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Master di II livello


Modulo LINGUA E TRADUZIONE- Lingua Inglese

Docente Dott.Ing. Luca Rossi

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Find the terms in the preceding text and match them with their contextual meanings.
Brief– degree –respiration – increase – capillary – pressure

Magnitude Degree

Of short duration Brief

make greater in size Increase

force and rate of the heartbeat pressure

the action of breathing Respiration

any of the fine branching blood capillary


Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Exercise solutions of previous lesson
Find in the text seven words that describe human body part and translate into

 Nasal cavity
 Paranasal sinuses
 Pharynx
 Alveoli
 Thoracic cavity
 Capillary

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Exercise solutions of previous lesson

Using the vocabulary, what is the meaning of the following words:

1. Pneumonia: lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus
and may become solid.

2. Emphysema: a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing

3. Epiglottitis: a larynx part

4. Bronchitis: inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes. It typically causes
bronchospasm and coughing.

5. Bronchospasm : spasm of bronchial smooth muscle producing narrowing of the bronchi.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Exercise solutions of previous lesson
Answer the following questions.

1. The functions of the respiratory system include: (1) providing a gas exchange surface between the air
and the blood, (2) moving air to and from the gas exchange surfaces, (3) participate in the regulation of
blood pH, blood volume and blood pressure, (4) sound production, (5) defensive barrier against airborne
pathogens, and (6) protection of gas exchange surfaces from environmental changes.
2. The respiratory system is divided into two main components, the upper respiratory system (URS) and the
lower respiratory system (LRS). The URS is composed of the nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and
pharynx. The LRS is composed of the larynx, trachea, bronchial tree and lungs.
3. During the process of exhalation, the volume of the thoracic cavity decreases and the pressure within the
lungs increases above atmospheric pressure (positive pressure).
4. External respiration includes the processes involved in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
between the blood and interstitial fluid of the body and the environment.
5. Internal respiration, sometimes called cellular respiration, is the process whereby the oxygen in the
blood is utilized by the cells of the body.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Read the following passage (1)

There are many different types of psychotherapy. They are all ways of helping people to overcome stress,
emotional problems, relationship problems or troublesome habits. What they have in common is that they are
all treatments based on talking to another person and sometimes doing things together. They are the “talking
treatments”. The person carrying out the treatment is usually called a therapist, the person being seen is
usually referred to as the client. There are very different types of treatment, such as: Psychodynamic
Psychotherapy, Behavioural Psychotherapy, Cognitive Psychotherapy, Family and Marital Therapy.
These are different treatments but they all help us to understand better how we work, which can help us to
make changes in our lives. Psychotherapists may use a combination of techniques to suit the individual and
people may progress from individual to group therapy, or marital work to individual treatment.
Psychotherapy usually involves regular meetings at the same time, same place every week or two weeks. In
most cases the length of the treatment will be agreed between the client(s) and the therapist(s) within a month
or so of starting. What happens during a session is usually considered confidential to the people in that

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Read the following passage (2)
In individual psychotherapy one patient and one therapist talk together in a quiet room, usually for 50
minutes or so. In group therapy several people with similar sorts of problems meet regularly with a therapist
or therapists. These sessions may be longer than in individual psychotherapy. Group therapy may appear less
intimate, but it is not a cheap or second-rate treatment; in fact it is the best treatment for some problems. The
experience of discovering one is not alone and of being able to help other people is powerfully encouraging
and is often the first step towards getting better.
In marital therapy, a therapist or pair of therapist will meet with a married or committed couple so that they
can work on their problems jointly. In family therapy the whole family will be involved usually talking over
their difficulties with a pair of therapists.
But who practices psychotherapy? A psychotherapist may be a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental
health professional who has had further specialist training in psychotherapy. Increasingly there are a number
of psychotherapists who do not have a background as psychiatrists, psychologists or social workers, but who
have an in-depth training in psychotherapy.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (1)
There are many different types of psychotherapy. They are all ways of helping people to overcome stress,
emotional problems, relationship problems or troublesome habits. What they have in common is that they are
all treatments based on talking to another person and sometimes doing things together. They are the “talking
treatments”. The person carrying out the treatment is usually called a therapist, the person being seen is
usually referred to as the client. There are very different types of treatment, such as: Psychodynamic
Psychotherapy, Behavioural Psychotherapy, Cognitive Psychotherapy, Family and Marital Therapy.

Ci sono molti diversi tipi di psicoterapia. Sono tutti modi per aiutare le persone a superare lo stress, problemi
emotivi, problemi di relazione o di abitudini fastidiose. Quello che hanno in comune è che sono tutti
trattamenti basati col parlare con un'altra persona e, a volte fare delle cose insieme. Sono i “talking
treatments". La persona che esegue il trattamento è di solito chiamata terapeuta, la persona che viene vista è
solitamente indicata come cliente. Ci sono diversi tipi di trattamento, come ad esempio: psicoterapia
psicodinamica, psicoterapia comportamentale, psicoterapia cognitiva, terapia famigliare e di coppia.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (2)
These are different treatments but they all help us to understand better how we work, which can help us to
make changes in our lives. Psychotherapists may use a combination of techniques to suit the individual and
people may progress from individual to group therapy, or marital work to individual treatment.
Psychotherapy usually involves regular meetings at the same time, same place every week or two weeks. In
most cases the length of the treatment will be agreed between the client(s) and the therapist(s) within a month
or so of starting. What happens during a session is usually considered confidential to the people in that
Questi sono trattamenti diversi ma tutti ci aiutano a capire meglio il modo in cui lavoriamo, che possono
aiutarci a fare dei cambiamenti nella nostra vita. Psicoterapeuti possono utilizzare una combinazione di
tecniche per soddisfare l'individuo e le persone possono progredire da individuale a terapia di gruppo, o da
matrimoniale a terapia individuale. La psicoterapia di solito comporta incontri regolari allo stesso orario,
nello stesso posto ogni settimana o due settimane. Nella maggior parte dei casi sarà concordata la lunghezza
del trattamento tra il cliente (i) e il terapeuta (i) entro un mese o così l’inizio. Quello che succede durante una
sessione è di solito considerato riservato alle persone in quella seduta.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (3)
In individual psychotherapy one patient and one therapist talk together in a quiet room, usually for 50
minutes or so. In group therapy several people with similar sorts of problems meet regularly with a therapist
or therapists. These sessions may be longer than in individual psychotherapy. Group therapy may appear less
intimate, but it is not a cheap or second-rate treatment; in fact it is the best treatment for some problems. The
experience of discovering one is not alone and of being able to help other people is powerfully encouraging
and is often the first step towards getting better.

Nella psicoterapia individuale un paziente e un terapeuta parlano insieme in una stanza tranquilla, di solito
per 50 minuti o giù di lì. Nella terapia di gruppo diverse persone con problemi simili si incontrano
regolarmente con un terapeuta o terapeuti. Queste sedute possono essere più lunghe che nella psicoterapia
individuale. La terapia di gruppo può apparire meno intima, ma non è un trattamento a basso costo o di
seconda categoria; in realtà è il miglior trattamento per alcuni problemi. L'esperienza di scoprirsi non solo e
di essere in grado di aiutare gli altri è potente incoraggiante ed è spesso il primo passo verso il meglio.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (4)
In marital therapy, a therapist or pair of therapist will meet with a married or committed couple so that they
can work on their problems jointly. In family therapy the whole family will be involved usually talking over
their difficulties with a pair of therapists.
But who practices psychotherapy? A psychotherapist may be a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental
health professional who has had further specialist training in psychotherapy. Increasingly there are a number
of psychotherapists who do not have a background as psychiatrists, psychologists or social workers, but who
have an in-depth training in psychotherapy.
In terapia di coppia, un terapista o un paio di terapisti si incontreranno con una coppia sposata o impegnata in
modo che possano lavorare sui loro problemi congiuntamente. Nella terapia familiare l'intera famiglia sarà
coinvolta solitamente per parlare delle loro difficoltà con un paio di terapisti. Ma chi pratica la psicoterapia?
Uno psicoterapista può essere uno psichiatra, psicologo o altro professionista della salute mentale che ha
avuto un'ulteriore formazione specialistica in psicoterapia. Sempre più spesso ci sono un certo numero di
psicoterapisti che non hanno studi come psichiatri, psicologi o assistenti sociali, ma che hanno una
formazione approfondita in psicoterapia.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Find the terms in the preceding text and match them with their contextual meanings.
Psichotherapy – meeting – quiet – marital – training – therapist

an assembly of people for


no noise

the treatment of mental

the action of teaching a
a person skilled in a
particular kind of therapy

relations between husband

and wife
Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano
Find in the text the different types of treatment for psychotherapy and translate into italian.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Using the vocabulary, what is the meaning of the following words:



Social worker:



Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Answer the following questions.

1. Why is psychotherapy necessary?

2. Describe individual psichotherapy?

3. Who practices psichotherapy?

4. Describe marital therapy.

5. Who is therapist?

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Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano


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