Elc093 April 2021 Final Test - Question Paper

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1. This question paper consists of two (2) questions.

2. Answer ALL questions in the Question Paper.
3. Students are allowed to refer to a print English-English dictionary.

Read the given passages carefully and answer ALL the questions that follow.
Passage 1

How Effective is Online Learning?

With the closing of schools due to the continuing spread of the coronavirus,
innovation in education technology and online learning platforms have become
increasingly important, thus causing a rapid rise to online education. To keep up,
educational institutions have advanced, updated and evolved their digital resources
and channels to ensure consistent education delivery to students who have been
isolated as they adapt to this new normal. The question now is, is online learning
effective? Can online lessons replace face-to-face in-school learning time? It is evident
that the interaction students have during their time spent learning online cannot
compare to the informal social interaction skills students pick up and learn at school.
So how will online lessons push student learning forward?

Over recent years, the use of virtual courses has expanded rapidly among high
school and university students. In universities for example, we can find online learning
taking various forms. Most times people think of Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs), a platform where students watch the videos on the lectures and complete
quizzes or take exams based on the lectures. However, most online courses,
especially those designed for high school students have a structure that is much more
similar to face-to-face in-person courses. Students are given the opportunity to

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interact, though virtually, with their teachers and peers. The teachers also give
assignments and follow up with the students individually similar to how they usually
would in their physical classrooms. These courses are often synchronous (teachers
and students both meet at the same time), and sometimes asynchronous (non-
concurrent). In both situations, the instructor has the opportunity to engage with the
subject matter in a reflective manner, and students, in most cases, are expected to
connect and communicate with each other online.

The existence of online courses provides many opportunities for students. For
instance, if the school does not offer Accounting classes, students may have the option
to learn it virtually. Students in a school that does not offer statistics classes may be
able to learn statistics with virtual lessons. Or, if students fail Trigonometry, they can
still catch up during extra classes in the evenings or during summer schools via online
classes. This proves that online classes are beneficial to students. However, when
comparing online and in-person classes, it was found that online classes are not as
effective as face-to-face in-person classes for most of the students.

Few studies have actually looked into the effects of online lessons for elementary
and high school students. At the American institutes of Research and the Consortium
on School Research at the University of Chicago, Jessica Heppen and her colleagues
assigned Algebra 1 students to face-to-face or online credit recovery courses. What
they found was that the students’ success rates and test scores were lower in the
online setting. These students also struggled more than their peers assigned to the
face-to-face option. It is not a surprise that most times, face-to-face in-person courses
are more efficient. When a student is in an environment where he or she is physically
there and in-person with the teacher and other students, it creates social pressures
and advantages that can prompt and encourage a student to participate and engage
in the lesson.

It is true that some students do equally well online and in-person. It may not be a
surprise that some might do better, but most times, the performance of students is
worse in an online setting. This is mainly true for students with weaker academic
backgrounds to start with. Those who have a hard time learning in face-to-face in-
person classes are likely to struggle more online. However, this does not mean that it
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is inevitable that students who struggle in in-person classes should struggle online.
Teachers are responsible in recognising and acknowledging the needs of the less-
engaged students and attempt to involve them in the teaching-learning process. Just
like in the traditional physical classroom, online lessons need to have a strong
curriculum and strong pedagogical practices. Teachers need to understand what their
students know and what they do not know, and how they can best help them learn
new materials. In the online setting, what is different is that students may have more
distractions and less oversight, which can reduce their motivation. The teacher will
need to set standards and rules – such as requiring students to ask questions on a
regular basis and respond to their peers. This would encourage students to be more
focussed and involved in the online lessons.

Overall, online courses are not as effective as in-person classes, but we have to
admit that they are definitely better than no classes at all. A significant research base
developed by Karl Alexander at John Hopkins University and many others indicate
that students, especially those with less resources at home, are learning less when
they are not in school. Online courses now allow students to access lessons and
activities and connect with teachers in ways that would have been unlikely if schools
had been closed a decade or two ago. We may be sceptical about online learning, but
it is time to accept and develop it too.

Adapted from Loeb, S (2020, March 20). How effective is online learning? What the
research does and doesn’t tell us. Retrieved from

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Online Education vs Traditional Education: Which One is Better?

Online education has grown significantly over the past few years. Online
learning be likely to offer cheaper and flexible study options compared to the
traditional education system. You can study online and get a viable degree certificate
upon completing your course. Online education is simply the perfect way to strike a
balance between work, family, and studies. However, we cannot completely discredit
traditional education. Attending a physical class not only allows students to have a
one-on-one experience with the teacher but also exposes them to practical skills that
can be beneficial to their future career. Each of these learning options comes with its
fair share of challenges. It is all about finding an option that works best for your
education needs.

When looking at online education versus traditional education, we cannot afford

to leave social interaction out of question. Students should ask themselves if they need
a one-on-one interaction with their instructors or peers before enrolling for a class.
Online education usually provides an opportunity for lecturers and students to interact
with one another through an online portal or video conferencing software. With the use
of such online meeting software as “ezTalks” Meetings, it is easier to hold or attend
classes online from anywhere at any time. The platform not only allows students to
enjoy live streaming of full HD and clear audio classes but also gives them the
opportunity to attend lessons with minimal distractions. Teachers can also take
advantage of the screen sharing feature to easily begin their lessons by using the
software. The traditional brick-and-mortar college or school, however, is a great option
for those looking for face-to-face communication. It makes it possible for students to
have direct engagements with instructors and students. Students can have detailed
discussions, ask lots of questions and cover many concepts in one topic. That will, in
the long run, improve student performance and competence in the field of

One of the major aspects that fresh and working students need to consider
before enrolling for any course is that studying online offers flexibility to students,
particularly those who are already committed to work and/or family. With online-based
courses, they can take classes at their own free time, without being forced to attend
lessons at specific times. On the other hand, traditional education can be great for

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students who have more time in their daily schedule. This option is ideal for students
who are not working. However, some on-campus courses have classes scheduled for
evenings, which might offer a convenient option to working students. The only
challenge might be the distance between the students’ home/workplace and the

More and more students are warming up to the idea of pursuing education
online. Many argue that today's online courses offer experiences which are tailored to
meet each student's needs. However, as much as it is easier to deliver on theory
lessons, it is often challenging to hold practical classes online. Even when practical
lessons are carried out, they cannot provide the one-on-one experience as traditional
education system would do. The traditional education often provides a hands-on
experience to all students who need to learn from practical lessons. It often has the
necessary facilities and equipment for practical studies and activities. Whether a
student is taking Chemistry, Biology, Dentistry, Nursing, Medicine or Athletics course,
he or she will enjoy plenty of lab lessons and/or field training. That cannot be achieved
with online education as most students often take classes while lying on the couch or
in bed.

Discipline is a key aspect when weighing between enrolling for an online

program and taking traditional on-campus degree. The success of the student mostly
depends on his or her level of commitment. Hence, it is always important for students
to choose study options based on their overall performance of tasks. Online education
can be great for those who are self-motivated and capable of prioritizing tasks and
setting deadlines. Without a proper organisation or plan, a student taking online
classes might perform poorly in the long run. The traditional education setting can be
the best option for those that need discipline to get the work done. With properly
structured classes, to-do lists and regular assessments, students can have enough
support to complete tasks or assignments on time. The fact that the students must
make class appearances to learn is one step to making them to be more disciplined.
With commitment and hard work, success on any degree course or program can
simply be inevitable.

Hence, both online and traditional educational institutions offer their own unique
advantages. They equally come with their own set of challenges. That means any

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student wishing to enrol for any degree programme must weigh between online vs
traditional education benefits. A student can look at it from the perspective of flexibility,
affordability, practicality, and discipline of taking classes. It is up to the student to
decide which education system, between online and traditional, to enrol in. It all boils
down to getting practical skills on a given field of career or expertise. Online system of
education can work better for some while for others the traditional on-campus
education is the best for pursuing a degree course.

Adapted from Brown, E. (2007). Online education vs Traditional education: Which

one is better? Retrieved from https://www.eztalks.com/online-education/online-

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You are conducting a study on the effectiveness of Online Learning. You have located two
passages: ‘How effective is Online Learning?’ and ‘Online Education Vs Traditional
Education: Which one is better?’ Based on your reading of these two passages you have
developed the following opinion about the issue:

Online Learning is Effective

Using information from the two articles on pages 1 - 6, prepare an outline with three main





















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(10 marks)

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Based on the outline that you have prepared, write an essay of approximately 350 words
stating the three reasons to support your opinion. In-text citations, written in the APA style,
should be provided where necessary.

























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(30 marks)


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