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Industrial Wastewater and Its Treatment

Dr. Mst. Farzana Rahman Zuthi

 A Comprehensive Book on Industrial Waste and
its Management by Dr. H.S. Bhatia
 Environmental Sanitation, Wastewater
Treatment and Disposal by Tanveer F. Saeed, A.
Al-Muyeed and Tanvir Ahmed
 Wastewater Engineering: Treatment Disposal Reuse
by Metcalf and Eddy
Definition: Industrial Wastewater

● Industries use water that obtained from the water

treatment system for a variety of purposes, such as
- For manufacturing goods.
- For heating.
- For cooling.
- As carrier of raw material.
- As carrier of waste matter.
- As a solvent.
● The resulting water is then classified as industrial
Risks/Hazards due to Industrial Wastewater
● The indiscriminate discharge of these wastewater streams into the
environment can
- Render soils "sick ".
- Pollute the receiving bodies of water.
- Cause air pollution by generating obnoxious gases.

● Discharge of untreated wastewater into the domestic sewer system

makes the task of treating domestic sewage, a very difficult and
costly exercise.

● To prevent any health hazards caused by discharging wastewater

into the environment and protect domestic sewage, the wastewater
must be treated before discharge.
Definition: Industrial Wastewater
 The water or liquid carried waste from an
industrial process
 Wastes may result from any process or activity of
livestock industry such as feedlots, poultry
houses, or dairies
 The term includes contaminated
storm water and leachate from solid
waste facilities
 Waste material (solid, gas or liquid) generated by
a commercial, industrial or nonresidential activity
Sources of Industrial Wastewater:

Dairy Industry
Pulp and Paper industry
Iron and steel industry
Mines and quarries
Food industry
Complex organic chemicals industry
Nuclear industry
Water treatment

Garments, Textile and Tannery

Pollutants / Contaminants in Industrial Wastewater:
 Conventional pollutants can include
◦ Total suspended solids
◦ pH
◦ Fecal coliforms
◦ Fats, oil and grease (FOG)
 Toxic pollutants can include
◦ Metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, silver, zinc)
◦ Toxic organics
 Voloatile organics (1,1,1-trichloroethane, benzene, ethylbenzene, methylene chloride, toluene, and
 Semi-volatile organics (di-n-butyl phthalate, naphthalene, p-chloro-m-cresol,
and phenols)
 Pesticides
 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
 Noncoventional pollutants can include
◦ Ammonia
◦ Phosphate
Important Contaminants of Concern:
Suspended solids: Lead to the development of sludge deposits
and anaerobic conditions when untreated wastewater is
discharged into the aquatic environment.
Nutrients (P, N2&C): When discharged into the aquatic
environment, these nutrients can lead to the growth of
undesirable aquatic life. When discharged in excessive
amounts on land, they can also lead to the pollution of
Priority pollutants: Organic and inorganic compounds select
on the basis of their known or suspected carcinogenicity, or
high acute toxicity. Many of these compounds are found in
Dairy Industry effluents contain dissolved sugars and proteins,
fats, and possibly residues of additives. The key parameters
are BOD with an average ranging from 0.8 to 2.5 kilograms
per metric ton (kg/t) of milk in the untreated effluent; chemical
oxygen demand (COD), which is normally about 1.5 times the
BOD level; total suspended solids, at 100–1,000 milligrams
per liter (mg/l); total dissolved solids: phosphorus (10–100
mg/l), and nitrogen (about 6% of the BOD level).
The wastewater may contain pathogens from contaminated
materials or production processes. A dairy often generates
odors and, in some cases, dust, which need to be controlled.

The pulp and paper mill is a major industrial sector utilizing

a huge amount of colored compounds, lignocellulosic
materials and water during the manufacturing process, and
releases chlorinated lignosulphonic acids, chlorinated resin
acids, chlorinated phenols and chlorinated hydrocarbons in
the effluent. About 500 different chlorinated organic
compounds have been identified including chloroform,
chlorate, resin acids, etc. These compounds are formed as
a result of reaction between residual lignin from wood fibres
and chlorine/chlorine compounds used for bleaching.
The production of iron from its ores (in iron and steel
industry) involves powerful reduction reactions in blast
furnaces. Cooling waters are inevitably contaminated with
products especially ammonia and cyanide. Production of coke
from coal in coking plants also requires water cooling and the
use of water in by-products separation. Contamination of waste
streams includes gasification products such as
benzene, cyanide, ammonia, phenols, cresols together with a
range of more complex organic compounds known collectively
as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).
Definition: Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Industrial wastewater treatment covers the

mechanisms and processes used to treat waters that
have been contaminated in some way
by anthropogenic industrial or commercial activities prior
to its release into the environment or its re-use.
Recent trends in the developed world have been to
minimize such production or recycle such waste within
the production process.
Treatment of Industrial Wastewater:

Solids removal
Oils and grease removal
Removal of biodegradable organics
Activated sludge process
Trickling filter process
Treatment of other organics
Treatment of acids and alkalis
Treatment of toxic materials
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Processes
Treatment for the different types of contamination
of wastewater require a variety of strategies to remove the
contamination. For example, solids removal
is done by simple sedimentation techniques with the solids
recovered as slurry or sludge. Very fine solids and solids
with densities close to the density of water pose special
problems. In such case filtration or ultrafiltration may be
required. Although, flocculation may be used,
using alum salts or the addition of polyelectrolytes.
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Specificities
 Some industrial waste constituents are not compatible because
◦ Upset biological processes (e.g., sudden high organic loads)
◦ Damage treatment equipment (e.g., acidic or caustic wastes)
◦ Are not removed, passing through to effluent or sludge (e.g., metals)
◦ Create hazardous conditions in sewers and for workers (e.g., explosive
materials such as benzene or hydrogen sulfide gas)
 Policy must be developed and enforcement of local limits for industrial
discharges is mandatory
 Categorical Industries
◦ EPA has established discharge limitations for specific industries
◦ Categorical industries must obtain a discharge permit
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Processes
Activated sludge is a biochemical process for
treating sewage and industrial wastewater that uses air
(or oxygen) and microorganisms to biologically oxidize
organic pollutants, producing a waste sludge (or floc)
containing the oxidized material. In general, an activated
sludge process includes:
An aeration tank where air (or oxygen) is injected and
thoroughly mixed into the wastewater.
A settling tank (usually referred to as a "clarifier" or "settler")
to allow the waste sludge to settle.
Treatment for Organics other than Sewage

Synthetic organic materials including solvents,

paints, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and so forth can be very
difficult to treat. Treatment methods are often specific to the
material being treated. Methods include Advanced Oxidation
Processing, distillation, adsorption, vitrification, incineration,
chemical immobilisation or landfill disposal. Some materials
such as some detergents may be capable of biological
degradation and in such cases, a modified form
of wastewater treatment can be used.

(IWA Water WIKI):
Treatment for Specific Industrial Waste
Treatment of acids and alkalis / toxic materials
Toxic materials including many organic materials, metals
(such as zinc, silver, cadmium, thallium, etc.) acids, alkalis,
non-metallic elements (such as arsenic or selenium) are
generally resistant to biological processes unless very dilute.
Metals can often be precipitated out by changing the pH or
by treatment with other chemicals. Some may require
concentration followed by landfilling or recycling. Dissolved
organics can be incinerated within the wastewater by
Advanced Oxidation Processes.
Waste flow path:
The following parameters need to address at least to
Constituents are:
• Suspended solids (SS); • inorganics , not be suitable for
• Temperature; biological treatment and
• Oil and grease (O&G); • organics, biological treatment is a
• Organic content in terms of biochemical viable.
oxygen demand (BOD) or chemical
• oxygen demand (COD); Biological characteristics require
• pH; considerations include the following:
• Specific metals and/or specific organic • biodegradability;
compounds; • strength;
• Nitrogen and/or phosphorus; • volumes;
• Indicator micro-organisms (e.g. E. Coli) • Variations
or specific micro-organisms. • special characteristics which may
lead to operational difficulties
Biodegradability : the quantity of organics in a wastewater is indicated
by the wastewater’s BOD5 and COD (dichromate) values. Since the
BOD is the oxygen demand exerted by micro-organisms to degrade
organics while the COD is that required to chemically oxidize organics
without considering the latter’s biodegradability (i.e. approximately
equivalent to the total organics present), the difference between the
COD and BOD values would provide an indication of the quantity (in a
relative sense but not in absolute terms) of non-biologically degradable

Generally, wastewaters with COD:BOD5 ratios of 3 or lower can usually

be successfully treated with biological processes, but also depends on
other properties.

Extreme COD:BOD5 ratios meant biological treatment would unlikely to

be successful in removing sufficient quantities of the organics so as to
meet the discharge limits (i.e. high effluent COD).
Treatment processes:
• Preliminary Unit Processes: the preliminary treatment required
to prepare industrial wastewaters for secondary treatment. This
generally includes removal of suspended solids, O&G, inhibitory
substances, pH adjustment, nutrients supplementation, and
• Biological : secondary treatment to remove organics and
nutrients (where necessary). Aerobic processes such as the
conventional activated sludge and the cyclic, often anaerobic
processes used as the first stage of a biological treatment train to
reduce organic strength prior to aerobic treatment.
• Natural: Wetland, Constructed Wetland
• Sludge Management: Sludge Thickening, Sludge Digestion,
Sludge Conditioning, Sludge Dewatering.
➢ Choice of treatment processes that also depends on:
• Manufacturing Process: Some knowledge of the manufacturing process can be
helpful in understanding wastewater characteristics. Knowledge of the
manufacturing process sequence may allow a particular stream to be intercepted
for pretreatment before it is allowed to join the rest of the wastewater streams for
further treatment.
• Volumes ;
• Variations : wastewaters generated by different factories vary even within the
same industry group. Surges can be caused by batch discharges (or dumping)
which is particularly common at the end of a shift/working day or at the end of a
manufacturing campaign

• Strength : industrial waste often have higher strength than those encountered
in sewage. High strength wastewaters may benefit from anaerobic pretreatment
ahead of the aerobic treatment stage so that organic strength can be reduced and
hence reducing the aeration and the consequential energy requirements.
Again, typically the biological processes address the dissolved and colloidal
organic components in a wastewater since the particulate component can
be easily addressed using physico-removal methods.
• Special Characteristics: may have significant adverse impact (inhibitory or
resistant to biological degradation) on the equipment or unit process performance,
and aesthetics of a wastewater treatment plant. These may require special
attention as these may adversely affect the biological treatment process.
A Typical Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant
A Typical Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant

Treatment Process by king

3 stages of W/W treatment
 Preliminary
◦ To remove large floating solids, grit and grease
◦ To avoid corrosion, blockage of the pumps, and equipment of
wastewater treatment plants
◦ To sustain the efficacy of the biological units
 Equalization Tank
◦ To mix of wastewater of different volumes to achieve a uniform
flow rate
◦ To avoid shock loadings, dilute inhibiting substances and stabilize
◦ To enhance smooth operation of the following biological
Types of treatment
 Mechanical treatment
◦ Influx (Influent)
◦ Removal of large objects
◦ Removal of sand and grit
◦ Primary Sedimentation
 Biological treatment
◦ Trickling bed filter
◦ Activated sludge
 Chemical treatment
◦ Disinfection
Treatment stages - Primary
 typical materials that are removed during
primary treatment include
◦ fats, oils, and greases
◦ sand, gravels and rocks
◦ larger settleable solids including human waste,
◦ floating materials
Removal of Settling & Floating Particle
Sedimentation (mostly remove SS)
Floatation (mostly
remove SS & Oil)

Aerobic Biological Process (1/2)
Aerobic Biological Process (2/2)
Anaerobic Biological Process (1/2)
Anaerobic Biological Process (2/2)
 Primary Sedimentation
◦ Remove grease, oil
◦ Fecal solid settle, floating
material rise to the
◦ Produce a homologous
liquid for later biological
◦ Fecal sludge are pumped
to sludge treatment plant
Treatment stages - Secondary
 Degrade biological content (dissolved
organic matter) of the sewage
◦ Ex: human waste, food waste, soaps, detergent
 Added bacteria and protozoa into sewage
 3 different approaches
◦ Fixed film system
◦ Suspended film system
◦ Lagoon system
Three approaches
 Fixed Film Systems
◦ grow microorganisms on substrates such as
rocks, sand or plastic
◦ wastewater is spread over the substrate
◦ Ex: Trickling filters, rotating biological
Cross-section of an attached growth
biomass film

Oxygen (the natural or forced draft)

Organic/ nutrient

Biomass : viscous, jelly-like substance containing bacteria

filter media
Trickling filters bed
 Spread wastewater
over microorganism
 made of coke
(carbonised coal),
limestone chips or
specially fabricated
plastic media
 Optimize their
thickness by insect or
worm grazing
 Suspended Film Systems
◦ stir and suspend microorganisms in
◦ settled out as a sludge
◦ pumped back into the incoming wastewater
◦ Ex: Activated sludge, extended aeration
5 physical components of activated sludge
 aeration tank
◦ oxygen is introduced into the system
 aeration source
◦ ensure that adequate oxygen is fed into the tank
◦ provided pure oxygen or compressed air
 secondary clarifiers
◦ activated-sludge solids separate from the surrounding
 Activated sludge
outflow line
◦ Pump activated sludge
back to the aeration tank
 Effluent outflow line
◦ discharged effluent into
bay or tertiary treatment
 Lagoon Systems
◦ hold the waste-water for several months
◦ natural degradation of sewage
◦ Usually reeds are preferred
Secondary Treatment
 40-50% of original suspended solids and substantial amount of
dissolved organics and inorganics
 Aeration tank + Secondary clarifier
 Removal of organics through biodegradation and capturing of solids
into biological films
Bacteria involved in the treatment
 Common organisms : Bacteria;
Fungi; Algae; Protozoa; Rotifers
 Bacteria: stabilizing colloidal and
solid organic matter outside the
cell by means of extra cellular
enzymes (organics removal)

 Lag phase (time to acclimatize to the

new environment)
 Log phase (rapid increase of bacterial
density/max. substrate removal rate;
exhausts some nutrients and
accumulation of toxic substances)
 Stationary phase (inhibition of cell
growth )
 Log death phase/endogenous phase
(food depletion and bacterial density
Secondary Treatment

• Hydrolysis, biological growth and decay

Secondary Treatment
 Biological growth: Bacteria utilize very simple and small compounds for their growth
 = 𝑟𝑔,𝑋𝐵 = 𝜇𝑋𝐵
 𝑟𝑔,𝑋𝐵 = biological growth rate, mg/L.d
 𝑋𝐵 = biomass concentration, mg/L
  = specific growth rate, d-1
𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑆
 𝜇= ( Monod kinetics)
𝑆+ 𝐾𝑠
 S = limiting substrate concentration in solution, mg/L
 max = maximum specific growth rate, d-1
 KS = half-saturation constant at one half the maximum growth rate, mg/L (affinity of the
microorganism for the substrate)
𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑆
 𝑟𝑔,𝑋𝐵 = 𝑋𝐵
𝑆+ 𝐾𝑠
 𝑟𝑔,𝑋𝐵 = −𝑌 = −𝑌𝑟𝑠 ; Y= decimal fraction of food mass converted to biomass; (mg/L
biomass)/(mg/L food utilized)
𝑟𝑔,𝑋𝐵 𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑆
 𝑟𝑠 = − =− 𝑋 ; rate of food utilization, mg/L.d
𝑌 𝑌 (𝑆+ 𝐾𝑠 ) 𝐵
 Hydrolysis: Secondary Treatment
▪ Conversion of larger particulate, dissolved organics and solid molecules into small
degradable products, which can be metabolized by bacteria
▪ often becomes the rate limiting step in biological reactors (slower than biological
▪ 𝑟𝑔,𝑋𝑆 = 𝑘ℎ 𝑋𝑆 (first-order kinetics)
▪ 𝑟𝑔,𝑋𝑆 = biological growth rate, mg/L.d
▪ 𝑋𝑆 = suspended solid concentration, mg/L
▪ kh = hydrolysis constant
▪ 𝑟𝑔,𝑆 = 𝑘ℎ S (first-order kinetics)
▪ 𝑟𝑔,𝑋𝑆 = biological growth rate, mg/L.d
▪ 𝑆= dissolved organic matter concentration, mg/L
 Decay:
▪ Degradation of biomass due to oxidation of the biomass organic portion
▪ Slowly degradable org. matter is added to the system which is hydrolyzed further,
thereby causing new growth
▪ 𝑟𝑔,𝑋𝐵 = 𝑘𝑑 𝑋𝐵 (first-order kinetics)
▪ kd = decay constant, d-1
𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑆
𝑟𝑔,𝑋𝐵 = 𝑋 − 𝑘𝑑 𝑋𝐵 (resultant equation of growth and decay)
𝑆+ 𝐾𝑠 𝐵
Secondary Treatment: organic matter measurement

A. Oxygen demand of organic matter

 Aerobic decomposition
𝑶𝒓𝒈. 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 + 𝑶𝟐 𝑪𝑶𝟐 + 𝑯𝟐 𝑶 + 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒔 + 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒔
 Anaerobic decomposition
𝑶𝒓𝒈. 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑪𝑯𝟒 + 𝑪𝑶𝟐 + 𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒔 + 𝒖𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒔
 CH4 is the swamp gas
 BOD and COD is the representation of organic matter
◦ Carbonaceous organic material can be readily used by bacteria
◦ Decomposition of nitrogenous organic matter takes sometime to start
◦ Total BOD = CBOD + NBOD
 BOD5 test is the standard practice to measure
◦ 𝑩𝑶𝑫𝟓 = 𝑫𝑶𝒊 − 𝑫𝑶𝒇
◦ 𝑩𝑶𝑫𝟓 =
𝑫𝑶𝒊 −𝑫𝑶𝒇

◦ 𝑩𝑶𝑫𝟓 =
𝟏 𝑷
(𝑫𝑶𝒊 −𝑫𝑶𝒇 )−(𝑩𝒊 −𝑩𝒇 )( − )
𝑩𝑶𝑫5 = 𝑫𝑶𝒊 − 𝑫𝑶𝒇

𝑫𝑶𝒊 − 𝑫𝑶𝒇
𝑩𝑶𝑫5 =
(𝑫𝑶𝒊 − 𝑫𝑶𝒇 ) − (𝑩𝒊 − 𝑩𝒇 )(1 − 𝑷൯
𝑩𝑶𝑫5 =
Secondary Treatment: organic matter measurement

BOD5 test is the standard practice

to measure
𝑩𝑶𝑫𝟓 = 𝑫𝑶𝒊 − 𝑫𝑶𝒇
𝑫𝑶𝒊 − 𝑫𝑶𝒇
𝑩𝑶𝑫𝟓 =
𝑫𝑶 −𝑫𝑶𝒇 ) − (𝑩𝒊 − 𝑩𝒇 )(𝟏 − 𝑷)
= ( 𝒊
Secondary Treatment: organic matter measurement

 BOD kinetics:
◦ = −𝑘𝐿𝑡 : 𝑘 = 𝑘20 𝜃 (𝑇−20) ; ( T in oC and θ = 1.047)
◦ 𝐿𝑡 = 𝐿0 𝑒 −𝑘𝑡
◦ 𝐵𝑂𝐷𝑡 = 𝐿0 (1 − 𝑒 −𝑘𝑡 )
 Factors affecting BOD rate constant:
◦ Nature of the waste
◦ Ability of organisms to utilize the waste
◦ Temperature (standard procedure @ 20oC)
Secondary Treatment: organic matter measurement
Secondary Treatment: organic matter measurement

A standard 5-day BOD test is run using a mix consisting of 3 parts
distilled water and 1 part wastewater. The initial DO of the mix is
9.0 mg/L and the DO after 5 days is determined to be 1.0 mg/L.
What is the BOD5 ?
Secondary Treatment: organic matter measurement

A standard 5-day BOD test is run using a mix consisting of 3 parts
distilled water and 1 part wastewater. The initial DO of the mix is
9.0 mg/L and the DO after 5 days is determined to be 1.0 mg/L.
What is the BOD5 ?
 Dilution factor: 0.25
 5-day BOD: 32mg/L
Oxygen demand of wastes
 Oxidation
B. Oxygen demand of nitrogen
due to nitrification as NBOD ( Nitrogen: for protein synthesis and for
life as well )
◦ 𝑁𝐻3 + 𝑂2 𝑁𝑂2− + 𝐻+ + 𝐻2 𝑂
◦ 𝑁𝑂2− + 𝑂2 𝑁𝑂3−
 It is a matter of days before the rate of oxidation of
ammonia is sufficient to create a significant oxygen
 NBOD does not normally begin to exert itself for at least 5-
8 days
 It is an accepted practice to modify wastes in a way that
will inhibit nitrification during that 5-day period
Secondary Treatment: organic matter measurement
Secondary Treatment: organic matter measurement

 Some domestic wastewater has 40mg/L of nitrogen either in the form of organic nitrogen or ammonia.
Assuming that very few cells are formed during the nitrification of the waste( the oxygen demand can be
found from a simple stoichiometric analysis of the nitrification reactions given above), find
◦ the ultimate nitrogenous oxygen demand
◦ the ratio of UNBOD to the conc. of nitrogen in the waste

𝑵𝑯𝟑 + 𝟐𝑶𝟐 → 𝑵𝑶− +
𝟑 + 𝑯 + 𝑯𝟐 𝑶
17(14+3) 64(2*32)

 1 g-mole of NH3 requires 2 g-mole of O2

 17g NH3 contains 14g Nitrogen
𝒎𝒈𝑵 𝟏𝟕𝒈 𝑵𝑯𝟑 𝟔𝟒 𝒈 𝑶𝟐 𝒎𝒈𝑶𝟐
 𝑵𝑩𝑶𝑫 = 𝟒𝟎 𝑿 𝑿 = 𝟏𝟖𝟑
𝑳 𝟏𝟒 𝒈 𝑵 𝟏𝟕 𝒈 𝑵𝑯𝟑 𝑳
𝟏𝟑𝟕𝒎𝒈𝑶𝟐 /𝑳
 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐 = = 𝟒. 𝟓𝟕𝒎𝒈𝑶𝟐 /𝒎𝒈𝑵
𝟒𝟎 𝒎𝒈𝑵/𝑳

 𝑈𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑁𝐵𝑂𝐷 ≈ 4.6 𝑋 𝑇𝐾𝑁 ( Total conc. of organic and ammonia nitrogen)
Secondary Treatment: organic matter measurement

 ThBOD: is the amount of oxygen required to completely oxidize particular

organic pollutants, as calculated from simple stoichiometric considerations
◦ ThBOD > BOD as the incorporation of some carbon into new bacterial cells
 COD:
◦ Alternate measure of oxygen demand
◦ Does not distinguish between oxygen demand of org. matter due to
biodegradation and chemical oxidation of inert organic matter
◦ cellulose, phenols, benzene, tannic acid resist biodegradation
◦ pesticides and various industrial chemicals are non-biodegradable as
they are toxic to microorganisms
◦ sometime is used to measure ultimate BOD
Factors affecting aerobic degradation of organics
 Temperature
◦ 𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑇 = 𝜇max(200𝐶) 𝑒 (𝑘 𝑇−20 )

applicable within temp. range 0-32oC in aerobic process, constant at 32-40oC, and then shifted
towards zero at 45oC
 Oxygen
Availability of oxygen, can be defined through Monod equation
𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑆𝑂2
 𝜇= ; 𝑆𝑂2 = oxygen concentration in the reactor, mg/L; 𝐾𝑠,𝑂2 = half-saturation oxygen
𝑆𝑂2 + 𝐾𝑠,𝑂2
constant, mg/L
𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑆𝑂2 𝑆
 𝜇=𝑆 ( double Monod equation; availability of oxygen and organics)
𝑂2 + 𝐾 𝑠,𝑂2 𝑆+ 𝐾𝑠

 pH
◦ 𝜇(𝑝𝐻) = 𝜇max(𝑜𝑝𝑡 𝑝𝐻) 𝐾 ; 𝐾𝑝𝐻 : pH constant; I = 10[opt pH- pH)
𝑝𝐻 +𝐼

◦ Alkalinity consumption due to nitrification, or chemical prec. Of P reduces pH which ultimately cause
major problems
 Nitrogen and phosphorus
◦ lack of nutrients inhibit the growth of aerobic biofilms
Secondary Treatment
Activated Sludge Process
 Aeration tank
◦ Fed with mixture of influent and sludge (MLSS/MLVSS)
 Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) and Mixed liquor volatile
suspended soids (MLVSS)
 MLVSS: volatile portion (microorganisms) of the MLSS (0.75-
0.85 of MLSS)
◦ Aerators provide turbulence (keeping sludge flocs in suspension) and
necessary oxygen (oxidation of organic matter)
 Secondary clarifier
◦ Solids are separated from liquid phase
 Effluent: separated liquid
 Returned sludge: a portion of the settled sludge containing
 Critically important as it increases biomass availability and
accelerate associated kinetics
 Completely mixed or plug flow reactor
Activated Sludge Process

 Complete mix with recycle

◦ Continuous stirring
◦ Substrate conc in the reactor is same as the effluent substrate conc.
◦ Hydraulic retention time:
𝜃 = 𝑄; 𝜃 = hydraulic retention time, d; V = tank volume, m3; Q =
influent ww flow m3/d
◦ Sludge age: crucial for designing; ratio of organism’s mass in the aeration tank and the
mass removed from the system per day
𝜃𝑐 = ; sludge wasting from aeration tank
𝑄𝑤𝑎 𝑋+ 𝑄𝑒 𝑋𝑒
𝜃𝑐 = 𝑄𝑤𝑟 𝑋𝑟 + 𝑄𝑒 𝑋𝑒
; sludge wasting from return sludge line
▪ 𝜃𝑐 = mean cell residence time, d
▪ 𝑋= concentration of MLVSS maintained in the tank, mg/L
▪ 𝑄𝑤𝑎 , 𝑄𝑒 = waste sludge flow removed from aeration tank and flow of treated effluent,
▪ 𝑋𝑒 = microorganism concentration in effluent (VSS), mg/L
▪ Food –to- microorganism ratio
𝐹 𝑆0 𝑄𝑆0 𝐸 𝑆0 −𝑆
▪ = = ;𝑈= 𝑀
and 𝐸 = ∗ 100
𝑀 𝜃𝑋 𝑉𝑋 100 𝑆0
U = specific substrate utilization rate
Activated Sludge Process

 Complete mix with recycle

◦ Sludge production:
𝑌𝑜𝑏𝑠 𝑄 (𝑆0 −𝑆)
◦ 𝑃𝑥 = ; 𝑃𝑥 : waste activated sludge (VSS), kg/d; 𝑌𝑜𝑏𝑠 = observed yield, g/g
1000 𝑔/𝑘𝑔

▪ Oxygen requirement:
𝑘𝑔𝑂2 𝑄 𝑆0 −𝑆
▪ = 𝑔 − 1.42𝑃𝑥
𝑑 1000 𝑓

▪ Normal air req: 1.1 kg/O2 (93.5 m3 of air) per kg BOD

▪ Recycle rate:
▪ 𝑅=
Activated Sludge Process: Completely Mixed Reactor
Activated Sludge Process

 Complete mix with recycle

◦ Volumetric Loading:
𝑄1 𝐶1
𝑉𝐿 = 𝑉2
; 𝐶1 : input BOD load rate, kgBOD/m3; 𝑉2 :
aeration tank volume, m3; 𝑉𝐿 = volumetric loading,
Activated Sludge Process

 Plug Flow pattern

◦ Complete mixing occurs in the transverse plane
◦ minimal mixing takes place towards the flow direction
◦ long and narrow aeration tanks are employed to provide such mixing
◦ Oxygen demand is higher at the influent end than effluent end
Secondary Clarifier
 Objectives
◦ Produce effluents that fulfills discharge criteria
◦ Concentrating biological solids to minimize sludge quantity that has
to be treated
◦ Settling phenomenon of solids and various settling zones can be
described by column batch analyses
column filled with concentrated suspension
contents will be divided into different zones
Secondary Clarifier : Settling Zone in a Column
Operational control of Secondary Clarifier
 Sludge Volume Index (SVI)
◦ The volume (in mL) that is occupied by 1 g suspension after 30 mins settling
𝑆𝑉 𝑋 1000𝑚𝑔/𝑔 mL
◦ 𝑆𝑉𝐼 = ; SVI in ; SV = settled sludge volume, mL/L
◦ often has an impact on return sludge
 Sludge Density Index (SDI)
◦ Settleability of sludge
◦ The weight of 1 mL sludge after 30 minutes settling
; g/mL
 Return activated sludge and flow rate
◦ The settled sludge that is returned to the aeration tank
◦ Crucial parameter for proper functioning as it maintains a certain proportion of microbial
◦ % 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝐴𝑆 = 100 ; 𝑃 = 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑜𝑟
𝑆𝑉𝐼 −𝑃 −1
◦ 𝑄𝑟 = Q; 𝑋𝑟 = returned activated sludge suspended solids, mg/L; 𝑄𝑟 = RAS flow rate, m3/s
◦ 𝑄𝑟 = ; SV= settled sludge volume (after 30 mins), mL/L
1000 −𝑆𝑉
Operational control of Secondary Clarifier
 Waste activated sludge
◦ The settled sludge which is discharged to sludge thickeners for treatment and disposal
◦ 𝑜𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑀 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓
◦ 𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑠𝑚𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 the system
◦ 𝑄𝑟 = 𝑤𝑎
; 𝑄𝑤𝑎 = waste activated sludge flow, m3/d; 𝑊𝐴𝑆 = SS of
waste activated sludge, mg/L
 Sludge Bulking
◦ Formation of foam, resulting in floating of such materials in the supernatant, followed by
escaping (of sludge materials) which in turn increase BOD and solids concentration of the
effluent due to poor sludge settling
◦ Caused by i) growth of filamentous and foam forming organisms ii) adverse
environmental and operating conditions such as: excessive flow, BOD loading,
inadequate aeration, flow short circuiting, lack of nutrients, and presence of toxic
◦ Operating conditions adjustment is needed to overcome the phenomena
 Mocroscopic examination to detect the presence of filamentous bacteria
 Chlorination of 2-3 mg/L ( of chlorine) per 1000 mg/L of MLVSS is beneficial
 Hydroperoxide oxidant or pH adjustment
Attached Growth Process
What can this process do?

1. Remove Nutrient
2. Remove dissolved organic solids
3. Remove suspended organic solids
4. Remove suspended solids
Attached Growth Process

 Trickling filter (TF)

 Rotating biological contactor (RBC)
Trickling Filter Process
Design consideration
 Influent wastewater characteristics
 Degree of treatment anticipated (BOD & TSS removal).
 Temperature range of applied wastewater
 Pretreatment processes
 Type of filter media
 Recirculation rate
 Hydraulic and organic loadings applied to the filter
 Underdrainage and ventilation systems
Trickling Filter (TF)- side view
◦ TF consists of:
rotating distributor arms  A rotating arm that sprays
wastewater over a filter medium.
 Filter medium: rocks, plastic, or
other material.
Packing ◦ The water is collected at the
media bottom of the filter for further


Design consideration - Pretreatment
 Trickling filters shall be preceded by primary clarifiers
equipped with scum and grease collecting devices, or
other suitable pretreatment facilities.
 If fine screening is provided the screen size shall have
from 0.03 to 0.06 inch openings.
 Bar screens are not suitable as the sole means of
primary treatment.
Design consideration
 Influent wastewater characteristics
 Degree of treatment anticipated (BOD & TSS removal).
 Temperature range of applied wastewater
 Pretreatment processes
 Type of filter media
 Recirculation rate
 Hydraulic and organic loadings applied to the filter
 Underdrainage and ventilation systems
Filter media
 Crushed rock
◦ Durable & insoluble
◦ Locally available
◦ But, reduce the void spaces for passage of air
◦ Less surface area per volume for biological growth
 Plastic media
◦ Random packing media
◦ Modular packing media
Filter media

Cross-flow Tubular Pall rings

Schematic diagrams of modular and random packed media used in

fixed-film treatment systems (Source: Bordacs and Young, 1998)
Design consideration - Filter media
The ideal filter packing is material that
 has a high surface area per unit of volume
 is low in cost
 has a high durability
 has a high enough porosity so that clogging is
 provides good air circulation
Design consideration
 Influent wastewater characteristics
 Degree of treatment anticipated (BOD & TSS removal).
 Temperature range of applied wastewater
 Pretreatment processes
 Type of filter media
 Recirculation rate
 Hydraulic and organic loadings applied to the filter
 Underdrainage and ventilation systems
Flow Diagram for Trickling Filters
Recirculation= A portion of the TF effluent recycled through the filter
Recirculation ratio (R) = returned flow (Qr)/ influent flow (Q)

Influent effluent

Trickling sludge
Trickling Filter Process
Design consideration - Recirculation
 Why is recirculation required?
◦ maintain constant wetting rate
◦ dilute toxic wastes
◦ increase air flow
◦ recirculation flow dilutes the strength of raw wastewater
& allows untreated wastewater to be passes through the
filter more than once.
 A common range for recirculation ratio
◦ 0.5~3.0
Single stage



Two stage



Design consideration
 Influent wastewater characteristics
 Degree of treatment anticipated (BOD & TSS removal).
 Temperature range of applied wastewater
 Pretreatment processes
 Type of filter media
 Recirculation rate
 Hydraulic and organic loadings applied to the filter
 Underdrainage and ventilation systems
Underdrain System
Two purposes:
 (a) to carry the filtered wastewater and the biomass
lump (sloughed solids) from the filter to the final
clarification process
 (b) to provide for ventilation of the filter to maintain
aerobic conditions.
 The underdrain system is generally designed to flow one-third
to one-half full to permit ventilation of the system.
Ventilation systems
 In TF system,

◦ Air is supplied by natural draft or forced draft fan.

◦ The forced draft fans have been applied in order to
provide the adequate oxygen.
Stone media filter
Stone media TF design
 Organic (BOD) loading rate:
◦ Expressed as kg/m3/d
◦ Typically, 0.320-0.640 kg/m3/d for single-stage filters
◦ Typically, 0.640-0.960 kg/m3/d for two-stage filters

 Ex) Influent BOD =200mg/L, influent flow = 1.8 ML/d,

diameter of the filter is 16 m & the depth of the filter is 2m.
Calculate the organic loading rate.
Attached Growth Process
 Hydralic Loading:

 Organic Loading:

Stone media TF design
 Hydraulic loading rate:
◦ m3 wastewater/m2 filter*d
◦ the rate of total influent flow is applied to the surface of the
filter media
◦ Total influent flow = the raw WW + recirculated flow
◦ Typically, 9.4 m3/m2/d
◦ Maximum, 28 m3/m2/d

 Ex) Influent flow = 8.5ML/d, the recirculation ratio is 2:1.

Diameter of the filter is 16 m & the depth of the filter is 2m.
Calculate the hydraulic loading rate.

1. Equalization: equalizes flow and contaminants

2. Primary Treatment: flotation and/or clarification removes suspended
3. Secondary Treatment: removes dissolved and organics through biological action
4. Filtration: sand removes fine particles, carbon removes organics
5. Sludge Processing: removes water from sludge
6. Waste Oil Processing: removes water and solids from oil
➢ Assessment of Regulatory requirements: Effluent Discharge
Limits/Regulation [see Bangladesh Standard ECR1997 or USEPA] for:
• Direct discharge to water body;
• Discharge to land; and,
• Indirect discharge by a sewerage collection system or/and a
privately/publicly owned treatment plant.

➢ Industrial Waste Survey: Wastewater flows (including flow pattern) and

Characteristics: characteristics of industrial wastewater including their
respective sources in a process flow diagram:
• Development of sewer map, establishing sampling and analysis schedule,
• Conventional pollutants like Solids, BOD/COD/TOC, pH, fecal coliform, oil &
• Toxic/hazardous [see Bangladesh Standard ECR1997 or USEPA 40 CFR §
401.15 - Toxic pollutants] pollutants;
• Establishing statistical variation in significant waste characteristics
• Development of flow-and material balance diagram
➢ Evaluation of Effects of industrial wastes on
• Collection; and,
• Treatment Systems.

➢ Evaluation of requirement of:

• Treatment versus,
• Pretreatment.

➢ Source Control, Waste Reduction, Recovery:

• Good housekeeping
• Cooling water recycling, separate uncontaminated flows, storm water, oil
& grease, etc.;
• Process changes like changing cleanup operations from wet to dry
methods; solution recovery; using wastewater from one process as a
source of water for another process; etc.
• Considering the feasibility of reuse or recovering materials, in-plant
control; and,
• Storm water management
Selection of Treatment Process (2/2)

➢ Selection of appropriate Wastewater Treatment Process/Technologies

➢ Evaluation and Selection of the sludge characteristics and disposal method from treatment facilities

➢ Further Evaluation (if required) of treatment process/ methods:

• Bench scale/ pilot plant treatability studies often needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed for design of
industrial waste treatment facilities.
• Studies generally recommended with actual waste stream, if available, or on an equivalent waste stream at another

Technology selection criteria also require the following considerations:

Reliability of the technology;
Regulatory determinants [The regulatory agency then imposes the use of specified, up-to-date technology (Best available
technology or Best available technology not entailing excess costs) upon industrial dischargers, rather than prescribing the
required discharge standards].
Institutional manageability; and,
Financial sustainability (should include Investment, operation and maintenance).
Typical total unit costs for wastewater treatment based on
experience gained in Western Europe and the USA (Somlyody, L. 1993
Looking over the environmental legacy. Wat. Qual. Int., 4, 17-20)
An Example: The wastewater generated from operations contains
numerous constituents including chromium, cyanide, phenol oil,
and various heavy metals. Preliminary engineering studies should
be conducted to establish the appropriate treatment processes to
be applied to wastewater sources at these installations. The
following Figures show the system schematic for treatment or
pretreatment of wastewater
Waste Treatment
Flow Schematic
➢ Natural wetlands
➢ Constructed wetland (CW): engineered systems (shallow treatment cell with
herbaceous vegetation) to treat municipal or industrial wastewater,
greywater or stormwater runoff. These include generally physical
(sedimentation & filtration) and biological (degradation by microbes & uptake
by vegetation)(digestion, oxidation, reduction, adsorption) processes.
• centralized
on-site wastewater
Cost often 50-90% less than conventional treatment process
Require less energy
Improve air quality
Provide green space, habitat for wildlife, recreational and educational opportunities
Generally remove:
Nutrients (N, P, etc.)
Types of CWs:
Subsurface flow constructed wetland - this wetland can be either with vertical flow (the
effluent moves vertically, from the planted layer down through the substrate and out) or
with horizontal flow (the effluent moves horizontally, parallel to the surface)
Surface flow constructed wetland (this wetland has horizontal flow)
Floating treatment wetland
Hybrid systems (combination of different types)
Advanced Treatment (2/11)
Advanced Wastewater Treatment may be broken into three major
categories by the type of process flow scheme utilized:
• Tertiary Treatment
• Physical-Chemical Treatment
• Combined Biological-Physical Treatment

Advanced wastewater treatment is used for:

• Additional organic and suspended solids removal
• Removal of nitrogenous oxygen demand (NOD)
• Nutrient removal
• Removal of Toxic Materials
Advanced Treatment
 Nitrogen removal
◦ Ammonia (NH3) → nitrite (NO2-)→ nitrate (NO3-)
 Phosphorous removal
◦ Precipitation with iron or aluminums salt
 Lead to eutrophication
 May cause algae bloom
Advanced Treatment? (1/11)
Air Stripping: For the removal of ammonia and volatile organic compounds
from water as well as wastewater
Air Stripping
Membrane bioreactor (MBR) combines biological-activated
sludge process and membrane filtration
Sludge treatment
 Primary sludge usually have strong odors
 Secondary sludge have high concentration
of microorganism
 Goals of treatments are:
◦ Reduce odors
◦ Remove water reduce volume
◦ Decompose organic matter
Sludge Dewatering (1/2)
Sludge Dewatering
Example of Food Processing WWT
What can effluent use for?
 discharged into a stream, river, bay, lagoon
or wetland
 used for the irrigation of a golf course,
green way or park
 If it’s sufficiently clean, it can be used for
groundwater recharge
Taihu 2007: breakdown of water supply

Bottled water is scare
Consequences of nutrient disposal in water source: eutrophication
A satellite image shows excess algae
growth and eutrophication of the Baltic Sea
in 2018.
On June 5th, the Jingang River in
Cangshan, Fuzhou, southeast China’s
Fujian Province was jammed by an
upstream block to the inland river. The
subsequent eutrophication caused such
overgrowth of water lettuce that the river
looked as green as a field from a distance.
Nearly 400 meters of the river was covered
by water lettuce.
Tertiary Treatment
 Secondary treatment: 85-95% BOD and solids removal from ww
insignificant removal of nutrients and heavy metals
 Untreated discharge of nutrients: DO depletion, eutrophication,
 Tertiary treatment: removal of nutrients, dissolved solids, metals, toxic
compounds, refractory organics
Tertiary Treatment: Pathways of N removal

 NH4-N is nitrified if the MLSS is aerated in the aeration

tank for a longer time
 Denitrification in the secondary clarifier under an ideal
 Nitrogen produced rises towards the water surface or may
be attached to the sludge flocs, resulting lifting and
flotation of sludge in the water surfaces
 Excess discharge of sludge reduces sludge age and mass
 Anoxic (absence of free oxygen but has bound oxygen;
nitrate as an electron acceptor): MLSS in suspension
stirring but not aeration
Facultative Bacteria: Responsible for N-removal following nitrification
(aerobic condition) and denitrification (anoxic condition)
Tertiary Treatment: N removal
Tertiary Treatment: Phosphorus removal
Chemical Precipitation
 Phosphorus precipitation via metal salt (alum, sodium aluminate
Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms responsible for P-removal
following anaerobic (release P to the bulk fluid taking organics) and
aerobic condition ( luxurious uptake of P with the presence of oxygen)
Tertiary Treatment: Metals removal
 Precipitation as hydroxide with the addition of lime, or caustic to a pH of min
 Pretreatment to remove substances which inhibit the precipitation
 Cyanide and ammonia
Natural Treatment: Ponds and Wetlands
 Depends on naturally occurring energies such as wind, solar
radiation and biomass storage
Natural Treatment: Waste Stabilizion Ponds
 Shallow earthen basin where water is naturally treated
 Part of the system can be aerobic (majority of Oxygen by
photosynthesis; artificial aeration)
 Can be alone or can be combined with other processes for industrial and
domestic w/w treatment
 Anaerobic: strong w/w (industrial or agricultural); reducing organic
 Facultative Pond: aerobic and anaerobic zones co-exist
 Maturation ponds: plug flow; to remove pathogen;
 Aerobic ponds: shallower depth to provide oxygen upto the bottom
 Assimilation, aerobic, anoxic zone is favorable for N removal (46-95%)
 Alum addition is needed for P removal
Natural Treatment: Constructed Wetland
 Engineered wetland that have saturated/ unsaturated substrates,
emergent/floating/submergent vegetables and a large variety of microbial
 Surface flows: similar to natural wetlands, shallow flow of ww over saturated
soil surface (sedimentation, filtration,oxidation,reduction,precipitation and
 Subsurface flow: ww flows beneath the media surface where it comes into
contact with an inter-connected mesh of plants, media and attached biofilms
 VSSF: packed media with plants and ww flows vertically through the media
 The main media is overlaid on large stones to facilitate effluent drainage
 The plants are usually planted in coarse sand which provide top surface
 Ww is dosed intermittently into the bed surface of VSSF wetlands to provide wet
and dry periods
 During interval the bed remains unsaturated and oxygen diffuse inside the media
 When ww is dosed it traps this pore air ensuring better oxygen transfer throughout
the bed
 Higher oxygen distribution, effective NH4-N and BOD5 removal
Natural Treatment: Constructed Wetland
 HSSF: Media is kept saturated, ww flows horizontally from
inlet towards outlet, beneath the media surface
◦ Ww comes in contact with a network of media, attached
microorganisms and root zones
◦ Anoxic-anaerobic env are predominant throughout the
media fostering denitrification
Natural Treatment: Constructed Wetland
Natural Treatment: Constructed Wetland
Natural Treatment: Constructed Wetland
Natural Treatment: Constructed Wetland
Pagla W/W treatment Plant
Pagla W/W treatment Plant
Natural lagoon
Natural lagoon
What are main objective of wastewater/ effluent treatment plants?
• Clean industry effluent and recycle (if possible) for further use.
• Reduce the usage of fresh/potable water in industries for cutting
expenditure on water procurement.
• Meet the emission guidelines (standards set by the Government and
avoid hefty penalties).
• Minimize overall environmental degradation and contribute in sustainable
Many tools are used by the environmental professionals to address and
manage the pollution created by industries. This section presents a brief
overview of some of these tools.
Balance in Design: Economical
vs. Environmental
Green engineering attempts to achieve
four goals:
1. Waste reduction;
2. Materials management;
3. Pollution prevention; and,
4. Product enhancement.
Short Notes About Wastewater For
Textile Industry
● wastewater generated from textile industries characterized as

-High level of PH.

-Increase in total suspended solid (TSS).

-Increase in biological oxygen demand (BOD5).

-Increase in chemical oxygen demand (COD).

Sampling analysis
● Assume that the wastewater sample analysis for Textile industry
was as the following:

Analysis Result
COD 1800 mg/l

BOD 900 mg/l

TSS 1250 mg/l

TDS 1300 mg/l

pH 10
Wastewater Discharge
● Assume that Textile industry will discharge the wastewater after
treatment to Sewer System, so the target now is achieve Egyptian Law
93/62 (as modified by Decree 44/2000).

Parameters Max. value according to law

(mg/l unless otherwise noted) 44/2000

COD 1100 mg/L

BOD 600 mg/L
TSS 800 mg/L
pH 6.5-9
Unit Processes For Textile
● All treatment technologies described earlier in chapter (2) can be
used to develop a model for sequential treatment of industrial
wastewater which can be described as follows and shown in the following

● According to wastewater analysis for textile industry propose the

following unit processes.

-Screening (as a preliminary treatment).

- Coagulation and Flocculation Process (as a primary
- Sedimentation (as a primary treatment).
- Activated Sludge Process (as a secondary treatment).
- Sedimentation (as a secondary treatment).
- Sludge drying beds (Sludge treatment).
Possible Choice For
Wastewater Treatment
And Their Sequence.
Flow Chart For
Textile Industry
Prof. Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman,
Department of Civil Engineering,

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