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Republic of the Philippines


Brgy. Del Remedio, San Pablo City



Case Study
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Criminal Justice Education
Laguna State Polytechnic University

In Partial fulfilment
of the requirement for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Alcantara, Cary Kim A.
Aquino, Bryan R.
Tan, John Rei A.
Devanadera, Justine T.
MARCH 2016
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

A Case Study on a former drug addict. “Jail the pusher, save

the user”. With the enactment of Republic Act 9165 otherwise

known as “Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002”, the

government assumes its responsibilities save the users especially

those volunteering themselves for voluntary submission for

treatment and confinement at the rehabilitation center exempting

them from criminal liabilities.

The confinement in any government rehabilitation center for

treatment of not less than six (6) months but not exceeding one

year. To ensure success in the program, patients of drug

dependent will take part on the responsibilities of recovery.

Meaningful activities in the center should be initiated by the

center so as to bringing him back to normal. The DSWD (Department

of Social Welfare and Development) will hold itself responsible

to provide necessary program and services for the drug dependent

patient and to his/her family and community.

An after care and supervision is a program designed by the

law through DSWD to ensure success of the program.

Mr. Reynaldo C. Agdon got involved with drugs in the year

2000, he was only 15 years old then, it was introduced to him by

an acquaintance he met in a video game session. It was initially

taken on occasional basis only, two (2) times a week, consuming

one (1) sachet per session shared with four (4) other friends. He

allegedly experienced unexplainable enjoyment with such use

especially when he is doing it with his friends.

Mr. Agdon’s drug usage became regular to almost daily in

April 2000 consuming 2-3 sachets per session and only to stop

after he had fallen asleep. He confirms his inability to stop

such use because he claims of experiencing grandeur and felt good

whenever under its effect. He added that he even played well in

billiards after taking the drugs but also stated of experiencing

fatigue and slept most of the time after each use. He maintained

his regular use since then until he temporarily lay low in 2004.

He even admitted that there were temporary halt of his Shabu use

for more or less two (2) weeks every time he has a job

application as drug testing is to be performed. He also added

that was expensive abroad thus he was not able to maintain

regular use.

He consumed most of his earnings as an OFW (Overseas

Filipino Worker) in buying drugs and usually resort to selling

things of value from his possessions. He was brought to LDRC

(Laguna Drug Rehabilitation Center) on April 21, 2004 accompanied

by his parents.

The patient was prepared for rehabilitation. He perceived

that clients inside the center are all under medication due to

mental illnesses. After a few days, his perception changed. He

understood that rehabilitation will do him well besides, he

really wanted to change for the better. He befriended others

inside the center. He showed respect to his superior and to

fellow drug dependents. He participated to the different

therapeutic activities like morning sessions, group therapy

sessions, vocational trainings, spiritual and sports activities.

Although he encountered some differences in the behavior and

characters of his co-residents, he tried to understand them.

Through the continuous monitoring of the multi-disciplinary team,

the patient developed perseverance, patience and discipline. His

irritability has completely vanished and became a responsible and

understanding person. He became concerned for his health and

hygiene which he neglected before. He also performed household

chores like washing clothes, cleaning, cooking and other tasks

with less supervision which were neglected before. He has now

realized his wrong doings especially against his loved ones.

He is now a renewed individual and is optimistic, he makes

up for all his shortcomings with his loved ones. He plans to give
time for his family and apply for US Visa to be with his wife and

son. He is drug free.

Family/Private Life

Mr. Reynaldo C Agdon, twenty-nine (29) years old is the

eldest among the broad of three (3). He is a former OFW in Saudi

Arabia in 2011 working as a fast food chain crew. He went back to

the Philippines after his contract expired. He is married to Ms.

Mildred Berwsters, thirty (30) years old, a US migrant who is

presently based in USA and living together with their son abroad,

who is now nine (9) years old.

Professional background

The patient finished his elementary education at San Pablo

City Central School and his secondary education at Rizal National

High School in Rizal, Laguna in the year 2004.

He was not able to pursue college education because he had

to get employed early in order to support his needs. His job

experience include as waiter in Manila Hotel in 2009 and in

Palmeras Restaurant in 2010. After which he has gone overseas and

became a fast food chain crew.

Objective of the study

This case study aimed to look at the factors that

reintegrates the patient to the family and community so as to

become useful person.To carry out plan of activities to avoid

relapse of the program.For purpose of care, supervision and

monitoring of the client.

Theoretical Framework

CAP Control Theory of Drug Abuse. CAP Control theory

emphasizes the interaction of the individual’s style and the

affective experience of drug use with the drug’s pharmacogenic

effect. These are the basic ingredients of the

cognitiveaffective-pharmacogenic (CAP) control theory of The

cognitive style of the drug abuser is viewed as the pivotal

factor in an individual’s moving from drug experimentation to

drug abuse. The cognitive dimension will therefore be discussed

first. The CAP control theory posits that the abuse process

begins with conflict as a predisposing factor. People who are

having difficulty in meeting demands or expectations placed upon

them by society or by themselves are in conflict, and a

consequence of the stress of conflict is anxiety. Anxiety is a

universal feeling, something most of us experience to some degree

each day. It is not the experience of anxiety but the

individual’s interpretation of the anxiety that is crucial to the

theory. Underlying the anxiety of drug abusers is a belief that

they cannot alter or control the situation; that they are

powerless to affect their environment and decrease or eliminate

the sources of stress. The belief that they are powerless to cope

with stress is the major cognitive distortion of drug abusers.

One consequence of this is the intense feeling of low self-esteem

that is a well-known clinical entity among drug abusers. Feelings

of self-depreciation, which form the belief that one is

powerless, represent the affective component of the CAP theory

(Steven R. Gold, 2005)

An Existential Theory of Drug Dependence. Existential

psychology deals primarily with the phenomenal and emotional

state of individuals, with a person’s experience of the quality

and meaning of his or her life, and of means and methods of

therapeutic intervention, both verbal and nonverbal, which can

lead to an enhancement of an individual’s life state. Within the

framework of existential theory, human beings are seen to be

motivated primarily to satisfy and sustain basic needs and to

fulfill certain aspirations

The payoff for such satisfaction and fulfillment is a sense

of personal wholeness and well-being. The failure to secure basic

needs and self-enhancing aspirations leads to a sense of disease

and despair, which, in turn, gives rise to activities, both

destructive and productive, aimed at reducing such disease and

despair. My existential theory represents an attempt to

understand and account for destructive patterns of drug use

within the framework of existential psychology.

Self-Esteem Theory of Drug Abuse. This theory is a

developmental one emanating from an Adlerian approach in which

self-esteem is seen as the main psychodynamic mechanism

underlying all drug use and abuse. The self-esteem concept

develops out of Adler’s Individual Psychology, more precisely the

Psychology of Self-Esteem, in which the underlying motive of

human behavior is the preservation of the concept of the “self”.

The preservation of the concept of “self” is the most important

variable in understanding the initiation, continuation, and

cessation of drug use, and further explains why the

rehabilitation process frequently results in relapse. Self-esteem

does not emerge full blown at birth but is developed slowly

during the socialization process. The foundation is developed

early in life and is present at the time the prototype of the

personality is formed. This does not mean, however, that self-

esteem cannot be changed positively or negatively later, since

the individual is very much responsive to social pressure. The

concepts which will be elucidated in this paper are (1)

inferiority-superiority, (2) social interest, (3) goal

orientation, and (4) lifestyle. In the context of this

discussion, the development of self-esteem and the social milieu

will be looked at to explain how social pressures affect the

individual (RA Steffenhagen, 2005).

Physical Dependence Theory. The physical dependence theory

proclaims that an individual’s withdrawal provides an explanation

as to why people are addicted to a drug or drugs. It is further

emphasised that withdrawal sickness is unpleasant enough to make

the user fearful of the given drug(s) withdrawal symptoms

(Levinthal, 2010). The drug user will go to great lengths to

avoid going through this. Opiates, barbiturates, benzodiazepines,

nicotine, and alcohol all include having physical dependency in

their withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued. The

main argument with the physical dependence theory is the

essential concept of the theory, which is that powerful

compulsive drug abuse can develop into addiction without

developing physical dependence. Levinthal further explains that

it is possible that drug abusers continue drug use not to avoid

withdrawal symptoms but because they crave the pleasurable

effects of the drug itself. This can lead to the drug becoming a

necessity to function normally. Addiction is linked directly to

the genetic makeup of each person; this is thought to regulate

how susceptible a person truly is to a given substance and how

easily one may become psychologically attached to a pleasurable

routine of drug taking. This leads into the theory of

psychological dependence, in which there is a dependency of the

mind that results in psychological withdrawal symptoms, for

instance, having craving, depression, anorexia, irritability,

insomnia. The addiction in theory can derive from any rewarding

behaviour, but is thought to be accompanying particular areas of

the brain’s reward system; this is also the underlying message of

the dopamine theory. It is thought that physical and

psychological dependency can be in existence at the same time,

although psychological dependence does not have to be limited to

substances for instance, gambling, Internet addiction, sexual

addiction/pornography, and spending money, can all have

psychological dependency (M Lyvers, 2008).

To help explain the causes of the drug dependent person,

several theories were used. The first theory is the CAP Control

Theory of Drug Abuse. According to this theory, people who are

having difficulty in meeting demands or expectations placed upon

them by society or by themselves are in conflict, and a

consequence of the stress of conflict is anxiety. Since Reynaldo

Agdon’s job contract abroad as an OFW expired and also since he

was separated from his wife and child, who were both in the USA,

this may be attributed to why he resorted to drugs. The society

expects a man to have a good, stable job and to be with his

family but the opposite happened to him. That is why maybe he

felt that he did not meet the society’s expectations and resorted

to drug dependency.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the factors that will help the

drug dependent to be reintegrated.

Specially, it sought to at the following question:

1. What are the factors that contributed on the reintegration

of drug dependent;

a. DSWD programs,

b. Company of the Family,

c. Self-realization?

2. What are the proper treatment to be given to the patient

within his stay at the rehabilitation center?

Chapter 2


This Chapter was established different research processes

conducted by the researcher during the composition of this study.

This part includes the research design and methodology,

population and locale of the study, data gathering procedure.

Research design

In this study, the researcher used the formal interview in

collecting and treating data for the particular case study

regarding the “case Study on After care of a drug dependent”.

Formal interview was the most appropriate method that was used in

this study, because it demands for the collecting of

information’s in the respondent.

This study was primarily based on formal interview by the

probationer as respondent.

Population and Locale of the Study

The place of the study was conducted in San Pablo City DSDW

office. One patient serves as respondent.

The respondent answered the question as honesty as possible

to determine, the causes hidden underneath of this case study

Data Gathering Procedure

In order to have a proper and reliable formulation of this

study the researcher conducted the research process as follows:

A letter was prepared by the researchers and approved by the

researcher instructor and noted by the Dean. The researcher

addressed a letter to the San Pablo City DSWD office Head.

Data Gathering Tool

The set of question for gathering was served as the research

was used by the researcher to avoid guesswork and obtain reliable

data and information from the respondent. This was allocated to

the patient of San Pablo City DSWD Office. The questionnaire was

prepared in Tagalog that the respondent has easily understood.

That was divided into parts: Profile of the respondent, Family

life, Professional Background, and Criminal background.

Chapter 3

Many people do not understand why people become addicted to

drugs or how drugs change the brain to foster compulsive drug

abuse. They mistakenly view drug abuse and addiction as strictly

a social problem and may characterize those who take drugs as

morally weak. One very common belief is that drug abusers should

be able to just stop taking drugs if they are only willing to

change their behavior.

On the patient case, Reynaldo Agdon is a fortunate case of

drug dependency. This is because even he had been dependent to

drugs for so many years, still, he found his way to the right

path. Reynaldo Agdon had been dependent to drugs since he was 15

for a total of 14 years. He found pleasure and self fulfillment

whenever he uses drugs. However, this lead him to anxiety,

depression, and aggressiveness. He had spent all of his hard

earned money and properties just to buy drugs. He has been

separated from his family because of his addiction.

Fortunately, his family saw his situation and felt

concerned. They put him into the rehabilitation center to renew

his life. And now he is doing better. He is planning to get back

to his life again, be with his wife and child, and live a life

not dependent to drugs anymore.

The rehabilitation program given to the offender inside the

of the Tahanan ng Kabataan ng Kabataan ng Laguna (Laguna Drug

Rehabilitation Center) which therapeutic activities.

A. Group Therapy Session

1) Daily Participation in morning session

2) Participation in Journal session

3) Counseling session

4) Group Dynamics

B. Home Life Activities on Work Therapy Session

1) Observance of personal hygiene

2) Completion of work assignments and household chores

3) Gardening (FAITH)

4) Project making like paper weaving, arts and crafts

5) Sport and recreation

C. Spiritual Activity/ Therapy Session

1) Daily recital of the holy Rosary

2) Attending Bible Study every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

and Thursday

3) Watching T.V Mass every Sunday

D. Other Special Task assignment

1) Acted as Moderator to his co-resident

In doing the study, no problem was encountered. The client

was very cooperative the application of the theories was

also easy because the circumstance of the client were not to

Chapter 4


This chapter summarizes the findings of the study. It also

includes the conclusion deduced out of the findings. Finally,

recommendation was proposed.


Based on the findings of the study the following are hereby


1. The factors that endowed on the patient to become drug

defendant was an acquaintance he met in a video game

session. It was initially taken on occasional basis only.

Experiencing grandeur and felt good whenever under its

effect, he become unable to stop the such use. His usage

was become regular that he consumed most of his earnings

as an OFW in buying drugs and resorting him in selling

thing of value from his possession.

2. The rehabilitation programs given to the patient inside

the rehabilitation center was 1) Group therapy session,

like the daily participation in morning session that was

mandated for them for it will promote their mental and

physical fitness, 2) Home life activities on work therapy

session, like observance of personal hygiene, gardening,

project making like paper weaving, arts and crafts,

sports and recreation that will help them to become more

productive, 3) Spiritual activity/therapy session, like

daily recital of the holy rosary and watching T.V mass

every Sunday that will enhance their morality. These

activities inside the rehabilitation is one thing that

the patient will change his bad habit, they exercise

their physical and mental health because they only have a

limited area to move. These recreational activities

promoted the healthy patient inside the rehabilitation.

Religious services bring to neither do not lose hope in

every patient. You can change to house things which are



Based on the findings of this study conclusion, the

following recommendation were made:

1. To the youth they should look for an activity or anything

that can make them productive than playing video games or

gambling that can ruin their life. And choose a friend

that will lead them to good and not to vices.

2. To the Rehabilitation Center and other agency concerned,

they should have made an innovation to their programs and

activities that will be more aiding to the patient.

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