Unit 8

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Reading 1
1. It was derived from the word robot and fisrt used in print by Isaac Asimow
in his science fiction short story “Liar”.
2. They all share 3 basic similarities when it comes to their construction:
- Robots all have some kind of mechinical construction, a frame ,form
or shape.
- Robots have electrical components.
- All robots contain some level of computer programming code.
3. Becauce robots can serve various pratical purposes whether domestically,
commercially, or militarily.
4. Robotics is ralated to electronics , computer science, artificial intelligence,
mechatronics, nano technology and bioengineering.
5. Throughout history, robot has been frequently assumed by various scholars,
inventors, engineers and technicians that robot will one day be able to mimic
human behavior and manage tasks in a human-like fashion.
6. Robotics is applied in different fields including military, industrial,
construction, agriculture, medicine, domestics, aviation, sports, arts, cinema, etc.
7. Many robots are built to do jobs that are hazadous to people such as defusing
bomb, finding survivors in unstable ruins, and exploring mines and shipwrecks.
8. Robotics deals with the design, costruction, operation and use of robots as
well as computer systems for their control sensory feedback, and information

1.A 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.D
Reading 2
1. Actuators are the “ muscles “ of a robot, the parts which convert stored
enegy into movement.
2. Linear actuator are typically powered by compressed and oxidized air or an
oil and can also be powerd by electricity which usualyy consists of a motor and a
3. Elastic nanotubes are a promising artificial muscle technology in early-stage
experimental development.
4. Air muscles are special tubes that expand (typically up to 40%) when air is
forced inside them.
5. They are Electric motors, linear actuators, series elastic actuators, air
muscles, muscle wire , electroactive polymers, piezo motors and elastic nantubes.
6. Potantial power sources could be pneumatic, Solar power, hydraulics,
flywheel energy storage, organic garbage, and nuclear.
7. They are mechanical grippers , Vacuum grippers and General purpose
8. There are 5 components of robots such as Power source,actuation, sensing,
manipulation, Locomotion.
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A
1.D 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C

Reading 3
1. Robots have replaced humans in perfoming repetitive and dangerous task
which humans prefer not to do, or are unable to do.
2. Geoge Devol.
3. Robots are rising technological unemployment as they replace workers in
increasing numbers of function and the use of robot in military combat raises
ethical concerns.
4. Japan hopes to have full-scale commercialization of service robot by 2050.
5. Robots can be autonomous or semi-autonomous and range from humanoids.
6. As early as 1982 people were confident that someday robots would : 10 cái
cuối trang 157 và đầu tang 158.
7. ROS provides ways to program a robot’navigation and limbs regardless of
the specific hardware involve .It also provides high-level commands for item like
image recognition and even opening doors.
8. ROS is an open-source set of programs.
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C

1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.C

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