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Which circuit is used to reduce the strength of the input signal. Is it required to
compensate the circuit ? Justify that if the output is one-fourth of the input then
the rise time of the output using the attenuator is one-fourth of what it would be
without attenuator.
=> An attenuator ckt is used to reduce the voltage of the o/p signal while
retaining the waveform of the original I/p . Yes the ckt needs to be compensate
to work more efficiently as it neglects the effects of the stray capacitance in the
o/p ckt.

A square wave extends ± 1 V with respect to ground and the duration of the
positive section is 0.1 S and the negative duration is 0.2 S. This waveform is
applied as an input to a low-pass RC circuit whose time constant is 0.2 S, sketch
the steady-state output waveform to scale, and find the maximum and minimum
values of the output.

T1 = 0.1S , T2 = 0.2S , V’ = V” = 1V [o/p waveform look like ]

T ( Time period) = T1 + T2 = 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3S ; Rc = 0.2s
V1 = minimum value of o/p , v2 = max value of o/p
As, v1 = v” + (v2 - v”) e^(-T2/RC) and v2=v’+(v1-v’)e^(-T1/RC)
v1 = v”+(v’+(v1-v’)e^(-T1/RC)-v”)e^(-T2/RC) ; v’=2v ; v”=-1v

V1 = -1+[2+(v1-1)e^(-0.1/0.2)]e^(-0.2/0.2)
V1 = -( 0.46/0.78) = 0.589 v
V2 = 1+(0.589 - 1) e^(-1/2) = 0.745v.

The 714C opamp having following parameters is configured as a noninverting

amplifier as shown in figure below with R1 = 500 Ω, Rf = 5 KΩ. A = 400000, Ri =
33 MΩ, Ro = 60 Ω, UGB = 0.6 MHz, supply voltage = ± 15 V, Maximum
output voltage swing = ± 13 V. Find out all closeloop parameters AF, RiF, RoF,
fF & VooT.

For a 741 opamp, the change in the opamp’s input offset voltage Vio caused by
variations in the supply voltage is 60μV. Determine the change in the supply
voltages. Assume that SVRR for 741C is 104dB.

With a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of constant current bias
circuit. Mention its advantages, disadvantages and applications.
Since I0 is independent of Vs1 & Vs2 , Q3
acts to Supply the differential amplifire
consisting of Q1 and Q2 with constant
current I0 .

A diode can also be added to circuit to

neglect the
Effect of temparature change on I0 .

A major disadvantage is for proper

constant I0 ,
RE must be very high but as a result IE
value is small .

Design a triangular wave generator using opamp 741C having frequency of

oscillation of 5 KHz & peak-to-peak output voltage of 7 V. Supply voltage is ±
15 V & Vsat = ±14 V. Explain the circuit with neat circuit diagram and
necessary derivations.
2nd part

1st part

Give one example of fixed voltage regulator IC which can be used to generate
±15 V regulated output. Design a constant current source using IC7805C which
will deliver a output current of 0.5A to a 20 Ω, 10 W load.

What is the name the circuit shown in figure below. Derive an expression for
output voltage. If a 1V peak sine wave of 10 kHz is applied as input to the below
circuit with R1 = 10 KΩ, Rf =100 KΩ & Cf =10 nF, draw the output waveform.

Analyze the circuit of a temperature controller using instrumentation bridge

amplifier with neat circuit diagram and necessary derivations.

Design an audio frequency sinusoidal oscillator with a frequency of oscillation of

5 KHz. Explain its working principle with a neat circuit diagram and necessary

Making use of the Laplace transform approach, show that the response of the
RC highpass filter to a ramp input is given by vo(t)=αRC[1- exp (-t/RC)].

Design a high Pass RC circuit to get the output with a fall time of 0.2msec for a
step input of 10V. Calculate the lower 3dB frequency of the circuit. A
symmetrical square wave of frequency 1kHz is applied to the high pass circuit.
The signal swings between +0.5V to -0.5V. Illustrate the output wave shape and
indicate the voltages. Ans:
Design: fL=1/2πRC

Find the balanced bridge condition for perfect compensation of an attenuator.

Analyze the response of a compensated attenuator including source resistance.

The ic voltage regulator is conveniently used for local regulation. \The ic voltage
regulator is easy to use. \It is most efficient and reliable.\The ic voltageregulator
is versatile.\ It is very cheap due to mass production and easily available.

Load regulation refers to the ability to maintain a constant voltage output from a
power supply despite changes or variability in the input load. Typically, we
express load regulation as a percentage of the max load condition, indicating how
much output will vary.line regulation : The ability of a power-supply voltage
regulator to maintain its output voltage despite variations in its input voltage.

The characteristics of a comparator are:

Speed of operation
Compatibility of output

Gain and frequency adjustment flexibility : Since the opamp is capable of
providing a gain the input signal is not attenuated as it is in a passive filter.
Active filter is easier to tune.
No loading problem : Because of the high input resistance and low output
resistance of the opamp , the active filter does not cause loading of the source or
Cost: Active filters are more economical than passive filters, because of mass

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