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CIRP Industrial Technical Paper

Methodology for representing knowledge of work process

performed by field workers and improving the work process with
work design
Takeshi Morishita(3)(a),* Koichi Akagi(3)(a), Manabu Sawaguchi(b)
aMitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd,
bRitsumeikan University

Abstract: Traditionally, improving work processes has been a worker-centric analysis approach on the manufacturing sites. However,
due to the shortage of human resources due to the declining birthrate, there is a limit to such improvement. Therefore, we
systematically represented and analyzed workers’ knowledge, and conducted a research on improving work processes by the work
design. As a result, we confirmed its practicality through case studies. Therefore, we propose a method for expressing the information of
the field work process, sharing the information throughout the organization, and improving it through a design approach.

Keywords: Knowledge management, Manufacturing process, Field workers

1. Introduction 3. Research Task and Hypothesis

In the production of heavy-duty gas turbines for power The research task is to clarify a method to systematically
generation, which is high-mix, low-volume manufacturing and represent and analyse the knowledge about work process
requires the field workers’ advanced techniques and skilled performed by field workers and to improve the work process by
workers’ intuition, tips and experiences. Traditionally, such work design technique which is design approach. Therefore, we
improving work processes has been a worker-centric analytical propose a workflow that accomplishes the task described in Figure
approach at the manufacturing sites. However, due to the shortage 1 as a hypothesis. The element work is the smallest unit of work
of human resources due to the declining birthrate in recent years, which can explain the purpose of work (that is the function of the
there is a limit to improvements centered on workers at work). One element work has one function to achieve the purpose.
manufacturing sites. Therefore, we need a method where
information about work processes in the manufacturing sites can
be shared and improved throughout the organization. Therefore,
we are working to improve the manufacturing process not only at
the manufacturing site but also throughout the organization. In
this study, the knowledge of the work process performed by the
field workers are systematically represented and analysed and the
improvement of work process by the work design is discussed.

2. Previous Study

G. Nadler points out that the work design is a systematic study

of planned and current work systems that clearly demonstrates
the simplest and most efficient systems and methods for
performing the required functions with the concept of an ideal
system [1][2]. Since then, many research papers about utilizing Figure 1. Workflow for knowledge representation and work design
work system in the several fields such as design and production utilization
have been published. Systematic representation of individuals'
experiences and unexternalized knowledge is also published as a 3.1. Knowledge representation of work process
study of Knowledge Representation in the fields of design, product
development and manufacturing planning [3][4][5][6][7][8]. The knowledge representation model (hereinafter referred to as
Another research is being conducted to utilize it as organizational element work model), which is created by authors using
knowledge rather than individual human knowledge [9]. On the Functional Modelling Method IDEF0, is shown in Figure 2. With the
other hand, a research on knowledge databases based on the element work model, individual information which composes the
equipment data during machining is also being conducted [10]. knowledge representation is expressed by linking to a "box" as ai,j.
However, there is no research paper which focused on the Where i is the number of the element work and j is the number of
knowledge of skilled workers’ intuition, tricks and experience- the various kinds of information that define the features of each
based work processes and mentioned how to perform element. The basic concept of IDEF0 is to decompose the complex
improvement activities by knowledge representation. activities into component elements and to represent by basic units
of only two symbols: "boxes" and "arrows". The boxes represent
the activities (function and motion) to be modelled [11]. In the
centre of the box shown in Figure 2, the function of the element
work is described by the noun ai,14 and the verb ai,15 and the
element work number i is indicated at the lower right of the box.
The incoming arrow from the left indicates the material ai-1,12
which is the status before performing element work. The arrow
pointing right from the box means output and indicates the
material ai,12 which is the status after performing element work.
Also, for box of each element work, the quality assurance level is
represented by the fill colour of the box and the value of work is
represented by the line type of the box frame.

Figure 4. Proposed functional representation model of work process

Next, the information ai,1 through ai,15 will be explained along the
workflow for knowledge representation and work design

1) STEP 1: Decomposition into element works

The contents of the process and unit work, and information of
element work itself, that constitutes the ith element work on the
Figure 2. Proposed Element Work Model (Created by author using IDEF0 material flow in which the process is composed of m element
as a refence.) works, are expressed as follows:
Contents of the process: ai,1
The total number of element work model in the process is Contents of the unit work: ai,2
arranged according to the material flow. Contents of the element work: ai,3
Figure 3 shows the arrangement of element work models. They
are arranged according to the material flow and the total number 2) STEP 2: Visualization of dependence levels of element work and
of element works in the process is m. The material status before determination of quality assurance levels
start of the process is represented as a0,12 and the material status The index to visualize the dependence levels (the degree of
exported from the process as am,12. dependence on the individual worker’s skills) is shown in Table 1.
We have four items: Judgement of workers, Skill, Judgement of
quality, and Safety. Columns in Table 1 are the level classification
criteria for each item. Element works are classified into three
levels: "Level 3" which can be performed by limited skilled
workers only, "Level 2" which can be performed by trained
workers and "Level 1" which can be done by any workers. The
dependence levels of each item of the ith element work are
expressed as follows.
Determination of work procedures: ai,4
Skill: ai,5
Figure 3. Visualization of element work model on proposed material flow
Judgement of quality: ai,6
Safety: ai,7
Finally, the material flow is converted into a functional
representation model. Table 1. Evaluation items and dependency levels (Cited from reference
Element work models arranged according to the material flow [13])
in Figure 3 are divided into the following four groups of functional
areas, which are the functions of the process.
・Prepare equipment ・Prepare material before machining
・Machine the material ・Assure material after machining
Next, element work models are arranged as the functional
representation model shown in Figure 4, which we devised by
referring to the Value Engineering methodology [12].
They are arranged in hierarchical relationships of WHY
(purpose) and HOW (method) in the horizontal direction and in
relationship of WHEN (in the same functional area) in the vertical
direction. Within the same functional area, the element work
models are arranged in order of value; VA, BNVA, and NVA from
top to bottom. Then they are arranged in descending order of their
number with following the order of value. The design function is
The risk of quality non-conformance is determined as quality-
placed on the extreme left and the function directing
assurance level QAi by formula (1) based on the idea of QM-
manufacturing is placed on the extreme right. Finally, the hours of
MATRIX [14].
component work are summed for each functional area and state
QAi=min {ai,5 , ai,6} (1)
the percentage of the entire.
3) STEP 3: Visualization of the value of element work and 4. Case Study
calculation of process cycle efficiency
In order of determination the priorities for improvement and In the case study, Workflow for expressing knowledge and
improvement method, the information of element work is utilizing to work design (Figure 1) is analysed by expressing
expressed as follows. knowledge in Figure 2. The machining process is selected as the
Element work time: ai,8 research object is EDM (machining to melt metal by discharging
Value of element work: ai,9 electricity) of the component used for heavy-duty gas turbine for
The value of the element work is classified into three categories; power generation shown in Figure 5.
VA (Value Added): work that creates value for the customer, BNVA
(Business Value Added): work itself does not produce value but
necessary to produce VA work, and NVA (No Value Added): other
works [15]. NVA is the element work which is to be eliminated
immediately. VA can be improved by increasing workers’ skills.
Incidentally, PCE (the Process Cycle efficiency) of any work Figure 5. Target Component and EDM Process
process section is calculated by the formula (2). The element work
numbers k and l indicate the range of work for which the PCE is to 5. Analysis Results
be calculated. Obtained PCE is also used for determining priorities
of improvement. 5.1. Knowledge representation of work process

PCE= ∑i=l
ai,8×f(ai,9) / ∑i=l a
i=k i,8
(2) This process of hole machining by EDM were divided into 52
element works and the information (ai,1 through ai,15) were also
Here, f(VA)=1, f(NVA)=0, f(BNVA)=0 completed. Table 2 shows some of this information.

4) STEP 4: 4Ms of element work Table 2. Information for each element work (ai,1 through ai,9)
In order to clarify the restrictions for improvement, the
information on the material to be changed in each element work,
information on the man, machine and method which are
restrictions when changing are expressed as follows; Man: ai,10,
Machine: ai,11, Material: ai,12, and Method: ai,13.

5) STEP 5: Definition of function of element work

By using two-word active verb and measurable noun, the
function is expressed to create functional representation model as
follows; Function (Noun): ai,14, Function (Verb): ai,15.
The function is defined by classifying the details of the changing
parameter and then selecting the noun and verb of the
corresponding function from predetermined alternatives.

6) STEP 6: Creation of a functional representation model

After creating the element work model, create the material flow
and functional representation model.

3.2. Utilization to the improvement activities by work design

The improvement plan is created by utilizing knowledge

representation by utilizing work design in the following steps.

1) Selection of Functions
Clarify the process cycle efficiency by formula (2), the Then, the element work models were made and visualized on the
percentage of total work time, and the number of elements for each material flow as shown in Figure 6.
quality assurance level for each functional area shown in Figure 5.
Determine the improvement function by using them.

2) Development of ideal system

Develop the function determined in 1) above into an ideal
system to fulfil the function. In this study, the trend of technological
evolution [16], which is one of the solution tools of TRIZ (inventive
problem-solving theory), is used to develop into an ideal system.
This trend of technological evolution is a classic pattern of
technological advances.

3) Collecting information and presenting improvement plan

Find information on Man, Machine, and Method that fulfil the
ideal system. Then present the applicable information as an
improvement plan.
Figure 6. Visualization of knowledge representation model of element
work on material flow (Regarding EDM)
Finally, the functional representation model shown in Figure 7 3) Collecting information and presenting improvement plan
was created using Figure 6. Because of the hint of "Intelligent Adaptive Feedback," which is
an improvement proposal as work design, it is possible to
investigate improvement plan that have a function of
automatically recognizing the position of work in an efficient
manner and fulfilling its function.

6. Consideration

We proposed the workflow for knowledge representation of

work process of manufacturing field and utilizing for work design
as shown in Figure 1 and confirmed the practicability in one case
study. However, it is necessary to examine more cases in the
future. During this study, we found that it is difficult to record the
method of the element works with high dependence level of skills
in language. Therefore, we have started to conduct studies on
recording the motion of the worker numerically by the skeleton
based action recognition and recognizing the motion by deep
learning [17].

7. Conclusion

Referring to the functional structure model technique IDEF0, it

is confirmed that the work process information of field workers
can be systematically represented and analysed, and the work
process can be improved by utilizing work design so that the
Figure 7. Functional representation model of work process (EDM) improvement activities can be implemented with design approach
not only by field workers but the whole company.
5.2. Utilization of work design for improvement activities In addition, it was confirmed in one case study that a work
design which is a design approach can be utilized by using
1) Selection of Functions knowledge representation. The academic contribution of this
The functions included in the functional area "Preparing study is to propose a method for the knowledge representation of
materials before processing" are selected for improvement. This is field work process information. Social contribution is to propose a
because the process cycle efficiency is 0.0% and the number of solution to the declining birth rate by presenting a method of
element works whose quality assurance level QAi is not 1 is the organizational design approach for field work, which requires high
greatest despite the work time of this functional area is 25.3% of manufacturing capacity.
the total work time as shown in Table 3. In other words, it is a
functional area that has no value but high risk of quality. References
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