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Master di II livello


Modulo LINGUA E TRADUZIONE- Lingua Inglese

Docente Dott.Ing. Luca Rossi

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Find the terms in the preceding text and match them with their contextual meanings.
Weakness– ward –anticoagulants –antihypertensives – blood clot – antilipids

Semisolid mass of coagulated Blood clot

red and white blood cells

Medications to reduce anticoagulants

stickiness of the blood
Medications to reduce antilipds
cholesterol in the blood
Medications to reduce blood antihypertensives
Hospital division shared by ward
patients who need a similar
kind of care
Get over an illness or shock weakness
Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano
Exercise solutions of previous lesson
Read the text again and match the words to the paragraphs.


willingness 3

antiplatelets 4

Bowel 2


Liaise 6

arterioclerosis 1

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Exercise solutions of previous lesson

Rewrite the following sentences paying attention to correct word order.

1. Communication between relatives, patients and the multidisciplinary team is vital for care to be effective.

2. Disciplinary team will liaise with you and your family regarding your care.

3. A Haemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in or around the brain burst, causing a bleed into the

4. You may be referred for an Speech Therapy assessment if your stroke has affected your speech or

5. Information regarding care can be obtained at any time from the nurse in charge of the ward.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Exercise solutions of previous lesson
Answer the following questions.

1. A stroke occurs when there is an interruption to the blood supply to an area of the brain.
2. There are two main types of stroke. An Ischaemic stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery
serving the brain, very often it is the end result of a build up cholesterol and other debris in the arteries
(arteriosclerosis) over many years. A Haemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in or around the
brain burst, causing a bleed into the brain.
3. A person may have visual disturbances; sensory changes including reduced sensation or hypersensitivity;
problems with detecting position of your joints ; cognitive problems; problems with continence;
communication problems including understanding instructions and expressing yourself; difficulty eating
and drinking.
4. It is difficult to know because several factors might determine how you recover after a stroke i.e. your
level of functioning prior to your stroke, your health prior to your stroke, your willingness and ability to
participate actively with therapy, the type and size of your stroke .
5. SLT means Speech Therapy and is assessment if your stroke has affected your speech or swallowing.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Read the following passage (1)
The Respiratory System

The respiratory system is divided into two main components, the upper respiratory system (URS) and the
lower respiratory system (LRS). The URS is composed of the nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and
pharynx. The pharynx is further subdivided into the nasopharynx (superior portion), oropharynx (middle
portion) and the laryngopharynx (inferior portion).
The LRS is composed of the larynx, trachea, bronchial tree and lungs. The functions of the respiratory system
include: (1) providing a gas exchange surface between the air and the blood, (2) moving air to and from the
gas exchange surfaces, (3) participate in the regulation of blood pH, blood volume and blood pressure, (4)
sound production, (5) defensive barrier against airborne pathogens, and (6) protection of gas exchange
surfaces from environmental changes. Respiration refers to two integrated phases: external respiration and
internal respiration. External respiration includes the processes involved in the exchange of oxygen and
carbon dioxide between the blood and interstitial fluid of the body and the environment. While internal
respiration consists of the utilization of oxygen and production of carbon dioxide by the cells of the body.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Read the following passage (2)
This latter process is also called cellular respiration. It is important not to confuse breathing and respiration.
The two terms are not interchangeable. Breathing or respiratory rate and depth, is controlled by the
respiratory centers located in the pons and medulla of the brainstem. The respiratory centers are sensitive to
the amount of oxygen in the blood, the pH of the blood and the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood.
However, the respiratory centers are most sensitive to CO2; for this reason, it is the amount of CO2 that
normally controls breathing. During exercise, as the demand for O2 increases, the amount of CO2 produced
by cells also increases. The increase CO2 leads to an increase in the respiratory rate, which not only brings in
more O2, it also eliminates the excess CO2. External respiration involves the movement of air into and out of
the lungs. The process is driven by pressure differences that develop between air pressure in the environment
and the pressure deep within the lungs. As the diaphragm contracts during inspiration (inhalation), the
volume of the thoracic cavity increases and the pressure within the lungs falls below that of the atmosphere
(negative pressure).

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Read the following passage (3)
As a result, flows down the pressure gradient into the lungs. Once in the lungs, O2 can diffuse from the
alveoli into the blood and CO2 can diffuse from the blood into the alveoli. After a brief equilibrium period,
the diaphragm relaxes, returns to its original position. In doing so, the volume of the thoracic cavity decreases
and the pressure within the lungs increases above atmospheric pressure (positive pressure). Air now flows
down its pressure gradient out of the lungs. This process is called expiration (exhalation). As mentioned
previously, the frequency of diaphragmatic contractions (rate) and degree of contraction (depth) are
controlled by the respiratory centers in the brain stem.
Internal respiration, sometimes called cellular respiration, is the process whereby the oxygen in the blood is
utilized by the cells of the body. When blood reaches a capillary bed, the O2 in the blood will diffuse down
its concentration gradient into the cells surrounding the capillary. Ultimately diffusion will carry the O2 into
the mitochondria of the cell where it is utilized in the production of ATP. At the same time, CO2, a by product
of internal respiration, will diffuse from the cells into the blood and be carried to the lungs for elimination.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (1)
The respiratory System
The respiratory system is divided into two main components, the upper respiratory system (URS) and the
lower respiratory system (LRS). The URS is composed of the nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and
pharynx. The pharynx is further subdivided into the nasopharynx (superior portion), oropharynx (middle
portion) and the laryngopharynx (inferior portion).

Il sistema respiratorio
Il sistema respiratorio è diviso in due parti principali, il sistema respiratorio superiore (URS) e il sistema
respiratorio inferiore (LRS). Il sistema URS è composto dal naso, cavità nasali, seni paranasali e della
faringe. La faringe è ulteriormente suddivisa in rinofaringe (parte superiore), orofaringe (parte centrale) e
larinofaringe (parte inferiore).

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (2)
The LRS is composed of the larynx, trachea, bronchial tree and lungs. The functions of the respiratory system
include: (1) providing a gas exchange surface between the air and the blood, (2) moving air to and from the
gas exchange surfaces, (3) participate in the regulation of blood pH, blood volume and blood pressure, (4)
sound production, (5) defensive barrier against airborne pathogens, and (6) protection of gas exchange
surfaces from environmental changes.

Il sistema LRS è composto della laringe, trachea, bronchi e polmoni. Le funzioni del sistema respiratorio
includono: (1) fornire una superficie di scambio di gas tra l'aria e il sangue, (2) il movimento dell'aria da e
verso le superfici di scambio di gas, (3) partecipare alla regolazione del pH del sangue, il volume del sangue
e la pressione del sangue, (4) produzione del suono, (5) barriera difensiva contro gli agenti patogeni presenti
nell'aria, e (6) protezione delle superfici di scambio del gas da cambiamenti ambientali.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Translate the passage (3)
Respiration refers to two integrated phases: external respiration and internal respiration. External respiration
includes the processes involved in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood and
interstitial fluid of the body and the environment. While internal respiration consists of the utilization of
oxygen and production of carbon dioxide by the cells of the body. This latter process is also called cellular
respiration. It is important not to confuse breathing and respiration. The two terms are not interchangeable.
Breathing or respiratory rate and depth, is controlled by the respiratory centres. The respiratory centres are
sensitive to the amount of oxygen in the blood, the pH of the blood and the amount of carbon dioxide in the
La respirazione si riferisce a due fasi integrate: respirazione esterna e respirazione interna. La respirazione
esterna comprende i processi coinvolti nello scambio di ossigeno e anidride carbonica tra il sangue e il fluido
interstiziale del corpo e l'ambiente. Mentre la respirazione interna consiste nell'utilizzazione di ossigeno e la
produzione di anidride carbonica da parte delle cellule del corpo. Quest'ultimo processo è anche chiamato
respirazione cellulare. È importante non confondere respirazione interna e la respirazione esterna. I due
termini non sono intercambiabili. La respirazione o la frequenza respiratoria e la profondità, è controllata dai
centri respiratori. I centri respiratori sono sensibili alla quantità di ossigeno nel sangue, al pH del sangue e
alla quantità di anidride carbonica nel sangue.
Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano
Translate the passage (4)
However, the respiratory centres are most sensitive to CO2; for this reason, it is the amount of CO2 that
normally controls breathing. During exercise, as the demand for O2 increases, the amount of CO2 produced
by cells also increases. The increase CO2 leads to an increase in the respiratory rate, which not only brings in
more O2, it also eliminates the excess CO2. External respiration involves the movement of air into and out of
the lungs. The process is driven by pressure differences that develop between air pressure in the environment
and the pressure deep within the lungs. As the diaphragm contracts during inspiration (inhalation), the
volume of the thoracic cavity increases and the pressure within the lungs falls below that of the atmosphere
(negative pressure).
Tuttavia, i centri respiratori sono più sensibili alla CO2; per questo motivo, è la quantità di CO2 che
normalmente controlla la respirazione. Durante l'esercizio fisico, come cresce la domanda di O2, la quantità
di CO2 prodotta dalle cellule aumenta. L'incremento di CO2 porta ad un aumento della frequenza
respiratoria, che non porta solo più O2, anche l’eliminazione di CO2. La respirazione esterna comporta il
movimento di aria all'interno e all'esterno dei polmoni. Il processo è guidato da differenze di pressione che si
sviluppano tra la pressione dell'aria nell'ambiente e la pressione in profondità all'interno dei polmoni. Come il
diaframma si contrae durante l'inspirazione (inalazione), il volume della cavità toracica aumenta e la
pressione all'interno dei polmoni scende al di sotto di quella atmosferica (pressione negativa).
Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano
Translate the passage (5)
As a result, air flows down the pressure gradient into the lungs. Once in the lungs, O2 can diffuse from the
alveoli into the blood and CO2 can diffuse from the blood into the alveoli. After a brief equilibrium period,
the diaphragm relaxes, returns to its original position. In doing so, the volume of the thoracic cavity decreases
and the pressure within the lungs increases above atmospheric pressure (positive pressure). Air now flows
down its pressure gradient out of the lungs. This process is called expiration (exhalation). As mentioned
previously, the frequency of diaphragmatic contractions (rate) and degree of contraction (depth) are
controlled by the respiratory centres in the brain stem.

Come risultato, l'aria fluisce lungo il gradiente di pressione nei polmoni. Una volta nei polmoni, l’O2 si può
diffondere dagli alveoli nel sangue e la CO2 si può diffondere dal sangue negli alveoli. Dopo un breve
periodo di equilibrio, il diaframma si rilassa, ritorna alla sua posizione originale. In tal modo, il volume della
cavità toracica diminuisce e la pressione all'interno dei polmoni aumenta al di sopra della pressione
atmosferica (pressione positiva). Air ora fa scendere il gradiente di pressione dei polmoni. Questo processo è
chiamato di espirazione (espirazione). Come accennato in precedenza, la frequenza delle contrazioni del
diaframma (rate) e il grado di contrazione (profondità) sono controllati dai centri respiratori del tronco
Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano
Translate the passage (6)
Internal respiration, sometimes called cellular respiration, is the process whereby the oxygen in the blood is
utilized by the cells of the body. When blood reaches a capillary bed, the O2 in the blood will diffuse down
its concentration gradient into the cells surrounding the capillary. Ultimately diffusion will carry the O2 into
the mitochondria of the cell where it is utilized in the production of ATP. At the same time, CO2, a by product
of internal respiration, will diffuse from the cells into the blood and be carried to the lungs for elimination.

La respirazione interna, a volte chiamata respirazione cellulare, è il processo per cui l'ossigeno nel sangue
viene utilizzato dalle cellule del corpo. Quando il sangue raggiunge un letto capillare, O2 nel sangue si
diffonderà lungo il suo gradiente di concentrazione nelle cellule circostanti i capillari. Infine la diffusione
porterà l’O2 nei mitocondri della cellula dove viene utilizzato nel settore della produzione di ATP. Allo stesso
tempo, la CO2, un sottoprodotto della respirazione interna, si diffonderà dalle cellule nel sangue e devono
essere portati ai polmoni per l'eliminazione.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Find the terms in the preceding text and match them with their contextual meanings.
Brief– degree –respiration – increase – capillary – pressure


Of short duration

make greater in size

force and rate of the heartbeat

the action of breathing

any of the fine branching blood


Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Find in the text seven words that describe human body part and translate into italian.

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Using the vocabulary, what is the meaning of the following words:





Bronchospasm :

Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano

Answer the following questions.

1. What are the functions of respiratory system?

2. What are the main component of respiratory system?

3. What is exhalation?

4. Describe external respiration.

5. Describe internal respiration.

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