Unit 2

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Master di II livello


Modulo LINGUA E TRADUZIONE- Lingua Inglese

Docente Dott.Ing. Luca Rossi

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Exercise solutions of previous lesson
Find the terms in the preceding text and match them with their contextual meanings.
Prior – ensure – eligibility – proof – confidential – reccommended

qualification eligibility

Make certain of ensure

A particular course of action proof

Given in confidence confidential

Earlier in time prior

suggested reccommended

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Exercise solutions of previous lesson
Read the text again and match the words to the paragraphs.


Blood service 2

Arrival at the donor centre /

Medical questionnaire 1

Elbow 5

Life improving /

Hemoglobin 4

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Exercise solutions of previous lesson

Rewrite the following sentences paying attention to correct word order.

1. You will have the opportunity to discuss it in greater detail with one of our nurses during a confidential

2. The Blood Service wants you to have a safe and pleasant experience when donating blood.

3. It is recommended that donors avoid vigorous use of their arm for a few hours after donating.

4. It covers health, lifestyle and medical questions used to assess your eligibility to donate, and to ensure
the donation is safe for both you and for recipients.

5. The nurse will also check your hemoglobin and blood pressure to ensure that you are in a healthy state
when you give blood

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Exercise solutions of previous lesson

Answer the following questions.

1. A Medical Questionnaire is used to assess the eligibility to donate and ensures the donation is safe for
both donors and for recipients.

2. The donation process generally takes between 8 and 12 minutes.

3. No, we can’t contract HIV by donating blood because sterile procedures are used in donor centers.

4. A person gives 470 ml of blood usually

5. The donors should avoid vigorous use of their arm after donating

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Read the following passage (1)
General Practitioner Typical Day

Dr. Friendly is up at 6:44 (her alarm was set for 6:30 but she hit snooze a couple of times), takes a speedier
than usual shower, eats a smaller than usual breakfast and then gets on the road. She parks in her reserved
space at the medical center at 7:45, just enough time to check her messages before her 8:00 appointment.
[Paragraph 1]

Between 8:00 and 9:30, Dr. Friendly sees 10 patients. Yes, you read that right- ten. There is a flu going
around, and most of her patients are here to see her for that reason. She prescribes an antiviral medication, to
each of them, suggests they get rest and drink plenty of fluids. [Paragraph 2]

At 10:00 she has a daily clinical meeting where she gets together with the other doctors and they discuss
cases of particular concern. There may be a patient with symptoms that are unfamiliar to one doctor but
which another doctor has had some experience with. This opportunity to bounce ideas off one another is a
particular benefit of working in a medical center alongside other skilled, knowledgeable doctors rather than
working basically alone in private practice. Eleven heads are better than one. [Paragraph 3]
Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano
Read the following passage (2)
Between the end of this meeting and lunch, Dr. Friendly sees another 8 patients. A few more flus, a sprained
ankle, someone else who has been experiencing a sharp, stabbing pain every time she blinks her right eye.
(Turns out it was an eyelash). She also squeezes in some time to dictate a couple of letters to her assistant and
arrange for a few blood tests. [Paragraph 4]

After polishing off her salad for lunch, she goes back to work. Dr. Friendly sees another 17 patients in the
afternoon and into evening, including a couple who need injections, one patient with chest pain who is
referred to a specialist, and another with chest pains who is simply wearing a shirt that’s too tight.
[Paragraph 5]

At 6:00, Dr. Friendly checks her messages one last time and finishes up making phone calls before closing up
shop and heading home to her husband. [Paragraph 6].

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (1)
Blood Donation Process

Dr. Friendly is up at 6:44 (her alarm was set for 6:30 but she hit snooze a couple of times), takes a speedier
than usual shower, eats a smaller than usual breakfast and then gets on the road. She parks in her reserved
space at the medical center at 7:45, just enough time to check her messages before her 8:00 appointment.
[Paragraph 1]

La tipica giornata di un medico

La Dottoressa Friendly si sveglia 6:44 (la sua sveglia è impostata alle 6:30, ma la spegne un paio di volte), fa
una doccia molto veloce, mangia una colazione molto piccola e si incammina. Parcheggia nel spazio
riservatole al centro medico alle 7:45, giusto il tempo per controllare i messaggi prima del suo appuntamento
delle 08:00.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (2)
Between 8:00 and 9:30, Dr. Friendly sees 10 patients. Yes, you read that right- ten. There is a flu going
around, and most of her patients are here to see her for that reason. She prescribes an antiviral medication, to
each of them, suggests they get rest and drink plenty of fluids. [Paragraph 2]

Tra le 8:00 e le 9:30, La Dottoressa Friendly visita 10 pazienti. Sì, avete letto bene dieci. C'è un’influenza in
giro, e la maggior parte dei pazienti sono qui per vederla per quel motivo. Prescrive un farmaco antivirale, a
ciascuno di loro, suggerendogli di stare a riposo e bere molti liquidi. [Paragrafo 2]

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (3)

At 10:00 she has a daily clinical meeting where she gets together with the other doctors and they discuss
cases of particular concern. There may be a patient with symptoms that are unfamiliar to one doctor but
which another doctor has had some experience with. This opportunity to bounce ideas off one another is a
particular benefit of working in a medical center alongside other skilled, knowledgeable doctors rather than
working basically alone in private practice. Eleven heads are better than one. [Paragraph 3]

Alle 10:00 ha quotidianamente un meeting medico, dove si riunisce con gli altri medici per discutere i casi di
particolare preoccupazione. Ci può essere un paziente con sintomi che sono sconosciuti a un medico, ma con
cui un altro medico ha avuto qualche esperienza. Questa opportunità di scambiarsi idee l'un l'altro è un
particolare vantaggio di chi lavora in un centro medico insieme ad altri medici informati, qualificati
piuttosto che lavorare praticamente da solo in uno studio privato. Undici teste sono meglio di uno.
[Il paragrafo 3]

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (4)

Between the end of this meeting and lunch, Dr. Friendly sees another 8 patients. A few more flus, a sprained
ankle, someone else who has been experiencing a sharp, stabbing pain every time she blinks her right eye.
(Turns out it was an eyelash). She also squeezes in some time to dictate a couple of letters to her assistant and
arrange for a few blood tests. [Paragraph 4]

Tra la fine di questo incontro e il pranzo, la dottoressa Friendly visita altri 8 pazienti. Oltre qualche influenza,
una distorsione alla caviglia, un altro che mostrava un forte dolore lancinante ogni volta che sbatteva il suo
occhio destro. (Si è scoperto che era una ciglia). Si ritaglia anche del tempo per scrivere un paio di ricette al
suo assistente e prescrivergli alcuni esami del sangue. [Paragrafo 4]

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (5)
After polishing off her salad for lunch, she goes back to work. Dr. Friendly sees another 17 patients in the
afternoon and into evening, including a couple who need injections, one patient with chest pain who is
referred to a specialist, and another with chest pains who is simply wearing a shirt that’s too tight.
[Paragraph 5]
At 6:00, Dr. Friendly checks her messages one last time and finishes up making phone calls before closing up
shop and heading home to her husband. [Paragraph 6].

Dopo aver spazzolato a pranzo la sua insalata, torna a lavorare. La dottoressa Friendly visita altri 17 pazienti
tra il pomeriggio e la sera, tra i quali una coppia a cui vengono prescritte iniezioni, un paziente con dolore
toracico che viene indirizzato ad uno specialista, e un altro dolori al petto che sta semplicemente indossando
una camicia che è troppo stretto. [paragrafo 5]
Alle 6:00, la dottoressa Friendly controlla i messaggi per l'ultima volta e finisce di fare delle telefonate prima
di chiudere bottega e andare a casa da suo marito. [Paragrafo 6].

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Find the terms in the preceding text and match them with their contextual meanings.
Flu –concern –skilled – polish off – script – ankle

Finish eating all the food on one’s


Something that interests you because

it is important
Properly or sufficiently qualified

Something written by hand

A gliding joint between the tibs and

fibula and the end of talus
Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano
Read the text again and match the words to the paragraphs.


After polishing

Daily clinical


Sprained ankle

Reserved space

Phone calls

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Rewrite the following sentences paying attention to correct word order.
1. a patient with symptoms there may be that are unfamiliar to one doctor but has had some experience
which another doctor with

2. to each of them drink plenty of fluids an antiviral medication suggests they get rest and she prescribes

3. in her reserved space she parks at the medical center at 7:45 before her 8:00 appointment just enough
time to check her messages
4. Dr. Friendly

5. checks at 6:00 her messages finishes up making one last time and before closing up shop phone calls to
her husband and heading home

6. a patient with there may be symptoms to one doctor that are unfamiliar but which another with some
experience doctor has had
Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano
Answer the following questions.

1. What time does Dr. Friendly get up and what does she do?

2. What type of pathology going around?

3. Why is import a daily clinical meeting?

4. Is Dr. Friendly married?

5. Where does she park her car?

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