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Journal of

Ecology 2000,
Recruitment dynamics of a ¯eshy-fruited plant (Olea
88, 622±633 europaea): connecting patterns of seed dispersal to
seedling establishment
Departamento de BiologõÂa Animal, Vegetal y EcologõÂa, AÂrea de EcologõÂa, Universidad de JaeÂn, E-23071 JaeÂn,

1 Little is known about the consequences of seed-disperser activity for plant demo-
graphy. We compared the spatial patterns of seed dispersal generated by frugivor-
ous birds with those of seedling survival for the shrub Olea europaea. We examined
the relative importance of dispersal in determining plant recruitment and tested
whether the initial dispersal pattern persisted throughout recruitment.
2 We quanti®ed the processes a€ecting each stage of regeneration (seed within a
ripe fruit, dispersed seed, seedling and sapling) in di€erent microhabitats, and eval-
uated transition probabilities between stages. We could then determine the overall
probability of a seed in a ripe fruit becoming a sapling, and compare the probabil-
ity of such an event occurring in di€erent microhabitats.
3 Only 9.3% of the emerged seedlings reached the sapling stage, whereas 35.3% of
the seeds were dispersed; 27.0% of dispersed seeds produced seedlings and 62.9%
of saplings survived for 2 years. Seedling survival was therefore the critical link in
regeneration. Water stress was responsible for more than 70% of seedling losses,
which suggests that abiotic factors (mainly rainfall) may account for most of the
¯uctuation in recruitment in this species.
4 Neither post-dispersal seed predation nor germination caused changes in the
initial spatial distribution of seeds, but di€erences in the requirements of seeds and
seedlings then caused spatial uncoupling. The most favourable places for seeds
were the worst for seedlings, and consequently frugivore-generated dispersal pat-
terns di€ered from the ®nal spatial pattern of recruitment.
5 Recruitment under conspeci®cs was nearly zero and dispersers are therefore cru-
cial if recruitment is to occur. Their e€ect on the amount of recruitment was, how-
ever, overwhelmed by processes acting on the seedling stage.
6 For Olea europaea, the pattern generated by short-term recruitment dynamics
persists in the long-term spatial distribution of saplings.

Key-words: avian-seed dispersal, biotic and abiotic factors, microhabitats, plant

recruitment, seed±seedling con¯icts
Journal of Ecology (2000) 88, 622±633

Introduction 1995). Over the last two decades, most studies of

seed dispersal have focused on just one of the sev-
Seed dispersal is a key process in plant population
eral stages leading to recruitment (but see Herrera
dynamics (Harper 1977). Although it is implicitly
et al. 1994; Houle 1998; Clark et al. 1999).
assumed that animal dispersers can in¯uence plant
Conclusions about the evolutionary and ecological
population dynamics, their role has seldom been
importance of dispersers may therefore be limited
evaluated (Estrada & Fleming 1986; Jordano 1992;
by an absence of information about the remaining
Willson 1992; Fleming & Estrada 1993; Herrera
stages (Schupp 1995; Schupp & Fuentes 1995). If
however, we view dispersal as one event within a
# 2000 British Correspondence: Pedro J. Rey (tel. ‡34 953212145; fax sequence, it is possible to determine the relative
Ecological Society ‡34 953212141; e-mail importance of dispersers in driving recruitment
623 dynamics by contrasting their e€ect with subsequent tats allows us to explore the extent and in¯uence of
P. J. Rey & interactions. spatial discordance, and, by analysing each process,
J. M. AlcaÂntara The result of recruitment in heterogeneous habi- to determine which one in¯uences the ®nal spatial
tats can be expressed in terms of the number and pattern and dynamics of recruitment.
spatial distribution of new individuals incorporated Our design allows us to address some of the most
into the population, both of which can be in¯uenced relevant and current questions concerning the link
by seed dispersers. Dispersers can limit recruitment between seed dispersal and recruitment (see, e.g.
if the probability of a seed being dispersed is lower Jordano & Herrera 1995; Schupp & Fuentes 1995;
than the probability of a dispersed seed becoming Schupp 1995; Houle 1998; Clark et al. 1999); speci®-
an established plant. However, ¯eshy-fruited trees cally: (i) which are the critical life stages and pro-
usually produce large crops that are dispersed by a cesses in recruitment, (ii) how do processes
coterie of animal species (Jordano 1992; Herrera operating at di€erent stages interact to a€ect ®nal
1995), and we therefore hypothesize that dispersal is recruitment patterns, (iii) are the best sites for seeds
unlikely to be the limiting process in the recruitment also the best for seedlings, i.e. is seed±seedling con-
dynamics of such species. ¯ict in operation, and (iv) does the activity of seed
Nevertheless, dispersers may disseminate di€erent dispersers determine the spatial distribution of
numbers of seeds in a variety of microhabitats, and recruitment, or is it counteracted by the existence of
thus either shape the spatial distribution of the seed- strong spatial discordance?
lings or limit recruitment by depositing large num-
bers of seeds in places that are unsuitable for
recruitment. Processes acting at di€erent recruitment Methods
stages are likely to be independent and evidence of
such `uncoupling' (Jordano & Herrera 1995) would
indicate the complexity of selective forces in play Olea grows along the northern Mediterranean basin
during the life cycle of the plant, including seed± and bears hermaphrodite ¯owers (4±6 mm in dia-
seedling con¯icts (Schupp 1995). Di€erent outcomes meter), from late April to mid June, in axillary
for each stage in di€erent microhabitats (spatial dis- racemes on the previous year's wood. Pollination is
cordance, Jordano & Herrera 1995) are partly a anemophilous with partial self-compatibility
consequence of uncoupling because the recruitment- (FernaÂndez 1979). Functional dioecy, through some
driving processes, which may have a strong e€ect on individuals expressing only male function, has been
spatial pattern, can vary between microhabitats suggested (Jordano 1987). The fruits are drupes that
(Shibata & Nakashizuka 1995; Houle 1998). We ripen in autumn and winter, and contain a single
hypothesize that the spatial pattern of recruitment seed dispersal unit (embryo plus endosperm)
will initially be established by seed dispersers but wrapped in a hard endocarp (the whole unit, here-
may then be altered by uncoupling and spatial dis- after referred to as the seed). Fruit production fol-
cordance (Schupp 1995; Schupp & Fuentes 1995). lows a supra-annual cycle of 2 or 3 years, depending
We use a demographic approach to explore our on climatic conditions. Insect pests, especially Dacus
hypotheses linking seed dispersal to recruitment in oleae (Diptera), a pulp predator, and Prays oleae
Olea europaea var. sylvestris. Brot. (wild olive, here- (Lepidoptera), a seed predator, can prevent seed dis-
after Olea), a Mediterranean bird-dispersed tree. We persal. A number of small bird species also act as
use a simple model of the plant life cycle, composed pre-dispersal predators by consuming only the pulp
of life stages connected by transition probabilities of the fruits (mainly Fringilla coelebs and Parus
(Harper 1977; Jordano & Herrera 1995) that are major) or the seed (Carduelis chloris and
determined by a number of processes. A process is Coccothraustes coccothraustes). Small-to medium-
any event that a€ects the probability of a propagule sized frugivorous birds, mainly species of the genera
moving from one stage to the next: pre-dispersal Turdus and Sylvia, are the dispersal vectors. Seeds
seed loss (whereby the seed fails to reach the dis- are dormant for around 20 months during which
persed seed stage) is a process and may be caused time they may be consumed by rodents (almost
by biotic factors, like granivorous insect larvae, or exclusively Apodemus sylvaticus) and more rarely by
by abiotic factors, such as frost. Our approach is ants (Messor capitatus, M. barbarus and
exploratory rather than predictive. We analyse the Aphaenogaster senilis). Epigeal germination occurs
in¯uence of biotic and abiotic factors on each during the second winter after dispersal. The
recruitment stage (pre-dispersed seed, dispersed emerged seedling can be a€ected by water stress,
seed, seedling and sapling), and then estimate the physical damage (e.g. by trampling and fallen
transition probabilities (hereafter TP) between branches), generalist vertebrate and invertebrate her-
stages and the overall probability of a seed in a ripe bivores, sap-feeding insects (mainly Euphyllura oli-
# 2000 British
fruit becoming an established juvenile plant (i.e. vina, Homoptera), and fungal attack.
Ecological Society
Journal of Ecology, overall probability of recruitment, hereafter OPR). Approximately 1 year after germination, the seed-
88, 622±633 Comparison of TPs and OPRs between microhabi- ling acquires adult vegetative traits (woody stems
624 and wax-covered leaves) and becomes a sapling. nal drought (June to October, with rainfall dropping
Avian-seed Reproductive age is achieved after 7 or 8 years to about 10 mm per month in July and August), the
dispersal and under garden conditions, but much later in the ®eld mean monthly temperature ranges from 23.0  C in
seedling (P. Rey, personal observation). The adult plants can June to 27.4  C in July (SinambA DifusioÂn 1996).
recruitment live for hundreds of years. The area su€ered a severe supra-annual drought
The study was conducted in dense scrubland at from 1991 to late 1995, followed by one rainy year
Sierra Sur de JaeÂn (37 400 N, 3 450 W; JaeÂn pro- (745 mm) and two average years.
vince, southern Spain). Between the lowlands and Olea trees fruited copiously during the 1992±93
the mountains of the region, the landscape is typi- and 1993±94 fruiting seasons, having respectively
cally made up of a mosaic of large patches of the 9999 ‹ 5988 (range 599±20638) and 3237 ‹ 5179
scrubland (of a few hectares in area) scattered (range 0±28183) fruits per tree. In 1994±95 and
among olive orchards, pine forests and old ®elds. 1995±96 the trees hardly produced any seeds, but
The total scrub cover in the study site is 66.8% and, again set large crops in 1996±97.
of this cover, Pistacia terebinthus accounts for
30.2%, Olea europaea 13.9%, Quercus coccifera
11%, Phillyrea latifolia 5.8% and Rhamnus lycioides
5.2%. Other species, such as Pistacia lentiscus, Fig. 1 summarizes the stages, processes and factors
Crataegus monogyna and Rosa canina, each account analysed in this study: pre-dispersed seeds are those
for less than 1%. contained in a full-sized fruit; dispersed seeds are
The climate is of the Mediterranean type (ElõÂ as & the seeds deposited on the ground after consump-
Ruiz 1977), with a mean temperature of 16  C and a tion by dispersers; seedlings are classed as newly
mean annual rainfall of 539 mm. During the seaso- emerged plants still bearing the cotyledons (we con-

# 2000 British
Ecological Society Fig. 1 Diagram of recruitment to show stages (rectangles), processes (ovals) and factors in¯uencing processes (left hand
Journal of Ecology, side). Values for process-speci®c transition probabilities (TPs) and cumulative probabilities up until that stage (shown in ita-
88, 622±633 lics) are given. Stage-speci®c TPs can be obtained as the product of the process-speci®c TPs involved in each stage.
625 sider a seedling to have emerged when its cotyledons the product of all TPs will determine the OPR.
P. J. Rey & have expanded completely); saplings are classed as Table 1 summarizes the analyses undertaken.
J. M. AlcaÂntara plants that have acquired vegetative adult charac-
ters, generally about 1 year after germination.
The analyses also give information about the spa-
Pre-dispersed seed
tial dynamics of recruitment. We consider microsites
occupied by di€erent shrub species to represent dif- Dispersal probability and the proportion of damage
ferent microhabitats, and the transition from pre- by biotic and abiotic factors were estimated as
dispersed to dispersed seed (representing the prob- described in detail in AlcaÂntara et al. (1997a, b).
ability of arrival) in each leads to the ®rst spatial Brie¯y, during the 1993±94 fruiting season, we
array in the recruitment diagram (Fig. 2). Similarly, marked four branches on all the fruiting trees at the
the transitions from dispersed seed to seedling and study site (n ˆ 39). We monitored the fruits on each
from seedling to sapling give rise to new spatial branch fortnightly and counted the number a€ected
arrays characterized by the di€ering probability of by each of the factors shown in Fig. 1. From these
emergence (here de®ned as the ratio of density of data, we estimated the number of seeds dispersed as
emerged seedlings : density of seeds deposited by the number of healthy ripe fruits that had disap-
birds) and survival, respectively. peared from each branch between censuses. This
Assuming that the processes are independent, the number was corrected for fruits abscissed or
product of the process-speci®c TPs occurring within dropped by birds, based on fruit counts made in
each stage will determine the stage-speci®c TP, and quadrats placed beneath the branches.

Fig. 2 Diagram of the spatial dynamics of recruitment. Each column depicts recruitment dynamics in a microhabitat de®ned
# 2000 British by the shrub species present. Values shown are process-speci®c transition probabilities (TPs), with overall probabilities of
Ecological Society recruitment given at the base of each column (shown in italics). The width of the box line re¯ects the relative suitability of
Journal of Ecology, each microhabitat for overall recruitment within each stage. A, seed arrival; E, seedling emergence; Ss, seedling survival;
88, 622±633 Sps, sapling survival.


88, 622±633

dispersal and

# 2000 British
Ecological Society
Journal of Ecology,
Table 1 Summary of the probabilities and sampling procedures used in this study

Probability Acronym Cohort studied Sample unit Weighting variable1 Assessed

Escape from pre-dispersal losses2 PreD 1994/95 Tree Tree/tree crop size Number of healthy fruits
Seed dispersal2 D 1994/95 Tree Tree/tree crop size Number of healthy fruit removed by birds
Seed arrival3 A 1994/95 0.5  0.5 m seedfall quadrats ± Seed density
Escape from post-dispersal predators2 PostD 1996/97 Protected seedfall traps and trays Relative cover of microhabitats Number of dispersed seed predated
Germination2 G 1994/95 open to predators Relative cover of microhabitats Number of seeds germinated
Experimental sowing sites
Seedling emergence3 E 1994/95 2  2 m sampling plots ± Number of seedlings
Seedling survival2,3 Ss 1994/95 2  2 m sampling plots Relative cover of microhabitats Number of plants (seedlings) surviving the ®rst year
Survival of 1-year-old saplings2,3 Sps1 1994/95 2  2 m sampling plots Relative cover of microhabitats Number of plants (saplings) surviving the second year
Survival of 2-year-old saplings2,3 Sps2 1994/95 2  2 m sampling plots Relative cover of microhabitats Number of plants (saplings) surviving the third year
Survival of old-saplings in ®rst year OSps1 Before 1994 4  4 m sampling plots Relative cover of microhabitats Number of old-saplings surviving after 1 year
of study2,3
Survival of old-saplings in third year OSps3 Before 1994 4  4 m sampling plots Relative cover of microhabitats Number of old-saplings surviving after 3 years
of study2,3
Survival of old-saplings in fourth year OSps4 Before 1994 4  4 m sampling plots Relative cover of microhabitats Number of old-saplings surviving after 4 years
of study2,3

The weighting variable is the sampling stratum with which each probability was sampled. The relative abundance of each stratum was used to calculate population TPs and OPR. Weighting variables
were not necessary to calculate TPs in the analyses by microhabitat (i.e. the spatial dynamics of recruitment).
Probabilities used in the exploration of the overall probability of recruitment.
Probabilities used in the exploration of the spatial dynamics of recruitment.
627 This stage can also be in¯uenced by certain char- Seedlings and saplings
P. J. Rey & acteristics of the habitat and individual trees. For
In December 1994, we chose ®fty-three 2  2-m per-
J. M. AlcaÂntara each fruiting tree we measured: crop size, mean
manent seedling sampling plots; 28 of these plots
fresh weight of fruit, seed and pulp, mean pulp : seed
were located on four randomly positioned transects
ratio, percentage of scrub cover in an area 6 m
(seven plots per transect, 5 m between plots). To
around the trunk, and distance to the nearest con-
compensate for the low frequency of some microha-
speci®c reproductive adult.
bitat types in these transects, we randomly chose 10
additional plots under Olea, 10 under Phillyrea and
5 under Quercus. Thus, our sampling design was clo-
ser to a strati®ed random than a strict random
Dispersed seed design.
From January 1996, we monitored the number of
The spatial distribution of seeds after dispersal is
seedlings within the plots at monthly intervals.
analysed as detailed in AlcaÂntara et al. (2000a).
Seedlings emerging in that year were labelled and
Brie¯y, in April 1994 (after the fruit removal period)
checked monthly for survival until December 1998.
we sampled seed density around each tree along
The development of mature characteristics (at which
four transects placed at right angles to each other.
point they were classi®ed as saplings) and the cause
Within each transect, we counted seed density in 0.5
of mortality if they died were recorded.
 0.5 m quadrats located 0, 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 m away
To determine the survival probability of older
from the trunk. In each quadrat we noted the micro-
saplings, we also marked all non-reproductive indi-
habitat (O. europaea, P. terebinthus, P. lentiscus, Q.
viduals already present in 1994 (hereafter called
coccifera, R. lycioides, P. latifolia, C. monogyna, R.
`old-saplings') within and around the seedling sam-
canina or open interspaces).
pling plots. A 4  4 m plot was centred on each seed-
Full details of the monitoring of post-dispersal
ling plot to obtain a larger sampling unit for plants
seed predation are given in AlcaÂntara et al. (2000b).
in this less abundant stage. We monitored the survi-
Brie¯y, in October 1996 we placed 10 sampling sta-
val of old-saplings in December 1995, 1997 and
tions randomly in each of the ®ve most abundant
microhabitats throughout the study site (O. euro-
paea, P. latifolia, P. terebinthus, Q. coccifera and
open interspaces). Each sampling station consisted
of a seed-fall trap (a 26  33  5-cm aluminium pan
protected by a wire mesh to prevent seed removal Transition probabilities (TPs) were calculated as the
by rodents) and an adjacent plastic-net tray (15  15 ratio of number of individuals completing a stage :
 3 cm) that was open to predators. We collected number of individuals entering that stage. This ratio
the seeds from each trap fortnightly until October is used directly when computing TPs within micro-
1997 and moved them into the tray to expose them habitats (i.e. in the exploration of spatial dynamics).
to predators. Litter that accumulated in the trays To extrapolate microhabitat information to the
was not removed so that seeds became naturally hid- population OPR, it is necessary to weight TP values
den during the study period. This method yields the by the relative abundance of the sampling stratum
number of fallen seeds at each sampling point (i.e. (trees or microhabitats, see Table 1). Interpretation
collected by the seedfall traps) as well as the number of some TPs requires consideration of the limita-
of seeds predated (i.e. those that had disappeared tions in our sampling procedures. Our estimate of
from the trays), and thus estimated the probability escape from post-dispersal predation (PostD) has
of escape from post-dispersal predation. two shortcomings. First, this estimate was calculated
In December 1994, 2400 seeds collected during for the 1996±97 season, and consequently does not
the analysis of the spatial distribution of seeds were relate to the cohort monitored for all the other pro-
distributed within 66 sowing sites, half under scrub cesses. The values could lead to under- or over-esti-
and half in open sites. Each sowing site was pro- mates of the level for the 1994 cohort (see Results)
tected with a cage made of 30  30  10-cm wire because inter-annual variation in seed predation by
mesh to prevent rodent predation. Before sowing, rodents is common (Schupp 1988, 1990; Ostfeld et al.
we removed all the seeds that were naturally present 1997). Secondly, the period for which seeds were
in these sites. In subsequent fruiting seasons, we pre- exposed to predation (11 months) was shorter than
vented seed arrival by attaching a translucent piece that necessary for germination (around 20 months)
of cloth to the cage ceiling. The sowing sites were and this could lead to an over-estimated PostD.
monitored for germination fortnightly throughout Seeds are, however, naturally buried by litter under
the period of natural seedling emergence (December ®eld conditions and detection by rodents is reduced
# 2000 British
to May). We considered that germination had (Hulme 1994). For a given microhabitat, A (the
Ecological Society
Journal of Ecology, occurred whenever the endocarp was split and the probability of seed arrival) was de®ned as the ratio
88, 622±633 radicle had emerged. of mean seed density in this microhabitat : the sum
628 of mean densities of seeds in all the microhabitats, 5.6±100%). Abiotic damage to seeds was higher
Avian-seed and therefore provides a measure of the relative like- than biotic damage, but the e€ect was not signi®cant
dispersal and lihood of seeds being deposited in each microhabi- (27.7 ‹ 4.4%, range 1.6±98.7%, and 17.6 ‹ 2.2%,
seedling tat. In the absence of germination data from each range 0±61%, respectively; paired t-test: t ˆ 1.71,
recruitment microhabitat, our values for E (the probability of d.f. ˆ 38, P ˆ 0.09). Escape from pre-dispersal losses
seedling emergence in a speci®c microhabitat) were was highly correlated with the overall abiotic
obtained assuming that the seedlings that emerged damage, but not with biotic damage, or with any
in 1996 and 1997 came from those seeds dispersed characteristics of the tree and the habitat around it
during the 1993±94 fruiting season that escaped (Table 2). Although seed dispersal was relatively low
post-dispersal predation (note that the trees did not as a percentage of the initial crop size (32.9 ‹ 4.6%;
produce seeds in 1994±95 and 1995±96). Thus, we range 0±87.5%), 60.59 ‹ 6.58% (range 0±100%) of
calculated E as the ratio of the mean number of the fruits that escaped abiotic and biotic damage
seedlings emerged : the mean number of seeds arriv- were dispersed. Seed dispersal was negatively corre-
ing in each microhabitat. lated with abiotic damage and positively correlated
with both fruit and pulp fresh weight (Table 2).

Dispersed seeds
Parametric statistical analyses (correlations and
ANOVAs) were used. When necessary to meet Overall, 63.4 ‹ 15.8% (range 0±100%) of the dis-
assumptions of the tests, data were angular trans- persed seeds escaped subsequent predation. This
formed in the case of percentages, or Freeman- percentage was not correlated with seed density (rs
Tukey transformed in the case of density values ˆ ÿ 0.24, P > 0.05, n ˆ 28). The probability of seed-
(Zar 1984). Non-parametric tests (Spearman rank- ling emergence (E) in the 1994 cohort (weighted
correlation, Kruskal±Wallis analysis of variance and mean density of emerged seedlings : weighted mean
Kendall concordance test) were used when the seed density in the seed rain) was 0.3333, giving a
assumptions for parametric tests were not met even value of PostD for this cohort (E1994/G1994) of
after transformation. Repeated measures ANOVAs 0.8655. This is higher than the value obtained
were used to compare the mean percentages of sap- directly (0.7008) which may be an underestimate,
ling and old-sapling surviving between microhabitats although it does not change the general pattern of
and years. In these cases, the variable `year' was the results. This value is used in Fig. 1. Average ger-
considered as the within-subject e€ect, and the vari- mination was relatively low (28.7 ‹ 2.7%), and dif-
able `microhabitat' as the between-subject e€ect. fered signi®cantly between open interspaces and
Data are reported as means ‹ 1 SE. areas under scrub (means 16.6 ‹ 2.4% and 40.2 ‹
3.8%, respectively; F1,64 ˆ 28.25, P < 0.01).
PROBABILITY OF RECRUITMENT In 1996, 1564 seedlings emerged in the sampling
plots, resulting in a mean density of 7.4 ‹ 1.4 seed-
Pre-dispersal stage
lings mÿ2 (range 0±44). Overall, 10.8 ‹ 2.1% of the
On a per tree basis, pre-dispersal seed damage was seedlings survived to reach the sapling stage (range
high and variable (45.4 ‹ 4.7% of the crop; range 0±50%). We identi®ed the cause of mortality of

Table 2 Product-moment correlations between the TPs of processes occurring during the pre-dispersal stage (escape from
pre-dispersal losses and dispersal) and factor types, tree characteristics, and habitat features around the trees (n ˆ 38 trees).
** P < 0.01, * P < 0.05, NS ˆ not signi®cant

Variable Escape from pre-dispersal losses Dispersal

Proportion of loss by biotic factors ÿ 0.27 NS ÿ 0.10 NS

Proportion of loss by abiotic factors ÿ 0.90 ** ÿ 0.57 **
Crop size 0.18 NS 0.14 NS
Fruit fresh weight 0.13 NS 0.35 *
Seed fresh weight 0.12 NS 0.26 NS
Pulp fresh weight 0.14 NS 0.38 *
# 2000 British Pulp : seed weight ratio 0.04 NS 0.27 NS
Ecological Society Percentage scrub cover around the tree 0.03 NS 0.21 NS
Journal of Ecology, Distance to the nearest conspeci®c reproductive tree ÿ 0.13 NS ÿ 0.19 NS
88, 622±633
629 90.7% of the seedlings; these were water stress This high probability tended to continue to increase
P. J. Rey & (70%), herbivory (10%), fungal attack (5.8%), other slowly as the saplings became older, as shown by
J. M. AlcaÂntara causes (trampling, physical damage, non-fungal values of 0.84, 0.95 and 0.96 for older saplings in
infections) less than 1% each. Seedling survival did the ®rst, third and fourth year of the study, respec-
not depend on seedling density (r ˆ 0.13, P > 0.05, tively.
n ˆ 43 plots) or on the summed proportion of loss
by biotic factors (r ˆ ÿ 0.13, P > 0.05, n ˆ 43), but
was negatively related to the summed proportion of
loss by abiotic factors (r ˆ ÿ 0.41, P < 0.01, n ˆ 43). Recruitment in each microhabitat is summarized in
Neither abiotic nor biotic factors were correlated Fig. 2. The density of seed arrival di€ered signi®-
with seedling density (r ˆ ÿ 0.13 and 0.11, respec- cantly between microhabitats (Kruskal±Wallis: H(4,
tively, P > 0.05, n ˆ 43 in both cases). n ˆ 512) ˆ 195.1, P < 0.001; see mean densities in
Table 3). The probability of seed arrival (A) was
maximum under Olea, whereas it was very low in
open interspaces. Intermediate values were recorded
Sapling survival was 77.8 ‹ 6.56% (range 0±100%) in Quercus, Phillyrea and Pistacia microhabitats. In
in the ®rst year and 77.8 ‹ 7.27% (range 0±100%) contrast, the probability of escape from post-disper-
in the second. The initial sapling density was not sal seed predation (PostD) did not di€er signi®cantly
correlated with survival (®rst year: r ˆ 0.25, P > between microhabitats (F3,24 ˆ 1.00, P > 0.05; sites
0.05; second year: r ˆ 0.005, P > 0.05; n ˆ 20 in both receiving no seeds were excluded from the analysis).
cases). The starting density of older saplings was Mean density of emerged seedlings di€ered signi®-
0.17 ‹ 0.05 saplings mÿ2 (range 0±1.87). For the cantly between microhabitats (F4,46 ˆ 6.64, P <
129 individuals present, survival was 77.2 ‹ 7.19% 0.001; see Table 3 for mean values). The probability
(range 0±100%) after the ®rst year, 86.5 ‹ 5.1% of seedling emergence (E) was more than 0.5 under
(range 0±100%) after the third, and 92.3 ‹ 5.12% Phillyrea, Olea and Quercus (Fig. 2), whereas seeds
(range 0±100%) after the fourth. in open interspaces and under Pistacia had little
probability of producing seedlings. Ss, the probabil-
ity of seedling survival, was generally low (Fig. 2),
Overall probability of recruitment
but signi®cantly di€erent between microhabitats
Process-speci®c and cumulative probabilities of (F4,36 ˆ 2.64, P < 0.05). No seedlings survived in
recruitment are summarized in Fig. 1. A large open interspaces, and Ss was extremely low under
decrease in the number of potential recruits occurred conspeci®cs (TP ˆ 0.04). The highest Ss occurred
prior to the seedling stage (cumulative TP indicates under Pistacia and Phillyrea (more than four times
that more than 90% of the potential recruits in the higher than under Olea). Mortality of seedlings
cohort did not survive to reach this stage). caused by abiotic or biotic factors did not di€er sig-
However, the most critical individual stage was the ni®cantly between microhabitats (F4,36 ˆ 1.44 and
seedling stage, and seedling survival in the ®rst year 1.81, respectively, P > 0.05 in both cases), although
of life was the most critical process during recruit- the incidence of water stress did (F4,36 ˆ 3.42, P <
ment, as seen from it having the lowest TP value 0.05).
(0.09). Cumulative TP declined sharply (by an order The probability of sapling survival (Sps) was
of magnitude) during this stage but, after reaching much higher and more homogeneous between
the sapling stage, the survival probability increased microhabitats, but was lowest under Olea (Fig. 2). A
by almost one order of magnitude (TP ˆ 0.74 and repeated measures ANOVA (Table 4a) indicated no
0.85 for ®rst and second year saplings, respectively). signi®cant e€ects of year, microhabitat or their

Table 3 E€ect of microhabitat on seed density, seed predation, density of emerged seedlings, and starting density of old-sap-
lings (mean across microhabitats ‹1 SE). Microhabitats with the same superscript are not signi®cantly di€erent in post hoc
comparisons (Least Signi®cant Di€erence post hoc test)

Olea Phillyrea Quercus Pistacia Open interspaces

Seed density (mÿ2) 37.2 ‹ 2.8a 14.4 ‹ 3.4a 15.6 ‹ 3.4a 9.3 ‹ 2.0b 3.4 ‹ 0.8c
Seed predation (%) 38.5 ‹ 12.9a 14.3 ‹ 8.0a 52.3 ‹ 15.4a 25.0 ‹ 20.9a ±
Emerged seedlings1 (mÿ2) 20.7 ‹ 5.8a 9.4 ‹ 2.6a 8.4 ‹ 2.6a 0.9 ‹ 0.6b 0.2 ‹ 0.1b
# 2000 British Old-saplings (mÿ2) 0.06 ‹ 0.03a 0.30 ‹ 0.11b 0.61 ‹ 0.33b 0.05 ‹ 0.02a 0.01 ‹ 0.01a
Ecological Society
Journal of Ecology, 1 This ®gure is the summed density of seedlings that emerged during 1996 and 1997, which were assumed to come from
88, 622±633 seeds dispersed in 1994 (see Methods).
630 Table 4 Results of repeated measures ANOVAs on the per- tive role of biotic and abiotic factors during
centage survival of (a) the 1996 sapling cohort and (b) the
Avian-seed recruitment, (ii) the probability of a seed in a ripe
old-saplings. Microhabitat was used as the between-groups
dispersal and factor and year as the within-group factors. Open inter- fruit becoming an established plant, (iii) the pro-
seedling spaces were not included in the analyses as no seedlings cesses and stages involved in the recruitment
recruitment reach the sapling stage P > 0.05 in all cases dynamics that acted as the most critical limitations
upon recruitment, and (iv) the spatial dynamics of
F d.f. recruitment.
(a) 1996 saplings
Microhabitat 1.07 3, 17
(b) Old-saplings
Microhabitat 2.67 3, 15 Abiotic rather than biotic agents are the most
Year 0.58 2, 30 important factors determining recruitment dynamics
Interaction 1.45 6, 30
in wild olive. The only other study that has analysed
the e€ect of both biotic and abiotic factors simulta-
neously on the probability of escape from pre-dis-
persal damage or mortality in Mediterranean ¯eshy-
interaction on Sps. Initial density of old-saplings dif- fruited plants reported low and similar incidence for
fered signi®cantly between microhabitats (F1,41 ˆ each group of factors (KruÈsi & Debussche 1988).
4.92; P < 0.01; see mean densities in Table 3), and Studies on bird-dispersed plants have focused on the
their survival probability (Osps) followed the same incidence of biotic factors, especially insects
trend as for saplings (Tables 4b & 5). The lack of a (Manzur & Courtney 1984; Jordano 1987, 1989;
signi®cant microhabitat  year interaction indicates Kirschik et al. 1989; Sallabanks & Courtney 1992;
that the inter-annual trend in survival was similar Valburg 1992a,b; Traveset 1993). We found the inci-
between microhabitats. dence of insect damage to be in the same range as
The overall probability of recruitment (OPR, Fig. for other populations of Olea in southern Spain (6
2) indicates that seeds under Quercus had the highest and 27% in consecutive years, Jordano 1987; 21%,
probability of reaching the sapling stage, followed AlcaÂntara et al. 1997b) as well as for other ¯eshy-
by those under Phillyrea, whereas there was no fruited plants in the Mediterranean, such as
recruitment in open interspaces and little under Olea Juniperus communis (3 ÿ 33% in di€erent popula-
or Pistacia. There was a clear lack of concordance tions; GarcõÂ a 1998) or Cornus sanguinea (15%,
across microhabitats in the stage-speci®c transition KruÈsi & Debussche 1988).
probabilities (Kendall Coecient of Concordance ˆ Abiotic rather than biotic factors accounted for
0.19, P > 0.05, n ˆ 8, d.f. ˆ 3; open interspaces the variation between trees in the probability of
excluded). Interestingly, the long-term sapling distri- seeds avoiding pre-dispersal damage. We also found
bution mirrored the net results of the short-term a negative relationship between abiotic damage and
processes, i.e. the density of the old-saplings was seed dispersal, but this was not strong enough to
positively correlated across sampling plots with the outweigh the e€ect of dispersers on the number of
density of 2-year-old saplings from the study cohort potential recruits entering the dispersed-seed stage.
(r ˆ 0.63, n ˆ 48, P < 0.001). In fact, much undamaged fruit remained on the
trees at the end of the season (21.7 ‹ 4.7%), sug-
gesting that the large crops sated both dispersers
and pests (AlcaÂntara et al. 1997c; see also Jordano
Our approach to the analysis of population recruit- 1987 and Herrera et al. 1994 for other
ment dynamics allowed us to determine: (i) the rela- Mediterranean species).

Table 5 Survival probability for old-saplings in each microhabitat in the ®rst, third and fourth year of study. Data are aver-
aged across sampling units

First year Third year Fourth year

Olea 0.6667 ‹ 0.1826 0.5833 ‹ 0.1443 0.7500 ‹ 0.2500

# 2000 British Phillyrea 0.8598 ‹ 0.1232 0.9000 ‹ 0.0724 0.9514 ‹ 0.0374
Ecological Society Quercus 0.8875 ‹ 0.0515 0.9167 ‹ 0.0833 0.9500 ‹ 0.0500
Journal of Ecology, Pistacia 0.7500 ‹ 0.1443 1.0000 ‹ 0.0000 1.0000 ‹ 0.0000
88, 622±633
631 Among the factors leading to post-dispersal tical process and (in accordance with our prediction)
P. J. Rey & damage, only rodents caused substantial seed losses. does not limit recruitment of Olea.
J. M. AlcaÂntara Information on Mediterranean ¯eshy-fruited plants The critical process for recruitment in this species
(Garcõ a 1998; Herrera 1984; Herrera et al. 1994; was seedling survival (Fig. 1). Factors a€ecting this
Hulme 1992, 1997 Verdu & Garcõ a-Fayos 1996) process are therefore particularly likely to in¯uence
shows variable levels of post-dispersal seed preda- the species' recruitment dynamics. Our results indi-
tion, ranging from 0.4% for Crataegus monogyna to cate that water stress was the main determinant of
62.9% for Pistacia lentiscus; our estimate for Olea seedling survival, and results for other cohorts in
(36.6%) falls in the middle of this range. this population (P. J. Rey et al., unpublished data)
Almost 40% of the unpredated seeds germinated indicate that it may cause nearly 100% mortality in
in the ®eld. This value is well below the potential some years. Recruitment dynamics of Olea therefore
germination capability of Olea europaea under appear to depend on the occurrence at the appropri-
laboratory conditions (almost 100%; Mitrakos & ate point in each recruitment period of climatic con-
Diamantoglou 1984; Voyiatzis 1995). The labora- ditions (particularly rainfall levels) that permit early
tory studies indicated a strong e€ect of temperature survival of the seedlings. Biotic factors, in particular
on the release of dormancy, and the clear di€erences avian dispersers, may well a€ect the amount of
in germination success found between scrub-covered recruitment, but their contribution is overwhelmed
sites and open interspaces suggest that abiotic by the e€ects of abiotic factors, such as climate
microenvironmental factors may have played a cycles, on the seedling stage.
major role.
Abiotic factors, especially drought, were also the
major cause of low seedling survival. Moreover,
their e€ect may be even more important than esti-
mated here as in other years three cohorts moni- Our ®eld design tested the hypothesis that the spa-
tored at the same study site showed much lower tial pattern of frugivorous seed dissemination per-
recruitment (more than 95% of seedlings of 1995, sists throughout subsequent recruitment. We
1997 and 1998 cohorts died before completing their therefore explored the demographic consequences of
®rst year of life; P. J. Rey et al., unpublished data). seed dispersal, which are of paramount importance
Such sensitivity, which has been observed in other (Howe 1989; Schupp et al. 1989; Schupp 1993;
plant species (Andersen 1989; Houle 1994), is com- Venable & Brown 1993; Herrera et al. 1994) and yet
mon under the harsh summer conditions of the are poorly understood (Schupp & Fuentes 1995).
Mediterranean climate (Herrera et al. 1994; The distribution of Olea seeds across microhabi-
Bustamante et al. 1996; GarcõÂ a 1998). tats is concordant with the spatial pattern of seed-
Sapling survival was, however, very high. This ling emergence. The high positive correlation across
suggests that the gradual acquisition of the adult microhabitats between seed rain and initial seedling
traits typical of a drought-tolerant tree density (rs ˆ 0.90, P < 0.05, n ˆ 5) indicates that
(Angelopoulos et al. 1996; Schwabe & Lionakis variability of post-dispersal seed predation and fail-
1996) helps the plant to cope with potentially dama- ure in germination between microhabitats are not
ging abiotic and biotic factors. Similar trends of large enough to counteract the pattern generated by
high sapling survival have been found in other spe- dispersers. Once the seedling stage is reached, how-
cies (De Steven 1991; Herrera et al. 1994; Houle ever, di€erential survival of seedlings between
1994; but see Garcõ a 1998). microhabitats causes a clear di€erence in the relative
suitability of the microhabitats (see also Gill &
Marks 1991; Houle 1992; Herrera et al. 1994). The
most favourable places for seeds became the worst
for seedlings (see Fig. 2), indicating that a seed±seed-
The OPR value (0.00557) indicated that less than ling con¯ict (Schupp 1995) does occur in our popu-
0.6% of Olea seeds became 2-year saplings and, if lation. For example, the microhabitat under Olea
we further assume that the old-saplings data actually itself showed the highest probability of seed arrival
represent subsequent survival for our main study and also scored high in seedling emergence, but it
cohort, only 0.4% of seeds would survive to become was the worst (apart from open interspaces) for
7-year-old plants. Such a low OPR value can result seedling and sapling survival. The opposite occurred
either from a succession of processes with relatively under Pistacia, where the probabilities of seed arri-
low TP or from a single process with critically low val and seedling emergence were lowest and the
TP. Dispersal probability (0.5261) was much higher probabilities of seedling and sapling survival were
than the product of the subsequent transition prob- the highest. Such uncoupling between seed and seed-
# 2000 British
abilities (0.0158). Together with the fact that disper- ling stages is common in recruitment dynamics (De
Ecological Society
Journal of Ecology, sal did not have the lowest transitional value, this Steven 1991; Houle 1992, 1994, 1998; Herrera et al.
88, 622±633 ®nding suggests that dispersal was not the most cri- 1994; Horvitz & Schemske 1994; Schupp 1995).
632 The spatial discordance was mainly due to the plant intra-speci®c competition for seed dispersers. An
Avian-seed marked contrast between the high probability of example with Olea europaea var. sylvestris. Oikos, 79,
dispersal and seed arrival under Olea (47% of the dispersed seeds Andersen, A.N. (1989) How important is seed predation to
seedling reached this microhabitat) and the low probability recruitment in stable populations of long-lived peren-
recruitment of survival of post-germination stages in those sites. nials? Oecologia, 81, 310±315.
In contrast, in other microhabitats the spatial pat- Angelopoulos, K., Dichio, B. & Xiloyannis, C. (1996)
tern generated by dispersers persisted throughout all Inhibition of photosynthesis in olive trees (Olea euro-
paea L.) during water stress and rewatering. Journal of
the recruitment stages. Probabilities ran in parallel
Experimental Botany, 47, 1093±1100.
throughout the recruitment stages under Quercus, Bazzaz, F. (1991) Habitat selection in plants. American
Phillyrea and, apart from a very low probability of Naturalist, 137 (Suppl.), S116±S130.
seedling emergence, under Pistacia. Bustamante, R.O., Walkowiak, A., Henriquez, C.A. &
In order to achieve successful recruitment, Olea Serey, I. (1996) Bird frugivory and the fate of seeds of
Cryptocarya alba (Lauraceae) in the Chilean matorral.
seeds must escape the inhibitory in¯uence of estab-
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 69, 357±363.
lished conspeci®cs and reach sites where other scrub Clark, J.S., Beckage, B., Camill, P., Cleveland, B.,
species give cover. It is at these sites that facilitation HilleRisLambers, J., Lichter, J., McLachlan, J.,
occurs. This is their regeneration niche (Grubb Mohan, J. & Wicko€, P. (1999) Interpreting recruit-
1977), or their habitat choice (Bazzaz 1991). ment limitation in forests. American Journal of Botany,
Although widespread seed dispersal seems to be a 86, 1±16.
De Steven, D. (1991) Experiments on mechanisms of tree
fundamental characteristic for this species, many
establishment in old-®eld succession: seedling survival
seeds were nevertheless not dispersed and of those and growth. Ecology, 72, 1076±1088.
that were a high percentage were placed under con- ElõÂ as, F. & Ruiz, L. (1977) AgroclimatologõÂa de EspanÄa.
speci®cs. This apparent ineciency of the dispersers INIA, Cuaderno No. 7. Ministerio de Agricultura,
(Schupp 1993), together with the absence of a match Madrid.
Estrada, A. & Fleming, T.H. (1986) Frugivory and Seed
between the spatial patterns of dispersed seed and
Dispersal. Dr W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht.
either the 1-year-old seedlings or saplings, suggests FernaÂndez, R. (1979) Factores que Afectan a la
that later acting factors rather than dispersal agents PolinizacioÂn y Cuajado de Frutos en el Olivo (Olea
act to shape the spatial dynamics of recruitment in europaea L.). Serie Universitaria, NuÂmero 99.
this species. FundacioÂn Juan March, Madrid.
Fleming, T.H. & Estrada, A. (1993) Frugivory and seed
dispersal. Ecological and Evolutionary Aspects. Kluwer
Acknowledgements Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
GarcõÂ a, D. (1998) RegeneracioÂn natural del enebro
The authors bene®ted from the involvement of Juniperus communis L. en aÂreas de alta montanÄa medi-
Alfonso M. SaÂnchez-Lafuente and Francisco Valera terraÂnea: conectando la ecologõÂ a reproductiva con el
reclutamiento poblacional. PhD thesis. Universidad de
throughout the course of this work. We also wish to
Granada, Granada, Spain.
thank AndreÂs Aguilera, Yayo FernaÂndez, Yiyo Gill, D.S. & Marks, P.L. (1991) Tree and shrub seedling
Garcõ a, Jose L. Garrido, Antonio Manzaneda and colonization of old ®elds in central New York.
Jose M. Ramõ rez for their inestimable help during Ecological Monographs, 61, 183±205.
®eldwork. Two anonymous referees helped us to Grubb, P.J. (1977) The maintenance of species-richness in
plant communities: the importance of the regeneration
considerably improve this manuscript.
niche. Biological Reviews, 52, 107±145.
Harper, J.L. (1977) The Population Biology of Plants.
Academic Press, New York.
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