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Jaycel R.



1. As a student, how does volunteerism affect us today?

 As a student, volunteerism affect me by helping to grow learnings through
community service, real-world experience and practice important habits
like leadership, problem-solving, and time-management. It can create a
positive change because volunteering can make us feel more confident
and connected to people. Also it creates a positive change in lives and the
things I care about and develop skills to apply in education or training and
everyday life.

2. In what particular volunteering activity you are most interested to join and why?
 As a future educator, teaching is the most interested volunteering activity
that I want to join because education is one of the strongest pillars of
society. That’s why I want to share them my knowledge, my capabilitieis,
lift them up, and give wings to their dreams because I do really believe
that the more knowledge you gain the more opportunities will open up to
allow individuals to achieve better possibilities in career and personal
3. During this pandemic crisis, is volunteerism important? And why?
 As the pandemic persists, the need for volunteers increases that’s why
volunteerism is very important because it is the way you can help other
people like giving them supplies, foods and medicines.


In today’s situation, cite 5 example of showing a bayanihan and describe.

 Giving foods and medicines

 Frontliners
 Following the health protocols
 Staying at home
 Providing aid to health workers




 Among the office of civil defense structure, Capacity Building and Training
Service is the service I want to belong because it involves training,
mentoring and financial and/or other resource support to individuals and
organizations from external sources. Capacity building does not happen
overnight. It is a process that may take several years, and often involves
experts from many fields. Typically capacity building will result in the
adoption of new skills and knowledge as well as systems to sustain and
expand these improvements over time. That’s why I want to belong Capacity
Building and Training Service.


1. As a student, how will you place your self to volunteer?

 As a student, I can place myself to a volunteer by joining volunteer programs
and services so that I can help other people. And being volunteer will expose
to a whole new world of opportunities and at the same time helps in honing
your existing skills. Lastly, you'll be surprised at how good you're at things
you have never done and a volunteering internship can give opportunities to
try all of them out.
2. Why is the PNVSCA important to you?
 PNVSCA is important to me because it makes a significant contribute to the
global economy. It helps build a more cohesive, safer, stronger community,
increase the social network between communities and neighborhood.
It promotes people to be more active in civic engagement and concerned of
citizenship. PNVSCA mandates the establishment of volunteer programs in the
national government agencies and local government units to promote and
encourage volunteering in government programs and projects as well as
enjoin government employees to render volunteer service in social, economic
and humanitarian developments undertaking community.

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