoga nojauana anTucprtcKa TeH3ilja, uMpeHte cy a- vane ejecta. Y Mocrapy je nyurren raac ja je yrsiequn epmicKH rpabarunm Aranacuje Illosa sareopen y Henccurby, jep je .KY- mao HeRCcHESCKO MyYaHCTEO PasnpaxuTH Ha MpeneHTHCTHHKE jane npoTu Mowapxuje™ naKo je oH y TO spujeste Ono y Mo- crapy rox OyzHiM oxox nomatje. [nacnpata je 8 pajecr na je y BesHpCKOM rpaay Tpassitky, ca Mposopa nyuKe mKoTe, jenaHt pasocranxu cpemrreaux nokasnBao cimky Kpaza Fenpa Kapa. hopbesitha i vikao oxynssenuna: ,.To je Bat kpass”.* Fon yrit ajene Tine # cnmanix rmacnna, y Tanai je pasjapenta cajerin AeMonMpana npanocnapily upKay. a cAHMHO je MOCTYNMEHO Hy Kaenunsa # manacrupy Kirromueauhy.® Tipexo zemsonerpanja # Ha apyre Hasine yOpsano je crsa- pawa noceBwa Bojeka ,tuyukopn”, .nernja”. ,saumTHTHe ere” y Koly je ynaato najnpoSnemaruuinjn rpancKi 4 ceocKH onOut, xxematt MnauKe H ocnere. Jom on spemena oxynauinje 1878. ro- juiie Aycrpoyrapexa je cranko Hacrojana na ce oGes6ujenH on enentyanue moGyxe eprickora Haponta, KaKRA je Osta ona 1875— 1878. nom 1882. y Beant ca perpyrannjon Cp6a y nojexy. Ma 6x TO mpenynpujenira, opujentacania ce Ha cTRapaise MyCTHMaHCKRX W KATONHIKHX NOSpoHOMANKHX ORPEMa KOM cy KONTO eprcka cena, Mocanje anexcnje, noce6uo naxor Capajencxor atenTara, 1a je jou nehis 3Hatiaj opm jenmeHaMa, TIOKOR Kojt cy MYcMIMaHcKe noOponomauKe jenumme yummne y OKTOOPY 1914. ronuue nan 86 epnicknx Tana y ceny YeneGuhy na Tipu, Nocanje ronnatietsa cpricke nojexe #a Bocue y Cp6nijy, camo je Jena y unsy Macopnyjnx noxorba spureHux TOKOM para jy rpa- nue mpema CpGxjn Lpioj Popu.’ Jou npe yatumaryma n vanaga na Kparennny CpGniy, 10- umpija je toxanenna y Bocsn 1 Xepuerosins oxo 5000 wajyrne- nunjnx CpOa. Meby tina cy Gun pykononmoun # npamamarnn Cpnckor coxona, mireneKtyanum, TproBnit, yeHTeTEH, MOTOBH, YMapH, BIbeHIjs Cemany Hk CBH OHH 3a KOje Ce CYMEBATO sla Ox + Bragump Toposith, Up 19141918, ‘ousr - Momies Cp6a Boone u Xepueroeune 3a orexa Jyrocaasencen noewle, Beorpan 195 Heo, er. 39. 7 Mitnopal Exch, MIpeazoeop ws Kapus Kperanoesha, .Penowia apo ‘ran Cpa 1992-1994", CryxSont nur, Beorpa 1995, erp. 9 4 Morn Orrri npenBosHmun enesTyanie noGyde. Cte y BEIM LO capajenck cpe mporsauien je yeranmaxins noxpysjex 1 crassex non parue saKone.” Hoctuje Capajescxor arentata jojewuHle ayerpoyrapeKe KOMAHAC CtymuIe cy Y TOTAMHY KOH- qponraunjy ca Cpom«a. Kon Xpaara nann cy nyxy mompUsKy cbpawkopuiMa, @ KOR MYCHHMaHa RORCTHUATe CY PASH sH}eTOM MpHKpuBeHe CyNPOTHOCTH NpeTeXHO HMOBHHCKO-NPABHOT Ka- paxrepa. ¥ Tom norselly moceGuo je Cuo norman PamKn Kpaj (Canuax) 1 monirnstko crate y wemy. Tlitcano je: .Tlourro ey cpticke # upuoropeKe were, Koje ce Hanase y HeKasauitsem Typ- ‘ckOM Hoporiasapexom Canyaxy, myuae Ha Tamounba mycauMat- ka Hacema 4 Nowene NpaBH par YHHUCTapaRa HaMa NpAjaTes- KIT PACOTOXKeHOF MYCIUMAHCKOT CTAKOBHMUITBA, NPONPHE cy name vere y Canta no Tnenama # cnpiijesitne ja ce TaMourien MycnmMarnt HeTpijede. Amt KaKo Tpajso samocjenyhe Canyaxa cata Hnje 13 nojamaKix pasnora y3eTo y HITE, H KAKO OH MYC- aIuMarn 13 THX nlompysja nocmIe CRaKOT OnaacKa HauNx Tpyna OTH HODPrHYTH HOBUM pasGojaMUKiNE HamamHMA, ROjerAH cy ‘Opi HECpeTHHUN Ha HaMly TPAKIY H MOMMA 3a AOSBOAY 3a Mpe- a2, Tpema ceojoj rpanuutrt saysena ce Monapxirja i y opin ‘TeLIKIM npeMenunta 2a MYCINMAH, KOjM cy MPOTJepanut ¢ Kyhe w kyhuurra, Te he mpyxutm Ojeryxuma 3a Tpajara para sajen- HUIKO H3OjexMUITe, NOK He Gye MOryhe ja ce OBER Ha cDoja OrmuluTa H fa ce OcnOBONe Of HEiXOBHX callamHX pasGojR- “IKHx HacHMANKUX rocrogapa.” ¥ norgaKWeHiNM 3oHaMa MpeMa Cpoujne u Upxoj Topi, nojesmi Komanjanta aycrpoyrapexe nojcke RoOuH cy xeorpaniiena OBaluhewa y HauuKY HoCTyTa- Ha MpeMa cprickom Hapony, cee non naponoM: .Bp3a npasna, yxxiia para of0paxa”, [Ipse ,.mpecyge” parwor cyga ocjeriamt cy Cp6u np nperpecy xyha u rpaxersy saocramor opysxja. Y-Ty UTpy yrkane cy pase KOMMUHjcKe Pactpe, SeMsGMNUIKH H Apyrit Mavepujanii mstrepect, KojH Cy Yanpurapann pjewarsuNa oncjenarent cpnickiix rapa." Cpon seGumitcann y ayeTpoyrap- cKy nojexy caumsanami cy oKo 41% ykynHo MoOnmMcaNiX 13 Bocne m Xepuerosute # Maconno cy ynorpeGmanaxn nporup caoje 6pahe y onepaunjama wa CpOujy u pxy Topy 1914-1916, anit w Ha ppoxronuma wupom Espone. Pebe npexusjenu npu- ‘MailH CY 0 BeENMKHM 3TOUNHHMA tapeKe BOjcKe Y THM 3eMnaMa, * Heao.crp.8 °B Topoutth erp. 77 " emo, dio “in gnoeg “Vv asawadom ett axiom 19 afor ‘edasredex B0%9 {do(a amo oaimoden “afurmxe a9 J 11 mveaMncarNK 20 ko mie “UTD efedxse9 O]f “wool oyadten axeiruen 4 ert mirefosoent Ao mavady ‘kudxo en ming {ow & ug ett ‘alae -o1kg off owes vmod) af et uysfeng “woHMaados. wouseE -odu neduena fo Alox ‘ertesoson) m vunedy ‘vod oavxdit axedosinoaon exndnaxio A 4 oxnwsa6 mremesou 29 & mavady, ‘soda sxodioxy ertuduasio £ miremeHou 29 £9 Oxex O*RHO) efMeHaL x0 -onmumddlt xnao asedou 2 8 ‘ofiiaeuooage wNeHEds OxNENOGY ahILOHT ug etadaek okie oie Bed come owadouss s09¢ So mmgen wwandex m moog £ eodd, ickcedonseHn nad “efmresaduad ened Axon Koved af fox exairaia somiredunaraunn sour annnsndy wosiosr0K3 4 etres. OW £0 wlox “Hunsosandax H nHsog £ aod9 eg watiaxoroused eed vo ovxanor oy. fow £ euodeH ito waived af I3{ — 6261 Wo OnOOHICO “eneHaBOKD 29 KHL eUDo.Ky KHHAOY n vavady ‘vod3 Keund — enoaou: xmioxky Kavredis Aommatralee Sachi & wenueosonday nt eoog af exms ‘avd woroualae woadyy A enunosodn musionéar nuance mexsodu ‘etoudan 1oxader “Sodunse mt sonod Aa en misoumodu waqatunrseK MIDAMIAL ED kapior jeauncraa.” Tlocmanpano us yeaa Bocte u Xeputeronuve. a u ca ulmper jyrocnosenckor naga, npoGnem yekstabunaisa OckOBHUX nORy- Fa na Kojunta je tpe6azo na noumwa sajenuveKa apoxapa BHILIeHA- NuonaAHOr Tina, Hnje HHKazA Baad OTKIOReH. FuTarbe je fa aint je TO H MoraO Ha ce HocTurHe, TpBeiba OKO HA6Opa THN 1 Ganka upxage, JoHoUIeta sajemuuKor ycrana, Haumna naga a, CKOHOMCKHX, PyuITHEHO-OMITHIKUK Ht YKYCMUX UDINE uujexix pasmuka, camo cy HeKa Of MirTatsa Koja cy Harosjeurra- ana fla AUBOT Y SajenHMIKO ApKaBH Hehe OuTi Ht TAK 101 je- anoctasaH. To cy, nopes ocrator, norepaiuun arewrar Hyanine Paunha wa Crjenaxa Panuha « apyrone y Hapomioj ckynmurriti, Paxoouhkn yerariax, Konxopaar, Cnopasym Uperkopith~Mavex 1 MM RPyTHX KpHBHHX cynapa. Yarasehit y zajenuuuxy ap>RaBy xpar, Anexcanjap Huxona TTauiuth Huicy ce 4H norpynuim 1a aa Cponijy m epnickw napon y ujeawnn jecpummuy urra cy meroBH ocHoBHH MiTTepect omeheHH rpanuuasta, ca HME ce ynazn y 3a- jemmuky apxapuy aaqpyry, a ca wwe, aKo cTRapk He Oyay mune, Moxe Ha ce Htsahe. Yaijecro cypose peanHocrH Kon toitk je npeoznabusao njeannsam. Bpojite pacnpane u cyxoOu mameby Xpeata a CpOa y 3ajequmaKoj apaxasn Kojm cy mpeg Mpyrn cjercKu par eckanupait H GiuiM nloxctauann on pasHux cio HOMOMUTHUKHX HeHTapa Moh, CpyMILA cy Ce CBOM CHAROM Ht Spyranxomhy Ha cpicku wapox y Bocua « Xepyeroeuut, ofHocHo Ha MpeKogpunicke CpGe y ujemment, Kojit cy xxuBjest vowjetano ca mycaumanuma x Xpsarinca og [pie to Jaapas- cxor Mopa. bopanparse sajenunuKe xane, dbopmuparse Baxo- punie Xpaareke, npenomterse wa ry opehenux Kommerenuja 1 nowerak npinpeMa 38 npeypehewe Apxase y ujement — HuCy Moran a 3agoBosbe cae Hapacauje aneTure xpaaTcKHx HaLHOKa- Hera.crp. a ainera. Hajpehe Hecyriacittic, kao H youjex, Ws6H.Me cy OKO TepH- ‘Topiiia, oftHocHO OKO Tora — uNTa cue TPeGa jta OOyxBATH Ba noma Xpuarcka. Mayex nije Hu KpHo ja je Gano” oxo Ha Boxy Koropcky. Cpem. eo Bake njeaone Bocue a Xepuero- sue, YpeaGom o Baxosunn Xpsatckoj yuine cy y wen cacran cxopo Buje parije CaHosune — Cancka « Mpumopexa, rpar HyOpossnk, Hug, HnoK 13 cpesova #3 Bocue n Xepueronucte: SpuancK, Gyrojancki, epHeHtcKH, xyaaHscKn, ojimnKn, rpa- ATK, KOIGHUKH, sUBAtLCKH, BYOYUNKKL, MOCTApeRH, MPOSOPCKH, cronatixi H TpapiHuKn. OnMax no ckariary criopaayMa Mavek je uajawo: ,, Tame nije mutase xpsarcxor Tepirropuja pujeieno deduanrusHo”. Mpenenberto je na he ce To ysHAKTH NpAHKONM xowiatstor npeypebera aprxane. Ockoniit KaMeH corimarsa 13- Meby epnicke # xpuareke mirrepectee cebepe Ouuxa je Bocta u Xep- ueropitHa 1 BeHH HapoaK Meby Kojuma cy CpOx, cne on momca 1879. ronmue tia jlo ykmysnpaiba Bocte ut Xepueronie y Hexa- pucry IIpxxany Xpaarexy, caumsanann penatamay sebiny."* Hoxacxom y Bocny # Xepyeropiy aycrpoyrapexa ynpaza je wauiza ga y optim semsnama nota ykynko 1.158.164 cranonaiKka Garynra”) of era npasocsasiies (surraj CpOa) 496.485 (42,88%); xatonuxa (Xpsara) 209.391 (18.08%), mycnumane 448.613 (38,75%) w ocranux 3.675 (0.31%). Ayerpoyrapexir nomic 13 1910. roqune #s6anno je Ha noB- pumuy crsenehe nonarke: y Bocun « Xepuerosuns uma yrymio 1,898.04 cranosHuxa, o3 vera mpanocnapHHx 825.918 (43,49%), Karommxa 434,061 (22.97%), mycmmmatia 612.137 (32.25%) 4 ocramx 26.428 (1,39%). Tipen nonuc y sajeanuskoj jyroctonericKoj mpkann 1921 noKasyje casestehe: yxymo cranopitnxa y Bocuit n Xepueropit 1,889.929, on era: npasocnasHix 829.162 (43,87%), KaTonnKa 443,914 (23.48%), mycnumara 588.247 (31,07%) ocranux 28,6060 (1,58%).. Tlocreatsu none y Kpamesnnn Jyrocnasiji 1931. rogue ocranno je 3a neTopujy cmenehe uucbpe: yxynMo craHOBHMKa y Bocuu 1 Xepueropiun 2.323.555, on vera mpasocnasnnx 1,028.134 (44.25%), Karonmka 547.948 (23,58%), mycaumana 718.079 (30,90%) # ocranux 29.330 (1.27%). 10H mindooe aio "¢961 Wo -ndxo ‘ewefimedianowar ninomorden-/7 HayEdnodd ‘Krtedzoag & kw nnfoa bg gOOD BH Kees ee axvalnda owawodsen MitEMNOIeH aludoasda: Has wasioxes viedo vt woataxe 29 alstoodpoods Wosott Kommuaa oaKodu of dousny K{uaewoosky BH HEU] “eX -emeiok iyoneads u (enndanforoxvorp) omuaEW oBveHOMMEH @odeqen u axnenoa exnmatreandy aLkruowouson “afuena -nit axadeqen w axoneluuein oxnewas amgced so Anaeno0IKe efudoundan eHow eawalition n XinaeLoos4f UH ebioedre eNam -daei af eres Hades ongas0n af Honen fey, “onedio anoneadx maxonds BL] VEOH KIDKOT I -o1lo aHBdL9 OX Aa aime ana £9 nogoaoduts Ao do NonEpy— jaon.2ay] Wowkeedo! Mannnedsoan wHENMLe Ma wrmnedy HOHIOUNEH HEEHTIED “SI6L & nxt oma Kou DHHLOs pg6T EH HLLOON Kxonomousoikl dxbnatiales £ weed ~2it excouda af wim Amutindpat! ontrox..2 Bex “aHMIOS “gig ] Mol ox do oda wHLAGayy “ere ound Hicks Le fo afox wavidye mead soxofudoion™ Sa0H00 es You “omiuAuNHEN oLstOle 99 MHL vo Kuntongatty ou ax on. Haafedst aHniiath “comai3eyy “tex cog w agono a0 ett tumKeds, Ko uno ‘ af oedundod xmuddy m eyseowaoxes eH ~edai di ‘eqnaonelorg ovomy di eynmavopy eHUTaLD “EY -eg omusedyy ‘eynaoxeaor eHeHtoooK ci ebodu oxo HOBKxO xda unesexovaian wxoud5 vod) redou uuafine Andeedous A fo neemmteg ‘efarden oniinanuon xHxouds SanyaR HH ONsIOR -ontes alny (6E61 1a6aae '9Z) YonBPA-yNIHOrsaNy] WAERdOUD seaerxdit on afr 0s io of daf “ss0Hdeats enogua af you “nitiné on e¥ Hl of eifex ‘olimoex virnitedé os riTy of oxey furen ex edurgo €99 19. JoxMouoatt L089 leit xMHOTH YO ONEED lax 4 aug wiroltt -e1o viORO waNd ECM af ex ‘onmediEy wrodu Ataednan vireaeexx5 1k enitaosonday 1 eHoOg K onHaNNO ONOUHOIEID & q“f womsstlowoxAdl 1 “HaouRAWOY 129 ‘NofiTEMIDAOH WoxDHEN IOAN 10 foodave jac “ese, waewooiKy efiicen ik neaorandaxo: 12g PxOae-) EAOH ENEdHdod af 30 onseHe HiartosondoX ovunaluwodut eukUOL] Oxynaropexa aojcka je neh 12. anpicta 1941. saysena mpe- rxosto GomGapnowannt pan Beorpaa, a 15. anpna Capajeso. Ocuajatsem Capajena 1 sapoCsbavasem Bpxopie KoMatule jyTO- cnoneHcKe nojcKe mpaxrisno je 3aspulera oxymatinja Jyrocna- nitje. ¥ Momentty notnitcuBaiba akTa 0 Gesyenoattoj Kanmrysau- ja senene, 17, y Bocutc Xepuerosuttn ce nauino ne- ceTak meMauKO-WrasijaHcKHX AHBNSHja HS cacTaBa fea HeMa- ‘ska i seTupi mranijasicka kopnyca. CHare THx Kopnyca norno- MorHyTe ycramiana # npoycralukn opHjeHTHcakHM enemenTana Ws penona Xpnara « mycammana, pasopyxxasane cy ocrarke Iy- rocaonencke sojcke, cnane Cp6e # Lpnoropite y norope u mupa- uxane apxawny moni.” Y ciery sampiieninx wemauko-sramtjastckMx onHoca M HK XODHX CKpHBEHHUX H HECKpuBeHUX MHTEpeca, Hacrana je y Anpyn- ckom paty 1941. ronme Hesanucua [pasa Xpeavcxa (HJIX) Kao jena OA MPBHX KBHCIHEMIKHX TBODeBHEA Ha Ty OKYHUpAHe Jyrocaasnjc. ¥ oy apKasy cy yemysenm: XppareKa (Ge3 jenHOT uujena nomopeKor noapysja), Cpem # Bocka Xepueronmea, Hesanosomue menu oOuMoM, yeramre cy HoKyrane ja je mpo- ummpe npena Crapoj Cp6uja, ycnysyjyhu y wy Hpi60j, Mpuje- nome u Tmepma, Mebyrim, To ce KocHTO ca HTanujaHcKHM muTepecuMa KojM cy Tala Grom HsHAN xpBaTcKHx.” Yu Mpo- rrauresa Hesasnce JIpxave Xpsarcxe oanmex je 10. anpuna, wa fa yracka weMauKHx Tpyna y Sarpe6, anu je HILX poowna nomnynnje yoOnere Kana je y Sarpe6 crarao Anre Mapenuh Koji je MOcTao Met BpxoBAH MOrNABHHK, OKPYXeH MpeTexHO yeramuana-emurparrrusa, Ha nperovopuma y Bey, kana je sakmyseno na Bocua 1 Xepuerositua ybe y cacras HIIX, yraphena je aemapkanwoua auaija Mogjene ocvojene repuropuje Bocue u Xepuerosuue usMeby wemaukor H uTamujacKor oKynatopa. Oxa je mitita on Bocatckor Hosor mpexo Tpsjeqopa-Baranyxe—Jajna—Tpas- Hika—nmatnne FIpersa yo Pynor. To roj mun, dasnasajnnje Npuepenue oGmactH Goraré pymama, myMaMa, WAAyCTpH|cKHM PecypomMa, NYTHOAKEmesHIKOM MpexXOM H jedyTHHOM paslHoM carom (uerrrpanita 1 cjesepoucrouna Bocwa) yurne cy y mema- rpehs neo, 1981- te Jyrocaaune 1945, Beorpan 1981. Pastwjasse Tp w urpe oxo Hlesannete [Ipmase Xpuareke. cep. 1324: ap Sapasko ATOR, ® own} yenuipaano} Boe 1941, oajenak ~ Anpwekn pat H Oxs. uy oxynannony sony. omutanieja memauxor Hag wranttjait- cKUM OKynaTOPOM DijUbHBA je H Ha pasHHM APYTHM NOMENA njenowarwa.™ Kag je 2oss0m oxynaropa Guna yoOauvena HILX je mana novpuritity of 101.464 Kwr ca oxo 6,500,000 craHoBEMKa, on Hera je 6tuno 3.400.000 Xpaara, 1.975.000 Cpoa, 700.000 wycnmwana, 180,000 Hjescauta. 75.000 Mabapa. 65.000 Cnosaxa, 40.000 Jenpe- ja, 30.000 Cnonexaua, 5.000 Hramujana n 28,000 ocrazux.”* Tipu yxssysessy y Hesapucny JIpxapy Xpsarexy, Bocita tt Xepueronina je wana nospumey o7 51,233 Kw? tora) Opoj cra- HoBHuKa Kojnt je Beh AaT nommcos O 1931. ropMHe y3 MOBEhaWwe on 2% ropuunise. Pays ce ga je 10 1941. rome Spo} Cpa y Bocuu 1 Xepuerosnit: napactao nia oxo 1.280.000, a aa je ocra- no ormajato Ha CpOe y Hanmaujet, Tau, Banujn, Kopayny 1 ‘one Koj cy akuBjesn m0 rpajonuma XpsarcKe.”* Fbemauxe wmrepece y HITX wenocpeato no oxynamnjit wo je SL. wematikit Kopmye, a no ReroBOM osacky Ha He ‘TOUHU POET, ynPaxktweHH MpocTOP cy MOMYRHTE NOcARHE Ait- Biuje cacTaBmene npeTexHO On myYAM Crapujux roAMUTTa Ounuie Aycrpoyrapexe. Ha tay Bocue u Xepuerosne wajnyxe je Onna qitcronupara 718, wemarKa njewranijcKa mmpwsitja, ofa- ‘wala ca HeKOAHKO creunjaniMx Sarasota KojH cy KoputuheHH 3a uypambe BarKnujix oOjexara u KOMyHUKaINja. ¥ Bpijeme Be- hurx onepauuja (npomehxa ocpansnpa 1942, rogue y weroHo} Bocan, Xepuerosunis, Canuaxy 1 Lptioj Popu, Kosapexa axuuja summiherwa, onrepanuije 11a Heperan, Cyrjecus, ocpansipe y jecet 1943. u npomehe 1944.) crusane cy y Bocry « Xepuerosnny a pyre weMAuKe AUBHSUje Koje cy aYaKe Ht Kpahe Bpijemte Yue creonaze y axiusjana smuihersa, McroBpeMeHo, HeMauKH OKY- narop je noctumao creapaise H AjemoBawe YeramKe BojeKe (Pa- ‘shx ponoBa 4 cmyxOH), jep je y Oj Birneo SaMjenty 3a OcyCTBO BnactnTHx crtara koje cy My Oe npwjeKo MOTpeOHE Ha ApyrHM chpowrosmca.” oxo Bocne w Xepyeroa 2 NeropHy panaaKOr popay Tyaaanck 06 1999, exp. 374-386: Baca Kaninspoaih HX y caetay nexanns 20x Anessa pon Faeaa Xopetenay 1941-1984, Beorpan W987. OSEM "LORE 'XITH @ HHAY 9p re “csp XH nog andy Ato u navds o ones namk Yoden yea ‘vuexneano H HaHOs Es ay BI log ao dol “L6u eM atin elt cleo 2H enaox oxeN ei ufo B “nat eLMee mm afica Alemon eu dof ‘exis oadw uit ninokxo Sool ened cy yo MON xitaXPL oxi eran & oRMEWOdus'afexz0u 990 ubudoundas eR OaLoHeAATT KEY 20 “Ih6! BHAT Zz Ho eNDalnsT HEX eM leamolacw NOHO! A ‘utters woRefou w> eHAnOAD “Tp6| Oday H ayourodu & Ko wxHIQ miog fonno.9it f eirao exoudo enfodg “sarelugk m eHMHOIOdL K ‘ovgesouost 29 fox exouaidu soxrMeI3K WHI ,,.cauetIEM Koad -eH Ago fo afo% “wioeiE xinIhHAMTOU XMHDAIN BILLA LION LOMO suodu var JoHuexoouvdi exofut sonia Luoded otal -20 a9 xentfo # amon ords enaeusoaedu ex of oveaoualtf exeuai eueananaen oaQ “efodaoy m enemeKoomedu to aLeaoukx eum “in ofmno 9H 20 Bi OvAHAKACH WMHLLeIOg Atfeds & OnOl\ION PIAL ly oWf vat! af rexos ‘onmueiog eH eyMTeX I exOELTIO ofmrs0u “wor MND ‘MARYLO foxbeEoKOXOD & oadu OL H MaMHKO M aeEIt ou aaraliow age wrahou 29 Xo ugd-) ‘ounleds anlog efnddiiou vo vodo Anrougafudion o equney “1 oaefen 290 HOeR XERTIO, eseiiy Joxdedse westomeld nmumonecon # wuHicuaeduaH vo SuOKDE WOSTEHNHEATO PROMI enUHtMtedosaNos af efO BLL HL ~adnnven 09 ay et oesad n asiexum ondedae af okHOWOUD *¢ wconmaafer oxodafs AtiaGadh n ununittafee fovodafa foxsweusy] o eHoxer keomouor o af oudoso “Z tune paddy OWvD nie120 94 et H Hod> Hungaliudion nddtion vit 29 ay eit af oBxad WHEO wo HEDE < EN [SSarxk 9 Alow £ ounleds axfog asreamiaQ “T aaadvox aHvox0 ¥ Stinuetog Be BfeneAE JOLMbod fo fo alo ndeaio ude. 380 oeweiou af wofox < dowos oedtiO ney ‘J of woxmmdi Woy, Atmmayoting KxoHMYUC A xEMEILOED CH aHeNHUd onsafW ovaceD 9s. (eHAT) Bsmt wnoDdliv BREA! xatedu yuney vlnsey “ ssradolaou coxuneeciou nmsH9 WouDOU WHT 2OxAtO OEMOY af AnHUEIod < “WAEAKDEd Kedow HHO enIHfox Bo ‘onmiendi aaon airetsen Ao Bi Hesoafea mt wedine onKuL0n O19 af sweainx youd durin iiad af ovttewa n oydeaearoaotter On KURO oxng of asiei9 “wamntoxo foxaH n wnKLeLog & “oxoLeady oavrKdlt auonueeay] verdes nomen vauMeL kuadu < :Amuu ~JOueL 20 AGaweH “HHO ‘Weds [oad ve Mamames £ YOROU MyaTOW “XTIH HARIOg est-sh 29 “eu 3g 30d eon, PILOT NOLEUW CL US 61 axeva Kuumtafoveduson Aquaonsudy dabeyy dit -1p57 edo “Want '9 HIMLAUA Ao ofox “ahmsesog erteds CHEINULOAW edOOKO, onoitt ory axouvady samxcdyf ononmecozy varefo120u ewesrot! an nitadur § egd3 vos Axedso # Atroxcououded 0 OFRNLIBI OL udokos ot Linton neralia eIDKoyy “exooraeg Aled eat nat! afngou ay et 30 HyéleteH onserodu Ones vniogadA Jonsexdt, awizia sumer of ett emwaedalas n eueMMNaRMH JOXOH Aa ao" 29 BY OHDOHIIO ",AMuUgUKD AnneHOX AloMD Alexa Wmnadis on axdit~ “ermaotieds & oxstmodea ‘ugde 2a ett AIK -onuad onaotied XIfH] esel01900 witaoahy xHadur fH ufeumale -eu warMeng ‘Kued Woxouales woadyy edoxnsm asremTeHoU BH esieyalo eirotiafinrocn eirng mof Koln u1sdfua> fodosa%H x "NOX eclio w wostadsowon eo omwitc af'rodeH myouds aeiovo HOw A OH ~naoiondox 1 9H00g AxoeItK n XTIH Aeiedindod 0 soalug gc WoWod oxtes r onummekdo & efitclansclen “Hex ‘oasodvrad & vfinmirou “aumyuo £ axmamuO “KI9eLOO 2x9 -eow & enemouantiedu fo varovanen esodo auoMLOU am OUT Bfvaowonsncox exo 20 wy Alonaon 4 “med MAX eavody sxe] m eameys “end “oa Zz Bn eHoAratinfou XIE] wludoundos of fo%ox on “Tp6t BsE auny exXutto af we ‘ EWEMIO’ NHeANNdUOEOH eABavIEAUON £> exd no A> afta oes. & “eawnedsawa emeIoK aot as aumedau ostedeaio OL -ahouter af urinaoasncloy 1 niioog & vmuIDK xummONNN H eke xiomenast Aimmoione 54 Worsry wowedaHas WH ‘ah eH ox9f08 OX jadau mrewodk pate pnANiSy HHLAedy “yHEOUKeIrY Hea “yMnHeUMIS dooney xuzisedyy dit ‘af avers vxmeua<, Onkoc Mycnumarickor craxopHiurrsa mpema oxynattijie Jyrocnanuje 1 yxssyaunarsy Bocue # Xepueroanue y HX no je pitenumensHoHaran. Hajsehy noapurky oxynanntjt m capantout ca yeraitiama aH cy OHM CTOjeBH MYcTHMacKOr ApyMITBa ~ vestamus Jyrocnopexcxe MycmuMaHcKe OpraHHatitie. Beh 10 HemAMCKHX RemTHKOROCTO}HHKA. GuBILH 3eMBoOgjeAHMEE, OPE~ ‘ent rpartcKn caojenn (cbykape) — Koji cy y cbpoutannom Hanany a CpOe siiajenu urascy ma ce # on AOKONAjy WuXOBe RMORIEHE. Tosop xojst je 27. jyxa 1941. roaune y Kopajy Kon Bpaxor onp- xxao Mypat-oer Taunth, tana neh yeramikn zoropitnk y Buje- JeiIHH, TOKaayje KAKO ce Mpema CpOmMa ApxKaO y TO BpHtieMe jenan Spo} mycmmanckux semmonocennma. On je Hartacuo: lla My ce upsBery cbH sEyH mpaBocnasHe Bjepoucnosujecta Kojt cy 34 epujeme jyrocronenckor pexuma npema KOME OHO MyCTHMaity yan KaKBy KpHBHHy, OBACTHO je YCTAMIKE OpraKe Ha MOry HecMeTaHO 1 10 CBOjoj BOmK HSHYbUBATH HOBALL OF Gomux toMahuta npasocrasite sjepoucnoajecTé, OBRACTHO je yemeHo ycrauxor TaGopustka y Kopajy Bypxasa Bertha na 0a 2xwrema npapocnanne sjepe Ony3#Ma AOGPODOAXKY EMMY Ia je npeaa cepomamnum mynuma ucnacke Biepe. HapenHo je 1a YeTAMIKH OpraHH Mory 10 cBOjoj BOM MpOrOHMTH H 3n0CTaB- jyaTit Hapon mpanocnasue njepoucnosnjects, upisunKox rosopa pen macom je pexao za cBit mpasocaasin Mopajy mpehut ¥ #cstaMt aH puMoKaTONHTAKY Bjepy, a aKO TO He yunHe a he GuTH mpo- rjepann y CpGxjy. Ono mpnamkom Ha 3G0py je yxecTB0Bar0 A mpanocnasHnx wjemrana. Ocjeha ce pany onora BenuKo Hepa- ChlonoxXeme KOA MpaBOCNaBHHN, aH KOH BHEHHUX MYR MYC Manicke njepoucrionxjecrat””” Pacnonoxesse xpsarcxor cravosiuuirsa y Bocas « Xep- uerosunn mpena HJIX # ycrauikom toxpery y unjessen Gusto je pasmituntTo H TO KaKO TO KaTeropisjaMa NlojenHHNX cnojeBa Hapo- a TaKo Ho oGaactuMa. ¥ wewTpaaoj Bocun 1 BocaticKoj no- ‘caBilAM xpeateke comasike Mace, MOYMEHE HCKONCKIIM HCKYCTBOM © npomastiocr#t nojenmtiHx pexuMa, HiICY ce AaKO name YBYhH y cbynxujy yeramxor noxpera, Tpammusonanta cemayka cno- oct y cBeMy tla Y puxBaTaiby HOBe XpwaTcKe He2aBMICHE AP- 2Xane, MOKASATO Ce jou jeAHOM Kao AOGap caBesHINK CemaUITBA, 3a pasauxy on opux oGxacru, samanna Xepueronaa je eycbo- © ABHW, & HIIX. 32. K 174, 45993, 163, Hasjeurrs} sanoxjennna opyacuaxe nocraje Kopa 27. jy 1941 6 piso mpuxsarina ycramkt moKper. ToH joj je aanao Behm neo KaTOMMUKOF Kaepa, OApeheHH CnojenKt HuTEAHTEHTUe H Behnta rpanckor eneneHa, Kojtt cy y HJIX suiajenm paswonperry npes- slact Haj OcrasHM HaNioNartMM KaTeropigjaMa, Ha pasnimurry ckaay njepeKux, sayuowamiux 4 nonin IKHX pactlonoxXerba TOjeAKKHX eHTHTeTA craHoBMUITBA NpeMa oxynauuju # crnaparsy HIIX, naqonesamit cy ce oKynatopn i yo~ ‘TALE KOjH Cy, cBAKO ca COT CTaHOBMUUTA. YaRMHLAH CBE fa HEX JOULE suuie npopy6e. Xppare, ako MaxoOpoj:tuje y Bont n Xepue- Forint (no cAHM NlomicHMa HaMeby 19-22%), mporaacutt cy raajyhi Hapostom. MycTMMane ,.XpeaTcKHm tpijehest” a Cp Ge cy mpenompentnst 3a yatturrerse 1 crasienH nak 3aKona.®” Ton- orora Cpa je saGpaviom pasHex nomeriuKnx naprija 1 opranisaunja (pamukany, leMoKpare, Capes 3eMsbopatiuKa 1 Ap., opranisanuje comyucknx aoGpowosata, Coxona, apyurrsa wUpocejera”), 3a6panon hupusucinor muck, jasHor oKynmbarBa, kperaiea, orybumaisa paacture uMosnue, a 3aspuliita ce mma- MKOM cpricxe uoziixe, nporjepreaisen CpGa sax Bocwe #« Xep- neronnie, npesobewmem y KaTOMUUKY Bjepy M pItsMEKOM AHKBI- slaujons, Tokom npna tpi mjecena nocrojara yeraurke Bnacrit, mpO- tec Heemanarsa CpOa Sto je KonttenTpicalt Ha Horpanuane cpe- sone npema CpOnjit it Liprioj Topu. Tlowerio ticesawarse Oun0 je Hajpuure ynepexo nporns Lipxoropanta n Cp6a #3 Cp6je ,Cp- Gujanaua”, nonosa, conyHoKix goSposozaua, tprosaua, ati ce Kacnuije npoumpuno u Ha cBe OcTame Tpabave, HapouNTO OnE 3a anjy cy umonmny Guxe saunrepecosane ycraure.” TloueTKoM jyva cknonsex je noce6an copasye wsMcby HeMmaukux M yora- KM BNACTH MO KOME cy GHAH RorosopenK mpasmt, 6poj H HaMNH OnauHLBara CraHoBHuutrea y CoOujy u Lipay Topy. Tpe- Ma meMayKHM mozanHMa y Cp6uiy je no asrycra 1941, 6ux0 ormpesunexto 180.000 mymu. Ip Munom Xamosith je yrapmuo sa je TOKOM slerHpx parse ronune y CpOnje Haurno yrownrre OKO 400.000 Cpa 13 Bocne u Xepueronune. Mlrera je mro Hema nomnynnjux noxaraKa sa 6poj wa6jersumna y Lipay Popy, mana ce ie, Beorpas 1996, erp. 1 HAIX, Gp. 2208, na 10. janue u Upaoropue a ox iporuaxpaarcxane pagon. ABH, dp. HIIX, 2 “teonmoody. & wwencoxndoen vive wou, Sef wlon neitég anny amRaaxkuar eda ong anon. £ af oummod “eH “ahnnvedeo wxnwoles naoson 4 yWoaey anny xUHARIEI “ou wureset xox fo ewHfor awedundu ouTHereuodn-oxmovox ~wou sRaGadtio Ko auntfoxiadu vodo esreeummk AMI WORD 1 bodes soxsuds Kfaretmexnte Axnnenp ex ovcewoludy omna aa ‘entdiedeh sopmmnoes axknsonouson Ao amesak “wsoreed xnakdt xunevd 4 xwxOWOHOXA JOE H OFM “KHHODINpS ONO “or yureewion Sone sareaeimdxou u ss1eawar99H 20 OO] equa savy auny di exunaeioy] eUMK-HONOUD SOT K ROVOMM Yodu af eHaGeoou omrou afsir01] *eg00 YE Ox0 af o1reaCKL -ofoudu e ‘erumumHouafas of enaarnmuo votiadndu wwe ‘sare. -tu afow vx dogoatro af ong “ymroaeyy ouny dt onmiDK H OWay “ox ~ sHaes mHoeLIOMer exch AuseUDOUeds AYOULadK AfKum oul Bt HHarO8 Ao mi BX! XH HED OBLAU “Ando wEON KIL X1aD 90 eX monapfen onoeLoMa! vessAoNdn WE9 So eyy Wounds woxa tudo 2 Bead KHDRMHWOH % OEY “HORN NOHTELOMEdL NORD ud eo o€08 axoaiea axvaa Kinadiio xalades a9 wt waadus Ao mt vii “oHovlen onetel 29 ex xi KD OBAEON *votadiio BxOHONEE BHO EK -Adu wu afox usoidox ounotiada wit 9 om HoxeH “(") dosios woro.ondzen wn oexdifo u aaxdn onaeu9: ayonrady, Ax 00 0 HoKedkfo foxsHONeE O sucht aH@eVOOMRdy axOUCD ONE -ndu onsoafaego wes Kp* wandoag Yor xveoy Aszoln & vod Noudda vo xeMeiove OHM Zp6I BENdwE QT af CE AMEN AiO -aviousedy ovioefaen ‘auitieds arfog aitfog “¢ afimneo *| sum ~alaouve “wxnsood]y unoop simunddoutten af Oey “XIE evO! eHaotfad ov atummmtal axoHedgowort n Ao airexcc -ou & yonousy ,"2stausmdxou aHJONOULON eT OM We. af btn emexos HOWELL muelmoUD [46] edgWoTioL stiednionoHN omoxnel ey “eRMgd3 Yen veonudu 4 oJaH ‘naiedon owed om A> snrumdu “ogd- 949 auddyou 04 "Tp61 leds oF eit wesetfer mruazza0u 1999 £9 ulo avmayog W enMong whiny dit ~yud a Rody 4 "wALHOeH axKLOO *e PUDh uieaxndu afuned col £0 fox “A DI NOXBW "MAA HO HH OdowD HurxEIDH 99 49 A ndou90 Be sAsnia moun svete ec en Atted < “vavfou eHnmitedous ono ‘eaummumoneso eindoseLE nt K BRULIELO WHHO & af NOU! ‘Ox -dg owas af auaqouady ossmmmoness oxounsteN HiTHO Hod 49 ali ewnaoeads u ewnaoreds x "wi9eKe ;aMHeXOK mII0HRII ~dona Yo ouuonave ommaten a92Goaadu 2f xem “oaocads 289 Aouvanysus ondexidun Senedataadu 0 aovadito oxonoxee 49 ONT "000'0L O1MO af xi BI arKen a9 DrOogKUg K1oU WOXDHEDOg A nvemIMVoLex & oumedi wgd> eifewsx sumo Be XT vhidvou sovatun vo “161 edooixio of af eI uifouee smaraln mnaivomay -oueaexmolaen oxDKAKD HUM OWN aba INOS 0 20 daf ‘idlala Aanuiroten £ unowoodu onunoeH £9 ufos vod fodg uuutidant af onmay “ovouan axovmbs" ee ang ho amesok wenHeIrgo” < elnato O1 99 21 eireloused eaxdh exAMvoLey af {aun Adbxo ao afavdou HH HaMIatideed HA2OHAULOU A alti Adata &xnmrorex ee eet wavgodqy ‘Aaddi en adala aut af 9 eeetrafindi ago) rodu axcinzg af fofox rudickdxo Axqavou af wuHisAud “Sovadito Axonomes Ke0 nydmudexsuoU Koadieg & efudewennex exoudxonowep ,uceukison fos ou mien 49 fox Hiseua ondo.lad wI Hgeiovady H OX EWN “DUIdED WHBHKOLEN Wteo PHwaRI20Y of eI “MuNeLT for -202«41 & eHOarAeLOO af OUT WHO “Roxadto wxoHONeE BEQ KELL -altudu wohmed swomiredatogo 0 2onuiodn ayaxces eifea ot 289 0} “was omtalK “owns Aas’ ea adafa antial 9 &xoezadu 0 Kottodiio Axonoxeg” oven of son rien °¢ Yog “Adala Assecones & wosioqoaedu ~ o1rear OFDDK:I9 OL 99 Om swam -adu ak “1 -2200 ayf3t fo oH: soviol’ soKoxn Hawed eH] emaoI lax Ht AHD0g A 1 Ot “kluad & wHd0 “49 fox axodaf JI W axmAdoY em ehexoHOVD estes: bn audde wt Klug & vod wouteaesraon eimrsafgsn WF ono oHGOsOMdaX 1 S81D0q en MEORUDALY BROT, undonse iofgen ve euvtudes NOY H lest “omumngoneo owouds owexofo owes w af ei atta cn xwnureliden et Hisy ronopa, TOKOM mpBa tpl sijecena njenovara HULX, mpaje~ ‘Tuo cost Cp6uma, ppijebao ux H janto Hartastao. Ort je, Kpajem jyna 1941. y Pocmuhy pexao: ,Jenar ano Cp6a hemo nodwrri, apy- iu paceautri, a ocraiie mpenecti Ha KATOUSKY Bjepy H TAKO MDE ‘ronurn y Xpnate...""” Heusro pani, 28. saja 1941. rogue, ro- sopno je canine ap Buxrop Fyrih, yeramkn croxepanx y Ba- maaynpt, Harnatianajyhit,...1pyMonst he noxxexeTH Cp6ara, a Cp6ama piu Sura wehe, Hi3nao cam apacruuHe HapenGe 3a woitx000 MOTHYHO CKOHOMCKO YHUUITeHbe, a cHmjene HORE - 32 nonyso terpije6nerse”. Tovopa cauywor cagpskaja it uATOKA- je onfexisanu cy u to Xeptterosuan m apyrust o6macTunta Bocue n Xeputeronie. Illro je spijeme sure opayazto MHOAH- sre cy ce erpaxore okynauuje # critiano ysjepere na y wHcbep- Hamioj nomiTuy okynaTopa H yerana yxecrByjy He CAMO BIUII WH woxKs .npexcrasHUul HeOa”, Hero H cap OcTAAM Kmepodpauute- THMKH arlapar HoTMOMOrAyT CpanckHM ceockHM onoUIeM. ¥ YokaciMa cpembOnjeKOBHHX HHKBHSHTOPCKAX (PeHOMeHa, Koj cy ce osaMnupent moKOnO paa6yKTaBANH Ha MHOTOOPOjHUEM epnicxias extksanama y Bocun Xepuerosnn., #ecrajaite cy mpe- ko Hohn Ha ximane MYA ITO Camo 3aTO LITO cy OHI CpOH. (© rome Kako je Tekno To KecTajaise Cp6a ropope AOKy- Menta Semarcke Komuenje 3a yraphmparse 3n04nHa OKynaTopa 1 ouixonux omaratia 3a Bocuy u Xepuerosuny, Koja ce BORE TO sajeniuciKua HasmBoM: Kpaixo peeuctaposarse macosneve saowuna ‘yetnata 194]. 20z0ne y Bocnu u Xepyezoaunu, ToKyMenra ce OftH0- ce wa Xepueronasku, Buxaheu, Tpanmmakn, Baranysxi, Capa- jewoxnt Tyaiavicku OKpyr, a 3aTHIM wa epesone H Mara Mjecra y ‘oKeupy Tux oKpyra. Hacrajana cy nox pykoBoucrBoM Mustomia IW xopuha, Kojn je pykosonno Komacnjom no 1948/49. route, Odjasiyjento ux oaKo KaKo cy micaHta Ges ckpahmwaisa HW Ha- Kalagnnnx jeanKHXx Hr APYTHX AOpaa, Tpaba je jako Heyjennavena no nopujexay m MeTonama pa- 1ua, jep ce 3a Hee cpeaoge H ontITHHe Hie AO Y TaHYHHE ca HMe- rita, npesuMennsa, rpoOKHIaMa, jantanta H CX. NOK ce 3a. pyre aly camo urrypy niogauu. Owmrnenio je 1a onuumrHticKe KOMHCH- je ancy uvane y come pany yjenHattene Kpirepriyse. Ho, 1080 sro je naro je nparoujexto, jep je Hacraiio nox cy norabajat Gum jako cBjexi, > B Bowan nat,cxp. 14 * Heo, erp. 15. 20 Tlonaun 0 retounay oAHoce ce Wa Bpx0 KpaTKO BpHjeMe, yrmaniion Wa flepniog anpwut-apryer 1941, a Hcy 3axpahestH Kaci ju jecenu were ronnie Kama je W3OHO yoraHak Kana cy pertpe- camije nocrane jou aebe. Basa nariacri na cy monaun oc- KYAHH HapounTTo 3a GamanyuKi m Guxahky OKpYC. OnaKE je Haj Bie eyAM oTjepano y KOHUeHTpanioxe norope HTH YOHjeHO y OGmuDkteuM wyMaMa H noTomuMa. FTocTojH OBO HO ApyrHx H3- Bopa Kojima 611 ce Oa MpasHia Mora HOMYHUTH, at GH OHA aj pal no6uo apyrn Kapaxrep. ¥ Kopuue ope Kibure 2KembENH eMo sla coujectHMo camo OW opHrimania oKyMeHTa Koja CMO ‘aunt a Koja cy pabewa sa jenty anannunty yoraxony ~Komncsjy 3a patie Sn0unne OKyMATOpa HM HeroBHX MOMaratia. Orysla je ona} pag camo Maieit mpiuior JOKYMeHTaitYjU o HeNCKpIHO} TENE reouuna ran CpOuna 1941-1945. rogme. 3aro n HocH HaczoB: Jloxymewru o revoumty Han CpOuma y Bocti Xepuerowunst om anpua go asrycra 1941, roaue. JIpyrit neo kwure sane TIpuosit y Koje je yspushexo 113 yokyMenara ~ MaxoM mpornaca, HapenOu u wajeurraja xpaar- KNX HH OKYHANHOHMX RNACTH ¥ KojHMa ce MONCTHe 1H He nocpeao ToROpH O TeMOMLURY Han cpnicKHM HaPOROM Ht TO MIpHje Hero To je Houco Heron ycraHaK. Honnjer je m WaBjeurraj Cpn- ‘eke mpanociapiie upkne ~ ynyheH sema¥uKon reepany [anKen- Many i 13jana up Pjonopa Nyxatia yryhera jyrocnoneHcKoj pa san y JJonlony, jep cy 06a HoKyMena mperya nonaTaka 0 pe~ ANN # paansjepama repopa yerauua Han CpOuMa. ysoddo ut stamojoy 19984082. yodord 01 painginuos s pur sa ulstoqoure “uisy "Suo!Hijaa 201yn Kq pate pur e1usog jo ajdoad 2ep jo aouepin’ atp “peaisuy jeonjod “yemnutds oon 1p asoyen KxopoqUD st sere BUIAOBZI9E] e 1u10f spinor hasqns pynos touts wu jod 10 gemini inoystar ajdoad amp yoy Kays arelg untusog oq JO UmopyLaig aun Jaye WIN BuONS os 219m je1eu98 pure SuOKSIalp [euorRox yepnay atp pu “s101aNb wiatespIp a4) Yoiym Suumnp “erusog uF sown [eAeIpou eyes azurear OF Auiqeat pue au, wtp Suour pioosep Surijasiy pur saoxpnfosd p Suiwaping “wroys u2amiog 2w09 A\jenunvoD aney [o.nu09 Wao (1a *8a sratea ‘suon, awiaye ay But WW pure “sIe01>, 089719} pur usog “uorRal id pur “wonnons “w3L0 ap jNIDAS sSO49 MUOZLIOY 01 S2QUDI9 19 pea apisBuoye Bua: ‘squag yp jo atuoy au Uadg pfo jo se sup ur Buiat, sojdoed ayioads Jo uot 01 Stajau sossanoud aseup Jo au ‘@Bpaymouy nv 20u0 oame9 ROS ae TEEN SoHE CGB 1 01 1 G61 HON) URI AOSAzI9H PUR PIES UE Sqiag aI Yorym ont ayy, 1 Sunniqnyut 9jdoad ap Jo suui91 wt pure Sut fads AtqeoiyelesB008 yog “pur asian ip v Stat mip aase fH PUR RIUSOG UO SIantam saxo pue siodedsmau ‘stuade aoua8 sipsuoa “sishuot9s ‘S!of9nesi Jo apnanqius e q apes saiou su, P UeUaI pur U99q ary SIOUpNe 11OUp Jo SAAN pu sBuntim yp Jo soranaeys ayn ing 2jdoad sn pur uor8ax stip NOLLIAGOUNI directions, Every conqueror of Bosnia and Herzegovina relied on the force of these religions, shifting their favor and support from one to the other as they came to power. During Turkish dominion over Bosnia (1463-1878) Islam was dominant (and a ulation converted to thi occupation of Bos favored, and in ne of the Austro-Hungarian 1878-1918) Catholicism was period of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia efforts were oxy to the forefront. The great geographic dis- between the sp ies belonged (Rome, Constantinople) pre- vented the forming of even the ity needed between people or peoples of different coi in times of trouble, Thus, Bosnia and Herzegovina entered World War | (1914-1918), carrying inner burden of unresolved differences and heterogeneity in all the vital aspects of life. It is difficult to say when the contention began, first between men of letters on the Ser , and even Muslim side, then be- tween political parties and their following as to whose Bosnia and Herzegovina was. All the misunderstandings between Serbs and Croats stemmed from the idea of Croatian theoreticians, which soon spread to the populace, that the Serbs prevented them from realizing their .Croatian political and *. This right was the cor- nerstone on which Croatian pol ing with Ante Starée- vig, Eugen Kvaternik, Mi ip Frank, Prano Supi Stjepan Radié, Dr. Viatko Magek, and Ante Pavlié, and ending with Josip Broz and Franjo Tudjman, continually based their visions of cre~ ating a great, ethnically clean. and purely Catholic Croatian state. The first item in the program of the Party of Right is as follows: Croatian political and natural rights must be attained: through the establishment of an all-incorporating Croatian kingdom by uniting Croatia, Slavo- nia, Dalmatia, Rijeka. Medjumurje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, I Kranjska, Koruska, and Stajerska within the Habsburg Monarchy. Since past historic events had caused the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina to live in close proximity and become intermixed with Croatians and Muslims, and as they refused to renounce the specific traits of their nationality and of the Orthodox religion, they naturally presented an obstacle to the authors of the idea of the Greater Croatian state. Their animosity towards the Serbs dated back to the revolution of 1848/49, but it became exceptionally pronounced and widespread during World War I, when the Croatians, together with the Muslims, fought on the side of Austria-Hungary and Germany, which had 24 attacked Serbia and against which Serbia fought to the best of its abili- ties. The idea about the extermination of Serbs was born while Croatia was still under Au: le, when the followers of J. Frank (the so-cal in open demonstrations against ly after the Sarajevo assasinatio angary’s long-st kans, particularly where Sert cerned, found its epilogue in the Sarajevo assassination. which was ly grasped as a convenient pretext to demonize the Serbs in every way. In the demonstrations which began in Sarajevo on the same day Princip shot the Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand three Serb-owned printing houses were destroyed, hotel .Evropa” was demolished, the majority of Serb shops, taverns, houses, and other buildings were plundered, and there were brutal attacks on distingui- shed Serbs. Following this, similar demonstrations were organized in all the other large cities and towns of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Those of the Serbs who tried to defend their dignity and property had to face an unruly crowd of mainly Muslim nationality and police forces who- se members dragged them to the local jails, where they were subjected to merciless beatings. Various lies were spread in order to increase the amti-Serb feelings among the Mulism and Croatian population. In Mo- star the rumor was spread that a distinguished Serb citizen, Atanasije Sola, had been detained in Nevesinje because he had ,tried to goad the inhabitants of Nevesinje into making irredentist declarations against the Monarchy”, when in fact he was i atthe time, and under close police surveillance. Another rumor was started according to which in the town of Travnik, an Orthodox priest had shown the pic- ture of King Petar Karadjordjevié from the window. of the local is your king!” to the crowd that had gathered in front. In Cap sd by these and similar rumors, a furious crowd demolished an Orthodox church, and similar incidents oceu- rred in Klepci and the Zitomislié monastery. Asa result of the demonstr pseudo-military units began to be formed, the so-called , schutzko legions”, ,.guard troops”, which drew in the dregs of the city and ‘own populace, eager to plunder and get revenge. Since the time of the occupation in 1878 Austria-Hungary had tried to provide against a possible Serb uprising, such as the those that took place in 1875-1878 or in 1882 over the recruitment of Serbs into the army. In order to jey in the Bal- general were con- 2 a suonrisadxa uaiajip yum pue soarioadsiod quaraypp wosy 1 pamata dn 2y n Sif omuE 19M wep sajdoad SnoUen atp ‘Iaaamofy “Riae{so8NA Jo wlopBury ay) - 6Z6I JO se “>t SUPIUDAO|S ple “SUENBOIT ‘SqI9g dip Jo aS a4 ~ SARI HMO 2% arms 181g tp pazotu9 2UTAOROZI9}{ PUR RUS Tip | TENA PHONY SuLNp suoneatid ap £q pauayrep fifeuonippe ‘uoruiuop ueLredunf-onsny ue ysHNy Jo spotiod ou woay eIsay feUUSIP stp yDEM St TT ‘eutnoBazioH{ pur suned jpe uiosy sqzag paysindunisip wou axp jo gc 1 Sur asuyeBe seyre ur seek sures ay) Jo soquiaxdog asuleBe oxafeies ur ¢161 Sey ZI UO play mn soy I}UNS “wIEIEg U) SUIRUO SH PRY LON Azan rein SarunutuoD yeu0NPH. seyduo 12918 “uo ionued 0 pasnooe uo “sttdnd amsoyy n Sump apour 19% ssnsse 34) 30 1adse ony sea He F161 19GO12O EZ O1 ZI WOsy veagino 2yt 10) -xouue aup wioay portad aun ut aovjd YOO) get Udita Jo sjetn feanyod ‘1am uoneindod ayn Jo 1wauidas si aur JO UO “sjemmPaIIoIUE gids Jo oNNOdsiAd -nonred 929m saniounne ayy, axaraid Aiquiassy weiusog tp ¢161 ktenigay 9 uO o1anp" paso azam ejzny, pur oxafeans wi sjo tna Q19 Jo Sieyitd aup JO au0 se ZOE] MH papLNO} aimjno pur uoneonpa qiag ax Jo ann Kynar alam $91191008 Pure SUOTIDOSST QIDg |]P “INO >YO1q ‘popunojim JOU 919M S9UIOIS 98: 11g aut U QPS] UF poystgnd pure waZeWY tu; uayea saimord ayy “Sware asoun ut StU sno}20ane 2yt Jo my ado. ss1dy Pray £9 FI6L ih a4) Ke) panruseHos jou usu 2 slag ay, 'Squog Jo 3 oun asouia ‘saposida asaun u} afore Aeyd or aurea iy stsaarut kaipo par p uo suureyo “saindsip ,sioqydiat snowna -suodram 3u % tur paroadsuy a1am sasnoy Jo toajso au aa} SqAg aK, SP Yons “SaonOW YALA pe 1 pav3az ut Aasoe 24} Jo srapuruiwuo9 BuoTe souo7 ayp Jo aos u yy way au ‘anv ayes pu auoy Wors uaausp t199q 2474 umoys sey Aysreuoyy 21n “uo! rad 40 ButBaq 10109 4no 0% p: parsafgns 9g ure 9040 pinom RaLe st aunuedop (joeo Jaye 2ous s1 yezpueg Jo voted “TaxomoH "31041 § Aalid Ov HezpUrS P: 41981 poreasuoWp seu “tuur Jo 329 an aay, pausdo 24 uuBouaiuopy pue qos sy” araqp uoramys jesutod 24 JO“ smyp ur wasp quan9Awoo 4 paUIa2U09 YoItAs*S: Sou paused) 1s LuHSRYY O41 10] "SIUOWLYDEIOP L-yezpung sea to isadsou For the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose suffering unti then had been the greatest, the union represented the embodiment of the most important national and political ideals of their own age and of past times, The genuine enthusiasm with which they entered it pre- ide towards the king and the state, Grim real- was momentarily forgotten amidst the joy brought by recent imphs, The Serbs in this region were encumbered by the additional vantage of having lost the critical mass of their intellectual class jesult of war and persecution. The first differences between the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the royal government in Bel- r jementation of the agrarian problems. By the end of the 30-ties the relat Croats had become very strained, in addition to which this period brought the beginning of World War Il. Through Austria’s annexation, Nazi Germany had reached the Yugoslav border, causing all the exi ing inner social and political tensions to increase. In the newly formed kingdom of the Serbs, Croatians, and Slo- venians, the Croatians retained the same attitude they had had when they still represented a part of Austria-Hungary, since they considered the new state to be nothing but a transient political entity. Fully aware of how significant Yugoslavia was to the Serbs. as the state that encompassed all their co-nationals, the Croatians endeavored to profit fas much as they could from this fact. Relying on their ample experi- ence in bartering. which they had accumulated throughout their his- tory. they incessantly asked for various concessions, with the aim of achieving as advs the independent state. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia consequently became a type of service For satisfying the Croatians’ voracious appe- tites. Furthermore, the Croatians of Bosnia and Herzegovina eyed the newly-formed state with reserve and awaited a signal from Zagreb. Dissatisfied with their position in the new state, in the beginning they adjusted to the situation, cleverly concealing and minimizing the crimes they had committed over the Serbs, while simultaneously taking part in every activity, especially those religious in character, which could prove detrimental to the existing status quo. The Muslims showed no less reserve in respect to the formation of the common state. The farmers were apprehensive about their prop- erty and the consequences of the agrarian reform in general, while many religious zealots feared the possibility of vengeance for the 2% crimes that had been done to their Serb neighbors. Those of the Mus- ims who had pro-Yugoslav feelings were unable to make their pati otism felt. Despite the fact that Dr. Mehmed Spaho named his pol party the Yugo: tw reinforcing unity wi Viewed from levers intended to set in mi al state was never completely removed. One must wonder whether this was at all possible. The controversy that arose regat be constituted ard its form, the enactment of the common constitution, the system of government, and around the economic. soci ical, and overall cultural differences repre- sent only a par ofthe problems indicating that life in the common state would be neither easy other things, by Punisa Ratié’s assassination of Stjepan Ra colleagues in the National Assembly, by the Rekovica unrest, the Con- cordat, the Cvetkovié-Matek Agreement, and a series of similar events. Having entered the common state, King Aleksandar and Nikola Pasié did not even make the effort of defining the Serbs" basic interests within the new borders, or to determine what it is the Serbs ‘were bringing into the joint state, and what, if things did not work out, they could take out of it, Instead of facing harsh reality, they allowed themselves to be carried away by idealism, The numerous differences and conflicts between the Croats and the Serbs in the common state, which were additionally encouraged from the outside and became even more intense on the eve of World War I, came down with f force on the heads of the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina i, on all the Serbs across the river Drina who lived in mixed communities together with the Muslims and the Croatians. The forming of a joint government, the constituting of Banovina Eirvatska, the transferal to this political entity of specific competence, and the early preparations for reform in the entire state could not satisfy the growing appetites of Croatian nationalists. As always, the greatest disputes concerned ter- ritory, or rather, the question what areas the territory of Banovina Hrvatska should include. Maéek made no secret of the fact that he had his eye on Boka Kotorska, Srem, a part of Batka, and parts of Bosnia ind Herzegovina. The edict concerning Banovina Hrvatska pro- claimed that this entity would include nearly the entire area of two former administrative units of equal rank (,banovine”) - Savska and Primorska, the cities of Dubrovnik, Sid, Mok, and 13 srez in Bosnia Fa) fe -aziofy pur vIUSOg Jo HOLNEXOUUE at, wulnoBaziaH] puke eIUsog YIM Jayja301 ennwoID Jo ene [SOSH WoL Lonesedas arajdu09 2xp oF wMOP aurea pur paureire uaoq Aj ei Taya 30) Kq papaaoxo spwrewiop 2soun “Iyseisr) ey a1om 1uaWHZAIBy ay! Jo sIuauoddo 1UaKa) SOUL Su “SISO! 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