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ORIGINAL DUE NOTICE AND DECLARATION OF FULLACTIVATION, IMPLEMENTATION, AND OPERATION OF THE UNIVERSAL SECURITY AGREEMENT’S SOURCE CODE, ENFORCEMENT, AND INHERENT SECURITY AMENDMENT. “NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT* “NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL* “If all the world’s a stage, identity is nothing but a costume.” ~ SENSE8 ANNEX: DECLARATION OF UNIVERSAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ©, with duly designated registration numbers DODD- TAM hatj-07301972-ODIS-USA3 ©, restated and incorporate here by reference aif set forth in full. UNIVERSAL SECURITY AGREEMENT 6, Namber 2000043135, May 4, 2000, Receipt Number 36090, a Perpetnity, and any and all duly made, isued, registered, and noticed amendments thereunder, PL. 88-243, and all “STATE OF...” local, national, international, universal, and other juristic equivalens, also known as “The Perpeatity”, hereafter “Universal Security Agreement ©”, duly restated and incorporated here by reference, as if set forth in ful. ‘With full personal, and professional, responsibility, accountability, liability, standing, and authority, duly swom, and bonded, and without prejudice, Secured Parry duly deposes, declares, and notices, as follows: ‘Full activation, implementation, and operation of Source Code, Enforcement, and Inherent Security, as set forth, and governed by, Universal Security Agreement ©, restated, specifically and particularly, see Amendment Number 2013032035 ©, Source Code, Enforcement, and Inherent Security, also known as “Eternal Essence Filing ©”, for due cause, a set forth herein, restated. “Effective as of the time and date stamp of Secured Party's duly established White House Verification and Delivery Protocol at: _https:/ FOR DUE CAUSE, ie. FULL REMEDY WITH NO ACCOMMODATION, including and not limited to: 1. Unacceptable harm, damage, fodker, destruction, delay, and/or hindrance ofthat which is duly secured by the Universal Security Agreement ©, restated, committed by individuals, and/or collectives, locally, nationally, intemationally, ‘uversally and in other juristic equivalents, including and not limited to, any and all world siage events; 2. Unacceptable harm, damage, fodder, destruction, delay, and/or hindrance of that which is duly secured by the Univer Security Agreement ©, restated, committed by individuals, and/or collectives, locally, nationally, intemationally, ‘universally, and in other juristic equivalents, whether intentional or unintentional, that results from intentions, actions, and ‘no-action done with the intent of “Controlled demolition of the old system and controlled engagement of the new system”, including and not limited to, any and all world stage events; 3. To immediately, and permanently stop, solve, and prevent further identity crisis that results in #1-2, above, restated, in accordance with, pursuant to, and govemed by the Universal Security Agreement ©, restated. ‘Any and all requests for further information, clarification, guidance, and other data from Secured Party, shall be done respectfully by those requesting, and in accordance with, and subject to, the Universal Security Agreement ©, restated. This DECLARATION AND NOTICE, with duly designated registration number DODD-IAM -hat}-07301972-ODIS- FRNA-SCEIS ©, is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and ability, and legally binding, forall to rely upon. In Love. By Love. With

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